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GDP ratings for Countries that populate the Region of Frozen Circle

You have arrived at the list of GDP Output for Nations that make up the Region of Frozen Circle.

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Top 25 GDP Leaders:
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5. Regional Exchange Rates.

NationImports     GDP    
The Republic of C0smog$0.00$0.00
The Grand Duchy of Tyr0gue$0.00$0.00
The Constitutional Monarchy of Wo0bat$0.00$0.00
The Protectorate of Alolan Me0wth$0.00$0.00
The Matriarchy of -Porygon-$0.00$0.00
The Republic of C0smoem$0.00$0.00
The Holy Empire of Hitm0ntop$0.00$0.00
The Queendom of Swo0bat$0.00$0.00
The Armed Republic of Alolan Pers1an$0.00$0.00
The Confederacy of -Tsareena-$0.00$0.00
The Republic of S0lgaleo$0.00$0.00
The Armed Republic of Sm0ochum$0.00$0.00
The Emirate of Dr1lbur$0.00$0.00
The Holy Empire of Alolan Ge0dude$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Necr0zma$0.00$0.00
The Borderlands of Elek1d$0.00$0.00
The Rogue Nation of Excadr1ll$0.00$0.00
The Matriarchy of Alolan Grav3ler$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Lun4la$0.00$0.00
The Free Land of M4gby$0.00$0.00
The Queendom of Audin0$0.00$0.00
The Sultanate of Alolan G0lem$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Zac1an$0.00$0.00
The Dictatorship of M1ltank$0.00$0.00
The Dominion of T1mburr$0.00$0.00
The United Kingdom of Alolan Gr1mer$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Zamaz3nta$0.00$0.00
The Most Serene Republic of Bl1ssey$0.00$0.00
The Democratic Republic of C0nkeldurr$0.00$0.00
The Democratic Republic of Alolan Muk$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Eternatu5$0.00$0.00
The Community of Larv1tar$0.00$0.00
The Dominion of Tymp0le$0.00$0.00
The Community of Alolan Exeggut0r$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Ku8fu$0.00$0.00
The Free Land of Pup1tar$0.00$0.00
The Colony of Palpit0ad$0.00$0.00
The Dictatorship of Alolan Mar0wak$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Ur5hifu$0.00$0.00
The Holy Empire of Tyran1tar$0.00$0.00
The Empire of Seismit0ad$0.00$0.00
The Disputed Territories of Galarian Me0wth$0.00$0.00
The Republic of M3w$0.00$0.00
The Federation of Treeck0$0.00$0.00
The Disputed Territories of Thr0h$0.00$0.00
The United Kingdom of Galarian P0nyta$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Celeb1$0.00$0.00
The Incorporated States of Gr0vyle$0.00$0.00
The Jingoistic States of S4wk$0.00$0.00
The Colony of Galarian Rap1dash$0.00$0.00
The Republic of J1rachi$0.00$0.00
The Sultanate of Scept1le$0.00$0.00
The United States of S3waddle$0.00$0.00
The Commonwealth of Galarian Sl0wpoke$0.00$0.00
The Republic of De0xys$0.00$0.00
The United Socialist States of Torch1c$0.00$0.00
The Sultanate of Swadlo0n$0.00$0.00
The Dominion of Galarian Sl0wbro$0.00$0.00
The Republic of M4naphy$0.00$0.00
The Dictatorship of C0mbusken$0.00$0.00
The Protectorate of L3avanny$0.00$0.00
The Kingdom of Galarian Farf3tchd$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Phi0ne$0.00$0.00
The People's Republic of Blaz1ken$0.00$0.00
The United Socialist States of V3nipede$0.00$0.00
The Matriarchy of Galarian Weez1ng$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Darkra1$0.00$0.00
The Disputed Territories of Mudk1p$0.00$0.00
The United Kingdom of Wh1rlipede$0.00$0.00
The Commonwealth of Galarian Mr M1me$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Shaym1n$0.00$0.00
The Holy Empire of Marsht0mp$0.00$0.00
The Principality of Sc0lipede$0.00$0.00
The Disputed Territories of Galarian Articun0$0.00$0.00
The Holy Empire of Arceu5$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Swamp3rt$0.00$0.00
The People's Republic of Cott0nee$0.00$0.00
The Rogue Nation of Galarian Zapd0s$0.00$0.00
The Republic of V1ctini$0.00$0.00
The Empire of P0ochyena$0.00$0.00
The Dominion of Whimsic0tt$0.00$0.00
The Oppressed Peoples of Galarian M0ltres$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Mel0etta$0.00$0.00
The Kingdom of M1ghtyena$0.00$0.00
The Democratic States of Petil1l$0.00$0.00
The Free Land of Galarian Sl0wking$0.00$0.00
The Republic of G3nesect$0.00$0.00
The Allied States of Zigzag0on$0.00$0.00
The Colony of L1lligant$0.00$0.00
The Incorporated States of Galarian C0rsola$0.00$0.00
The Republic of D1ancie$0.00$0.00
The United States of Lin0one$0.00$0.00
The Queendom of Bascul1n$0.00$0.00
The Democratic States of Galarian Zigzag0on$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Hoopa$0.00$0.00
The Federation of Wurmpl3$0.00$0.00
The Holy Empire of Sand1le$0.00$0.00
The Sultanate of Galarian Lin0one$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Keldeo$0.00$0.00
The Disputed Territories of Silc0on$0.00$0.00
The Disputed Territories of Kr0korok$0.00$0.00
The Empire of Galarian D4rumaka$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Volcanion$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Beaut1fly$0.00$0.00
The Federation of Kr0okodile$0.00$0.00
The Holy Empire of Galarian D4rmanitan$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Mag3arna$0.00$0.00
The Democratic States of Casc0on$0.00$0.00
The Dictatorship of D4rumaka$0.00$0.00
The Queendom of Galarian Yama5k$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Marshadow$0.00$0.00
The Kingdom of Dust0x$0.00$0.00
The Commonwealth of D4rmanitan$0.00$0.00
The Nomadic Peoples of Galarian Stunf1sk$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Zera0ra$0.00$0.00
The Confederacy of L0tad$0.00$0.00
The Commonwealth of M4ractus$0.00$0.00
The Kingdom of Calyrex$0.00$0.00
The Republic of M3ltan$0.00$0.00
The Rogue Nation of L0mbre$0.00$0.00
The Emirate of Dw3bble$0.00$0.00
The Queendom of Gro0key$0.00$0.00
The Republic of M3lmetal$0.00$0.00
The Queendom of Ludic0lo$0.00$0.00
The Allied States of Cru5tle$0.00$0.00
The Disputed Territories of Thwackey$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Zarude$0.00$0.00
The United States of Seed0t$0.00$0.00
The Allied States of 5craggy$0.00$0.00
The Protectorate of Rillaboom$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Abs0l$0.00$0.00
The Allied States of Nuzl3af$0.00$0.00
The Constitutional Monarchy of 5crafty$0.00$0.00
The Incorporated States of Sc0rbunny$0.00$0.00
The Incorporated States of Bulba5aur$0.00$0.00
The Constitutional Monarchy of Sh1ftry$0.00$0.00
The Matriarchy of S1gilyph$0.00$0.00
The Colony of Raboot$0.00$0.00
The Nomadic Peoples of Ivy5aur$0.00$0.00
The Democratic States of Taill0w$0.00$0.00
The Borderlands of Yama5k$0.00$0.00
The Disputed Territories of C1nderace$0.00$0.00
The Dominion of Venu5aur$0.00$0.00
The Jingoistic States of Swell0w$0.00$0.00
The Republic of C0fagrigus$0.00$0.00
The United Kingdom of S0bble$0.00$0.00
The Confederacy of Charmand3r$0.00$0.00
The People's Republic of W1ngull$0.00$0.00
The Most Serene Republic of Tirt0uga$0.00$0.00
The Disputed Territories of Drizzile$0.00$0.00
The Colony of Charm3leon$0.00$0.00
The Nomadic Peoples of Pel1pper$0.00$0.00
The Free Land of Carrac0sta$0.00$0.00
The Grand Duchy of Intele0n$0.00$0.00
The Borderlands of Char1zard$0.00$0.00
The Principality of Ralt5$0.00$0.00
The Confederacy of Arch3n$0.00$0.00
The Colony of Skwovet$0.00$0.00
The Dictatorship of Squirtl3$0.00$0.00
The Republic of K1rlia$0.00$0.00
The Colony of Arch3ops$0.00$0.00
The Confederacy of Greedent$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Wartortl3$0.00$0.00
The Allied States of Gardev0ir$0.00$0.00
The Colony of Trubb1sh$0.00$0.00
The Borderlands of Rookidee$0.00$0.00
The Commonwealth of Blastois3$0.00$0.00
The Free Land of Sursk1t$0.00$0.00
The Allied States of Garbod0r$0.00$0.00
The Confederacy of Corvisquire$0.00$0.00
The Kingdom of Caterp1e$0.00$0.00
The Dictatorship of Masquera1n$0.00$0.00
The Free Land of -Munna-$0.00$0.00
The Incorporated States of C0rviknight$0.00$0.00
The Fiefdom of Metap0d$0.00$0.00
The Democratic Republic of Shro0mish$0.00$0.00
The Most Serene Republic of Z0rua$0.00$0.00
The Most Serene Republic of Blipbug$0.00$0.00
The Rogue Nation of Butt3rfree$0.00$0.00
The Holy Empire of Brel0om$0.00$0.00
The Queendom of Z0roark$0.00$0.00
The Disputed Territories of Dottler$0.00$0.00
The Armed Republic of Weedl3$0.00$0.00
The Grand Duchy of Slak0th$0.00$0.00
The United Socialist States of M1nccino$0.00$0.00
The Disputed Territories of Orbeetle$0.00$0.00
The Sultanate of K4kuna$0.00$0.00
The Holy Empire of Vigor0th$0.00$0.00
The Rogue Nation of C1nccino$0.00$0.00
The Jingoistic States of Nickit$0.00$0.00
The Disputed Territories of Beedr1ll$0.00$0.00
The United States of Slak1ng$0.00$0.00
The Jingoistic States of G0thita$0.00$0.00
The Confederacy of Thievul$0.00$0.00
The Confederacy of P1dgey$0.00$0.00
The Dominion of N1ncada$0.00$0.00
The Dominion of G0thorita$0.00$0.00
The United States of G0ssifleur$0.00$0.00
The Holy Empire of P1dgeotto$0.00$0.00
The Emirate of N1njask$0.00$0.00
The United Socialist States of G0thitelle$0.00$0.00
The Emirate of Eldeg0ss$0.00$0.00
The Rogue Nation of P1dgeot$0.00$0.00
The Sultanate of Shed1nja$0.00$0.00
The Constitutional Monarchy of Solos1s$0.00$0.00
The Dominion of Woolo0$0.00$0.00
The Grand Duchy of R4ttata$0.00$0.00
The United Kingdom of Wh1smur$0.00$0.00
The Colony of Duos1on$0.00$0.00
The Borderlands of Dubwo0l$0.00$0.00
The People's Republic of Rat1cate$0.00$0.00
The Democratic States of L0udred$0.00$0.00
The Armed Republic of Reun1clus$0.00$0.00
The Allied States of Chewtle$0.00$0.00
The United Kingdom of Spear0w$0.00$0.00
The Principality of Expl0ud$0.00$0.00
The Empire of Duckl3tt$0.00$0.00
The Colony of Dr3dnaw$0.00$0.00
The Empire of Fear0w$0.00$0.00
The Constitutional Monarchy of Makuh1ta$0.00$0.00
The Holy Empire of Sw4nna$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Yamp3r$0.00$0.00
The Kingdom of Ekan5$0.00$0.00
The Kingdom of Har1yama$0.00$0.00
The Disputed Territories of Van1llite$0.00$0.00
The Queendom of B0ltund$0.00$0.00
The Empire of Arb0k$0.00$0.00
The Incorporated States of Azur1ll$0.00$0.00
The Democratic Republic of Van1llish$0.00$0.00
The Allied States of Rolycoly$0.00$0.00
The Emirate of P1k4chu$0.00$0.00
The Principality of N0sepass$0.00$0.00
The United States of Van1lluxe$0.00$0.00
The Jingoistic States of Carkol$0.00$0.00
The Nomadic Peoples of Ra1chu$0.00$0.00
The Dominion of Sk1tty$0.00$0.00
The Most Serene Republic of Deerl1ng$0.00$0.00
The Jingoistic States of Coal0ssal$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Sandshr3w$0.00$0.00
The Kingdom of D3lcatty$0.00$0.00
The Matriarchy of Saw5buck$0.00$0.00
The Colony of Appl1n$0.00$0.00
The Rogue Nation of Sand5lash$0.00$0.00
The Empire of Sabley3$0.00$0.00
The People's Republic of Em0lga$0.00$0.00
The United Socialist States of Flapple$0.00$0.00
The Democratic States of N1doran$0.00$0.00
The Incorporated States of Maw1le$0.00$0.00
The Armed Republic of Karrabla5t$0.00$0.00
The Democratic Republic of Appl3tun$0.00$0.00
The Confederacy of N1dorina$0.00$0.00
The Fiefdom of Ar0n$0.00$0.00
The Queendom of E5cavalier$0.00$0.00
The Commonwealth of Silicobra$0.00$0.00
The Allied States of N1doqueen$0.00$0.00
The Federation of Lair0n$0.00$0.00
The Confederacy of Fo0ngus$0.00$0.00
The Democratic Republic of Sandaconda$0.00$0.00
The Democratic Republic of N1dorino$0.00$0.00
The Armed Republic of Aggr0n$0.00$0.00
The Democratic States of Amo0nguss$0.00$0.00
The United Socialist States of Cramorant$0.00$0.00
The Oppressed Peoples of N1doking$0.00$0.00
The Community of Med1tite$0.00$0.00
The Most Serene Republic of Fr1llish$0.00$0.00
The Nomadic Peoples of Arrokuda$0.00$0.00
The Incorporated States of Clefa1ry$0.00$0.00
The Allied States of Med1cham$0.00$0.00
The Emirate of Jell1cent$0.00$0.00
The Matriarchy of Barraskewda$0.00$0.00
The Matriarchy of Clefabl3$0.00$0.00
The Community of Electr1ke$0.00$0.00
The United States of Al0momola$0.00$0.00
The Principality of Toxel$0.00$0.00
The Borderlands of Vulp1x$0.00$0.00
The Commonwealth of Manectr1c$0.00$0.00
The Queendom of J0ltik$0.00$0.00
The Community of Toxtr1city$0.00$0.00
The Grand Duchy of N1netales$0.00$0.00
The Dictatorship of Plusl3$0.00$0.00
The Colony of G4lvantula$0.00$0.00
The Oppressed Peoples of Sizzlipede$0.00$0.00
The Constitutional Monarchy of J1gglypuff$0.00$0.00
The Fiefdom of M1nun$0.00$0.00
The Allied States of Ferr0seed$0.00$0.00
The Community of Centiskorch$0.00$0.00
The Protectorate of W1gglytuff$0.00$0.00
The Oppressed Peoples of V0lbeat$0.00$0.00
The Emirate of Ferr0thorn$0.00$0.00
The Free Land of Cl0bbopus$0.00$0.00
The People's Republic of Zu8at$0.00$0.00
The Empire of Illumis3$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Kl1nk$0.00$0.00
The Democratic Republic of Grappl0ct$0.00$0.00
The Federation of Gol8at$0.00$0.00
The Dominion of R0selia$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Kl4ng$0.00$0.00
The Borderlands of Sinistea$0.00$0.00
The Democratic Republic of 0ddish$0.00$0.00
The Confederacy of Gulp1n$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Kl1nklang$0.00$0.00
The Grand Duchy of Polteageist$0.00$0.00
The Most Serene Republic of Gl0om$0.00$0.00
The People's Republic of Swal0t$0.00$0.00
The Democratic States of Tynam0$0.00$0.00
The Free Land of Hat3nna$0.00$0.00
The Confederacy of V1leplume$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Carvanh4$0.00$0.00
The Kingdom of Eelektr1k$0.00$0.00
The Empire of Hattrem$0.00$0.00
The Fiefdom of Para5$0.00$0.00
The United Socialist States of Sharped0$0.00$0.00
The Colony of Eelektr0ss$0.00$0.00
The Democratic States of Hatterene$0.00$0.00
The Holy Empire of Para5ect$0.00$0.00
The Protectorate of Wa1lmer$0.00$0.00
The Emirate of Elgy3m$0.00$0.00
The Oppressed Peoples of Impidimp$0.00$0.00
The Principality of Ven0nat$0.00$0.00
The Commonwealth of Wa1lord$0.00$0.00
The Democratic Republic of Beheey3m$0.00$0.00
The Disputed Territories of Morgrem$0.00$0.00
The Dictatorship of Ven0moth$0.00$0.00
The Grand Duchy of Num3l$0.00$0.00
The Emirate of L1twick$0.00$0.00
The Community of Grimmsnarl$0.00$0.00
The Protectorate of D1glett$0.00$0.00
The Nomadic Peoples of Cam3rupt$0.00$0.00
The Dictatorship of L4mpent$0.00$0.00
The People's Republic of Obstago0n$0.00$0.00
The United Kingdom of Dugtri0$0.00$0.00
The Democratic Republic of T0rkoal$0.00$0.00
The United Kingdom of Ch4ndelure$0.00$0.00
The Principality of Perrserker$0.00$0.00
The United Kingdom of Me0wth$0.00$0.00
The Rogue Nation of Sp0ink$0.00$0.00
The Grand Duchy of 4xew$0.00$0.00
The Incorporated States of Cursola$0.00$0.00
The Federation of Pers1an$0.00$0.00
The Grand Duchy of Grump1g$0.00$0.00
The Emirate of Fr4xure$0.00$0.00
The Protectorate of Sirfetchd$0.00$0.00
The Confederacy of P5yduck$0.00$0.00
The Nomadic Peoples of Sp1nda$0.00$0.00
The Incorporated States of H4xorus$0.00$0.00
The Most Serene Republic of Mr Rime$0.00$0.00
The Matriarchy of G0lduck$0.00$0.00
The Jingoistic States of Trap1nch$0.00$0.00
The Colony of Cubcho0$0.00$0.00
The Queendom of Runerigus$0.00$0.00
The Borderlands of Mank3y$0.00$0.00
The Most Serene Republic of V1brava$0.00$0.00
The Kingdom of Beart1c$0.00$0.00
The Rogue Nation of Milcery$0.00$0.00
The Principality of Pr1meape$0.00$0.00
The Dominion of Flyg0n$0.00$0.00
The Matriarchy of Cry0gonal$0.00$0.00
The Most Serene Republic of Alcremie$0.00$0.00
The Constitutional Monarchy of Gr0wlithe$0.00$0.00
The Sultanate of Cacn3a$0.00$0.00
The Democratic Republic of Sh3lmet$0.00$0.00
The Most Serene Republic of Fal1nks$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Arcan1ne$0.00$0.00
The Sultanate of Cacturn3$0.00$0.00
The Commonwealth of Accelg0r$0.00$0.00
The Incorporated States of Pincurchin$0.00$0.00
The Oppressed Peoples of P0liwag$0.00$0.00
The Community of Swa8lu$0.00$0.00
The Queendom of Stunf1sk$0.00$0.00
The Nomadic Peoples of Sn0m$0.00$0.00
The Principality of P0liwhirl$0.00$0.00
The Federation of Altar1a$0.00$0.00
The Nomadic Peoples of M1enfoo$0.00$0.00
The Protectorate of Frosmoth$0.00$0.00
The Disputed Territories of P0liwrath$0.00$0.00
The Armed Republic of Zango0se$0.00$0.00
The Democratic Republic of M1enshao$0.00$0.00
The United Socialist States of Stonjourner$0.00$0.00
The Colony of A8ra$0.00$0.00
The Holy Empire of Sev1per$0.00$0.00
The Queendom of Drudd1gon$0.00$0.00
The Confederacy of Eiscue$0.00$0.00
The Nomadic Peoples of Kada8ra$0.00$0.00
The Fiefdom of Lunat0ne$0.00$0.00
The United Kingdom of G0lett$0.00$0.00
The Democratic Republic of Indeedee$0.00$0.00
The Community of Alaka2am$0.00$0.00
The Confederacy of Solr0ck$0.00$0.00
The Oppressed Peoples of G0lurk$0.00$0.00
The Kingdom of Morpeko$0.00$0.00
The Community of Mach0p$0.00$0.00
The Free Land of Barb0ach$0.00$0.00
The Armed Republic of Pawn1ard$0.00$0.00
The Emirate of Cufant$0.00$0.00
The Nomadic Peoples of Mach0ke$0.00$0.00
The Rogue Nation of Wh1scash$0.00$0.00
The People's Republic of B1sharp$0.00$0.00
The United Kingdom of C0pperajah$0.00$0.00
The Jingoistic States of Mach4mp$0.00$0.00
The United Kingdom of C0rphish$0.00$0.00
The Emirate of B0uffalant$0.00$0.00
The Queendom of Dracozolt$0.00$0.00
The Democratic Republic of Bellspr0ut$0.00$0.00
The Holy Empire of Cr4wdaunt$0.00$0.00
The Democratic States of Ruffl3t$0.00$0.00
The Disputed Territories of Arctozolt$0.00$0.00
The Democratic States of Weep1nbell$0.00$0.00
The Colony of Balt0y$0.00$0.00
The Principality of Brav1ary$0.00$0.00
The United Kingdom of Dracovish$0.00$0.00
The Dominion of V1ctreebel$0.00$0.00
The Incorporated States of Clayd0l$0.00$0.00
The Sultanate of Vull4by$0.00$0.00
The Grand Duchy of Arctovish$0.00$0.00
The Rogue Nation of Tentac0ol$0.00$0.00
The Colony of L1leep$0.00$0.00
The Oppressed Peoples of Mand1buzz$0.00$0.00
The Theocracy of Dur4ludon$0.00$0.00
The Commonwealth of Tentacru3l$0.00$0.00
The Most Serene Republic of Crad1ly$0.00$0.00
The Jingoistic States of Heatm0r$0.00$0.00
The Democratic Republic of Dreepy$0.00$0.00
The Theocracy of Ge0dude$0.00$0.00
The Federation of An0rith$0.00$0.00
The Free Land of Dur4nt$0.00$0.00
The Most Serene Republic of Drakloak$0.00$0.00
The Holy Empire of Grav3ler$0.00$0.00
The Democratic States of Armald0$0.00$0.00
The Democratic Republic of Dein0$0.00$0.00
The Kingdom of Dr4gapult$0.00$0.00
The Grand Duchy of G0lem$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Feeba5$0.00$0.00
The Incorporated States of Zweil0us$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Glastrier$0.00$0.00
The Constitutional Monarchy of P0nyta$0.00$0.00
The Oppressed Peoples of Mil0tic$0.00$0.00
The Sultanate of Hydreig0n$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Spectrier$0.00$0.00
The Dictatorship of Rap1dash$0.00$0.00
The Empire of Castf0rm$0.00$0.00
The United States of Larve5ta$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Basculegion$0.00$0.00
The United States of Sl0wpoke$0.00$0.00
The Empire of Kecle0n$0.00$0.00
The Kingdom of Volcar0na$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Wyrdeer$0.00$0.00
The Rogue Nation of Sl0wbro$0.00$0.00
The Nomadic Peoples of Shupp3t$0.00$0.00
The People's Republic of Chesp1n$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Hisuian Growlithe$0.00$0.00
The Emirate of Magnem1te$0.00$0.00
The Commonwealth of Ban3tte$0.00$0.00
The Commonwealth of Quillad1n$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Hisuian Braviary$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Magnet0n$0.00$0.00
The Dominion of Du5kull$0.00$0.00
The United Socialist States of Chesnaugh7$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Kleavor$0.00$0.00
The Empire of Farf3tchd$0.00$0.00
The United Kingdom of Du5clops$0.00$0.00
The Federation of Fennek1n$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Hisuian Arcanine$0.00$0.00
The Kingdom of Dodu0$0.00$0.00
The Democratic States of Tr0pius$0.00$0.00
The People's Republic of Bra1xen$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Hisuian Zorua$0.00$0.00
The Matriarchy of Dodri0$0.00$0.00
The United States of Chimech0$0.00$0.00
The Armed Republic of Delph0x$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Hisuian Zoroark$0.00$0.00
The Protectorate of S3el$0.00$0.00
The Disputed Territories of Wynau7$0.00$0.00
The Kingdom of Froak1e$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Hisuian Voltorb$0.00$0.00
The Constitutional Monarchy of Dewg0ng$0.00$0.00
The United Socialist States of Sn0runt$0.00$0.00
The Constitutional Monarchy of Frogad1er$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Hisuian Electrode$0.00$0.00
The Rogue Nation of Gr1mer$0.00$0.00
The Rogue Nation of Glal1e$0.00$0.00
The Fiefdom of Gren1nja$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Hisuian Typhlosion$0.00$0.00
The Democratic States of -Muk-$0.00$0.00
The Community of Sph3al$0.00$0.00
The Confederacy of Bunn3lby$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Hisuian Qwilfish$0.00$0.00
The Nomadic Peoples of Sh3llder$0.00$0.00
The Allied States of Seale0$0.00$0.00
The Democratic States of Digg3rsby$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Hisuian Sneasel$0.00$0.00
The Theocracy of Cl0yster$0.00$0.00
The People's Republic of Walre1n$0.00$0.00
The Theocracy of Fletchl1ng$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Hisuian Samurott$0.00$0.00
The Democratic States of Ga5tly$0.00$0.00
The Allied States of Clamp3rl$0.00$0.00
The People's Republic of Fletch1nder$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Hisuian Lilligant$0.00$0.00
The Armed Republic of Haunt3r$0.00$0.00
The Empire of Hunta1l$0.00$0.00
The Holy Empire of Tal0nflame$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Hisuian Sliggoo$0.00$0.00
The Oppressed Peoples of G3ngar$0.00$0.00
The Queendom of G0rebyss$0.00$0.00
The Fiefdom of Scatt3rbug$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Hisuian Goodra$0.00$0.00
The People's Republic of 0nix$0.00$0.00
The Borderlands of Rel1canth$0.00$0.00
The Emirate of Sp3wpa$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Hisuian Avalugg$0.00$0.00
The Jingoistic States of Dr0wzee$0.00$0.00
The Grand Duchy of Luvd1sc$0.00$0.00
The Borderlands of Vivill0n$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Hisuian Decidueye$0.00$0.00
The People's Republic of Hypn0$0.00$0.00
The Most Serene Republic of Bag0n$0.00$0.00
The Fiefdom of Litle0$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Ursaluna$0.00$0.00
The Empire of Kr4bby$0.00$0.00
The Emirate of Shelg0n$0.00$0.00
The Fiefdom of Pyr0ar$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Sneasler$0.00$0.00
The Matriarchy of K1ngler$0.00$0.00
The Democratic States of Salam3nce$0.00$0.00
The Constitutional Monarchy of Flabeb3$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Overqwil$0.00$0.00
The Empire of V0ltorb$0.00$0.00
The Kingdom of B3ldum$0.00$0.00
The Community of Floett3$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Enamorus$0.00$0.00
The Democratic Republic of Electr0de$0.00$0.00
The Colony of M3tang$0.00$0.00
The Borderlands of Florg3s$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Sprigatito$0.00$0.00
The People's Republic of Exeggcut3$0.00$0.00
The Armed Republic of M3tagross$0.00$0.00
The Matriarchy of Skidd0$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Fuecoco$0.00$0.00
The Community of Exeggut0r$0.00$0.00
The Sultanate of Turtw1g$0.00$0.00
The Fiefdom of Gog0at$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Quaxly$0.00$0.00
The Grand Duchy of Cub0ne$0.00$0.00
The Disputed Territories of Gr0tle$0.00$0.00
The People's Republic of Panch4m$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Pawm1$0.00$0.00
The Sultanate of Mar0wak$0.00$0.00
The Dominion of T0rterra$0.00$0.00
The Armed Republic of Pangor0$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Sm0liv$0.00$0.00
The Dominion of Hitm0nlee$0.00$0.00
The United Kingdom of Ch1mchar$0.00$0.00
The United Kingdom of Furfr0u$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Lech0nk$0.00$0.00
The Commonwealth of Hitm0nchan$0.00$0.00
The Jingoistic States of M0nferno$0.00$0.00
The Colony of 3spurr$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Koraid0n$0.00$0.00
The Democratic Republic of L1ckitung$0.00$0.00
The Sultanate of 1nfernape$0.00$0.00
The Borderlands of M3owstic$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Miraid0n$0.00$0.00
The United Kingdom of Koff1ng$0.00$0.00
The Confederacy of P1plup$0.00$0.00
The United States of H0nedge$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Fid0ugh$0.00$0.00
The Dominion of Weez1ng$0.00$0.00
The Dictatorship of Pr1nplup$0.00$0.00
The Free Land of D0ublade$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Paldean Wooper$0.00$0.00
The Empire of Rhyh0rn$0.00$0.00
The Empire of Emp0leon$0.00$0.00
The Free Land of Aeg1slash$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Cetitan$0.00$0.00
The Federation of Rhyd0n$0.00$0.00
The Dictatorship of 5tarly$0.00$0.00
The Federation of Spr1tzee$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Cyclizar$0.00$0.00
The Empire of Chans3y$0.00$0.00
The United Kingdom of 5taravia$0.00$0.00
The Allied States of Aromat1sse$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Grafaiai$0.00$0.00
The Holy Empire of Tang3la$0.00$0.00
The Nomadic Peoples of 5taraptor$0.00$0.00
The Incorporated States of Sw1rlix$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Klawf$0.00$0.00
The Empire of Kanga5khan$0.00$0.00
The Nomadic Peoples of B1doof$0.00$0.00
The Rogue Nation of 5lurpuff$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Armarouge$0.00$0.00
The Oppressed Peoples of Hor5ea$0.00$0.00
The Empire of B1barel$0.00$0.00
The Fiefdom of 1nkay$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Ceruledge$0.00$0.00
The Fiefdom of 5eadra$0.00$0.00
The Commonwealth of Kr1cketot$0.00$0.00
The Disputed Territories of Malam4r$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Wiglett$0.00$0.00
The United Socialist States of G0ldeen$0.00$0.00
The Sultanate of Kr1cketune$0.00$0.00
The Allied States of B1nacle$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Farigiraf$0.00$0.00
The Democratic States of Seak1ng$0.00$0.00
The Empire of Sh1nx$0.00$0.00
The Protectorate of B4rbaracle$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Bellibolt$0.00$0.00
The Sultanate of 5taryu$0.00$0.00
The Most Serene Republic of Lux1o$0.00$0.00
The Queendom of Skr3lp$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Greavard$0.00$0.00
The Allied States of 5tarmie$0.00$0.00
The Matriarchy of Luxr4y$0.00$0.00
The Dictatorship of Dragalg3$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Gimmighoul$0.00$0.00
The Protectorate of Mr M1me$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Bud3w$0.00$0.00
The Confederacy of Claunch3r$0.00$0.00
The Allied States of 6urdurr$0.00$0.00
The Holy Empire of Scyth3r$0.00$0.00
The Constitutional Monarchy of R0serade$0.00$0.00
The Protectorate of Clawitz3r$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Paldean Tauros$0.00$0.00
The Matriarchy of -Jynx-$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Cranid0s$0.00$0.00
The Fiefdom of Heli0ptile$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Floragato$0.00$0.00
The Empire of El3ctabuzz$0.00$0.00
The Allied States of Rampard0s$0.00$0.00
The Emirate of Heli0lisk$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Meowscarada$0.00$0.00
The Incorporated States of M4gmar$0.00$0.00
The Fiefdom of Shield0n$0.00$0.00
The United Kingdom of Tyrun7$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Crocalor$0.00$0.00
The Community of P1nsir$0.00$0.00
The Community of Bastiod0n$0.00$0.00
The Disputed Territories of Tyr4ntrum$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Skeledirge$0.00$0.00
The Commonwealth of Taur0s$0.00$0.00
The Jingoistic States of 8urmy$0.00$0.00
The Incorporated States of Am4ura$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Quaxwell$0.00$0.00
The Borderlands of Mag1karp$0.00$0.00
The Dominion of W0rmadam$0.00$0.00
The Kingdom of 4urorus$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Quaquaval$0.00$0.00
The Theocracy of Gyarad0s$0.00$0.00
The Grand Duchy of M0thim$0.00$0.00
The Democratic States of H4wlucha$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Oinkologne$0.00$0.00
The Democratic States of Lapra5$0.00$0.00
The Dominion of C0mbee$0.00$0.00
The Democratic States of D3denne$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Dudunsparce$0.00$0.00
The Sultanate of Ditt0$0.00$0.00
The United Kingdom of Vesp1quen$0.00$0.00
The Protectorate of Carb1nk$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Tarountula$0.00$0.00
The Grand Duchy of Eeve3$0.00$0.00
The Theocracy of Pach1risu$0.00$0.00
The Jingoistic States of Go0my$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Spidops$0.00$0.00
The Commonwealth of 0manyte$0.00$0.00
The Kingdom of Bu1zel$0.00$0.00
The Federation of Sliggo0$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Nymble$0.00$0.00
The Nomadic Peoples of 0mastar$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Fl0atzel$0.00$0.00
The Empire of Go0dra$0.00$0.00
The Republic of L0kix$0.00$0.00
The Matriarchy of Kabut0$0.00$0.00
The Nomadic Peoples of Cherub1$0.00$0.00
The Disputed Territories of Klefk1$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Rellor$0.00$0.00
The United Socialist States of Kabut0ps$0.00$0.00
The People's Republic of Cherr1m$0.00$0.00
The Oppressed Peoples of Ph4ntump$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Rabsca$0.00$0.00
The Disputed Territories of Aer0dactyl$0.00$0.00
The Incorporated States of Shell0s$0.00$0.00
The Jingoistic States of Tr3venant$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Houndstone$0.00$0.00
The Theocracy of Sn0rlax$0.00$0.00
The Colony of Gastrod0n$0.00$0.00
The Theocracy of Pumpkabo0$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Flittle$0.00$0.00
The Principality of Drat1ni$0.00$0.00
The Matriarchy of Ambip0m$0.00$0.00
The Borderlands of Gourge1st$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Espathra$0.00$0.00
The Most Serene Republic of Drag0nair$0.00$0.00
The Fiefdom of Driflo0n$0.00$0.00
The Constitutional Monarchy of Bergm1te$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Wugtrio$0.00$0.00
The United Kingdom of Drag0nite$0.00$0.00
The Colony of Drifbl1m$0.00$0.00
The Empire of Av4lugg$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Dondozo$0.00$0.00
The Rogue Nation of Chik0rita$0.00$0.00
The Incorporated States of Bun3ary$0.00$0.00
The Oppressed Peoples of N0ibat$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Veluza$0.00$0.00
The Confederacy of Bayl3ef$0.00$0.00
The Commonwealth of -Lopunny-$0.00$0.00
The United States of N0ivern$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Finizen$0.00$0.00
The Holy Empire of Megan1um$0.00$0.00
The Democratic Republic of M1smagius$0.00$0.00
The Matriarchy of R0wlet$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Palafin$0.00$0.00
The Empire of Cyndaqu1l$0.00$0.00
The Armed Republic of Honchkr0w$0.00$0.00
The Nomadic Peoples of Dartr1x$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Dolliv$0.00$0.00
The Most Serene Republic of Qu1lava$0.00$0.00
The Holy Empire of Glame0w$0.00$0.00
The United Kingdom of Dec1dueye$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Arboliva$0.00$0.00
The Kingdom of Typhl0sion$0.00$0.00
The Borderlands of Puru9ly$0.00$0.00
The Kingdom of L1tten$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Capsakid$0.00$0.00
The Community of T0todile$0.00$0.00
The Constitutional Monarchy of Ch1ngling$0.00$0.00
The Matriarchy of T0rracat$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Scovillain$0.00$0.00
The Fiefdom of Cr0conaw$0.00$0.00
The Holy Empire of 5tunky$0.00$0.00
The Incorporated States of Inciner0ar$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Tadbulb$0.00$0.00
The Fiefdom of Feral1gatr$0.00$0.00
The Federation of 5kuntank$0.00$0.00
The Borderlands of Poppl1o$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Varoom$0.00$0.00
The Federation of S3ntret$0.00$0.00
The Principality of Br0nzor$0.00$0.00
The Kingdom of Br1onne$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Revavroom$0.00$0.00
The Empire of Furr3t$0.00$0.00
The Protectorate of Br0nzong$0.00$0.00
The Colony of Pr1marina$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Orthworm$0.00$0.00
The Protectorate of H0othoot$0.00$0.00
The Matriarchy of B0nsly$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Pikip3k$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Tandemaus$0.00$0.00
The Allied States of N0ctowl$0.00$0.00
The Holy Empire of M1me Jr$0.00$0.00
The Empire of Trumb3ak$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Maushold$0.00$0.00
The Republic of L3dyba$0.00$0.00
The Allied States of Happ1ny$0.00$0.00
The Allied States of Toucann0n$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Cetoddle$0.00$0.00
The Community of Led1an$0.00$0.00
The Holy Empire of Chat0t$0.00$0.00
The Confederacy of Yungo0s$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Frigibax$0.00$0.00
The Constitutional Monarchy of Sp1narak$0.00$0.00
The Matriarchy of Spirit0mb$0.00$0.00
The Fiefdom of Gumsho0s$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Arctibax$0.00$0.00
The Dominion of Ariad0s$0.00$0.00
The Jingoistic States of G1ble$0.00$0.00
The Empire of Grubb1n$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Baxcalibur$0.00$0.00
The Commonwealth of Cro8at$0.00$0.00
The United Socialist States of Gab1te$0.00$0.00
The United States of Charj4bug$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Tatsugiri$0.00$0.00
The Matriarchy of Ch1nchou$0.00$0.00
The United Socialist States of Garch0mp$0.00$0.00
The Democratic States of V1kavolt$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Pawmo$0.00$0.00
The Democratic Republic of Lan7urn$0.00$0.00
The Incorporated States of Munchl4x$0.00$0.00
The Democratic Republic of Crabrawl3r$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Pawmot$0.00$0.00
The Oppressed Peoples of P1chu$0.00$0.00
The Armed Republic of Ri0lu$0.00$0.00
The Sultanate of Crabominabl3$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Wattrel$0.00$0.00
The United Socialist States of Cl3ffa$0.00$0.00
The Principality of Lucari0$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Oricori0$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Kilowattrel$0.00$0.00
The Community of 1gglybuff$0.00$0.00
The Federation of Hipp0potas$0.00$0.00
The Kingdom of Cut1efly$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Bombirdier$0.00$0.00
The Colony of T0gepi$0.00$0.00
The Matriarchy of Hipp0wdon$0.00$0.00
The Dictatorship of R1bombee$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Squawkabilly$0.00$0.00
The Fiefdom of T0getic$0.00$0.00
The Dominion of Sk0rupi$0.00$0.00
The Borderlands of R0ckruff$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Flamig0$0.00$0.00
The Dominion of N4tu$0.00$0.00
The Sultanate of Drapi0n$0.00$0.00
The Emirate of Lycanr0c$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Nacl1$0.00$0.00
The Constitutional Monarchy of X4tu$0.00$0.00
The United Kingdom of Cr0agunk$0.00$0.00
The Fiefdom of W1shiwashi$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Naclstack$0.00$0.00
The Jingoistic States of Mar3ep$0.00$0.00
The Borderlands of Toxicr0ak$0.00$0.00
The Nomadic Peoples of Mareani3$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Garganacl$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Vapore0n$0.00$0.00
The Kingdom of Fl4affy$0.00$0.00
The Theocracy of Carn1vine$0.00$0.00
The Dominion of Toxap3x$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Glimmet$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Jolte0n$0.00$0.00
The Disputed Territories of Amphar0s$0.00$0.00
The Dominion of Finne0n$0.00$0.00
The Empire of Mudbr4y$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Glimmora$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Flare0n$0.00$0.00
The United Kingdom of Bell0ssom$0.00$0.00
The Constitutional Monarchy of Lumine0n$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Mudsd4le$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Shroodle$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Espe0n$0.00$0.00
The Incorporated States of Mar1ll$0.00$0.00
The Federation of Mantyk3$0.00$0.00
The Holy Empire of Dewp1der$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Dachsbun$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Umbre0n$0.00$0.00
The Kingdom of Azumar1ll$0.00$0.00
The Nomadic Peoples of Sn0ver$0.00$0.00
The Democratic Republic of Araquan1d$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Maschiff$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Leafe0n$0.00$0.00
The Most Serene Republic of Sud0woodo$0.00$0.00
The Matriarchy of Abomasn0w$0.00$0.00
The Disputed Territories of Fomant1s$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Mabosstiff$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Glace0n$0.00$0.00
The Fiefdom of P0litoed$0.00$0.00
The Protectorate of Weav1le$0.00$0.00
The Rogue Nation of Lurant1s$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Brambl1n$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Sylve0n$0.00$0.00
The Colony of Hopp1p$0.00$0.00
The Emirate of Magnez0ne$0.00$0.00
The Incorporated States of M0relull$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Brambleghast$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Articun0$0.00$0.00
The Rogue Nation of Sk1ploom$0.00$0.00
The United States of L1ckilicky$0.00$0.00
The Borderlands of Shiin0tic$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Gholdengo$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Zapd0s$0.00$0.00
The United Socialist States of -Jumpluff-$0.00$0.00
The Nomadic Peoples of Rhyperi0r$0.00$0.00
The Jingoistic States of Saland1t$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Great Tusk$0.00$0.00
The Republic of M0ltres$0.00$0.00
The United Socialist States of Aip0m$0.00$0.00
The Democratic States of Tangr0wth$0.00$0.00
The Protectorate of Salazzl3$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Brute Bonnet$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Mewtw0$0.00$0.00
The Commonwealth of Sunk3rn$0.00$0.00
The Confederacy of Elect1vire$0.00$0.00
The Incorporated States of S7ufful$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Sandy Shocks$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Ente1$0.00$0.00
The Jingoistic States of Sunfl0ra$0.00$0.00
The Allied States of Magm0rtar$0.00$0.00
The People's Republic of B3wear$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Scream Tail$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Ra1kou$0.00$0.00
The Oppressed Peoples of Y4nma$0.00$0.00
The Fiefdom of T0gekiss$0.00$0.00
The Principality of B0unsweet$0.00$0.00
The BTW this isn't a pony of Flutter Mane$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Su1cune$0.00$0.00
The Matriarchy of W0oper$0.00$0.00
The Armed Republic of Yanm3ga$0.00$0.00
The Borderlands of Steene3$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Slither Wing$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Lug1a$0.00$0.00
The United States of Quags1re$0.00$0.00
The Dictatorship of Glisc0r$0.00$0.00
The Incorporated States of Comf3y$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Roaring Moon$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Ho-0h$0.00$0.00
The Rogue Nation of Murkr0w$0.00$0.00
The Kingdom of Mamo5wine$0.00$0.00
The Democratic States of Or4nguru$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Iron Treads$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Reg1rock$0.00$0.00
The Free Land of Sl0wking$0.00$0.00
The Borderlands of Poryg0n-Z$0.00$0.00
The Confederacy of P4ssimian$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Iron Moth$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Reg1ce$0.00$0.00
The Confederacy of M1sdreavus$0.00$0.00
The Queendom of Gallad3$0.00$0.00
The United Kingdom of Wimp0d$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Ir0n Hands$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Reg1steel$0.00$0.00
The Queendom of Un0wn$0.00$0.00
The Emirate of Pr0bopass$0.00$0.00
The Federation of Golisop0d$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Iron Jugulis$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Reg1eleki$0.00$0.00
The Theocracy of W0bbuffet$0.00$0.00
The Emirate of Du5knoir$0.00$0.00
The Free Land of S4ndygast$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Iron Thorns$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Reg1drago$0.00$0.00
The Oppressed Peoples of G1rafarig$0.00$0.00
The Commonwealth of Fr0slass$0.00$0.00
The Disputed Territories of Paloss4nd$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Iron Bundle$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Lat1as$0.00$0.00
The Federation of P1neco$0.00$0.00
The Most Serene Republic of R0tom$0.00$0.00
The Holy Empire of -Pyukumuku-$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Iron Valiant$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Lat1os$0.00$0.00
The Borderlands of F0rretress$0.00$0.00
The Grand Duchy of Sn1vy$0.00$0.00
The Emirate of Mini0r$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Ting-Lu$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Ky0gre$0.00$0.00
The Matriarchy of Dunsparc3$0.00$0.00
The Empire of Serv1ne$0.00$0.00
The United Socialist States of K0mala$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Chien-Pao$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Gr0udon$0.00$0.00
The United Socialist States of Gl1gar$0.00$0.00
The Sultanate of Serper1or$0.00$0.00
The Dominion of Turtonat0r$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Wo-Chien$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Ray9uaza$0.00$0.00
The Protectorate of St3elix$0.00$0.00
The Oppressed Peoples of Tep1g$0.00$0.00
The Empire of T0gedemaru$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Chi-Yu$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Uxi3$0.00$0.00
The United States of Snu8bull$0.00$0.00
The Queendom of P1gnite$0.00$0.00
The Disputed Territories of Mim1kyu$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Tinkatink$0.00$0.00
The Republic of M3sprit$0.00$0.00
The Most Serene Republic of Gran8ull$0.00$0.00
The Queendom of Emb0ar$0.00$0.00
The Jingoistic States of Brux1sh$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Tinkatuff$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Az3lf$0.00$0.00
The People's Republic of Qw1lfish$0.00$0.00
The Allied States of Oshaw0tt$0.00$0.00
The Constitutional Monarchy of Dramp4$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Tinkaton$0.00$0.00
The Republic of D1alga$0.00$0.00
The Dominion of Sciz0r$0.00$0.00
The Dominion of Dew0tt$0.00$0.00
The Most Serene Republic of Dhelm1se$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Charcadet$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Palk1a$0.00$0.00
The Disputed Territories of 5huckle$0.00$0.00
The Colony of Samur0tt$0.00$0.00
The Protectorate of Jangmo-0$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Toedscool$0.00$0.00
The Republic of G1ratina$0.00$0.00
The Matriarchy of Heracr0ss$0.00$0.00
The Colony of Patra7$0.00$0.00
The Sultanate of Hakamo-0$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Toedscruel$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Cressel1a$0.00$0.00
The Allied States of Sn3asel$0.00$0.00
The Community of Watch0g$0.00$0.00
The Incorporated States of Kommo-0$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Kingambit$0.00$0.00
The Republic of H3atran$0.00$0.00
The United States of Tedd1ursa$0.00$0.00
The People's Republic of L1llipup$0.00$0.00
The Sultanate of Nihileg0$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Clodsire$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Reg1gigas$0.00$0.00
The Dominion of Ursar1ng$0.00$0.00
The Constitutional Monarchy of Herd1er$0.00$0.00
The Nomadic Peoples of Buzzw0le$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Annihilape$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Cobali0n$0.00$0.00
The Principality of 5lugma$0.00$0.00
The Democratic States of St0utland$0.00$0.00
The Sultanate of Pherom0sa$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Iron Leaves$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Terraki0n$0.00$0.00
The Nomadic Peoples of Magcarg0$0.00$0.00
The Jingoistic States of Purrl0in$0.00$0.00
The Rogue Nation of Xurk1tree$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Walking Wake$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Virizi0n$0.00$0.00
The Federation of 5winub$0.00$0.00
The Rogue Nation of L1epard$0.00$0.00
The Constitutional Monarchy of Celeste3la$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Ogerpon$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Tornadu5$0.00$0.00
The Dominion of Pilo5wine$0.00$0.00
The Emirate of Pan5age$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Kart4na$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Munkidori$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Thunduru5$0.00$0.00
The Oppressed Peoples of C0rsola$0.00$0.00
The Sultanate of Simi5age$0.00$0.00
The Federation of Guzzl0rd$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Okidogi$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Landoru5$0.00$0.00
The Principality of Rem0raid$0.00$0.00
The Fiefdom of Pan5ear$0.00$0.00
The Dictatorship of Poipol3$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Fezandipiti$0.00$0.00
The Republic of R3shiram$0.00$0.00
The Fiefdom of Oct1llery$0.00$0.00
The Dominion of Simi5ear$0.00$0.00
The Disputed Territories of Naganad3l$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Terapagos$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Kyur3m$0.00$0.00
The Disputed Territories of Del1bird$0.00$0.00
The Empire of Panp0ur$0.00$0.00
The United States of 5takataka$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Archaludon$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Z3krom$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Mant1ne$0.00$0.00
The Dictatorship of Simip0ur$0.00$0.00
The Oppressed Peoples of Blacephal0n$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Dipplin$0.00$0.00
The Republic of X3rneas$0.00$0.00
The Sultanate of Skarm0ry$0.00$0.00
The Nomadic Peoples of Musharn4$0.00$0.00
The People's Republic of Alolan R4ttata$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Raging Bolt$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Yv3ltal$0.00$0.00
The United Kingdom of H0undour$0.00$0.00
The Grand Duchy of Pid0ve$0.00$0.00
The Principality of Alolan Rat1cate$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Iron Cr0wn$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Zygard3$0.00$0.00
The Theocracy of H0undoom$0.00$0.00
The Jingoistic States of Tranqu1ll$0.00$0.00
The Borderlands of Alolan Ra1chu$0.00$0.00
The Ice King of Frozen Circle$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Type Null$0.00$0.00
The Republic of K1ngdra$0.00$0.00
The Theocracy of Unf3zant$0.00$0.00
The Dominion of Alolan Sandshr3w$0.00$0.00
The Rogue Nation of Poltchageist$0.00$0.00
The Republic of S1lvally$0.00$0.00
The United States of Ph4npy$0.00$0.00
The Constitutional Monarchy of Bl1tzle$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Alolan Sand5lash$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Sinistcha$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Tapu K0ko$0.00$0.00
The Holy Empire of D0nphan$0.00$0.00
The Democratic Republic of Zebstr1ka$0.00$0.00
The Constitutional Monarchy of Alolan Vulp1x$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Gouging Fire$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Tapu L3le$0.00$0.00
The Commonwealth of P0rygon2$0.00$0.00
The Emirate of R0ggenrola$0.00$0.00
The Oppressed Peoples of Alolan N1netales$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Hydrapple$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Tapu 8ulu$0.00$0.00
The Constitutional Monarchy of Stantl3r$0.00$0.00
The Matriarchy of B0ldore$0.00$0.00
The Armed Republic of Alolan D1glett$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Iron Boulder$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Tapu F1ni$0.00$0.00
The Matriarchy of Sm3argle$0.00$0.00
The Commonwealth of G1galith$0.00$0.00
The Matriarchy of Alolan Dugtri0$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Pecharunt$0.00$0.00
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