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GDP ratings for Countries that populate the Region of Jenny

You have arrived at the list of GDP Output for Nations that make up the Region of Jenny.

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NationImports     GDP    
The Natalia Cuteness of Vandoosa Eins$0.00$0.00
The Creepy Ozoi Watchers of Vandoosa Zwei$0.00$0.00
The Polite and Very Nice Nation of Vandoosa Drei$0.00$0.00
The Hungry Ghost of Vandoosa Vier$0.00$0.00
The Soviet Ozoiland of Vandoosa Funf$0.00$0.00
The Byakuren Love Zone of Vandoosa Sechs$0.00$0.00
The Kirarin Revolution of Vandoosa Sieben$0.00$0.00
The Invading Your Region of Vandoosa Acht$0.00$0.00
The Kuwari Squeakyness of Vandoosa Neun$0.00$0.00
The Very Sleepy Nation of Vandoosa Zehn$0.00$0.00
The Ozoi Always Wins of Vandoosa Elf$0.00$0.00
The Obnoxious Ice Faeries of Vandoosa Zwolf$0.00$0.00
The Soft and Puffy Nation of Vandoosa Dreizehn$0.00$0.00
The Really Annoying Faeries of Vandoosa Vierzehn$0.00$0.00
The Shy Queendom of Vandoosa Funfzehn$0.00$0.00
The Puffy Cute Polishness of Vandoosa Sechzehn$0.00$0.00
The Fujiwara no Kaguya of Vandoosa Siebzehn$0.00$0.00
The Icy Faeries of Vandoosa Achtzehn$0.00$0.00
The Realm of Vandoosa Neunzehn$0.00$0.00
The Ozoian Followers of Vandoosa Zwanzig$0.00$0.00
The Faerie Empire of Vandoosa Einundzwanzig$0.00$0.00
The A Little Snow Faerie Sugar of Vandoosa Zweiundzwanzig$0.00$0.00
The Holy Sakura Empire of Vandoosa Dreiundzwanzig$0.00$0.00
The Puffy Fluffy Lillies of Vandoosa Vierundzwanzig$0.00$0.00
The Motherly Matriarchy of Vandoosa Funfundzwanzig$0.00$0.00
The Great Forest of Vandoosa Sechsundzwanzig$0.00$0.00
The Vampire Community of Vandoosa Siebenundzwanzig$0.00$0.00
The Really Hyper Ilyasveil of Vandoosa Achtundzwanzig$0.00$0.00
The SOS Brigade of Vandoosa Neunundzwanzig$0.00$0.00
The Tsundere of Vandoosa Dreissig$0.00$0.00
The Mini Ozoi Matriarchy of Vandoosa Einunddreissig$0.00$0.00
The Looking Around of Vandoosa Zweiunddreissig$0.00$0.00
The Demon Goddess of Vandoosa Dreiunddreissig$0.00$0.00
The Violent Red Heads of Vandoosa Vierunddreissig$0.00$0.00
The Timid Nice Nation of Vandoosa Funfunddreissig$0.00$0.00
The Georgia Peach of Vandoosa Sechsunddreissig$0.00$0.00
The Winking Cute Nation of Vandoosa Siebenunddreissig$0.00$0.00
The Rapid Spinning of Vandoosa Achtunddreissig$0.00$0.00
The Unusually Blue Nation of Vandoosa Neununddreissig$0.00$0.00
The Half Ghost of Vandoosa Vierzig$0.00$0.00
The 8675-309 of 6574574567534567$0.00$0.00
The 8675-309 of 56456767886765$0.00$0.00
The Faerie Knows Best State of Vandoosa Einundvierzig$0.00$0.00
The Windy Mountain of Vandoosa Zweiundvierzig$0.00$0.00
The Zombie Hoards of Vandoosa Dreiundvierzig$0.00$0.00
The Good Girl of Vandoosa Vierundvierzig$0.00$0.00
The Springtime of Vandoosa Funfundvierzig$0.00$0.00
The Spider Goddess of Vandoosa Sechsundvierzig$0.00$0.00
The Liebe of Vandoosa Siebenundvierzig$0.00$0.00
The Region Snatcher of Vandoosa Achtundvierzig$0.00$0.00
The Many Eyes of Vandoosa Neunundvierzig$0.00$0.00
The Soft Bird Youkai of Vandoosa Funfzig$0.00$0.00
The Mini Mini Haley Niceness of Vandoosa Einundfunfzig$0.00$0.00
The Cute Froggies of Vandoosa Zweiundfunfzig$0.00$0.00
The Bird Brain Kingdom of Vandoosa Dreiundfunfzig$0.00$0.00
The Rogue Raven of Vandoosa Vierundfunfzig$0.00$0.00
The Grand Drunken Duchy of Vandoosa Funfundfunfzig$0.00$0.00
The Huggable Nation of Aww Teddy$0.00$0.00
The Violent Winds of EF5 Tornado$0.00$0.00
The Frozen Disaster Area of Ice Storm$0.00$0.00
The Winter Wonderland of Snow Storm$0.00$0.00
The Jingoistic States of Destructive Hail Storm$0.00$0.00
The Dominion of Thunder Storm$0.00$0.00
The Kingdom of Category5 Hurricane$0.00$0.00
The Dominion of Derecho$0.00$0.00
The Fiefdom of Earth Quake$0.00$0.00
The Dictatorship of Volcanic Eruption$0.00$0.00
The Colony of Drought$0.00$0.00
The United States of SarahPalin$0.00$0.00
The United States of BillClinton$0.00$0.00
The Theocracy of HillaryClinton$0.00$0.00
The United Socialist States of AlGore$0.00$0.00
The Emirate of GeraldFord$0.00$0.00
The United States of JohnMcCain$0.00$0.00
The Rogue Nation of Polar Vortex$0.00$0.00
The 8675-309 of 7678574665456767$0.00$0.00
The Moon Princess of DENpuppet$0.00$0.00
The Principality of The Storm Chaser$0.00$0.00
The US President of DonaldTrump$0.00$0.00
The United States of Donald Chump$0.00$0.00
The Nuclear Fusion Reaction of TBH Puppet$0.00$0.00
The Tentacles of Dark Spawn$0.00$0.00
The Benevolent Dictatorship of The WestPacific$0.00$0.00
The Democratic People's Republic of N0rthK0rea$0.00$0.00
The Sneaky Raider Puppets of The RejectedRealms$0.00$0.00
The Queendom of Isabella$0.00$0.00
The Vandoosa of Bella$0.00$0.00
The Rogue Nation of Jessika$0.00$0.00
The Nomadic Peoples of Kiary$0.00$0.00
The United Socialist States of Elisebeth$0.00$0.00
The Emirate of Angelena$0.00$0.00
The Holy Empire of Emily$0.00$0.00
The Grand Duchy of Isabell$0.00$0.00
The United Kingdom of Amie$0.00$0.00
The United Kingdom of Vicktoria$0.00$0.00
The Confederacy of Laylah$0.00$0.00
The Matriarchy of Leah$0.00$0.00
The Moon Princess of Lunah$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Bellah$0.00$0.00
The God Warrior of Nevaeh$0.00$0.00
The Grand Duchy of Melanie$0.00$0.00
The Queendom of Hallie$0.00$0.00
The Matriarchy of Aubree$0.00$0.00
The Most Serene Republic of Valentina$0.00$0.00
The Sultanate of Adalynn$0.00$0.00
The Fiefdom of Natalee$0.00$0.00
The Theocracy of Mariana$0.00$0.00
The Commonwealth of RayLynn$0.00$0.00
The Disputed Territories of Hilary$0.00$0.00
The Nomadic Peoples of Naomi$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Hailey$0.00$0.00
The Protectorate of Ashley$0.00$0.00
The Queendom of Chloe$0.00$0.00
The Fiefdom of Alyssa$0.00$0.00
The Principality of Valary$0.00$0.00
The Confederacy of Valerie$0.00$0.00
The Colony of Arianna$0.00$0.00
The Matriarchy of Brianna$0.00$0.00
The Matriarchy of Caroline$0.00$0.00
The Oppressed Peoples of Mia$0.00$0.00
The Grand Duchy of Esmeralda$0.00$0.00
The Hurricane of Dora$0.00$0.00
The Matriarchy of Kimberly$0.00$0.00
The Democratic Republic of Kellie$0.00$0.00
The Federation of Delilah$0.00$0.00
The Kingdom of Alison$0.00$0.00
The People's Republic of Savanah$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Harper$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Eleanor$0.00$0.00
The Matriarchy of Megan$0.00$0.00
The Colony of Kiki$0.00$0.00
The Cult of Lady Ga Ga$0.00$0.00
The Federation of Lilianna$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Skylar$0.00$0.00
The Emirate of Susan$0.00$0.00
The Jingoistic States of Cimsagro$0.00$0.00
The Principality of Vanessa$0.00$0.00
The Empire of Bridget$0.00$0.00
The Incorporated States of Vicky$0.00$0.00
The Empire of Milly$0.00$0.00
The United Socialist States of Dirty Puppet$0.00$0.00
The Republic of 0phelia$0.00$0.00
The Grand Duchy of Penelope$0.00$0.00
The Nomadic Peoples of Cecelia$0.00$0.00
The People's Republic of Y O L O$0.00$0.00
The Empire of TheBadPlace$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Janet$0.00$0.00
The Fiefdom of Monica Lewinsky$0.00$0.00
The Democratic Republic of Haley$0.00$0.00
The Principality of -YEET-$0.00$0.00
The Uselessness of Akua$0.00$0.00
The Republic of KissMyAnthia$0.00$0.00
The Oppressed Peoples of -Arkansas-$0.00$0.00
The Kingdom of -Tom Brady-$0.00$0.00
The Theocracy of Siloam Springs$0.00$0.00
The Fiefdom of TheNightKing$0.00$0.00
The People's Republic of BenShapir0$0.00$0.00
The Confederacy of Dakota Fanning$0.00$0.00
The Dictatorship of NPOwO$0.00$0.00
The Republic of 1OOOO Islands$0.00$0.00
The Incorporated States of -8675309-$0.00$0.00
The Free Land of KamalaHarris$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Crom Cruach$0.00$0.00
The Island Terrified By Whims of Kaiju Girl$0.00$0.00
The Republic of -Based-$0.00$0.00
The Literally 1984 of -1984-$0.00$0.00
The Nomadic Peoples of Hevistka$0.00$0.00
The Loving Couple of -ArtFan-$0.00$0.00
The Republic of 0ceana$0.00$0.00
The Republic of INGSOC$0.00$0.00
The Republic of Milky Way$0.00$0.00
The Rogue Nation of GSN6$0.00$0.00
The Empire of Napoleonic Brazil$0.00$0.00
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Nation States Economy Calculator v3.69