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GDP ratings for Countries that populate the Region of LIA claimed lands

You have arrived at the list of GDP Output for Nations that make up the Region of LIA claimed lands.

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Top 25 GDP Leaders:
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NationImports     GDP    
The Poor-taste PH Parody Puppet of Hopeful Popes$-8,647,368,704.00$5,192,050,000,000.00
The BMA Resurrected Puppet of Bannus God of Irony$-15,002,300,416.00$6,004,140,000,000.00
The Brachycardian Colony of Brancaland Cavemen$-163,956,899,840.00$6,018,950,000,000.00
The Brachycardian 'Cycles of Badass Cavemen$-58,623,164,416.00$6,167,250,000,000.00
The Brachycardian Conclave of Brasilistan Cavemen$48,033,931,264.00$6,829,130,000,000.00
The Bending Cavemen of Brachycardian Update Bender$-26,411,968,512.00$6,846,120,000,000.00
The Poor-Taste PH Parody Puppet of Hopeless Popes$28,091,967,488.00$7,085,750,000,000.00
The Non-Vital Pretitle of Generic Brachycardian Piler$-74,408,624,128.00$7,474,280,000,000.00
The Bowlegged Cavedwellers of Brachycardian Cavaliers$-19,462,561,792.00$7,516,040,000,000.00
The Maxtopia-Phobia of North Bigotopia$-96,799,752,192.00$7,845,770,000,000.00
The Brachycardian Conquest of Bigtopia Cavemen$-57,481,703,424.00$7,877,170,000,000.00
The Non-Vital Pretitle of Generic Brachycardian Puppet$35,423,457,280.00$8,073,680,000,000.00
The Federal Union Cycle Kikkers of Fukuoka Urban Caveman Killers$-22,882,058,240.00$8,084,480,000,000.00
The Eltran First Created Nations of Brachycardia and Die Wand$29,973,912.00$8,106,140,000,000.00
The Non-Vital Pretitle of Generic BC Puppet$-27,605,413,888.00$8,181,320,000,000.00
The Brachycardian Chin-whiskers of Beardfaced Cavemen$65,882,918,912.00$8,609,740,000,000.00
The Most Obnoxious Stanbase of Use-Becca-Stan$-119,079,567,360.00$8,864,490,000,000.00
The Banned Cavemen of Brachycardia and the Bannedlands$70,460,784,640.00$9,576,940,000,000.00
The Physical Pass Coverage of The Jammer$-17,378,361,344.00$9,911,690,000,000.00
The Silverback Humans of Baldheaded Cavemen$101,513,076,736.00$10,178,400,000,000.00
The Twisted Unfree Eleanor Rigby of All the Lonely Sheeple$-393,769,222,144.00$11,434,000,000,000.00
The Eltran Might Update Today of Might of Jon Blackwolf$-54,931,636,224.00$12,145,600,000,000.00
The Wishful Thinking ca 2004 of Smart Voters vs Bush$-54,946,848,768.00$13,270,500,000,000.00
The 2000 Receiving Yard Season of J R Castine$60,783,796,224.00$13,775,300,000,000.00
The Old-AFF Unretired Defender of Jon Blackwolf$-9,280,734,208.00$13,807,200,000,000.00
The Cringeworthy Old Puppet of Sword of Jon Blackwolf$10,534,720,512.00$15,147,000,000,000.00
The IN ALL CAPS BUT NOT VINNY of I AM FANECA$2,090,063,232.00$17,042,700,000,000.00
The Iconic Rock-the-Baby Dunk of Julius but not Caesar$-2,614,770,176.00$18,027,200,000,000.00
The Eltran Buttonmashes Clumsily of Fist of Jon Blackwolf$40,035,835,904.00$18,510,300,000,000.00
The Eltran's Obesity and Skills of Big Bad Blackwolf$361,967,517,696.00$19,136,800,000,000.00
The Height Makes Right of Maximinus Thrax$212,192,034,816.00$19,815,800,000,000.00
The Futile Vigilance of Hind-sight$18,270,611,456.00$23,561,600,000,000.00
The Eltran's Touchscreen Allergy of Fists of Jon Blackwolf$-93,683,056,640.00$26,901,900,000,000.00
The Heavy Hand Punch of Release Oliver Ross$-11,718,743,040.00$29,430,300,000,000.00
The Amistad did nothing wrong of Democratic-Republicans$80,380,461,056.00$34,759,600,000,000.00
The Hulking Home-Run Hitters of Left Fielders$192,999,768,064.00$38,224,500,000,000.00
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