#1 The People's Republic of 104 Banbury Road WA #2 The United Cromwell Republic of A Lee Project WA #3 The Theocracy of Abcariare WA #4 The Republic of Ahmedsrabad WA #5 The Sosialist Democracy of Aksodium WA #6 The Empire Republic of Alski WA #7 The Fruit Basket of Amabanana WA #8 The Gays of Amadians WA #9 The Flower Girl of Ananke II WA #10 The People's Republic of Anarchussia WA #11 The Order of Ankhion WA #12 The Rebuplic of Antaty WA #13 The Republic of Appi WA #14 The Federal Republic of Aprait WA #15 The Democracy of Aquachromia WA #16 The United States of Arkturus Island WA #17 The Fungal Rainforest of Asatun WA #18 The Hive Protectorate of Ashkana WA #19 The Armed Republic of Asplundh WA #20 The Kingdom of Asrikaton WA #21 The Principality of Audverst WA #22 The Federated Twin City-Communes of Babylon and Ur WA #23 The Federation of Baikalian Federation WA #24 The Empire of Barkdull WA #25 The Republic of Bear Nation WA #26 The Republic of Better Indonesia WA #27 The Anarchy of Blogotopia WA #28 The Republic of Brandenbourg-Anhalt WA #29 The Free Land of Burgosiana WA #30 The United Socialist States of Caddsman WA #31 The Republic of Calla Hambry WA #32 The Catatonic State of Cathamye WA #33 The Borderlands of Ceannas WA #34 The Empire of Central Calradia WA #35 The Woot woot woot I feel free of Cerb WA #36 The Eternally Smug State of Chelodia WA #37 The Commonwealth of Chip Skylark WA #38 The Holy Cocoa Gold of Chocolate Chaos WA #39 The Federal Republic of Clan Lynx Remnants WA #40 The Empire of Colonel Terrosit WA #41 The Commonwealth of Conso WA #42 The Commonwealth of Coreras WA #43 The Unknown Sovereign State of Country 197 WA #44 The Socialist Republic of Creberg WA #45 The Democratic Isles of Crodelinam WA #46 The Gallifreyan Colony of Danyl WA #47 The Republic of Defendington WA #48 The Kingdom of Democratic Nacheadasaan WA #49 The Confederacy of Democratican WA #50 The Republic of Den Isle WA #51 The United Gamers of DetroitSmash WA #52 The People's Republic of Dovant WA #53 The Void of Dustwind WA #54 The Free Democratic Democracy of Ear Exploder 9000 WA #55 The Republic of East Harkway WA #56 The Praesens Imperio Glorioso of EctoVoid WA #57 The Endearing Attributes of Elite WA #58 The Republic of Elite Order of the Black Rose WA #59 The Republic of Empire of Jue WA #60 The Eternal Regime of Enos Biestadgeed WA #61 The Democratic Commonwealth of Ered anor WA #62 The Technocratic City-State of Escar WA #63 The Sovereign Commonwealth of Evertopia WA #64 The Republic of Exons Bado WA #65 The Theocracy of Far Easmentins Yoniner WA #66 The Kingdom of Faradova WA #67 The Technocratic Republic of Fiodiya WA #68 The Community of Fishelle WA #69 The United States of Fizchar WA #70 The Corporate Cybertheocracy of Fleeb WA #71 The Sleeping City of Fractethyst WA #72 The Democratic People's Republic of Franconia and Bavaria WA #73 The Stateless State of of Free Earthian Yap WA #74 The Mutiny of Free Land of Rebellium WA #75 The Emirate of Frothensia WA #76 The Combined Communist Counties of Fuggettaboutit WA #77 The Jamahiriya of Geniocracy WA #78 The Kingdom of Geolapo WA #79 The Federation of Gewisse WA #80 The Democratic Republic of Ginovlia WA #81 The United People's Herd of Goat Republic WA #82 The Technocracy of Golgorna WA #83 The Transcendental Republic of Gosheon WA #84 The Free Land of Graysonova WA #85 The Democratic States of Greater Etherial WA #86 The Democratic Socialist States of Greater Granskiye WA #87 The Republic of Greater Harkermyelavagong WA #88 The Kingdom of Greater Sus WA #89 The Staatenverbund of Greater Theowherveld WA #90 The Lost Paradise of Grimmywelsh WA #91 The Oligarchy Of Free Trade of Guyana Francese WA #92 The Great empire of Han Laine WA #93 The Mighty War Machine of Harperians WA #94 The Constitutional Monarchy of Havesia WA #95 The Federation of Hawkinss WA #96 The Commonwealth of Herfenzir WA #97 The ONCEness of Ilfarasia WA #98 The Empire of Imperium De Hominibus WA #99 The United Socialist States of Inberdia WA #100 The Incorporated States of Ironica Butterfly WA #101 The Kingdom of Iruazy WA #102 The Republic of Ishkabibber WA #103 The Democratic States of Islands of Floptropica WA #104 The Republic of Isle of Las WA #105 The Republic of Islerum WA #106 The Commonwealth of Isles of Nixon WA #107 The Aurelaignes State of Izaiya WA #108 The Federal Republic of Jadranska WA #109 The August Bastion of Jaegerpondonia WA #110 The Almost Sinking Archipelago of Javaterra WA #111 The Federal Republic of Jontua WA #112 The Kingdom of Kaedonia WA #113 The Pink Lucky Kingdom of Kalakmul WA #114 The Republic of Kamil WA #115 The Federal Republic of Kanycta WA #116 The Democratic Free Republic of Karlando WA #117 The Constitutional Monarchy of Karlstejn WA #118 The Free Land of Kebecois WA #119 The Empire of Keir Caerllen WA #120 The Holy Roman Empire of Keswickholt WA #121 The Machine Dictatorship of Kharaa WA #122 The Community of Kierekiko WA #123 The Holy Christmas Kingdom of Killettland WA #124 The Empire of Krystalveil WA #125 The Collective Republic of Kyrizstanislav WA #126 The Nu Metal Band of L I N K I N P A R K WA #127 The People's Monarchy of Leirkra WA #128 The Federal Republic of Lestianica WA #129 The United States of Liberequas WA #130 The Legend of Lower Phlebacite WA #131 The Community of Lughan WA #132 The Confederacy of Lushiania WA #133 The Islamic Kingdom of Maalemzya WA #134 The Southern Ring Republic of Macrasetia WA #135 The Free State of Madrapustum WA #136 The Holy Empire of Marcay WA #137 The Federation of Markanista WA #138 The Republic of Marmara Deniz WA #139 The Civilisation Game of Mastodonia WA #140 The United Democracy of Matterland WA #141 The Democratic Republic of Mattiatonia WA #142 The Kingdom of Medhang WA #143 The Incorporated States of Mega Money Company TM WA | #144 The Republic of Mielec WA #145 The Holy Empire of Mikasuke WA #146 The Republic of Milanisca WA #147 The Tropical Dreamland of Minata WA #148 The Country of Monotome WA #149 The Kingdom of Moonstropolis WA #150 The Holy Nation of Mount Bhafang WA #151 The Nine-Tailed Fox of MTF Epsilon-11 WA #152 The Principality of Nami Bays WA #153 The Commonwealth of Napiari WA #154 The Democratic States of Nation of Memes WA #155 The Empire of Neevahk WA #156 The Rogue Nation of Neon Winters WA #157 The Royal Kingdom of New Gilboa WA #158 The Constitutional Monarchy of New Hiems WA #159 The Dominion of New Saexony WA #160 The United States of New samba WA #161 The United Republic of New Veemaa WA #162 The Community of Newlandofpeace WA #163 The Queendom of Niharial WA #164 The Grand Duchy of Niximia WA #165 The Empire of No Freedom And War Land WA #166 The Duchy of Nolgonia WA #167 The Federation of North Northland WA #168 The Most Serene Republic of North Southumberland WA #169 The Aperiodic Principality of Nova Polydria WA #170 The Commonwealth of Novegia WA #171 The Principality of Novo-Sol WA #172 The Sacred Reich of Nuremburgia WA #173 The Peoples Republic of Odehamanzavia WA #174 The Federation of Old Atlantica WA #175 The Principality of Omnia Graeca Autonomia WA #176 The Sultanate of Oom WA #177 The Constitutional Monarchy of Ootonkzivilexsky WA #178 The People's Republic of Orlastro WA #179 The Oceanic People's Union of Pacific Islandz WA #180 The Rogue Isles of Palman WA #181 The Ever-Expanding Belt of Pantso WA #182 The Kingdom of Pavaro WA #183 The City-State of Petalumadom WA #184 The Empire of Philippine New Society WA #185 The United States of Pluonia WA #186 The Socialist Confederation of Poemone WA #187 The Federal Republic of Polar Islands WA #188 The Intergalactic Superpower of QuazaFire WA #189 The Grand Protectorate of Raskana WA #190 The Gothic Dominion of Ravajol WA #191 The Republic of Ravint WA #192 The United Islands of Reborn America WA #193 The Republic of Republic of Ash-Land WA #194 The Republic of Retriever WA #195 The Federal Republic of Revolutionary Imperial Order WA #196 The Democratic Republic of Rhazoria WA #197 The Federation of Righteous Freedoms For the People WA #198 The Republic of Rockmond WA #199 The Most Serene Republic of Roisin Dubh WA #200 The Grand Duchy of Rowent WA #201 The Theocracy of Salvaquistan WA #202 The Imperium of SamoaLands WA #203 The Imperial State of Samonaemia WA #204 The Reformed Hellenic Kingdom of Sarvanti WA #205 The Pawky Gallimaufry of Seantonia WA #206 The Republic of Second Peenadian WA #207 The Republic of SegSantos WA #208 The Communalate of Selu-Ahare WA #209 The Republic of Seno WA #210 The Pristine Protectorate of Seranis WA #211 The Kingdom of Shibersia WA #212 The Borderlands of Showagadau WA #213 The Interstellar Commonwealths of Skyberius WA #214 The Union of Socialist States of East Antarctica WA #215 The Third Federation of Solsevara WA #216 The Commonwealth of South Orwelland WA #217 The People's Democratic Caliphat of South Sene Xhic WA #218 The Republic of South Ursa WA #219 The Democratic States of Soviet Aurorias WA #220 The Incorporated States of Soviet Great Viet WA #221 The Kingdom of Strigberg WA #222 The Federal Republic of Stroulia WA #223 The Empire of SUNORA WA #224 The Republic of Surrenderland WA #225 The Empire of Svyagipunt WA #226 The Haunted Homestead of Swag Chief Bubba Estate WA #227 The Jeff Bezos Paradise of Syrpeia WA #228 The Taiwanese Republic of Taiqar WA #229 The Commonwealth of Tanzoria WA #230 The Trans-Universal Empire of The African Emirates WA #231 The Colony of The British Overseas Territory of Pog WA #232 The Stationary Union of The Democratic State of Josora WA #233 The Liberal Paradise of The Fortem WA #234 The Confederacy of The Free Conch Republic WA #235 The Trans-Ascendant Empyrea of The Galactic American Imperium WA #236 The Protectorate of The Global Bank WA #237 The Nomadic Peoples of The Grand Circus WA #238 The Empire of The Great Emporium WA #239 The Grand Corporation of The Iron Crown Order WA #240 The Democratic Republic of The million tyrants WA #241 The Most Serene Republic of The Newia WA #242 The Federation of The Snake Brotherhood WA #243 The Radioactive Brains of The Soylent Green Party WA #244 The Republic of The Unidet Of Life WA #245 The Eternal Democratic Monarchy of The United Royal Islands of Euramathania WA #246 The Republic of Tigaras sandwich WA #247 The Kingdom of Tramolvalnia WA #248 The Judaic Empire of Transisrael WA #249 The Federal Democratic Republic of Treeford WA #250 The Empire of Trimble WA #251 The Chilly and Devout State of Tsarevich WA #252 The Republic of Uedemia WA #253 The Commune of Unamea WA #254 The Federal Republic of United Cities Nation Allies WA #255 The Federal Republic of United Danube States WA #256 The of United federation of kurdistan WA #257 The Serene Federation of United Independent Kingdoms WA #258 The Republic of United Marskova WA #259 The Costal Utopia of United States of Island land WA #260 The Free Land of Unruliness WA #261 The Constitutional Monarchy of Valendrose WA #262 The Holy and Exalted Empire of Valentian Elysium WA #263 The Confederacy of Vallis Poenina WA #264 The United Socialist States of Vangelse WA #265 The United Socialist States of Velgex WA #266 The United Provinces of Venvee Republic WA #267 The Formicary of Vik Soleion WA #268 The Queendom of Vilifuguiset WA #269 The Kingdom of Virias WA #270 The Free Land of Vyziki WA #271 The Republic of Wafflacy WA #272 The Republic of Welsh Guards WA #273 The Constitutional Monarchy of West Chelsea WA #274 The Kingdom of West Domotrica WA #275 The Commonwealth of Wintergreen WA #276 The Republic of Wysrod WA #277 The Republic of Yarlsberg WA #278 The Federal Republic of Zabatan WA #279 The United Kingdom of Zachais WA #280 The Eternal Empire of Zeania WA #281 The Commonwealth of Zebastani WA #282 The Kingdom of Zlotii WA #283 The Imperial Lands of Zung-Gwok WA #284 The Republic of Zwerge WA |