NS Economy v3.69 Mobile - Nation States


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There are 284 WA Countries in the Region of 10000 Islands

You have arrived at the WA Nations list for 10000 Islands.

Simply, the following list is all of the WA delegates from the Region of 10000 Islands. To use the page as a clearing house, click on the WA next to the nation you want to visit, and the Nation States page for that individual should open in a new window.

What do I do with this?
For those regions looking to keep their delegates "Democratically" Elected, the list is split in roughly half for a quick 50% count of available endorsements. This list has also been used to help raiders looking to meet the locals, delegates looking to monitor their kingdoms, newbies seeking endorsements so they gain some influence, and corporations looking to sell wares in a warzone... (among other things). The author suggests Nations interested in Security show this to your delegate. Others have access to this info too, and readily use it for lot's of things. You should be too. That is the point of having this system published.

1. Select a different Nation from the whole region to view (complete Region's Nation listings).

Top 25 GDP Leaders:
2. Regional trade .
3. Regional GDP .
4. Click here to see WA Member Nations.
5. Regional Exchange Rates.

#1 The People's Republic of 104 Banbury Road WA

#2 The United Cromwell Republic of A Lee Project WA

#3 The Theocracy of Abcariare WA

#4 The Republic of Ahmedsrabad WA

#5 The Sosialist Democracy of Aksodium WA

#6 The Empire Republic of Alski WA

#7 The Fruit Basket of Amabanana WA

#8 The Gays of Amadians WA

#9 The Flower Girl of Ananke II WA

#10 The People's Republic of Anarchussia WA

#11 The Order of Ankhion WA

#12 The Rebuplic of Antaty WA

#13 The Republic of Appi WA

#14 The Federal Republic of Aprait WA

#15 The Democracy of Aquachromia WA

#16 The United States of Arkturus Island WA

#17 The Fungal Rainforest of Asatun WA

#18 The Hive Protectorate of Ashkana WA

#19 The Armed Republic of Asplundh WA

#20 The Kingdom of Asrikaton WA

#21 The Principality of Audverst WA

#22 The Federated Twin City-Communes of Babylon and Ur WA

#23 The Federation of Baikalian Federation WA

#24 The Empire of Barkdull WA

#25 The Republic of Bear Nation WA

#26 The Republic of Better Indonesia WA

#27 The Anarchy of Blogotopia WA

#28 The Republic of Brandenbourg-Anhalt WA

#29 The Free Land of Burgosiana WA

#30 The United Socialist States of Caddsman WA

#31 The Republic of Calla Hambry WA

#32 The Catatonic State of Cathamye WA

#33 The Borderlands of Ceannas WA

#34 The Empire of Central Calradia WA

#35 The Woot woot woot I feel free of Cerb WA

#36 The Eternally Smug State of Chelodia WA

#37 The Commonwealth of Chip Skylark WA

#38 The Holy Cocoa Gold of Chocolate Chaos WA

#39 The Federal Republic of Clan Lynx Remnants WA

#40 The Empire of Colonel Terrosit WA

#41 The Commonwealth of Conso WA

#42 The Commonwealth of Coreras WA

#43 The Unknown Sovereign State of Country 197 WA

#44 The Socialist Republic of Creberg WA

#45 The Democratic Isles of Crodelinam WA

#46 The Gallifreyan Colony of Danyl WA

#47 The Republic of Defendington WA

#48 The Kingdom of Democratic Nacheadasaan WA

#49 The Confederacy of Democratican WA

#50 The Republic of Den Isle WA

#51 The United Gamers of DetroitSmash WA

#52 The People's Republic of Dovant WA

#53 The Void of Dustwind WA

#54 The Free Democratic Democracy of Ear Exploder 9000 WA

#55 The Republic of East Harkway WA

#56 The Praesens Imperio Glorioso of EctoVoid WA

#57 The Endearing Attributes of Elite WA

#58 The Republic of Elite Order of the Black Rose WA

#59 The Republic of Empire of Jue WA

#60 The Eternal Regime of Enos Biestadgeed WA

#61 The Democratic Commonwealth of Ered anor WA

#62 The Technocratic City-State of Escar WA

#63 The Sovereign Commonwealth of Evertopia WA

#64 The Republic of Exons Bado WA

#65 The Theocracy of Far Easmentins Yoniner WA

#66 The Kingdom of Faradova WA

#67 The Technocratic Republic of Fiodiya WA

#68 The Community of Fishelle WA

#69 The United States of Fizchar WA

#70 The Corporate Cybertheocracy of Fleeb WA

#71 The Sleeping City of Fractethyst WA

#72 The Democratic People's Republic of Franconia and Bavaria WA

#73 The Stateless State of of Free Earthian Yap WA

#74 The Mutiny of Free Land of Rebellium WA

#75 The Emirate of Frothensia WA

#76 The Combined Communist Counties of Fuggettaboutit WA

#77 The Jamahiriya of Geniocracy WA

#78 The Kingdom of Geolapo WA

#79 The Federation of Gewisse WA

#80 The Democratic Republic of Ginovlia WA

#81 The United People's Herd of Goat Republic WA

#82 The Technocracy of Golgorna WA

#83 The Transcendental Republic of Gosheon WA

#84 The Free Land of Graysonova WA

#85 The Democratic States of Greater Etherial WA

#86 The Democratic Socialist States of Greater Granskiye WA

#87 The Republic of Greater Harkermyelavagong WA

#88 The Kingdom of Greater Sus WA

#89 The Staatenverbund of Greater Theowherveld WA

#90 The Lost Paradise of Grimmywelsh WA

#91 The Oligarchy Of Free Trade of Guyana Francese WA

#92 The Great empire of Han Laine WA

#93 The Mighty War Machine of Harperians WA

#94 The Constitutional Monarchy of Havesia WA

#95 The Federation of Hawkinss WA

#96 The Commonwealth of Herfenzir WA

#97 The ONCEness of Ilfarasia WA

#98 The Empire of Imperium De Hominibus WA

#99 The United Socialist States of Inberdia WA

#100 The Incorporated States of Ironica Butterfly WA

#101 The Kingdom of Iruazy WA

#102 The Republic of Ishkabibber WA

#103 The Democratic States of Islands of Floptropica WA

#104 The Republic of Isle of Las WA

#105 The Republic of Islerum WA

#106 The Commonwealth of Isles of Nixon WA

#107 The Aurelaignes State of Izaiya WA

#108 The Federal Republic of Jadranska WA

#109 The August Bastion of Jaegerpondonia WA

#110 The Almost Sinking Archipelago of Javaterra WA

#111 The Federal Republic of Jontua WA

#112 The Kingdom of Kaedonia WA

#113 The Pink Lucky Kingdom of Kalakmul WA

#114 The Republic of Kamil WA

#115 The Federal Republic of Kanycta WA

#116 The Democratic Free Republic of Karlando WA

#117 The Constitutional Monarchy of Karlstejn WA

#118 The Free Land of Kebecois WA

#119 The Empire of Keir Caerllen WA

#120 The Holy Roman Empire of Keswickholt WA

#121 The Machine Dictatorship of Kharaa WA

#122 The Community of Kierekiko WA

#123 The Holy Christmas Kingdom of Killettland WA

#124 The Empire of Krystalveil WA

#125 The Collective Republic of Kyrizstanislav WA

#126 The Nu Metal Band of L I N K I N P A R K WA

#127 The People's Monarchy of Leirkra WA

#128 The Federal Republic of Lestianica WA

#129 The United States of Liberequas WA

#130 The Legend of Lower Phlebacite WA

#131 The Community of Lughan WA

#132 The Confederacy of Lushiania WA

#133 The Islamic Kingdom of Maalemzya WA

#134 The Southern Ring Republic of Macrasetia WA

#135 The Free State of Madrapustum WA

#136 The Holy Empire of Marcay WA

#137 The Federation of Markanista WA

#138 The Republic of Marmara Deniz WA

#139 The Civilisation Game of Mastodonia WA

#140 The United Democracy of Matterland WA

#141 The Democratic Republic of Mattiatonia WA

#142 The Kingdom of Medhang WA

#143 The Incorporated States of Mega Money Company TM WA

#144 The Republic of Mielec WA

#145 The Holy Empire of Mikasuke WA

#146 The Republic of Milanisca WA

#147 The Tropical Dreamland of Minata WA

#148 The Country of Monotome WA

#149 The Kingdom of Moonstropolis WA

#150 The Holy Nation of Mount Bhafang WA

#151 The Nine-Tailed Fox of MTF Epsilon-11 WA

#152 The Principality of Nami Bays WA

#153 The Commonwealth of Napiari WA

#154 The Democratic States of Nation of Memes WA

#155 The Empire of Neevahk WA

#156 The Rogue Nation of Neon Winters WA

#157 The Royal Kingdom of New Gilboa WA

#158 The Constitutional Monarchy of New Hiems WA

#159 The Dominion of New Saexony WA

#160 The United States of New samba WA

#161 The United Republic of New Veemaa WA

#162 The Community of Newlandofpeace WA

#163 The Queendom of Niharial WA

#164 The Grand Duchy of Niximia WA

#165 The Empire of No Freedom And War Land WA

#166 The Duchy of Nolgonia WA

#167 The Federation of North Northland WA

#168 The Most Serene Republic of North Southumberland WA

#169 The Aperiodic Principality of Nova Polydria WA

#170 The Commonwealth of Novegia WA

#171 The Principality of Novo-Sol WA

#172 The Sacred Reich of Nuremburgia WA

#173 The Peoples Republic of Odehamanzavia WA

#174 The Federation of Old Atlantica WA

#175 The Principality of Omnia Graeca Autonomia WA

#176 The Sultanate of Oom WA

#177 The Constitutional Monarchy of Ootonkzivilexsky WA

#178 The People's Republic of Orlastro WA

#179 The Oceanic People's Union of Pacific Islandz WA

#180 The Rogue Isles of Palman WA

#181 The Ever-Expanding Belt of Pantso WA

#182 The Kingdom of Pavaro WA

#183 The City-State of Petalumadom WA

#184 The Empire of Philippine New Society WA

#185 The United States of Pluonia WA

#186 The Socialist Confederation of Poemone WA

#187 The Federal Republic of Polar Islands WA

#188 The Intergalactic Superpower of QuazaFire WA

#189 The Grand Protectorate of Raskana WA

#190 The Gothic Dominion of Ravajol WA

#191 The Republic of Ravint WA

#192 The United Islands of Reborn America WA

#193 The Republic of Republic of Ash-Land WA

#194 The Republic of Retriever WA

#195 The Federal Republic of Revolutionary Imperial Order WA

#196 The Democratic Republic of Rhazoria WA

#197 The Federation of Righteous Freedoms For the People WA

#198 The Republic of Rockmond WA

#199 The Most Serene Republic of Roisin Dubh WA

#200 The Grand Duchy of Rowent WA

#201 The Theocracy of Salvaquistan WA

#202 The Imperium of SamoaLands WA

#203 The Imperial State of Samonaemia WA

#204 The Reformed Hellenic Kingdom of Sarvanti WA

#205 The Pawky Gallimaufry of Seantonia WA

#206 The Republic of Second Peenadian WA

#207 The Republic of SegSantos WA

#208 The Communalate of Selu-Ahare WA

#209 The Republic of Seno WA

#210 The Pristine Protectorate of Seranis WA

#211 The Kingdom of Shibersia WA

#212 The Borderlands of Showagadau WA

#213 The Interstellar Commonwealths of Skyberius WA

#214 The Union of Socialist States of East Antarctica WA

#215 The Third Federation of Solsevara WA

#216 The Commonwealth of South Orwelland WA

#217 The People's Democratic Caliphat of South Sene Xhic WA

#218 The Republic of South Ursa WA

#219 The Democratic States of Soviet Aurorias WA

#220 The Incorporated States of Soviet Great Viet WA

#221 The Kingdom of Strigberg WA

#222 The Federal Republic of Stroulia WA

#223 The Empire of SUNORA WA

#224 The Republic of Surrenderland WA

#225 The Empire of Svyagipunt WA

#226 The Haunted Homestead of Swag Chief Bubba Estate WA

#227 The Jeff Bezos Paradise of Syrpeia WA

#228 The Taiwanese Republic of Taiqar WA

#229 The Commonwealth of Tanzoria WA

#230 The Trans-Universal Empire of The African Emirates WA

#231 The Colony of The British Overseas Territory of Pog WA

#232 The Stationary Union of The Democratic State of Josora WA

#233 The Liberal Paradise of The Fortem WA

#234 The Confederacy of The Free Conch Republic WA

#235 The Trans-Ascendant Empyrea of The Galactic American Imperium WA

#236 The Protectorate of The Global Bank WA

#237 The Nomadic Peoples of The Grand Circus WA

#238 The Empire of The Great Emporium WA

#239 The Grand Corporation of The Iron Crown Order WA

#240 The Democratic Republic of The million tyrants WA

#241 The Most Serene Republic of The Newia WA

#242 The Federation of The Snake Brotherhood WA

#243 The Radioactive Brains of The Soylent Green Party WA

#244 The Republic of The Unidet Of Life WA

#245 The Eternal Democratic Monarchy of The United Royal Islands of Euramathania WA

#246 The Republic of Tigaras sandwich WA

#247 The Kingdom of Tramolvalnia WA

#248 The Judaic Empire of Transisrael WA

#249 The Federal Democratic Republic of Treeford WA

#250 The Empire of Trimble WA

#251 The Chilly and Devout State of Tsarevich WA

#252 The Republic of Uedemia WA

#253 The Commune of Unamea WA

#254 The Federal Republic of United Cities Nation Allies WA

#255 The Federal Republic of United Danube States WA

#256 The of United federation of kurdistan WA

#257 The Serene Federation of United Independent Kingdoms WA

#258 The Republic of United Marskova WA

#259 The Costal Utopia of United States of Island land WA

#260 The Free Land of Unruliness WA

#261 The Constitutional Monarchy of Valendrose WA

#262 The Holy and Exalted Empire of Valentian Elysium WA

#263 The Confederacy of Vallis Poenina WA

#264 The United Socialist States of Vangelse WA

#265 The United Socialist States of Velgex WA

#266 The United Provinces of Venvee Republic WA

#267 The Formicary of Vik Soleion WA

#268 The Queendom of Vilifuguiset WA

#269 The Kingdom of Virias WA

#270 The Free Land of Vyziki WA

#271 The Republic of Wafflacy WA

#272 The Republic of Welsh Guards WA

#273 The Constitutional Monarchy of West Chelsea WA

#274 The Kingdom of West Domotrica WA

#275 The Commonwealth of Wintergreen WA

#276 The Republic of Wysrod WA

#277 The Republic of Yarlsberg WA

#278 The Federal Republic of Zabatan WA

#279 The United Kingdom of Zachais WA

#280 The Eternal Empire of Zeania WA

#281 The Commonwealth of Zebastani WA

#282 The Kingdom of Zlotii WA

#283 The Imperial Lands of Zung-Gwok WA

#284 The Republic of Zwerge WA

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Nation States Economy Calculator v3.69