1: The Republic of Age Of Empires II Monk Pop: 969 Mil 2: The Republic of AoE II Arbalester Pop: 40 Mil 3: The Republic of AoE II Archer Pop: 40 Mil 4: The Republic of Aoe II Battering Ram Pop: 36 Mil 5: The Republic of AoE II Battle Elephant Pop: 40 Mil 6: The Republic of AoE II Camel Rider Pop: 40 Mil 7: The Republic of AoE II Camel Scout Pop: 40 Mil 8: The Republic of AoE II Capped Ram Pop: 36 Mil 9: The Republic of AoE II Cavalier Pop: 40 Mil 10: The Republic of AoE II Cavalry Archer Pop: 40 Mil 11: The Republic of AoE II Champion Pop: 903 Mil 12: The Republic of AoE II Crossbowman Pop: 40 Mil 13: The Republic of AoE II Eagle Scout Pop: 781 Mil 14: The Republic of AoE II Eagle Warrior Pop: 812 Mil 15: The Republic of AoE II Elite Battle Elephant Pop: 40 Mil 16: The Republic of AoE II Elite Eagle Warrior Pop: 794 Mil 17: The Republic of AoE II Elite Skirmisher Pop: 40 Mil 18: The Republic of AoE II Halberdier Pop: 902 Mil 19: The Republic of AoE II Heavy Camel Rider Pop: 40 Mil 20: The Republic of AoE II Heavy Cavalry Archer Pop: 40 Mil 21: The Republic of AoE II Hussar Pop: 40 Mil | 22: The Republic of AoE II Imperial Camel Rider Pop: 40 Mil 23: The Republic of AoE II Imperial Skirmisher Pop: 40 Mil 24: The Republic of AoE II Knight Pop: 40 Mil 25: The Republic of AoE II Light Cavalry Pop: 40 Mil 26: The Republic of AoE II Long Swordsman Pop: 902 Mil 27: The Republic of AoE II Man-At-Arms Pop: 898 Mil 28: The Republic of AoE II Militia Pop: 896 Mil 29: The Republic of AoE II Paladin Pop: 40 Mil 30: The Republic of AoE II Pikeman Pop: 902 Mil 31: The Republic of AoE II Savar Pop: 36 Mil 32: The Republic of AoE II Scout Cavalry Pop: 40 Mil 33: The Republic of AoE II Shrivamsha Rider Pop: 36 Mil 34: The Republic of AoE II Siege Ram Pop: 36 Mil 35: The Republic of AoE II Skirmisher Pop: 40 Mil 36: The Republic of AoE II Spearman Pop: 904 Mil 37: The Republic of AoE II Two Handed Swordsman Pop: 896 Mil 38: The Republic of AoE II Villager Pop: 36 Mil 39: The Republic of AoE II Winged Hussar Pop: 40 Mil |