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The top 27 Trading Countries in the Region of Altino

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Top 25 GDP Leaders:
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NationNet Trade     GDP    
The Queendom of Saltinos$-305,263,181,824.00$26,732,300,000,000.00
The Paradoxical Queendom of The Perplexed Angel$-250,412,449,792.00$183,697,000,000,000.00
The Mean and Menacing Monsters of Alterior Motive$-249,113,493,504.00$33,869,500,000,000.00
The Tin Bruhed me once of Altinvasion$-241,571,840,000.00$14,989,700,000,000.00
The Confederacy of Zanathan$-234,947,690,496.00$16,643,200,000,000.00
The Republic of Altinostalgia$-231,046,479,872.00$33,957,200,000,000.00
The Queendom of Altino Krimson$-211,060,293,632.00$39,699,300,000,000.00
The Queendom of Alternatigo$-186,331,824,128.00$20,240,300,000,000.00
The Incorporated States of Erisones$-176,298,655,744.00$19,150,400,000,000.00
The Commonwealth of Genoviadny$-175,977,824,256.00$20,574,600,000,000.00
The Queendom of Altiburg$-175,357,018,112.00$12,361,100,000,000.00
The Protectorate of Ziggazig-ah$-165,491,097,600.00$17,976,600,000,000.00
The Nomadic Peoples of Waffle House$-159,045,091,328.00$14,834,600,000,000.00
The Protectorate of New School$-157,381,623,808.00$18,400,300,000,000.00
The This is Altino of Taco Bueno Official$-147,061,080,064.00$36,451,700,000,000.00
The United Socialist States of B-a-n-a-n-a-s$-143,289,630,720.00$19,481,800,000,000.00
The Democratic States of Altinopollis$-116,678,361,088.00$11,004,500,000,000.00
The Republic of Altinity$-92,541,255,680.00$12,611,500,000,000.00
The Queendom of Altiverse$-84,138,188,800.00$11,466,200,000,000.00
The Philosophic Wonderland of Altistotle$-61,251,969,024.00$22,385,600,000,000.00
The Dictatorship of Altiflonium$-2,721,423,360.00$606,754,000,000.00
The Disputed Territories of Altenticles$-1,870,775,552.00$276,647,000,000.00
The Queendom of Altinception$4,565,391,872.00$610,995,000,000.00
The Queendom of Altino Rahl$458,387,324,928.00$40,520,500,000,000.00
The Queendom of Altimate Conspiracy$503,041,785,856.00$44,468,100,000,000.00
The Queendom of Alternal$592,247,193,600.00$24,029,400,000,000.00
The House of Cards of Kaartenhuis5$2,010,627,440,640.00$95,777,500,000,000.00
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