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The top 11 Trading Countries in the Region of America Gets Real

You have arrived at the top trading Nations list for America Gets Real.

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Top 25 GDP Leaders:
2. Regional trade .
3. Regional GDP .
4. Click here to see WA Member Nations.
5. Regional Exchange Rates.

NationNet Trade     GDP    
The ✨Stunning✨ Drone Strikes of President Obama Gets Real$-151,958,323,200.00$9,421,400,000,000.00
The Colony of President Washington Gets Real$112,856,744.00$71,488,700,000.00
The Yams filled me with desires of President Clinton Gets Real$3,750,452,480.00$7,855,230,000,000.00
The Ruiner of Cleveland's Trivia of President Trump Gets Real$7,033,699,328.00$8,106,180,000,000.00
The Bumble Back Butter of President Biden Gets Real$7,103,555,584.00$8,186,640,000,000.00
The Most Mentally Ill President of President Nixon Gets Real$10,350,366,720.00$8,397,530,000,000.00
The One Never Elected of President Ford Gets Real$16,803,764,224.00$8,819,190,000,000.00
The Wit and Wisdom of President Reagan Gets Real$20,218,712,064.00$9,130,800,000,000.00
The Golfin' Dubya of President Bush Gets Real$23,361,198,080.00$9,318,690,000,000.00
The Better Human than CiC of President Carter Gets Real$26,589,874,176.00$9,556,130,000,000.00
The Supermarket Scanner Moment of President H W Bush Gets Real$36,635,299,840.00$10,362,300,000,000.00
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