#1 The Watch how I Soar Nation of A Leaf on the Wind WA #2 The Rogue Nation of Abs Toysengordia WA #3 The Federal Republic of Acadiana-Pontchartrain WA #4 The Democratic Republic of Acradia WA #5 The Democratic Republic of Adalonda WA #6 The Federal Republic of Addisotopia WA #7 The United States of Adepts WA #8 The United States of Adetron WA #9 The Federation of Aelyria WA #10 The Republic of Aeurellya WA #11 The Federal Republic of Akashito WA #12 The Empire of Alaninia WA #13 The Kakistocratic Republic of Alcycone WA #14 The Commonwealth of Aldu-sol WA #15 The Calisotan Republic of All Demodians WA #16 The Commonwealth of Almartan WA #17 The Imperium of Altrizons WA #18 The Ancient Lands of Alvalero WA #19 The Constitutional Monarchy of Amber Class WA #20 The Republic of Amenson WA #21 The Commonwealth of Amerinos WA #22 The Federal Republic of Amieden WA #23 The Republic of Andrivia WA #24 The People's Republic of Androgyn WA #25 The People's Republic of Andrusi WA #26 The Republic of Angbo WA #27 The Principality of Antio Par WA #28 The Kingdom of Antlelopes WA #29 The Atheist Union of Anzilluania WA #30 The Kingdom of Apradia WA #31 The Most Serene Commonwealth of Arbados Balarascia WA #32 The Federal Republic of Arbani WA #33 The United Socialist States of Arkdavia WA #34 The Republic of ARYAVRT JAMBUKHAND WA #35 The Dictatorship of Arzackstan WA #36 The United Commonwealth of Ascvalion WA #37 The Emirate of Assuria WA #38 The Kingdom of Asteran WA #39 The Republic of Azerya WA #40 The Democratic Republic of Baguette WA #41 The Federative Republic of Baltia and Poland WA #42 The People's Republic of Bangabasi WA #43 The Empire of Barcocoland WA #44 The Federal Republic of Barellian State WA #45 The Federation of Barvo WA #46 The Federation of Beldia WA #47 The Holy Empire of Believingin WA #48 The Republic of Bennyistan WA #49 The Federation of Bigz WA #50 The Free Land of Bikalm Vile Lolan WA #51 The Republic of Bladeton WA #52 The Holy Empire of Blazefire2 WA #53 The Theocracy State of Blueyralia WA #54 The Federal Republic of Bostony WA #55 The Federal Republic of Breosia WA #56 The Empire of Bulgarians 1 WA #57 The Supreme Empire of Buth Pena WA #58 The Empire of Byrat WA #59 The Colony of Bystiva WA #60 The Most Serene Republic of Cachitrulo WA #61 The Republic of Cafflenbere WA #62 The Empire of Caldarra WA #63 The Presidential Republic of Calimdor WA #64 The Holy Empire of CanofBeans WA #65 The Kingdom of Cat Is Empire WA #66 The Federal Republic of Catlovenia WA #67 The Republic of Celestiada WA #68 The Socialist States of Chances America WA #69 The Dictatorship of Cheesecorger WA #70 The Greater Chang of Chinese Federal Empire WA #71 The Democratic Republic of Christalandos WA #72 The Catboy Paradise of Colonoscopy WA #73 The Republic of Confederate Confederation WA #74 The Lord Damn Pink Democracy of Conklandi WA #75 The Federal Republic of Cordgaise WA #76 The Sovereign Federation of Cordya WA #77 The Intergal Federated Syndicate of Cornelia WA #78 The Community of Corporate Cowboys WA #79 The Empire of Creetaurt WA #80 The People's Chosen Government of Crimela WA #81 The Allied States of Cullem WA #82 The Republic of Cydronia WA #83 The Federal Republic of Dan Gres WA #84 The Raider Imperium of Dan Plady Blavageloo WA #85 The Democratic Republic of Darmeni WA #86 The United Socialist States of Daronk-Bhania WA #87 The Democratic States of Datjon WA #88 The Holy Empire of Deadpoolian WA #89 The State of Decolorean Islands WA #90 The United Ecosocialist Communes of Demotek WA #91 The Safe Country of Demyis WA #92 The Kingdom of Depressing Feelings WA #93 The Commonwealth of Detlan Republic WA #94 The United States of Domheid WA #95 The Disputed Territories of Dor-Cuarthol WA #96 The Ashen Lands of Dragonian Kazaman WA #97 The Kingdom of DragonPore WA #98 The Republic of Drynwnn WA #99 The Incorporated States of Dsorq WA #100 The Old Queendom of Durakem WA #101 The Principality of Dylan Sampson WA #102 The Empire of Dystopian Hegemony WA #103 The Federal Republic of Eastern League WA #104 The Democratic Republic of Ecliptic Moons WA #105 The Queendom of Egirl Thots WA #106 The Holy and Corporate Empire of ElephantWarriorsUnite WA #107 The Democratic Republic of Elest Adra WA #108 The Commonwealth of Elveiha Maniath WA #109 The State of Embolalia WA #110 The Republic of Empotia WA #111 The Foederatio of Emu Republics WA #112 The United Socialist States of Epicklandia WA #113 The Autechnocratic Republic of Equalsun Empire WA #114 The United States of Erewash WA #115 The Commonwealth of Erosi WA #116 The Monarchic Federation of Escalia WA #117 The Confoederatio Stellarum of Eshnar WA #118 The Kingdom of Eticia WA #119 The Empire of Etraxia WA #120 The New Republic of Ewelina WA #121 The Federation of Experina WA #122 The Democratic Queendom of Fard et Lov WA #123 The Federation of Federation of inner Duchies of Veneto WA #124 The Federation of Federation Of The Bugkalot Tribes WA #125 The Commonwealth of Federation-Tomorrow WA #126 The Republic of Finnish1 WA #127 The Republic of Fleonovati WA #128 The Owl Kingdom of Fooooooooo WA #129 The Confederacy of Free States of Earth WA #130 The Judeo-Arabian Roots of Free Woldovil WA #131 The Republic of FreeTopiaville WA #132 The Commonwealth of Galaena WA #133 The Republic of Galbidah WA #134 The Kingdom of Gallaecia Regnum WA #135 The Republic of Gayfurries WA #136 The Empire of Geldiruso WA #137 The People's Republic of Georce WA #138 The Bourgeois Dictatorship of Ghost Of The Order WA #139 The Republic of Giglyandia WA #140 The Federation of Gilen WA #141 The People of Glittering Green WA #142 The Hikikomori of GODMODIA WA #143 The Federal Republic of Goikaledops WA #144 The Principality of Mendorra of Golfia WA #145 The Empire of Gowda WA #146 The Republic of Grailia WA #147 The Most Serene Republic of Gran Scotia WA #148 The Dominion of Gran Trictany WA #149 The Never-ending Nightmare of Grave_n_idle WA #150 The Republic of Greater Menesk WA #151 The Very Red Bundesrepublik of Greater Westfalen WA #152 The Federal Republic of Green State Federation WA #153 The Democratic States of Grominia WA #154 The Confederacy of Gudland WA #155 The Kingdom of Hasnuevania WA #156 The Destructive Realm of HeckinBorkus WA #157 The Reich of Heilliges Land WA #158 The National Republic of Hettic WA #159 The Environmental Republic of Heydonia WA #160 The Imperial Crown Federation of High Seal WA #161 The Dictatorship of Hocia Giri WA #162 The Democratic Dynastic Domain of House Roretania WA #163 The Democratic Republic of Huckelsdonia WA #164 The Ass kissers of Hugolandia mayora WA #165 The Borderlands of Ictus WA #166 The Kingdom of Imperial Tragdity Vojajeatiny WA #167 The Imperium of ImperialisLorderon WA #168 The Democratic Republic of Indossatia WA #169 The Protectorate of Intergalactic Super Pandas WA #170 The Constitutional Monarchy of Iridar WA #171 The Empire of Isla Centurum WA #172 The Servant Federative of Issara WA #173 The Rogue Nation of Jendis WA #174 The Jingoistic States of Jjustice WA #175 The Republic of Jospint WA #176 The Free Land of Jottwehdeh WA #177 The Roman Militant Armada of Juniper and Northern Venice WA #178 The Yodeling Yodelers of Jusanctopiaville WA #179 The Great Gynarchy of KaiserDom of Hel WA #180 The Democratic Utopia of Kangasaki WA #181 The Theocracy of Karelo-Finnish SR WA #182 The Church of Karmistan WA #183 The Democracy of Karsistor WA #184 The Rogue Nation of Karvane WA #185 The Empire of KAZAN ARA WA #186 The Democratic-Republic of Kendell WA #187 The Empire of Khalsa Panth WA #188 The Fourth Free Dominion of Kibraltaro WA #189 The Disputed Territories of Kiscikanis askiy WA #190 The Empire of Kitty Terrorists WA #191 The Empire of Koldostvorec WA #192 The United Federation of Korektonon WA #193 The United Socialist States of Koster Land WA #194 The Republic of Kratakonia WA #195 The Nomadic Peoples of Kriegiersien WA #196 The United States of Kristopalis86 WA #197 The Confederation of Latrocinium WA #198 The Oligarchy of Le grand chauve souris frugivores WA #199 The Amazing nation of Leepken WA #200 The Grand Duchy of Leixum WA #201 The Holy Kingdom of Libersan WA #202 The Federation of LiberTerr4 WA #203 The Absolute Nation of Lippoy WA #204 The Rogue Nation of Liquiria WA | #205 The Empire of Litchenstienen WA #206 The Republic of Lone Leaf Republic WA #207 The Republic of Lunirs WA #208 The Republic of Mangaluru WA #209 The Republic of Manistanya WA #210 The Federal Kingdom of Marius Republic WA #211 The Kingdom of Martinstein WA #212 The Commonwealth of Maryina WA #213 The Republic of Medieval Ville WA #214 The United States of Meneda WA #215 The Empire of Mirinlandia WA #216 The Federated Rotinonsh?nni of Mishikeland WA #217 The Federal Republic of Mofin WA #218 The Free isles of Mojoluna WA #219 The Federal Academia Syndicates of Molco-Deutsches Reich WA #220 The Kingdom of Molinexia WA #221 The Dictatorship of Money for ever WA #222 The Empire of Money nation money WA #223 The Moose People of Mooseland12 WA #224 The Empire of Mornangren WA #225 The Empire of Mosgrad WA #226 The Republic of Mrrrmshtown WA #227 The Grand Duchy of Mueslibar WA #228 The Collective of Multius WA #229 The Constitutional Monarchy of Murak WA #230 The Representative Democracy of Naikit WA #231 The Constitutional Monarchy of Namianana WA #232 The Most Serene Queendom of Nashezbaernon WA #233 The United States of Nationalist North America WA #234 The Democratic States of Natural Sciences WA #235 The Commonwealth of New 23 WA #236 The Republic of New Benjamin WA #237 The Commonwealth of New Dreamland WA #238 The Dominion of New Jefland WA #239 The Dictatorship of New Maldives WA #240 The Sultanate of New Mughal Empire WA #241 The United States of New Tropican Union WA #242 The United Marxist Union of New Vonderland WA #243 The Holy Super Colonial Empire of New World Greenland WA #244 The Democratic Federation of Niaram WA #245 The Confederation of Nine Republics of Staristan WA #246 The Allied States of Noders WA #247 The Federation of Noemieistan WA #248 The Balderan Duchy of North East Somerset WA #249 The Sovereign Dominion of Northern Alexandria WA #250 The Federal Republic of Northern Caucasus WA #251 The Allied States of Northern Selity WA #252 The Empire of Norvakin WA #253 The Empire of Nova Valmiera WA #254 The Holy Moley Bologna Empire of Nuka-Cola WA #255 The Nomadic Peoples of Numadsh WA #256 The Pretty Good Nation of Numenoria WA #257 The Storm Empire of Nycore WA #258 The United Arab Republic of Omalio WA #259 The Republic of Ondan Gentordia WA #260 The Empire of Onder Kelkia WA #261 The Benevolent Protective Empire of Ormea WA #262 The Republic of Oslo Republic WA #263 The Computer-simulated society of Othan WA #264 The Democratic Republic of Otsur WA #265 The Otter-Damned Rivers of Ottokratland WA #266 The Republic of Pakania WA #267 The Republic of Pallaysia WA #268 The United Empire of Pan Polar Confederacy WA #269 The Futuristic Utopia of Papolikayf WA #270 The Republic of PatricianLegalismBoard WA #271 The Socialist Bloc of Peapack WA #272 The Republic of Pearento WA #273 The Dictatorship of Peralian WA #274 The Union of Perierunt WA #275 The United Peoples of Perpetua Libertas WA #276 The Most Serene Republic of Pien Solies WA #277 The Republic of PLJ WA #278 The Free Land of Plustopia WA #279 The Republic of Precipia WA #280 The United States of PremireUS WA #281 The People's Republic of Promethium Prime WA #282 The Realm of Prussia Republican Kingdom WA #283 The Glorious Socialist Empire of Pupunese WA #284 The Kingdom of Pyraania WA #285 The Federated States of Qavria WA #286 The Kingdom of Qworld WA #287 The Republic of Rebrum WA #288 The Holy Empire of Regimental WA #289 The Democratic Socialist Empire of ReichsBrazil WA #290 The Crowned Republican Estates of Reimuria WA #291 The Empire of Rhendagar WA #292 The Most Serene Republic of RiverLorn WA #293 The Theocratic Empire of Roctubiazan WA #294 The Federal Republic of Rojio WA #295 The Dictatorship of Rostrabon WA #296 The Republic of Roure WA #297 The Soviet League of Rusolveq WA #298 The Federation of Salorima WA #299 The Federation of Samgreat WA #300 The People's Republic of San Arys WA #301 The Idiocracy of Santa Moutramas WA #302 The Jeffersonian Democracy of Saturns Edge WA #303 The Allied Peoples of Saurischia WA #304 The Dominion of Secessionance WA #305 The Union State of Serusan WA #306 The Divine Kingdom of Shinseina Tasogare WA #307 The Holy Empire of Sigdomian Empire WA #308 The Commonwealth of Silage WA #309 The Poblachd an t-Sluaigh of Skhotland WA #310 The Second Commonwealth of Slavo-Spain WA #311 The Socialistic republic of Social Republic Of Bebra WA #312 The Lunar Empire of Socialist Tupac WA #313 The Empire of Solshime WA #314 The Federal Republic of South Danzig WA #315 The Technocratic Military State of Southern Texmexico WA #316 The Confederacy of Southern Tormerog WA #317 The Republic of Stanoa WA #318 The Empire and Commonwealth of Straall WA #319 The Rogue Nation of Svartkladd WA #320 The Great Republic of Svetruss WA #321 The Republic of Swighat Stania WA #322 The Confederacy of Swizzy WA #323 The People's Republic of Tapirana WA #324 The Voivodate of Tchekonia WA #325 The PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC of Teradar WA #326 The United States of Teric WA #327 The Republic of Terrosean WA #328 The Dictatorship of Tertur WA #329 The Democratic Republic of Tervynia WA #330 The Free Land of The 4ntarctic Empire WA #331 The Allied States of The AP Republic WA #332 The Imperial Empire of The Democratic Peoples Republic of MeMeS WA #333 The Empire of The Empire of the Emeralds WA #334 The Fallen Empire of The Erased WA #335 The Confederacy of The Estian Republic WA #336 The Free Land of The Lairesses WA #337 The Simulation of The Nation of Nathan WA #338 The Holy Empire of The Nests of Hallow WA #339 The Incorporated States of The Pheonixes WA #340 The Republic of The Republic Of United Tribes WA #341 The Multidimensional Republic of The Shadowrealm WA #342 The Federal Republic of The UwU Federation WA #343 The Tenth Socialist Republic of Thelottine WA #344 The Prosperous Nation of Thiago Pinho WA #345 The Holy Empire of Thonon WA #346 The Kingdom of Toiletchiya WA #347 The Democratic States of Toin WA #348 The Sultanate of Toms Quesadilla WA #349 The Imperial Republic of Tomzilla WA #350 The Federal Republic of Torabor WA #351 The Republic of Total Democratica WA #352 The Dominion of Transantarctic Mountains WA #353 The Commonwealth of Tranzeet WA #354 The United Emir-Sultanates of Trestic WA #355 The People's Republic of Tretskivucia WA #356 The Borderlands of Trollmoor WA #357 The Federal Republic of Troxima WA #358 The Kingdom of Tsuru Arai WA #359 The Holy Empire of Turdmuria WA #360 The Holy Empire of TypoTech WA #361 The Principality of Tyrassueb WA #362 The Empire of Ultraworld WA #363 The Matriarchy of UMI77 WA #364 The Federation of Underwater Sovereignties WA #365 The Federation of United Prussian States WA #366 The Safe Haven of UrotherMom WA #367 The Republic of Usnit WA #368 The Republic of Ussr11 WA #369 The Federashon Motu of Vafipasan WA #370 The People's Republic of Valenfort WA #371 The United Republics of Valklandia WA #372 The Unified Republic of Vardocalifar WA #373 The Commonwealth of Velossia WA #374 The Dominion of Vessura WA #375 The Empire of Videca WA #376 The Federal Republic of Villoria and Fleetland WA #377 The Republic of Vinicius Franco WA #378 The Free Land of Vinlandistan WA #379 The Constitutional Monarchy of Virkgana WA #380 The Empire of Vombatidae WA #381 The Federal Monarchy of Vuspista WA #382 The Navy Federedation of Vyussia WA #383 The Revolutionary Empire of War Parties WA #384 The Free Land of Warnen WA #385 The Dictatorship of Welstapost WA #386 The Republic of Wesedualficanarall WA #387 The Corporation of Wilbert WA #388 The Federation of Willerston WA #389 The United States of Wolf Landia WA #390 The Forest Realm of Wolfhawk WA #391 The Sinha Republic of Woofworf WA #392 The Empire of Wu Dynasty WA #393 The Federation of Xiggor WA #394 The People's Republic of Xydania WA #395 The Free Land of Yevwel WA #396 The Holy Empire of Yohannopia WA #397 The People's Republic of Yorkshire and Northumbria WA #398 The People's Republic of Yox Dragonia WA #399 The Union of Yungerdash WA #400 The People's Republic of Zakanda WA #401 The Allied States of Zanbitz WA #402 The Republic of Zang0 WA #403 The Sultanate of Zargovia WA #404 The Empire of Zerocs WA #405 The Empire of Zoxim WA #406 The Federal Monarchy of Zyroxa WA |