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There are 406 WA Countries in the Region of Balder

You have arrived at the WA Nations list for Balder.

Simply, the following list is all of the WA delegates from the Region of Balder. To use the page as a clearing house, click on the WA next to the nation you want to visit, and the Nation States page for that individual should open in a new window.

What do I do with this?
For those regions looking to keep their delegates "Democratically" Elected, the list is split in roughly half for a quick 50% count of available endorsements. This list has also been used to help raiders looking to meet the locals, delegates looking to monitor their kingdoms, newbies seeking endorsements so they gain some influence, and corporations looking to sell wares in a warzone... (among other things). The author suggests Nations interested in Security show this to your delegate. Others have access to this info too, and readily use it for lot's of things. You should be too. That is the point of having this system published.

1. Select a different Nation from the whole region to view (complete Region's Nation listings).

Top 25 GDP Leaders:
2. Regional trade .
3. Regional GDP .
4. Click here to see WA Member Nations.
5. Regional Exchange Rates.

#1 The Watch how I Soar Nation of A Leaf on the Wind WA

#2 The Rogue Nation of Abs Toysengordia WA

#3 The Federal Republic of Acadiana-Pontchartrain WA

#4 The Democratic Republic of Acradia WA

#5 The Democratic Republic of Adalonda WA

#6 The Federal Republic of Addisotopia WA

#7 The United States of Adepts WA

#8 The United States of Adetron WA

#9 The Federation of Aelyria WA

#10 The Republic of Aeurellya WA

#11 The Federal Republic of Akashito WA

#12 The Empire of Alaninia WA

#13 The Kakistocratic Republic of Alcycone WA

#14 The Commonwealth of Aldu-sol WA

#15 The Calisotan Republic of All Demodians WA

#16 The Commonwealth of Almartan WA

#17 The Imperium of Altrizons WA

#18 The Ancient Lands of Alvalero WA

#19 The Constitutional Monarchy of Amber Class WA

#20 The Republic of Amenson WA

#21 The Commonwealth of Amerinos WA

#22 The Federal Republic of Amieden WA

#23 The Republic of Andrivia WA

#24 The People's Republic of Androgyn WA

#25 The People's Republic of Andrusi WA

#26 The Republic of Angbo WA

#27 The Principality of Antio Par WA

#28 The Kingdom of Antlelopes WA

#29 The Atheist Union of Anzilluania WA

#30 The Kingdom of Apradia WA

#31 The Most Serene Commonwealth of Arbados Balarascia WA

#32 The Federal Republic of Arbani WA

#33 The United Socialist States of Arkdavia WA


#35 The Dictatorship of Arzackstan WA

#36 The United Commonwealth of Ascvalion WA

#37 The Emirate of Assuria WA

#38 The Kingdom of Asteran WA

#39 The Republic of Azerya WA

#40 The Democratic Republic of Baguette WA

#41 The Federative Republic of Baltia and Poland WA

#42 The People's Republic of Bangabasi WA

#43 The Empire of Barcocoland WA

#44 The Federal Republic of Barellian State WA

#45 The Federation of Barvo WA

#46 The Federation of Beldia WA

#47 The Holy Empire of Believingin WA

#48 The Republic of Bennyistan WA

#49 The Federation of Bigz WA

#50 The Free Land of Bikalm Vile Lolan WA

#51 The Republic of Bladeton WA

#52 The Holy Empire of Blazefire2 WA

#53 The Theocracy State of Blueyralia WA

#54 The Federal Republic of Bostony WA

#55 The Federal Republic of Breosia WA

#56 The Empire of Bulgarians 1 WA

#57 The Supreme Empire of Buth Pena WA

#58 The Empire of Byrat WA

#59 The Colony of Bystiva WA

#60 The Most Serene Republic of Cachitrulo WA

#61 The Republic of Cafflenbere WA

#62 The Empire of Caldarra WA

#63 The Presidential Republic of Calimdor WA

#64 The Holy Empire of CanofBeans WA

#65 The Kingdom of Cat Is Empire WA

#66 The Federal Republic of Catlovenia WA

#67 The Republic of Celestiada WA

#68 The Socialist States of Chances America WA

#69 The Dictatorship of Cheesecorger WA

#70 The Greater Chang of Chinese Federal Empire WA

#71 The Democratic Republic of Christalandos WA

#72 The Catboy Paradise of Colonoscopy WA

#73 The Republic of Confederate Confederation WA

#74 The Lord Damn Pink Democracy of Conklandi WA

#75 The Federal Republic of Cordgaise WA

#76 The Sovereign Federation of Cordya WA

#77 The Intergal Federated Syndicate of Cornelia WA

#78 The Community of Corporate Cowboys WA

#79 The Empire of Creetaurt WA

#80 The People's Chosen Government of Crimela WA

#81 The Allied States of Cullem WA

#82 The Republic of Cydronia WA

#83 The Federal Republic of Dan Gres WA

#84 The Raider Imperium of Dan Plady Blavageloo WA

#85 The Democratic Republic of Darmeni WA

#86 The United Socialist States of Daronk-Bhania WA

#87 The Democratic States of Datjon WA

#88 The Holy Empire of Deadpoolian WA

#89 The State of Decolorean Islands WA

#90 The United Ecosocialist Communes of Demotek WA

#91 The Safe Country of Demyis WA

#92 The Kingdom of Depressing Feelings WA

#93 The Commonwealth of Detlan Republic WA

#94 The United States of Domheid WA

#95 The Disputed Territories of Dor-Cuarthol WA

#96 The Ashen Lands of Dragonian Kazaman WA

#97 The Kingdom of DragonPore WA

#98 The Republic of Drynwnn WA

#99 The Incorporated States of Dsorq WA

#100 The Old Queendom of Durakem WA

#101 The Principality of Dylan Sampson WA

#102 The Empire of Dystopian Hegemony WA

#103 The Federal Republic of Eastern League WA

#104 The Democratic Republic of Ecliptic Moons WA

#105 The Queendom of Egirl Thots WA

#106 The Holy and Corporate Empire of ElephantWarriorsUnite WA

#107 The Democratic Republic of Elest Adra WA

#108 The Commonwealth of Elveiha Maniath WA

#109 The State of Embolalia WA

#110 The Republic of Empotia WA

#111 The Foederatio of Emu Republics WA

#112 The United Socialist States of Epicklandia WA

#113 The Autechnocratic Republic of Equalsun Empire WA

#114 The United States of Erewash WA

#115 The Commonwealth of Erosi WA

#116 The Monarchic Federation of Escalia WA

#117 The Confoederatio Stellarum of Eshnar WA

#118 The Kingdom of Eticia WA

#119 The Empire of Etraxia WA

#120 The New Republic of Ewelina WA

#121 The Federation of Experina WA

#122 The Democratic Queendom of Fard et Lov WA

#123 The Federation of Federation of inner Duchies of Veneto WA

#124 The Federation of Federation Of The Bugkalot Tribes WA

#125 The Commonwealth of Federation-Tomorrow WA

#126 The Republic of Finnish1 WA

#127 The Republic of Fleonovati WA

#128 The Owl Kingdom of Fooooooooo WA

#129 The Confederacy of Free States of Earth WA

#130 The Judeo-Arabian Roots of Free Woldovil WA

#131 The Republic of FreeTopiaville WA

#132 The Commonwealth of Galaena WA

#133 The Republic of Galbidah WA

#134 The Kingdom of Gallaecia Regnum WA

#135 The Republic of Gayfurries WA

#136 The Empire of Geldiruso WA

#137 The People's Republic of Georce WA

#138 The Bourgeois Dictatorship of Ghost Of The Order WA

#139 The Republic of Giglyandia WA

#140 The Federation of Gilen WA

#141 The People of Glittering Green WA

#142 The Hikikomori of GODMODIA WA

#143 The Federal Republic of Goikaledops WA

#144 The Principality of Mendorra of Golfia WA

#145 The Empire of Gowda WA

#146 The Republic of Grailia WA

#147 The Most Serene Republic of Gran Scotia WA

#148 The Dominion of Gran Trictany WA

#149 The Never-ending Nightmare of Grave_n_idle WA

#150 The Republic of Greater Menesk WA

#151 The Very Red Bundesrepublik of Greater Westfalen WA

#152 The Federal Republic of Green State Federation WA

#153 The Democratic States of Grominia WA

#154 The Confederacy of Gudland WA

#155 The Kingdom of Hasnuevania WA

#156 The Destructive Realm of HeckinBorkus WA

#157 The Reich of Heilliges Land WA

#158 The National Republic of Hettic WA

#159 The Environmental Republic of Heydonia WA

#160 The Imperial Crown Federation of High Seal WA

#161 The Dictatorship of Hocia Giri WA

#162 The Democratic Dynastic Domain of House Roretania WA

#163 The Democratic Republic of Huckelsdonia WA

#164 The Ass kissers of Hugolandia mayora WA

#165 The Borderlands of Ictus WA

#166 The Kingdom of Imperial Tragdity Vojajeatiny WA

#167 The Imperium of ImperialisLorderon WA

#168 The Democratic Republic of Indossatia WA

#169 The Protectorate of Intergalactic Super Pandas WA

#170 The Constitutional Monarchy of Iridar WA

#171 The Empire of Isla Centurum WA

#172 The Servant Federative of Issara WA

#173 The Rogue Nation of Jendis WA

#174 The Jingoistic States of Jjustice WA

#175 The Republic of Jospint WA

#176 The Free Land of Jottwehdeh WA

#177 The Roman Militant Armada of Juniper and Northern Venice WA

#178 The Yodeling Yodelers of Jusanctopiaville WA

#179 The Great Gynarchy of KaiserDom of Hel WA

#180 The Democratic Utopia of Kangasaki WA

#181 The Theocracy of Karelo-Finnish SR WA

#182 The Church of Karmistan WA

#183 The Democracy of Karsistor WA

#184 The Rogue Nation of Karvane WA

#185 The Empire of KAZAN ARA WA

#186 The Democratic-Republic of Kendell WA

#187 The Empire of Khalsa Panth WA

#188 The Fourth Free Dominion of Kibraltaro WA

#189 The Disputed Territories of Kiscikanis askiy WA

#190 The Empire of Kitty Terrorists WA

#191 The Empire of Koldostvorec WA

#192 The United Federation of Korektonon WA

#193 The United Socialist States of Koster Land WA

#194 The Republic of Kratakonia WA

#195 The Nomadic Peoples of Kriegiersien WA

#196 The United States of Kristopalis86 WA

#197 The Confederation of Latrocinium WA

#198 The Oligarchy of Le grand chauve souris frugivores WA

#199 The Amazing nation of Leepken WA

#200 The Grand Duchy of Leixum WA

#201 The Holy Kingdom of Libersan WA

#202 The Federation of LiberTerr4 WA

#203 The Absolute Nation of Lippoy WA

#204 The Rogue Nation of Liquiria WA

#205 The Empire of Litchenstienen WA

#206 The Republic of Lone Leaf Republic WA

#207 The Republic of Lunirs WA

#208 The Republic of Mangaluru WA

#209 The Republic of Manistanya WA

#210 The Federal Kingdom of Marius Republic WA

#211 The Kingdom of Martinstein WA

#212 The Commonwealth of Maryina WA

#213 The Republic of Medieval Ville WA

#214 The United States of Meneda WA

#215 The Empire of Mirinlandia WA

#216 The Federated Rotinonsh?nni of Mishikeland WA

#217 The Federal Republic of Mofin WA

#218 The Free isles of Mojoluna WA

#219 The Federal Academia Syndicates of Molco-Deutsches Reich WA

#220 The Kingdom of Molinexia WA

#221 The Dictatorship of Money for ever WA

#222 The Empire of Money nation money WA

#223 The Moose People of Mooseland12 WA

#224 The Empire of Mornangren WA

#225 The Empire of Mosgrad WA

#226 The Republic of Mrrrmshtown WA

#227 The Grand Duchy of Mueslibar WA

#228 The Collective of Multius WA

#229 The Constitutional Monarchy of Murak WA

#230 The Representative Democracy of Naikit WA

#231 The Constitutional Monarchy of Namianana WA

#232 The Most Serene Queendom of Nashezbaernon WA

#233 The United States of Nationalist North America WA

#234 The Democratic States of Natural Sciences WA

#235 The Commonwealth of New 23 WA

#236 The Republic of New Benjamin WA

#237 The Commonwealth of New Dreamland WA

#238 The Dominion of New Jefland WA

#239 The Dictatorship of New Maldives WA

#240 The Sultanate of New Mughal Empire WA

#241 The United States of New Tropican Union WA

#242 The United Marxist Union of New Vonderland WA

#243 The Holy Super Colonial Empire of New World Greenland WA

#244 The Democratic Federation of Niaram WA

#245 The Confederation of Nine Republics of Staristan WA

#246 The Allied States of Noders WA

#247 The Federation of Noemieistan WA

#248 The Balderan Duchy of North East Somerset WA

#249 The Sovereign Dominion of Northern Alexandria WA

#250 The Federal Republic of Northern Caucasus WA

#251 The Allied States of Northern Selity WA

#252 The Empire of Norvakin WA

#253 The Empire of Nova Valmiera WA

#254 The Holy Moley Bologna Empire of Nuka-Cola WA

#255 The Nomadic Peoples of Numadsh WA

#256 The Pretty Good Nation of Numenoria WA

#257 The Storm Empire of Nycore WA

#258 The United Arab Republic of Omalio WA

#259 The Republic of Ondan Gentordia WA

#260 The Empire of Onder Kelkia WA

#261 The Benevolent Protective Empire of Ormea WA

#262 The Republic of Oslo Republic WA

#263 The Computer-simulated society of Othan WA

#264 The Democratic Republic of Otsur WA

#265 The Otter-Damned Rivers of Ottokratland WA

#266 The Republic of Pakania WA

#267 The Republic of Pallaysia WA

#268 The United Empire of Pan Polar Confederacy WA

#269 The Futuristic Utopia of Papolikayf WA

#270 The Republic of PatricianLegalismBoard WA

#271 The Socialist Bloc of Peapack WA

#272 The Republic of Pearento WA

#273 The Dictatorship of Peralian WA

#274 The Union of Perierunt WA

#275 The United Peoples of Perpetua Libertas WA

#276 The Most Serene Republic of Pien Solies WA

#277 The Republic of PLJ WA

#278 The Free Land of Plustopia WA

#279 The Republic of Precipia WA

#280 The United States of PremireUS WA

#281 The People's Republic of Promethium Prime WA

#282 The Realm of Prussia Republican Kingdom WA

#283 The Glorious Socialist Empire of Pupunese WA

#284 The Kingdom of Pyraania WA

#285 The Federated States of Qavria WA

#286 The Kingdom of Qworld WA

#287 The Republic of Rebrum WA

#288 The Holy Empire of Regimental WA

#289 The Democratic Socialist Empire of ReichsBrazil WA

#290 The Crowned Republican Estates of Reimuria WA

#291 The Empire of Rhendagar WA

#292 The Most Serene Republic of RiverLorn WA

#293 The Theocratic Empire of Roctubiazan WA

#294 The Federal Republic of Rojio WA

#295 The Dictatorship of Rostrabon WA

#296 The Republic of Roure WA

#297 The Soviet League of Rusolveq WA

#298 The Federation of Salorima WA

#299 The Federation of Samgreat WA

#300 The People's Republic of San Arys WA

#301 The Idiocracy of Santa Moutramas WA

#302 The Jeffersonian Democracy of Saturns Edge WA

#303 The Allied Peoples of Saurischia WA

#304 The Dominion of Secessionance WA

#305 The Union State of Serusan WA

#306 The Divine Kingdom of Shinseina Tasogare WA

#307 The Holy Empire of Sigdomian Empire WA

#308 The Commonwealth of Silage WA

#309 The Poblachd an t-Sluaigh of Skhotland WA

#310 The Second Commonwealth of Slavo-Spain WA

#311 The Socialistic republic of Social Republic Of Bebra WA

#312 The Lunar Empire of Socialist Tupac WA

#313 The Empire of Solshime WA

#314 The Federal Republic of South Danzig WA

#315 The Technocratic Military State of Southern Texmexico WA

#316 The Confederacy of Southern Tormerog WA

#317 The Republic of Stanoa WA

#318 The Empire and Commonwealth of Straall WA

#319 The Rogue Nation of Svartkladd WA

#320 The Great Republic of Svetruss WA

#321 The Republic of Swighat Stania WA

#322 The Confederacy of Swizzy WA

#323 The People's Republic of Tapirana WA

#324 The Voivodate of Tchekonia WA

#325 The PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC of Teradar WA

#326 The United States of Teric WA

#327 The Republic of Terrosean WA

#328 The Dictatorship of Tertur WA

#329 The Democratic Republic of Tervynia WA

#330 The Free Land of The 4ntarctic Empire WA

#331 The Allied States of The AP Republic WA

#332 The Imperial Empire of The Democratic Peoples Republic of MeMeS WA

#333 The Empire of The Empire of the Emeralds WA

#334 The Fallen Empire of The Erased WA

#335 The Confederacy of The Estian Republic WA

#336 The Free Land of The Lairesses WA

#337 The Simulation of The Nation of Nathan WA

#338 The Holy Empire of The Nests of Hallow WA

#339 The Incorporated States of The Pheonixes WA

#340 The Republic of The Republic Of United Tribes WA

#341 The Multidimensional Republic of The Shadowrealm WA

#342 The Federal Republic of The UwU Federation WA

#343 The Tenth Socialist Republic of Thelottine WA

#344 The Prosperous Nation of Thiago Pinho WA

#345 The Holy Empire of Thonon WA

#346 The Kingdom of Toiletchiya WA

#347 The Democratic States of Toin WA

#348 The Sultanate of Toms Quesadilla WA

#349 The Imperial Republic of Tomzilla WA

#350 The Federal Republic of Torabor WA

#351 The Republic of Total Democratica WA

#352 The Dominion of Transantarctic Mountains WA

#353 The Commonwealth of Tranzeet WA

#354 The United Emir-Sultanates of Trestic WA

#355 The People's Republic of Tretskivucia WA

#356 The Borderlands of Trollmoor WA

#357 The Federal Republic of Troxima WA

#358 The Kingdom of Tsuru Arai WA

#359 The Holy Empire of Turdmuria WA

#360 The Holy Empire of TypoTech WA

#361 The Principality of Tyrassueb WA

#362 The Empire of Ultraworld WA

#363 The Matriarchy of UMI77 WA

#364 The Federation of Underwater Sovereignties WA

#365 The Federation of United Prussian States WA

#366 The Safe Haven of UrotherMom WA

#367 The Republic of Usnit WA

#368 The Republic of Ussr11 WA

#369 The Federashon Motu of Vafipasan WA

#370 The People's Republic of Valenfort WA

#371 The United Republics of Valklandia WA

#372 The Unified Republic of Vardocalifar WA

#373 The Commonwealth of Velossia WA

#374 The Dominion of Vessura WA

#375 The Empire of Videca WA

#376 The Federal Republic of Villoria and Fleetland WA

#377 The Republic of Vinicius Franco WA

#378 The Free Land of Vinlandistan WA

#379 The Constitutional Monarchy of Virkgana WA

#380 The Empire of Vombatidae WA

#381 The Federal Monarchy of Vuspista WA

#382 The Navy Federedation of Vyussia WA

#383 The Revolutionary Empire of War Parties WA

#384 The Free Land of Warnen WA

#385 The Dictatorship of Welstapost WA

#386 The Republic of Wesedualficanarall WA

#387 The Corporation of Wilbert WA

#388 The Federation of Willerston WA

#389 The United States of Wolf Landia WA

#390 The Forest Realm of Wolfhawk WA

#391 The Sinha Republic of Woofworf WA

#392 The Empire of Wu Dynasty WA

#393 The Federation of Xiggor WA

#394 The People's Republic of Xydania WA

#395 The Free Land of Yevwel WA

#396 The Holy Empire of Yohannopia WA

#397 The People's Republic of Yorkshire and Northumbria WA

#398 The People's Republic of Yox Dragonia WA

#399 The Union of Yungerdash WA

#400 The People's Republic of Zakanda WA

#401 The Allied States of Zanbitz WA

#402 The Republic of Zang0 WA

#403 The Sultanate of Zargovia WA

#404 The Empire of Zerocs WA

#405 The Empire of Zoxim WA

#406 The Federal Monarchy of Zyroxa WA

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