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The top 15 Trading Countries in the Region of Baswer union

You have arrived at the top trading Nations list for Baswer union.

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Top 25 GDP Leaders:
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5. Regional Exchange Rates.

NationNet Trade     GDP    
The Great free state of JUKMINISTAN$-103,512,137,728.00$2,444,920,000,000.00
The Protectorate of Endonpemma$-85,547,065,344.00$927,858,000,000.00
The United Shoal of CAPITALIST UNION OF FISH$-44,695,453,696.00$1,637,040,000,000.00
The Free Land of Economic union of economics$-43,549,487,104.00$725,020,000,000.00
The Holy Empire of Willland$-42,884,829,184.00$1,303,070,000,000.00
The Jingoistic Democratic Idiots of Nice-looking People$-8,865,742,848.00$815,884,000,000.00
The Oppressed Peoples of Canadian Reich repubic$-5,728,126,976.00$232,974,000,000.00
The Semi Constitutional Monarchy of ARJABALIENARNA$-5,330,473,984.00$560,110,000,000.00
The Most Serene Republic of Parisburg$-4,815,841,792.00$104,899,000,000.00
The United Socialist States of New yorktown$-1,776,978,048.00$54,616,600,000.00
The Free Land of Maru de Juan$-16,033,198.00$1,470,880,000.00
The Matriarchy of New Rica de nina$795,653,504.00$41,685,600,000.00
The Republic of Etopissmema$1,608,939,008.00$39,843,700,000.00
The Fiefdom of Eggtoddy$1,770,523,904.00$359,754,000,000.00
The Peoples democratic republic of Uonion fo soviet socalist republik$342,546,874,368.00$10,409,000,000,000.00
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