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The top 51 Trading Countries in the Region of Berserk

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Top 25 GDP Leaders:
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NationNet Trade     GDP    
The Gentle Giant of Pippin of the Band of the Hawk$-233,572,859,904.00$11,599,900,000,000.00
The Scorched by Ambitions of The Queen of Midland$-196,946,444,288.00$13,965,500,000,000.00
The Goddess of Flame of Slan of the Godhand$-179,079,331,840.00$12,224,700,000,000.00
The Cruel Expert Hands of The Torturer of Midland$-163,991,060,480.00$8,045,990,000,000.00
The Remorseful Inquisitor of Lady Farnese of the Holy See$-134,025,961,472.00$6,381,810,000,000.00
The Scourge of Midland of The Kushan Empire$-128,099,917,824.00$4,092,180,000,000.00
The Short-Lived Friendship of Griffith and Guts$-113,783,611,392.00$9,915,850,000,000.00
The Oppressed Peoples of Guts the Black Swordsman$-70,072,688,640.00$3,682,230,000,000.00
The Protruding Brains of Void of the Godhand$-69,614,485,504.00$7,111,390,000,000.00
The Reborn Winged Fifth Member of Femto of the Godhand$-67,669,250,048.00$7,266,710,000,000.00
The Young Raiders' Captain of Guts of the Band of the Hawk$-66,931,240,960.00$8,109,500,000,000.00
The Egg of the King of The Behelit$-57,051,234,304.00$17,811,400,000,000.00
The Vengeance-Consumed Casualty of Skull Knight$-52,605,693,952.00$4,253,050,000,000.00
The Apostle Black Dog Knight of Wyald$-51,964,608,512.00$13,590,700,000,000.00
The Demure and Socially Distant of Princess Charlotte Wyndham$-51,858,407,424.00$3,408,870,000,000.00
The Rest At The Break Of Dawn of The Struggler$-51,323,408,384.00$3,257,510,000,000.00
The Rebirth of Griffith of The Egg of the Perfect World$-41,351,221,248.00$15,237,300,000,000.00
The Thus Far Mute Child of Moonlight Boy$-40,013,516,800.00$3,858,930,000,000.00
The Limitless Ambitions of Griffith of the Band of the Hawk$-37,910,355,968.00$4,764,410,000,000.00
The Personal Guard of Farnese of Serpico of the Holy Iron Chain Knights$-32,318,902,272.00$10,763,600,000,000.00
The Youthful Cheer of Rickert of the Band of the Hawk$-32,210,577,408.00$4,986,940,000,000.00
The Cruel Architect of Deception of Ubik of the Godhand$-21,923,094,528.00$15,325,000,000,000.00
The Captain of the Seahorse of Roderick of Staufen$-14,227,761,152.00$6,372,480,000,000.00
The Guts and Casca Atop a Hill of A Bonfire of Dreams$-13,730,013,184.00$9,737,280,000,000.00
The Purple Rhino Knight of Boscogn$-12,595,122,176.00$10,589,300,000,000.00
The Witch-In-Training of Schierke the Witch$-12,056,033,280.00$6,587,060,000,000.00
The Immortal of Nosferatu Zodd$-11,245,315,072.00$8,204,160,000,000.00
The Pisky Elf and Wind Spirit of Ivalera the Elf$-9,520,899,072.00$6,610,850,000,000.00
The Dominion of Guts$27,672,614.00$22,632,000,000.00
The Dominion of The Black Swordsman$438,977,664.00$33,494,600,000.00
The Dread Emperor Apostle of Ganishka$4,774,258,688.00$7,395,030,000,000.00
The Governor of the Mage Village of Gedfring$11,000,402,944.00$5,227,260,000,000.00
The Summoning of the Eclipse of The Crimson Behelit$21,351,647,232.00$4,124,940,000,000.00
The Young Runaway Thief of Isidro$26,462,734,336.00$9,782,370,000,000.00
The Sacrifice of Judeau of the Band of the Hawk$32,494,311,424.00$9,461,940,000,000.00
The Spreader of Pestilence of Conrad of the Godhand$33,317,257,216.00$12,316,100,000,000.00
The Mad Repressed Lust of The King of Midland$35,982,290,944.00$8,899,200,000,000.00
The Importance of Letting Go of Rickert$36,433,448,960.00$10,322,100,000,000.00
The Hatted Killer of Adonis of Assassin Guts$36,622,626,816.00$12,254,200,000,000.00
The Most Satisfying Moment of The Slap$38,020,272,128.00$13,561,100,000,000.00
The Rage Within Guts of The Beast of Darkness$39,487,045,632.00$4,862,770,000,000.00
The Tiny Troublemakers Elf Dust of Puck the Elf$40,081,420,288.00$5,618,080,000,000.00
The Promise of Eternal Youth of Rosine$45,801,484,288.00$13,866,500,000,000.00
The Corundum Skin of Grunbeld$47,167,848,448.00$6,955,600,000,000.00
The Last Breaths of the Friendly of Gaston of the Band of the Hawk$117,562,351,616.00$10,261,200,000,000.00
The Most Feared Inquisitor of Father Mozgus$131,324,248,064.00$9,974,870,000,000.00
The Bragging and Cynical Failure of Corkus of the Band of the Hawk$153,921,781,760.00$12,358,000,000,000.00
The Legendary Duel of Griffith against Guts$174,018,740,224.00$3,154,940,000,000.00
The Ever-Fighting Noblewoman of Farnese$212,707,803,136.00$11,676,500,000,000.00
The Please Forgive Me Guts of Kentaro Miura$230,957,580,288.00$22,357,600,000,000.00
The Former Unit Commander of Casca of the Band of the Hawk$497,732,485,120.00$9,088,850,000,000.00
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