1: The Monastic Community of AgniParthene Pop: 2,016 Mil 2: The Kingdom of Anatolian Germiyanids Pop: 2,400 Mil 3: The Commonwealth of Bagaudae Pop: 5,474 Mil 4: The Kingdom of Beylik of Karaman Pop: 2,412 Mil 5: The Republic of Common Jaguar Wilds Pop: 4,050 Mil 6: The Allied States of Continental Army Pop: 5,925 Mil 7: The Democratic Republic of Democracy of Athrenus Pop: 6,172 Mil 8: The Federated Realms of Distruzio Pop: 13,130 Mil 9: The Kingdom of East Tovil Pop: 36 Mil 10: The Roman Kingdom of East Wabbinge Pop: 4,253 Mil 11: The Confederacy of Eastern Vikingers Pop: 6,759 Mil 12: The Kingdom of Eretnids Pop: 2,245 Mil 13: The Empire of First Bulgaria Pop: 6,759 Mil 14: The Empire of First Serbia Pop: 6,742 Mil 15: The Empire of Francicum Pop: 6,660 Mil 16: The Holy Empire of Georgios Terra Pop: 5,088 Mil 17: The United States of Giarose Pop: 5,949 Mil 18: The Oppressed Peoples of Helotous Pop: 5,905 Mil 19: The Principality of Holy Byzantine Imperium Pop: 5,031 Mil 20: The Theocracy of Holy League Of Cities Pop: 6,133 Mil 21: The Empire of Imperial Yeager Pop: 3,574 Mil 22: The Empire of Imperium Romanorum Constantinopolitanum Pop: 2,442 Mil 23: The Colony of Ionon Pop: 5,923 Mil 24: The Kingdom of Lartheow Pop: 545 Mil 25: The Kingdom of Latin Jerusaleum Pop: 2,323 Mil 26: The Imperial Thematic Federation of MAGNUS CAESAR Pop: 10,637 Mil 27: The Kingdom of Moraea Pop: 3,040 Mil 28: The Holy Empire of Nova Orientalis Roma Pop: 6,697 Mil | 29: The Democratic States of Olympiamo Pop: 5,914 Mil 30: The Empire of Orasmynid Persia Pop: 5,466 Mil 31: The Kingdom of Plataea Pop: 5,947 Mil 32: The Protectorate of Pylonous Pop: 5,912 Mil 33: The Dominion of Romano-Soissons Pop: 5,667 Mil 34: The Emirate of Saint Byzantium Pop: 4,709 Mil 35: The Catholic Kingdom of Sanctamalaya Pop: 1,165 Mil 36: The Holy Empire of Sanctified Hellas Pop: 3,402 Mil 37: The Colony of Second Huns Pop: 6,723 Mil 38: The Most Serene Republic of Syracusea Pop: 5,882 Mil 39: The Principality of Tegeia Pop: 5,886 Mil 40: The Nomadic Peoples of The Ashina Turkic Khaganate Pop: 5,058 Mil 41: The Kingdom of The Beylik of Osman Pop: 2,400 Mil 42: The Armed Republic of The Confederation Of Corinthia Pop: 6,254 Mil 43: The Theocracy of The Knights of Hebron Pop: 1,490 Mil 44: The Dictatorship of The League Of Argos Pop: 6,139 Mil 45: The Kingdom of The Planet of teh Apes Pop: 1,428 Mil 46: The Principality of Theabes Pop: 3,086 Mil 47: The Kingdom of Theyren Pop: 6,145 Mil 48: The Byzantine Empire of Thomas the Slav Pop: 5,428 Mil 49: The Kingdom of Thrac Pop: 5,875 Mil 50: The Empire of Trebizond Lazica Pop: 2,384 Mil 51: The Holy Empire of Vanyssia Pop: 12 Mil 52: The Rogue Nation of Vyranthium Pop: 5,051 Mil 53: The Constitutional Monarchy of Westsylvania Appalachia Pop: 1,425 Mil |