NS Economy v3.69 Mobile - Nation States


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There are 85 WA Countries in the Region of Commonwealth of Sovereign States

You have arrived at the WA Nations list for Commonwealth of Sovereign States.

Simply, the following list is all of the WA delegates from the Region of Commonwealth of Sovereign States. To use the page as a clearing house, click on the WA next to the nation you want to visit, and the Nation States page for that individual should open in a new window.

What do I do with this?
For those regions looking to keep their delegates "Democratically" Elected, the list is split in roughly half for a quick 50% count of available endorsements. This list has also been used to help raiders looking to meet the locals, delegates looking to monitor their kingdoms, newbies seeking endorsements so they gain some influence, and corporations looking to sell wares in a warzone... (among other things). The author suggests Nations interested in Security show this to your delegate. Others have access to this info too, and readily use it for lot's of things. You should be too. That is the point of having this system published.

1. Select a different Nation from the whole region to view (complete Region's Nation listings).

Top 25 GDP Leaders:
2. Regional trade .
3. Regional GDP .
4. Click here to see WA Member Nations.
5. Regional Exchange Rates.

#1 The Corporate States of Aeioux WA

#2 The United Kingdom of Albanokoro WA

#3 The Empire of Albion United Kingdom WA

#4 The Matriarchy of Alex Morgan WA

#5 The New Martial Empire of American Pere Housh WA

#6 The Technocracy of Andoros WA

#7 The Colony of Artkos WA

#8 The Empire of Bakunawa WA

#9 The Most Serene Republic of Baunihia WA

#10 The Democratic Republic of Bourgeoiss WA

#11 The Imperial State of Castelia WA

#12 The Republic of Constitutional Republic of Freedonia WA

#13 The United States of Corpala WA

#14 The Constitutional Monarchy of Craftiaa WA

#15 The Republic of Daulmark WA

#16 The Principality of Delarocia WA

#17 The Democratic Republic of Delgasolavia WA

#18 The Rat King of Department of WA Affairs WA

#19 The Kong?rrikki of Droiden WA

#20 The Democratic Republic of of East Amen Zamend WA

#21 The United Regions of Ekriba WA

#22 The Ultravisionary Empire of Eleysa WA

#23 The Holy Empire of Erdholt WA

#24 The Democratic States of Etherelat WA

#25 The Holy Empire of Falnadar WA

#26 The United States of Freielandia WA

#27 The Empire of Galactic Imperial Republic WA

#28 The Theocracy of Gomesilandia WA

#29 The United States of Great Usonia WA

#30 The Protectorate of Greater Esha WA

#31 The United Republic of Greater Isperia WA

#32 The Commonwealth of Harus WA

#33 The Dominion of Helixwood WA

#34 The Republic of Hunem WA

#35 The Holy Roman Empire of Imperiium WA

#36 The Confederacy of Kalimbahin WA

#37 The United States of Kentits WA

#38 The Sultanate of Khaled Music WA

#39 The Imperial Khaganate of Khanbaliq Mongolia WA

#40 The Kingdom of Kharqosa WA

#41 The Federation of Kinloa Ridom WA

#42 The Republic of Kortopi WA

#43 The Republic of Locant WA

#44 The People's Republic of Lugostria WA

#45 The Democratic workers republic of Mayakava WA

#46 The Incorporated States of Mercanta WA

#47 The United Federation of Merconia WA

#48 The Grand Nation of Meridis WA

#49 The Multiversal Federal Empire of MineLegotia and Equestria WA

#50 The People's Republic of Musond WA

#51 The Constitutional Monarchy of New England INC WA

#52 The Incorporated States of New Faldo WA

#53 The Constitutional Monarchy of Northern Pigtopia WA

#54 The Empire of Of the war hammer WA

#55 The Empire of Oiseau Bleu WA

#56 The Federation of Okranzistan WA

#57 The Crowned Republic of Onerkae WA

#58 The Stoopid Children of Pangland WA

#59 The Dictatorship of Panthera Order WA

#60 The Federation of Patalene WA

#61 The Armed Republic of Petroli WA

#62 The Confederacy of Putare-Junobal WA

#63 The Valkyrian Imperium of Regna Loreau WA

#64 The Dominion of Royal United Colonies Company WA

#65 The Kingdom of Salcanceacy WA

#66 The Supreme Empire of Shaiyang WA

#67 The Empire of Shiya WA

#68 The People's Republic of ShonarBangla WA

#69 The Regent Republic of Silver Imperial Utopia WA

#70 The Oppressed Peoples of SKREEville WA

#71 The Nomadic Peoples of Sllonsonnopia WA

#72 The Holy Land of Slobodovia WA

#73 The People's Republic of Socialist Republic of Turra WA

#74 The United Socialist States of Soviet Socialist Island WA

#75 The Imperial Tsardom of Sparkvernia WA

#76 The Federal Republic of Stebbleheim WA

#77 The United Kingdom of Tertania WA

#78 The Empire of The Castelian Federation WA

#79 The Commonwealth of The New Harbor WA

#80 The K?nigreich of The Ruby Ranch Republic WA

#81 The People's State of The Yeetusa WA

#82 The People's Republic of Vicotis Kor WA

#83 The Rijk of Victorious Friesland WA

#84 The Rogue Nation of Volpi Apostati WA

#85 The Kingdom of Wes Arme WA

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