#1 The Corporate States of Aeioux WA #2 The United Kingdom of Albanokoro WA #3 The Empire of Albion United Kingdom WA #4 The Matriarchy of Alex Morgan WA #5 The New Martial Empire of American Pere Housh WA #6 The Technocracy of Andoros WA #7 The Colony of Artkos WA #8 The Empire of Bakunawa WA #9 The Most Serene Republic of Baunihia WA #10 The Democratic Republic of Bourgeoiss WA #11 The Imperial State of Castelia WA #12 The Republic of Constitutional Republic of Freedonia WA #13 The United States of Corpala WA #14 The Constitutional Monarchy of Craftiaa WA #15 The Republic of Daulmark WA #16 The Principality of Delarocia WA #17 The Democratic Republic of Delgasolavia WA #18 The Rat King of Department of WA Affairs WA #19 The Kong?rrikki of Droiden WA #20 The Democratic Republic of of East Amen Zamend WA #21 The United Regions of Ekriba WA #22 The Ultravisionary Empire of Eleysa WA #23 The Holy Empire of Erdholt WA #24 The Democratic States of Etherelat WA #25 The Holy Empire of Falnadar WA #26 The United States of Freielandia WA #27 The Empire of Galactic Imperial Republic WA #28 The Theocracy of Gomesilandia WA #29 The United States of Great Usonia WA #30 The Protectorate of Greater Esha WA #31 The United Republic of Greater Isperia WA #32 The Commonwealth of Harus WA #33 The Dominion of Helixwood WA #34 The Republic of Hunem WA #35 The Holy Roman Empire of Imperiium WA #36 The Confederacy of Kalimbahin WA #37 The United States of Kentits WA #38 The Sultanate of Khaled Music WA #39 The Imperial Khaganate of Khanbaliq Mongolia WA #40 The Kingdom of Kharqosa WA #41 The Federation of Kinloa Ridom WA #42 The Republic of Kortopi WA #43 The Republic of Locant WA | #44 The People's Republic of Lugostria WA #45 The Democratic workers republic of Mayakava WA #46 The Incorporated States of Mercanta WA #47 The United Federation of Merconia WA #48 The Grand Nation of Meridis WA #49 The Multiversal Federal Empire of MineLegotia and Equestria WA #50 The People's Republic of Musond WA #51 The Constitutional Monarchy of New England INC WA #52 The Incorporated States of New Faldo WA #53 The Constitutional Monarchy of Northern Pigtopia WA #54 The Empire of Of the war hammer WA #55 The Empire of Oiseau Bleu WA #56 The Federation of Okranzistan WA #57 The Crowned Republic of Onerkae WA #58 The Stoopid Children of Pangland WA #59 The Dictatorship of Panthera Order WA #60 The Federation of Patalene WA #61 The Armed Republic of Petroli WA #62 The Confederacy of Putare-Junobal WA #63 The Valkyrian Imperium of Regna Loreau WA #64 The Dominion of Royal United Colonies Company WA #65 The Kingdom of Salcanceacy WA #66 The Supreme Empire of Shaiyang WA #67 The Empire of Shiya WA #68 The People's Republic of ShonarBangla WA #69 The Regent Republic of Silver Imperial Utopia WA #70 The Oppressed Peoples of SKREEville WA #71 The Nomadic Peoples of Sllonsonnopia WA #72 The Holy Land of Slobodovia WA #73 The People's Republic of Socialist Republic of Turra WA #74 The United Socialist States of Soviet Socialist Island WA #75 The Imperial Tsardom of Sparkvernia WA #76 The Federal Republic of Stebbleheim WA #77 The United Kingdom of Tertania WA #78 The Empire of The Castelian Federation WA #79 The Commonwealth of The New Harbor WA #80 The K?nigreich of The Ruby Ranch Republic WA #81 The People's State of The Yeetusa WA #82 The People's Republic of Vicotis Kor WA #83 The Rijk of Victorious Friesland WA #84 The Rogue Nation of Volpi Apostati WA #85 The Kingdom of Wes Arme WA |