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There are 196 WA Countries in the Region of Concord

You have arrived at the WA Nations list for Concord.

Simply, the following list is all of the WA delegates from the Region of Concord. To use the page as a clearing house, click on the WA next to the nation you want to visit, and the Nation States page for that individual should open in a new window.

What do I do with this?
For those regions looking to keep their delegates "Democratically" Elected, the list is split in roughly half for a quick 50% count of available endorsements. This list has also been used to help raiders looking to meet the locals, delegates looking to monitor their kingdoms, newbies seeking endorsements so they gain some influence, and corporations looking to sell wares in a warzone... (among other things). The author suggests Nations interested in Security show this to your delegate. Others have access to this info too, and readily use it for lot's of things. You should be too. That is the point of having this system published.

1. Select a different Nation from the whole region to view (complete Region's Nation listings).

Top 25 GDP Leaders:
2. Regional trade .
3. Regional GDP .
4. Click here to see WA Member Nations.
5. Regional Exchange Rates.

#1 The Crown Federation of Accantadia WA

#2 The Federation of Adentia WA

#3 The Republic of Aerm WA

#4 The Fanfic State of Aikea WA

#5 The Grand Duchy of Akvarelusus the Great WA

#6 The Kingdom of Aleth WA

#7 The Interim Government of Andrine WA

#8 The Chew Toy of the Gnat Gods of Anjan Kloss WA

#9 The Armed State of Antranwood Yeriberra WA

#10 The Based romerist empire of Araucarlia WA

#11 The Confederacy of Ardexic WA

#12 The Federation of Arkhastan WA

#13 The Kingdom of Armeriea WA

#14 The Imperial State of Aspyxcia WA

#15 The Kingdom of Atharios WA

#16 The Dictatorship of Auvr Impe WA

#17 The Kingdom of Avaloris WA

#18 The Federal Republic of Bajanil WA

#19 The Republic of Balticanium WA

#20 The Autocratic Principality of Baracco WA

#21 The Grand Duchy of Bellimere WA

#22 The Republic of Bootyswana But Concord WA

#23 The Republic of Cetaros WA

#24 The Federal Republic of Colgland WA

#25 The Jamitian Kingdom of Concord Empire WA

#26 The Most Serene Republic of Concordcacher WA

#27 The Republic of Cornoisha WA

#28 The Empire of Cornucopium WA

#29 The Incorporated States of Corvue WA

#30 The Microcosm of Council of Feathers WA

#31 The Dominion of Damager WA

#32 The Republik of Daneka WA

#33 The Communities of Datrie WA

#34 The Kingdom of Deedaland WA

#35 The Republic of Derdir WA

#36 The Dictatorship of Desperateneedofhelp WA

#37 The Grand Duchy of Devengrad-Helburg WA

#38 The Commonwealth of Devian Prime WA

#39 The Empire of Entenabia WA

#40 The Federal Republic of Eorthonia WA

#41 The Principality of Ethetopia WA

#42 The Democratic States of Eurosa Peoples Republic WA

#43 The Kingdom of Falkylands WA

#44 The Gun Farming Nation of Faltimron WA

#45 The Federation of Felsenheim WA

#46 The Republic of Filanis Coast WA

#47 The Commonwealth of Flaktopia WA

#48 The Republic of Florentica WA

#49 The Grand Duchy of Forstuline WA

#50 The Dominion of Fort Katrice WA

#51 The Federation of Gemio WA

#52 The Federal Republic of Georthia WA

#53 The City State of GlitchCity WA

#54 The Eternal Empire of Grand Elysium WA

#55 The Federation of Great Moolahnd WA

#56 The Republic of Green Hill WA

#57 The Empire of HippoCrown WA

#58 The Armed Republic of Holy Roadrunner Empire WA

#59 The Free Land of Hugr WA

#60 The Holy Empire of Humanity Reclemation WA

#61 The Multi-ethnic Federation of Hungromania WA

#62 The Republic of Hyrpirievon WA

#63 The Divided Queendom of If Britain was good WA

#64 The Armed Republic of Iltham WA

#65 The Corrupt Vampiric Legions of Imperial Shaustria WA

#66 The Sultanate of Indonesia indonesia WA

#67 The Federation of Ineras WA

#68 The Kingdom of Inkadinka Doo WA

#69 The Empire of Iron-Oath WA

#70 The Empire of Ixris WA

#71 The Democratic Republic of Jayanla WA

#72 The Kingdom of Johnsylvania WA

#73 The Kingdom of Jut WA

#74 The Commonwealth of Kalimikya WA

#75 The Armed Republic of Kallandaria WA

#76 The Armed Republic of Kandeng Doguan Islands WA

#77 The Nusantara and Karimun States of Karoghustan WA

#78 The Republic of Kathoul WA

#79 The Principality of Kernev WA

#80 The United Socialist States of Keverikapax WA

#81 The System of Kiborg WA

#82 The Republic of KindGood WA

#83 The Hindu Republic of Kombdillistan WA

#84 The Industrial Complex of Koniads WA

#85 The Kingdom of Kreczwia WA

#86 The Democratic Republic of Krystallum WA

#87 The People's Republic of Kuroven WA

#88 The Kingdom of Leimur WA

#89 The Federation of Liberovia WA

#90 The Empire of Lielbritanjia WA

#91 The Confederacy of Luskiytho WA

#92 The Socialist State of Majocco WA

#93 The Federation of Malkhazia WA

#94 The Armed Republic of Manturi WA

#95 The Desrtuctive Empire of Masilia WA

#96 The United Socialist States of Mayanas WA

#97 The Liberation from the Dark of Mechanocracy WA

#98 The Imperial City of Mediternia WA

#99 The Allied States of Medizin und Gesundheit WA

#100 The Elven Kingdom of Memorium Land WA

#101 The Constitutional Monarchy of Middle Greller Kone WA

#102 The Democratic Republic of Miloy WA

#103 The People's Republic of Minumer WA

#104 The People's Republic of Moonstone Lake WA

#105 The Fungal Monarchical Democracy of Mushroom Kimgdom WA

#106 The Armed Republic of Naman Marov WA

#107 The Empire of Narcotia WA

#108 The Commonwealth of Neo Paradisio WA

#109 The Republic of Nerdherdia WA

#110 The Community of New Ahiya WA

#111 The Republic of New Ajakanistan WA

#112 The Constitutional Monarchy of New Albane WA

#113 The United Republics of New Albionia WA

#114 The Federal Republic of New Bithynia WA

#115 The Free Land of New Parne WA

#116 The Colony of New Prumerica WA

#117 The Federation of New Skepia WA

#118 The Emerging Utopia of Nigele WA

#119 The Commonwealth of North Atanua WA

#120 The Republic of North Malacca WA

#121 The United Socialist States of Novorossiyaa WA

#122 The Commonwealth of Novoye Zvyezdorovsk WA

#123 The Union of Soviets of Oldemburgos WA

#124 The Kingdom of Olythera WA

#125 The Theocracy of One Nation Under Pizza WA

#126 The Republic of Opuntia WA

#127 The Kingdom of Paraibalia WA

#128 The Kingdom of Phillana Loveek WA

#129 The Massive Military Powerhouse of Platypustopia WA

#130 The People's Republic of Plirya WA

#131 The Democratic Republic of Praella WA

#132 The Incorporated States of Prime Komberskastan WA

#133 The Disputed Territories of Rajithah WA

#134 The Armed Republic of Rapaganda WA

#135 The Empire of Razika WA

#136 The Sultanate of Rep Cos Land WA

#137 The United Islands of Republic of Perlas Oriente WA

#138 The Kingdom of Riano WA

#139 The Community of Roaming Fortunes WA

#140 The Republic of Runraya WA

#141 The Islamic State of Sconia Republic WA

#142 The Armed Republic of Senfinatio WA

#143 The Most Serene Republic of Seri Keya WA

#144 The Empire of Sherizia WA

#145 The People's Republic of Skija WA

#146 The Commonwealth of Skioso WA

#147 The United Imperium of Slient Empire WA

#148 The Federal Republic of Sollolanes WA

#149 The State of Southwestern Federal Republic WA

#150 The Divine Mandated Empire of Strechia WA

#151 The Federal Republic of Styx City WA

#152 The Federation of Super League WA

#153 The Sultanate of Sycustavan WA

#154 The Sunrise Empire of Talm WA

#155 The Constitutional Monarchy of Tercer Imperio Mexicano WA

#156 The Right-Wing Democracy of Thaurbog Daestlectia WA

#157 The Scattered Republic of The 50 Islands WA

#158 The Federation of The Armed Forces of the Archipelago WA

#159 The Community of The Borg Community WA

#160 The Expeditionary Force of The Ecalpan Kangun WA

#161 The Imperial State of The Empire of Alerba WA

#162 The Sultanate of The Indurone WA

#163 The City of The Niagara WA

#164 The Empire of The Potato Farmer Technoblade WA

#165 The Holy Empire of The Wolfen-states WA

#166 The Republic of ThedizzieStarles WA

#167 The Blue AI-Ocracy of Therimenjas WA

#168 The Kingdom of Tianhua WA

#169 The Empire of Tikani WA

#170 The Republic of Toita WA

#171 The Federal Republic of Tolo WA

#172 The Republic of Trapezoin WA

#173 The Republic of Turkish Forces WA

#174 The United Socialist States of Tyrannald WA

#175 The Federation of United Eurafrasia WA

#176 The Federation of United Tanks WA

#177 The Republic of Uvik WA

#178 The New Republic of Vaishnavaria WA

#179 The Most Serene Republic of Vanostav WA

#180 The Constitutional Monarchy of Velichiye WA

#181 The Federal Republic of Veliciana WA

#182 The Incorporated States of Velisila Ljudstva WA

#183 The Republic of Vespertinnia WA

#184 The Kingdom of Vicernas Demace WA

#185 The Federal Republic of Vondasia WA

#186 The Democratic Republic of Waldlandia WA

#187 The United States of Warpart WA

#188 The Republic of West Aclar WA

#189 The Mostly Serene State of West Ferris WA

#190 The Federal Republic of West Meafsky WA

#191 The Colony of Wocturne WA

#192 The Republic of Yadablow WA

#193 The Sultanate of Zahlee WA

#194 The Incorporated States of Zangreba WA

#195 The Principality of Zarautz WA

#196 The Empire of Znalisa WA

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