#1 The Crown Federation of Accantadia WA #2 The Federation of Adentia WA #3 The Republic of Aerm WA #4 The Fanfic State of Aikea WA #5 The Grand Duchy of Akvarelusus the Great WA #6 The Kingdom of Aleth WA #7 The Interim Government of Andrine WA #8 The Chew Toy of the Gnat Gods of Anjan Kloss WA #9 The Armed State of Antranwood Yeriberra WA #10 The Based romerist empire of Araucarlia WA #11 The Confederacy of Ardexic WA #12 The Federation of Arkhastan WA #13 The Kingdom of Armeriea WA #14 The Imperial State of Aspyxcia WA #15 The Kingdom of Atharios WA #16 The Dictatorship of Auvr Impe WA #17 The Kingdom of Avaloris WA #18 The Federal Republic of Bajanil WA #19 The Republic of Balticanium WA #20 The Autocratic Principality of Baracco WA #21 The Grand Duchy of Bellimere WA #22 The Republic of Bootyswana But Concord WA #23 The Republic of Cetaros WA #24 The Federal Republic of Colgland WA #25 The Jamitian Kingdom of Concord Empire WA #26 The Most Serene Republic of Concordcacher WA #27 The Republic of Cornoisha WA #28 The Empire of Cornucopium WA #29 The Incorporated States of Corvue WA #30 The Microcosm of Council of Feathers WA #31 The Dominion of Damager WA #32 The Republik of Daneka WA #33 The Communities of Datrie WA #34 The Kingdom of Deedaland WA #35 The Republic of Derdir WA #36 The Dictatorship of Desperateneedofhelp WA #37 The Grand Duchy of Devengrad-Helburg WA #38 The Commonwealth of Devian Prime WA #39 The Empire of Entenabia WA #40 The Federal Republic of Eorthonia WA #41 The Principality of Ethetopia WA #42 The Democratic States of Eurosa Peoples Republic WA #43 The Kingdom of Falkylands WA #44 The Gun Farming Nation of Faltimron WA #45 The Federation of Felsenheim WA #46 The Republic of Filanis Coast WA #47 The Commonwealth of Flaktopia WA #48 The Republic of Florentica WA #49 The Grand Duchy of Forstuline WA #50 The Dominion of Fort Katrice WA #51 The Federation of Gemio WA #52 The Federal Republic of Georthia WA #53 The City State of GlitchCity WA #54 The Eternal Empire of Grand Elysium WA #55 The Federation of Great Moolahnd WA #56 The Republic of Green Hill WA #57 The Empire of HippoCrown WA #58 The Armed Republic of Holy Roadrunner Empire WA #59 The Free Land of Hugr WA #60 The Holy Empire of Humanity Reclemation WA #61 The Multi-ethnic Federation of Hungromania WA #62 The Republic of Hyrpirievon WA #63 The Divided Queendom of If Britain was good WA #64 The Armed Republic of Iltham WA #65 The Corrupt Vampiric Legions of Imperial Shaustria WA #66 The Sultanate of Indonesia indonesia WA #67 The Federation of Ineras WA #68 The Kingdom of Inkadinka Doo WA #69 The Empire of Iron-Oath WA #70 The Empire of Ixris WA #71 The Democratic Republic of Jayanla WA #72 The Kingdom of Johnsylvania WA #73 The Kingdom of Jut WA #74 The Commonwealth of Kalimikya WA #75 The Armed Republic of Kallandaria WA #76 The Armed Republic of Kandeng Doguan Islands WA #77 The Nusantara and Karimun States of Karoghustan WA #78 The Republic of Kathoul WA #79 The Principality of Kernev WA #80 The United Socialist States of Keverikapax WA #81 The System of Kiborg WA #82 The Republic of KindGood WA #83 The Hindu Republic of Kombdillistan WA #84 The Industrial Complex of Koniads WA #85 The Kingdom of Kreczwia WA #86 The Democratic Republic of Krystallum WA #87 The People's Republic of Kuroven WA #88 The Kingdom of Leimur WA #89 The Federation of Liberovia WA #90 The Empire of Lielbritanjia WA #91 The Confederacy of Luskiytho WA #92 The Socialist State of Majocco WA #93 The Federation of Malkhazia WA #94 The Armed Republic of Manturi WA #95 The Desrtuctive Empire of Masilia WA #96 The United Socialist States of Mayanas WA #97 The Liberation from the Dark of Mechanocracy WA #98 The Imperial City of Mediternia WA #99 The Allied States of Medizin und Gesundheit WA | #100 The Elven Kingdom of Memorium Land WA #101 The Constitutional Monarchy of Middle Greller Kone WA #102 The Democratic Republic of Miloy WA #103 The People's Republic of Minumer WA #104 The People's Republic of Moonstone Lake WA #105 The Fungal Monarchical Democracy of Mushroom Kimgdom WA #106 The Armed Republic of Naman Marov WA #107 The Empire of Narcotia WA #108 The Commonwealth of Neo Paradisio WA #109 The Republic of Nerdherdia WA #110 The Community of New Ahiya WA #111 The Republic of New Ajakanistan WA #112 The Constitutional Monarchy of New Albane WA #113 The United Republics of New Albionia WA #114 The Federal Republic of New Bithynia WA #115 The Free Land of New Parne WA #116 The Colony of New Prumerica WA #117 The Federation of New Skepia WA #118 The Emerging Utopia of Nigele WA #119 The Commonwealth of North Atanua WA #120 The Republic of North Malacca WA #121 The United Socialist States of Novorossiyaa WA #122 The Commonwealth of Novoye Zvyezdorovsk WA #123 The Union of Soviets of Oldemburgos WA #124 The Kingdom of Olythera WA #125 The Theocracy of One Nation Under Pizza WA #126 The Republic of Opuntia WA #127 The Kingdom of Paraibalia WA #128 The Kingdom of Phillana Loveek WA #129 The Massive Military Powerhouse of Platypustopia WA #130 The People's Republic of Plirya WA #131 The Democratic Republic of Praella WA #132 The Incorporated States of Prime Komberskastan WA #133 The Disputed Territories of Rajithah WA #134 The Armed Republic of Rapaganda WA #135 The Empire of Razika WA #136 The Sultanate of Rep Cos Land WA #137 The United Islands of Republic of Perlas Oriente WA #138 The Kingdom of Riano WA #139 The Community of Roaming Fortunes WA #140 The Republic of Runraya WA #141 The Islamic State of Sconia Republic WA #142 The Armed Republic of Senfinatio WA #143 The Most Serene Republic of Seri Keya WA #144 The Empire of Sherizia WA #145 The People's Republic of Skija WA #146 The Commonwealth of Skioso WA #147 The United Imperium of Slient Empire WA #148 The Federal Republic of Sollolanes WA #149 The State of Southwestern Federal Republic WA #150 The Divine Mandated Empire of Strechia WA #151 The Federal Republic of Styx City WA #152 The Federation of Super League WA #153 The Sultanate of Sycustavan WA #154 The Sunrise Empire of Talm WA #155 The Constitutional Monarchy of Tercer Imperio Mexicano WA #156 The Right-Wing Democracy of Thaurbog Daestlectia WA #157 The Scattered Republic of The 50 Islands WA #158 The Federation of The Armed Forces of the Archipelago WA #159 The Community of The Borg Community WA #160 The Expeditionary Force of The Ecalpan Kangun WA #161 The Imperial State of The Empire of Alerba WA #162 The Sultanate of The Indurone WA #163 The City of The Niagara WA #164 The Empire of The Potato Farmer Technoblade WA #165 The Holy Empire of The Wolfen-states WA #166 The Republic of ThedizzieStarles WA #167 The Blue AI-Ocracy of Therimenjas WA #168 The Kingdom of Tianhua WA #169 The Empire of Tikani WA #170 The Republic of Toita WA #171 The Federal Republic of Tolo WA #172 The Republic of Trapezoin WA #173 The Republic of Turkish Forces WA #174 The United Socialist States of Tyrannald WA #175 The Federation of United Eurafrasia WA #176 The Federation of United Tanks WA #177 The Republic of Uvik WA #178 The New Republic of Vaishnavaria WA #179 The Most Serene Republic of Vanostav WA #180 The Constitutional Monarchy of Velichiye WA #181 The Federal Republic of Veliciana WA #182 The Incorporated States of Velisila Ljudstva WA #183 The Republic of Vespertinnia WA #184 The Kingdom of Vicernas Demace WA #185 The Federal Republic of Vondasia WA #186 The Democratic Republic of Waldlandia WA #187 The United States of Warpart WA #188 The Republic of West Aclar WA #189 The Mostly Serene State of West Ferris WA #190 The Federal Republic of West Meafsky WA #191 The Colony of Wocturne WA #192 The Republic of Yadablow WA #193 The Sultanate of Zahlee WA #194 The Incorporated States of Zangreba WA #195 The Principality of Zarautz WA #196 The Empire of Znalisa WA |