1: The Confederacy of -Europe- Pop: 353 Mil 2: The Principality of -Jerry Sinewave- Pop: 796 Mil 3: The Socialist Republic of Aerylyng Pop: 539 Mil 4: The Grand Duchy of Aeternumium Pop: 18 Mil 5: The Corporatist Empire of Aljah Pop: 2,781 Mil 6: The Social Republic of Amenistan Pop: 1,519 Mil 7: The United States of Antarus Redaction Pop: 6,462 Mil 8: The Sneedchuck Ascendancy of Anti-Fruitcake Brigade Pop: 5,491 Mil 9: The Apolitical Soldier-State of Atsuria Pop: 24,677 Mil 10: The Sunless Nation of Ausleria Pop: 5,782 Mil 11: The Rogue Nation of BSN59 Pop: 2,756 Mil 12: The Federative State of Bynzich Pop: 2,968 Mil 13: The Super Directorate of Canarsus Pop: 23,259 Mil 14: The ɴᴇᴏᴊᴀᴛɪ ɪᴍᴘᴇʀɪᴠᴍ of Carolina Sur Pop: 2,679 Mil 15: The Sovereignty of Cartiga Pop: 26,322 Mil 16: The Armed Republic of CeraK Pop: 219 Mil 17: The Imperium of Chalybea Pop: 21,258 Mil 18: The Militant Isolationists of Chernistiv Pop: 4,771 Mil 19: The People's Republic of Cielagua Pop: 2,344 Mil 20: The Divine Kingdom of Confederation of Southern Memeland Pop: 17,527 Mil 21: The Nomadic Legion of Cruciland Pop: 23,860 Mil 22: The Eminent Bakery of Crumpetopia Pop: 4,590 Mil 23: The Federation of Cuthon Pop: 9,543 Mil 24: The Empire of Damnel Pop: 1,264 Mil 25: The Holy Empire of Der Glocke Pop: 191 Mil 26: The Confederacy of Deraililand Pop: 649 Mil 27: The Empire of Die Kaiserin Pop: 5,478 Mil 28: The Imperial Reich of Drachen Pop: 5,026 Mil 29: The Republic of Duce Fascismo Pop: 14,572 Mil 30: The United Rus' of E s t r u s Pop: 1,547 Mil 31: The National Socialist Republic of Eastern Orso Pop: 2,484 Mil 32: The Regime of Edwing Pop: 5,447 Mil 33: The Queendom of Empire Of the Alterion Pop: 253 Mil 34: The Confederacy of Ethnic Nations Pop: 7,096 Mil 35: The Federation of Euroasian Pop: 395 Mil 36: The Empire of Faika Pop: 231 Mil 37: The National Union of Falangist New Spain Pop: 618 Mil 38: The Empire of Fanvm Tax Pop: 254 Mil 39: The Imperial Empire of Fasci Pop: 9,287 Mil 40: The Regency of Foederatio Latina Pop: 1,376 Mil 41: The Kingdom of Galabadro Pop: 4,661 Mil 42: The Empire of Gigaborea Pop: 3,784 Mil 43: The Fan of Texas of Glorified Toaster with Legs Pop: 1,333 Mil 44: The Theocracy of God Fearing Devoted Pop: 15,853 Mil 45: The Empire of Harkonnenstadt Pop: 935 Mil 46: The Kingdom of Heavenly Delights Pop: 62 Mil 47: The Schizopilled Queendom of Heijmskringla Pop: 7,000 Mil 48: The Dictatorship of Hilseris Pop: 2,417 Mil 49: The Kingdom of Holy Catheria Pop: 5,275 Mil 50: The Populist Union of Hungarian Social Republic Pop: 1,808 Mil 51: The Holy Empire of Intron- Pop: 6,252 Mil 52: The Second Great Empire of Irsfamen Pop: 9,033 Mil 53: The Democratic Republic of Isla Fondata Pop: 194 Mil 54: The Corrupt Dictatorship of Ivfbenk Pop: 10,688 Mil 55: The Dictatorship of Jackasslandia Pop: 90 Mil 56: The FifthEmpire Military General of Ketol Pop: 18,509 Mil 57: The Holy Empire of Kizhiratsk Pop: 492 Mil 58: The Red Gold Fascist Junta of Knights of LUSITANIA Pop: 16,027 Mil 59: The Holy Empire of Lacodemonia Pop: 286 Mil 60: The Dictatorship of Landsing Pop: 337 Mil 61: The Capatalist Republic of Lavatski Pop: 3,370 Mil 62: The Republic of Liberty for Layem Pop: 5,377 Mil 63: The Greater Reich of Luchsmania Pop: 2,367 Mil 64: The Republic of Lux Immortalem Pop: 281 Mil 65: The Legendary Indio Empire of Malotihuacan Pop: 9,920 Mil 66: The Stratocratic Republic of Mats-Zoden Pop: 4,694 Mil 67: The Nationale Republik of Menschem Pop: 2,941 Mil 68: The Constitutional Monarchy of Mercenara Pop: 329 Mil 69: The Republic of Mightoniego Pop: 6,125 Mil 70: The Most Serene Republic of Milliyetci Turkiye Pop: 1,767 Mil 71: The Union of Mottervateis Pop: 1,083 Mil 72: The Dar al-Islam of Nan Sarunai Pop: 4,954 Mil 73: The Empire of Natskiatristia Pop: 32 Mil 74: The Nomadic Peoples of Naturalian Pop: 3,211 Mil 75: The Empire of Neo German Reich Pop: 7 Mil 76: The Enclave of Neo-Amerika Pop: 4,044 Mil 77: The Republic of Neonicia Pop: 377 Mil 78: The Golden Empire of New Anarchikon Pop: 5,677 Mil 79: The Dictatorship of New Silo Pop: 388 Mil | 80: The Eternally Liberated Peoples of New Slavicia Pop: 10,762 Mil 81: The Kingdom of New-Addlebrand Pop: 390 Mil 82: The Free Land of Nordwin Pop: 164 Mil 83: The National Republic of Norgeia Pop: 4,368 Mil 84: The Stellar Imperium of North Hells Saellue Pop: 1,402 Mil 85: The Fascist Order of Northern Totalitarian States of America Pop: 2,087 Mil 86: The Military Territory of Nymany Pop: 1,720 Mil 87: The Nomadic Peoples of Old Scythia Pop: 117 Mil 88: The Dictatorship of Order-state of Listenbourg Pop: 18 Mil 89: The Kingdom of Otherreich Pop: 3,398 Mil 90: The Perverted Mind of Piero Sraffa Pop: 15,019 Mil 91: The Republic of Piwoland Pop: 62 Mil 92: The Stratocratic Republic of Porotia Pop: 8,142 Mil 93: The Social Republic of Portzania Pop: 4,364 Mil 94: The Holy Land of Priests of the Coin Pop: 9,745 Mil 95: The Republic of Prodstrazka Pop: 10,135 Mil 96: The Matriarchy of Rany Blanodia Pop: 56 Mil 97: The Nationalist Military State of Right Wing Fascism Pop: 24,151 Mil 98: The Empire of Rote Weide Pop: 239 Mil 99: The Rogue Nation of Saint Lucian Frostland Pop: 1,108 Mil 100: The Empire of Saiwana Pop: 3,594 Mil 101: The Southern Confederation of Santa Monica Order Pop: 8,156 Mil 102: The Rogue Nation of Scythonia Pop: 772 Mil 103: The Dictatorship of Serenissima Roma Pop: 1,864 Mil 104: The Holy Empire of Serra-Bandy Pop: 7,518 Mil 105: The Armed Republic of Servitronia Pop: 477 Mil 106: The Kingdom of Shield-Bearer City Pop: 370 Mil 107: The キ Neofeudalist Cantons キ of Songateri Pop: 7,748 Mil 108: The Empire of Soviet cobra communist republic Pop: 3,865 Mil 109: The Empire of Ssumaz Pop: 7,006 Mil 110: The People's Republic of T0rtvga Pop: 769 Mil 111: The Principality of Temovka Pop: 4,759 Mil 112: The Commonwealth of Terenieistotny Pop: 68 Mil 113: The Dictatorship of The boreder Pop: 414 Mil 114: The Relic Keeper of The Burning Myriad Pop: 6,579 Mil 115: The Final Aaronic Priesthood of The Children of Gerizim Pop: 3,174 Mil 116: The Incorporated States of The Greater German Federation Pop: 26 Mil 117: The Holy Tsardom of The Greater Imperial Russian Empire Pop: 7,421 Mil 118: The Kingdom of The Greater Prussia Region Pop: 383 Mil 119: The Kingdom of The Hessa Islands Pop: 9,577 Mil 120: The Elder Empire of The Iron Stars Pop: 30,866 Mil 121: The Risen Green Cyber-Sultanate of The Korean Papal States Pop: 2,210 Mil 122: The Revolutionary Command of The Organization Pop: 1,791 Mil 123: The United States of The Squimperium FE Pop: 32 Mil 124: The Thousand Years of The Steel Helmets Pop: 21,847 Mil 125: The Aladeen Aladeen of The Supreme Islamic State Pop: 1,494 Mil 126: The Fascist Republic of The Union Of The English Pop: 5,853 Mil 127: The Republic of The Vatican Town Of CSA Pop: 130 Mil 128: The Dictatorship of The Worst Country Pop: 772 Mil 129: The Rogue Nation of The Ztranan 4th Shock Army Pop: 29 Mil 130: The Totalitariate of Theo Lanaralisialand Pop: 1,835 Mil 131: The Reich of the People of Thorstonia Pop: 7,628 Mil 132: The Republic of Titus Flavius Vespasianus Pop: 648 Mil 133: The Melodic Commonwealth of Tobosarsk Pop: 8,844 Mil 134: The People's Republic of Totalitarer Volksstaat Pop: 1,919 Mil 135: The United States of Traditionalist America Pop: 20 Mil 136: The Rogue Nation of Tundra Terra Pop: 16,923 Mil 137: The The Fascist dictatorship of Uath Sovjf Pop: 1,103 Mil 138: The Empire of Ultranationalist Tamazgha Pop: 315 Mil 139: The Borderlands of Uusi-Savo Pop: 1,367 Mil 140: The Nation of Valdonia Pop: 5,041 Mil 141: The Republic of Vattghern Pop: 45 Mil 142: The Dictatorship of Verkopia Pop: 23 Mil 143: The Republic of Virginia Kekoas Pop: 40 Mil 144: The Armed Republic of Volkesvorherrschaft Pop: 5,384 Mil 145: The Theocracy of Von-Sternberg Pop: 4,429 Mil 146: The Great Fascist State of Vorea Pop: 625 Mil 147: The Federation of Vostochnirus Pop: 418 Mil 148: The Jingoistic States of Warhawks Pop: 14 Mil 149: The Dictatorship of World Defense Council of Law Pop: 5,502 Mil 150: The Rogue Nation of Yian Kut-Ku Pop: 9,798 Mil 151: The Gade Skandar Ubatarzky of Zakrya Pop: 6,958 Mil 152: The Empire of Zarathustra Faschisfe Militia Pop: 2,826 Mil 153: The Federation of Zaruworldo Pop: 5,671 Mil 154: The United Imperium of Zeepind Pop: 1,751 Mil 155: The Dictatorship of Zertha Pop: 1,124 Mil |