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There are 88 WA Countries in the Region of Fifth Empire

You have arrived at the WA Nations list for Fifth Empire.

Simply, the following list is all of the WA delegates from the Region of Fifth Empire. To use the page as a clearing house, click on the WA next to the nation you want to visit, and the Nation States page for that individual should open in a new window.

What do I do with this?
For those regions looking to keep their delegates "Democratically" Elected, the list is split in roughly half for a quick 50% count of available endorsements. This list has also been used to help raiders looking to meet the locals, delegates looking to monitor their kingdoms, newbies seeking endorsements so they gain some influence, and corporations looking to sell wares in a warzone... (among other things). The author suggests Nations interested in Security show this to your delegate. Others have access to this info too, and readily use it for lot's of things. You should be too. That is the point of having this system published.

1. Select a different Nation from the whole region to view (complete Region's Nation listings).

Top 25 GDP Leaders:
2. Regional trade .
3. Regional GDP .
4. Click here to see WA Member Nations.
5. Regional Exchange Rates.

#1 The Jingoistic States of Alabamy WA

#2 The Tzarist State of Aljah WA

#3 The Republic of Alnazer Company WA

#4 The Free State Alliance of AlpineRepublic WA

#5 The Grim Dark holy Imperium of Antarus Redaction WA

#6 The Holy Empire of Artz Ivrit WA

#7 The People's Republic of Avrahamia WA

#8 The Holy Empire of Belenoch WA

#9 The Sovereignty of Cartiga WA

#10 The Imperium of Chalybea WA

#11 The All Charian Social Republic of Charia and Rusteko WA

#12 The Jingoistic Reclaimers of Chernistiv WA

#13 The Divine Kingdom of Confederation of Southern Memeland WA

#14 The Nomadic Legion of Cruciland WA

#15 The Eminent Bakery of Crumpetopia WA

#16 The Federation of Cuthon WA

#17 The Lied of Der Glocke WA

#18 The Eco-Fascist Fortress Realm of Dharmania WA

#19 The Confederate State of Dixie Florida WA

#20 The Vierter Reichsstaat of Drachen WA

#21 The United Confederation of E s t r u s WA

#22 The Regime of Edwing WA

#23 The Confederacy of Ethnic Nations WA

#24 The Most Rizzful Empire of Fanvm Tax WA

#25 The Free State of Fernostland WA

#26 The Federation of Free Rhodia WA

#27 The Schizopilled Queendom of Heijmskringla WA

#28 The Empire of Hellghon WA

#29 The Kingdom of Holy Catheria WA

#30 The Fiefdom of Honorable WA

#31 The National Front of Hungarian Social Republic WA

#32 The Dictatorship of Imperium Corporativum Romanum WA

#33 The Second Great Empire of Irsfamen WA

#34 The Fascist Dictatorship of Jackasslandia WA

#35 The Arab Jamahiriya republic of Kelvenya WA

#36 The Blessed Empire of Kizhiratsk WA

#37 The Holy Hyperfascist Order of Knights of LUSITANIA WA

#38 The Empire of Lumiat WA

#39 The Hyperborean Autonomous Zone of LVK212 WA

#40 The Legendary Indio Empire of Malotihuacan WA

#41 The Worker's Union of Mottervateis WA

#42 The Dar al-Islam of Nan Sarunai WA

#43 The Greater Kingdom of New Anarchikon WA

#44 The Eternally Liberated Peoples of New Slavicia WA

#45 The Kingdom of New-Addlebrand WA

#46 The Free Tyrannic Communal State of Nymany WA

#47 The Free Land of Oftin WA

#48 The People's Republic of Paro Bow WA

#49 The Stratocratic Republic of Porotia WA

#50 The Social Republic of Portzania WA

#51 The People's Republic of Progfatal WA

#52 The Empire of Provincias Unidas del SurARG WA

#53 The Holy Empire of Routcher WA

#54 The Rogue Nation of Saint Lucian Frostland WA

#55 The Empire of Saiwana WA

#56 The Southern Confederation of Santa Monica Order WA

#57 The Holy Empire of Serra-Bandy WA

#58 The Reformed Solar Union of Servitronia WA

#59 The Federal Republic of South Rolanda WA

#60 The Democratic People's Republic of T0rtvga WA

#61 The National State of Tamaunisia WA

#62 The National Dictatorship of The Bolivian Socialist Falange WA

#63 The Dictatorship of The boreder WA

#64 The Incorporated States of The Canadian National Republic WA

#65 The Final Aaronic Priesthood of The Children of Gerizim WA

#66 The Nationalist State of The Greater Imperial Russian Empire WA

#67 The Royal Dominion of The Greater Prussia Region WA

#68 The Kingdom of The Hessa Islands WA

#69 The Elder Empire of The Iron Stars WA

#70 The Resurrected Cyber-Sultanate of The Korean Papal States WA

#71 The Helghast Kamui-Gumi of The New Age Empire WA

#72 The Fiefdom of The Supreme Horde WA

#73 The Assadate of The Supreme Islamic State WA

#74 The Holy Order of The Swiss Guard WA

#75 The Imperial Republic of The Union Of The English WA

#76 The Confederacy of The Vatican Town Of CSA WA

#77 The Reich of the People of Thorstonia WA

#78 The Northern Territories of Tobosarsk WA

#79 The Presidential republic of Uath Sovjf WA

#80 The Nation of Valdonia WA

#81 The Republic of Viewpoint America WA

#82 The Commonwealth of Vortissa WA

#83 The Commonwealth of Voryndel WA

#84 The Dictatorship of World Defense Council of Law WA

#85 The Federation of Zaruworldo WA

#86 The United Imperium of Zeepind WA

#87 The Dictatorship of Zertha WA

#88 The National Syndicated Kingdom of Zordennox WA

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