#1 The Jingoistic States of Alabamy WA #2 The Tzarist State of Aljah WA #3 The Republic of Alnazer Company WA #4 The Free State Alliance of AlpineRepublic WA #5 The Grim Dark holy Imperium of Antarus Redaction WA #6 The Holy Empire of Artz Ivrit WA #7 The People's Republic of Avrahamia WA #8 The Holy Empire of Belenoch WA #9 The Sovereignty of Cartiga WA #10 The Imperium of Chalybea WA #11 The All Charian Social Republic of Charia and Rusteko WA #12 The Jingoistic Reclaimers of Chernistiv WA #13 The Divine Kingdom of Confederation of Southern Memeland WA #14 The Nomadic Legion of Cruciland WA #15 The Eminent Bakery of Crumpetopia WA #16 The Federation of Cuthon WA #17 The Lied of Der Glocke WA #18 The Eco-Fascist Fortress Realm of Dharmania WA #19 The Confederate State of Dixie Florida WA #20 The Vierter Reichsstaat of Drachen WA #21 The United Confederation of E s t r u s WA #22 The Regime of Edwing WA #23 The Confederacy of Ethnic Nations WA #24 The Most Rizzful Empire of Fanvm Tax WA #25 The Free State of Fernostland WA #26 The Federation of Free Rhodia WA #27 The Schizopilled Queendom of Heijmskringla WA #28 The Empire of Hellghon WA #29 The Kingdom of Holy Catheria WA #30 The Fiefdom of Honorable WA #31 The National Front of Hungarian Social Republic WA #32 The Dictatorship of Imperium Corporativum Romanum WA #33 The Second Great Empire of Irsfamen WA #34 The Fascist Dictatorship of Jackasslandia WA #35 The Arab Jamahiriya republic of Kelvenya WA #36 The Blessed Empire of Kizhiratsk WA #37 The Holy Hyperfascist Order of Knights of LUSITANIA WA #38 The Empire of Lumiat WA #39 The Hyperborean Autonomous Zone of LVK212 WA #40 The Legendary Indio Empire of Malotihuacan WA #41 The Worker's Union of Mottervateis WA #42 The Dar al-Islam of Nan Sarunai WA #43 The Greater Kingdom of New Anarchikon WA #44 The Eternally Liberated Peoples of New Slavicia WA #45 The Kingdom of New-Addlebrand WA | #46 The Free Tyrannic Communal State of Nymany WA #47 The Free Land of Oftin WA #48 The People's Republic of Paro Bow WA #49 The Stratocratic Republic of Porotia WA #50 The Social Republic of Portzania WA #51 The People's Republic of Progfatal WA #52 The Empire of Provincias Unidas del SurARG WA #53 The Holy Empire of Routcher WA #54 The Rogue Nation of Saint Lucian Frostland WA #55 The Empire of Saiwana WA #56 The Southern Confederation of Santa Monica Order WA #57 The Holy Empire of Serra-Bandy WA #58 The Reformed Solar Union of Servitronia WA #59 The Federal Republic of South Rolanda WA #60 The Democratic People's Republic of T0rtvga WA #61 The National State of Tamaunisia WA #62 The National Dictatorship of The Bolivian Socialist Falange WA #63 The Dictatorship of The boreder WA #64 The Incorporated States of The Canadian National Republic WA #65 The Final Aaronic Priesthood of The Children of Gerizim WA #66 The Nationalist State of The Greater Imperial Russian Empire WA #67 The Royal Dominion of The Greater Prussia Region WA #68 The Kingdom of The Hessa Islands WA #69 The Elder Empire of The Iron Stars WA #70 The Resurrected Cyber-Sultanate of The Korean Papal States WA #71 The Helghast Kamui-Gumi of The New Age Empire WA #72 The Fiefdom of The Supreme Horde WA #73 The Assadate of The Supreme Islamic State WA #74 The Holy Order of The Swiss Guard WA #75 The Imperial Republic of The Union Of The English WA #76 The Confederacy of The Vatican Town Of CSA WA #77 The Reich of the People of Thorstonia WA #78 The Northern Territories of Tobosarsk WA #79 The Presidential republic of Uath Sovjf WA #80 The Nation of Valdonia WA #81 The Republic of Viewpoint America WA #82 The Commonwealth of Vortissa WA #83 The Commonwealth of Voryndel WA #84 The Dictatorship of World Defense Council of Law WA #85 The Federation of Zaruworldo WA #86 The United Imperium of Zeepind WA #87 The Dictatorship of Zertha WA #88 The National Syndicated Kingdom of Zordennox WA |