#1 The Parliamentary Republic of Abyssrinn WA #2 The Federal Republic of Alaxia WA #3 The Populgoverne of Alcantaria WA #4 The Frosty Northern Haven of Anxious and Kevin WA #5 The Democratic Metropoles of Arzibe WA #6 The United States of ASTRA vera WA #7 The Pink Holy Lucky Christmas of Atsvea WA #8 The Nostalgic Halcyon of Azure Mines WA #9 The Unspecified Civilisation of Bestburg WA #10 The Beauty Land of Bilsa WA #11 The Thoroughly Unkept Office of Bisofeyri World Assembly Mission WA #12 The Deep Ecosphere of Blue Nagia WA #13 The Sarcasm Tag of Canaltia WA #14 The Intensive Care Unit of Candlewhisper Archive WA #15 The Tree State of Cannibaland WA #16 The Quentibanch of Caterasia WA #17 The Colony of Chilledsville WA #18 The Senatorial College of Cielovera WA #19 The Most Serene Republic of Columbiqash WA #20 The Democratic Republic of Concor WA #21 The Socialist Republic of Cuillin WA #22 The Lovely Realm of Democratic Republic of Cacusia WA #23 The Eco-Totalitarian Cyberocracy of Ecologist Hegemony WA #24 The Republic of Effazio WA #25 The Northern Lands of Einswenn WA #26 The Paradise State of Elleora WA #27 The Emerald Forest of Eryndlynd WA #28 The Allied States of Esterild WA #29 The Tiny Village of Fartsniffage WA #30 The Rogue Nation of First Nightmare WA #31 The Commonwealth of Forest Virginia WA #32 The Gold Zombie of Forgotten Beauty WA #33 The Konungssk?gar of Furilisca WA #34 The Green Otters' State of Garbelia WA #35 The ρσɳყ ɱσɳα૨૮ɦყ of Gorthias WA #36 The Federation of Greater Morvonia WA #37 The Union of Hyon Delta WA #38 The Emirate of Iereia WA #39 The Republic of Jamilkhuze WA #40 The Federation of Kannap WA #41 The Ecologically Responsible Cat of Kattenland WA #42 The Confederacy of Kawastyselir WA #43 The Realm of Lofia WA #44 The Utopian People's Republic of Love and Nature WA #45 The Small Nation of Lumiose WA #46 The Tsardom of Lura WA | #47 The Federation of Madossa WA #48 The Federation of Marthuania WA #49 The Valiant Vessel of McClandia Doge 2 WA #50 The Pacific Alpine Commonwealth of Mount Seymour WA #51 The Communitarianism of Mpanzi WA #52 The Arboreal Republic of New Ladavia WA #53 The Confederacy of Novian Republics WA #54 The Healthy United Empire of Obvile Kiatopia WA #55 The Easter VrijStaat of Ownzone WA #56 The United Kingdom of Paytxew WA #57 The Ruinenlustian Puppet of ProForestation WA #58 The Blue Skyed Republic of Prusmia WA #59 The Organic Co-operative of Prydaein WA #60 The Workers-Ecological State of Psuke WA #61 The United Mangrove Archipelago of Ransium WA #62 The Welfare State of Republik Hintonia WA #63 The United Sovereign Queendoms of Rhodevus WA #64 The Oppressed Peoples of Rolessian World Assembly Delegation WA #65 The Vast Mountains and Forests of Rumau WA #66 The Serene Floral Decadence of Saint Dolmance WA #67 The Western States of Sierra Cascadia WA #68 The United Regions of Sozland WA #69 The Republic of Taco Respublic WA #70 The Incorporated States of Terrabod WA #71 The Kingdom of The Black Forrest WA #72 The Concordant Stratum of The Cypher Nine WA #73 The Benevolent Dictatorship of The United Capital of Adam WA #74 The Royal County of Three Creeks WA #75 The Green Land of Tildalandia WA #76 The Equatorial Republic of Tishanda WA #77 The Free Land of Trinotopia WA #78 The Virid Republic of Tscharva WA #79 The Equatorial Forests of Uan aa Boa WA #80 The States and Territories of United Malay Federation WA #81 The Sovereignty of Vantser WA #82 The Liberal Tropical Emirates of Velkia and the Islands WA #83 The Federated Bailiwicks of Verdant Haven WA #84 The Queendom of Vespertine Riviera WA #85 The Community of Wantevolo WA #86 The Republic of Windond WA #87 The Pro Ukraine Windowmakers of Window Land WA #88 The Amor Fati of York Zionia WA #89 The Alf?ldi People's Republic of Ypogegrammeni WA #90 The Zephyrs of Zerphen WA #91 The Federal Socialist Republic of Ziotah and Riverside WA |