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There are 91 WA Countries in the Region of Forest

You have arrived at the WA Nations list for Forest.

Simply, the following list is all of the WA delegates from the Region of Forest. To use the page as a clearing house, click on the WA next to the nation you want to visit, and the Nation States page for that individual should open in a new window.

What do I do with this?
For those regions looking to keep their delegates "Democratically" Elected, the list is split in roughly half for a quick 50% count of available endorsements. This list has also been used to help raiders looking to meet the locals, delegates looking to monitor their kingdoms, newbies seeking endorsements so they gain some influence, and corporations looking to sell wares in a warzone... (among other things). The author suggests Nations interested in Security show this to your delegate. Others have access to this info too, and readily use it for lot's of things. You should be too. That is the point of having this system published.

1. Select a different Nation from the whole region to view (complete Region's Nation listings).

Top 25 GDP Leaders:
2. Regional trade .
3. Regional GDP .
4. Click here to see WA Member Nations.
5. Regional Exchange Rates.

#1 The Parliamentary Republic of Abyssrinn WA

#2 The Federal Republic of Alaxia WA

#3 The Populgoverne of Alcantaria WA

#4 The Frosty Northern Haven of Anxious and Kevin WA

#5 The Democratic Metropoles of Arzibe WA

#6 The United States of ASTRA vera WA

#7 The Pink Holy Lucky Christmas of Atsvea WA

#8 The Nostalgic Halcyon of Azure Mines WA

#9 The Unspecified Civilisation of Bestburg WA

#10 The Beauty Land of Bilsa WA

#11 The Thoroughly Unkept Office of Bisofeyri World Assembly Mission WA

#12 The Deep Ecosphere of Blue Nagia WA

#13 The Sarcasm Tag of Canaltia WA

#14 The Intensive Care Unit of Candlewhisper Archive WA

#15 The Tree State of Cannibaland WA

#16 The Quentibanch of Caterasia WA

#17 The Colony of Chilledsville WA

#18 The Senatorial College of Cielovera WA

#19 The Most Serene Republic of Columbiqash WA

#20 The Democratic Republic of Concor WA

#21 The Socialist Republic of Cuillin WA

#22 The Lovely Realm of Democratic Republic of Cacusia WA

#23 The Eco-Totalitarian Cyberocracy of Ecologist Hegemony WA

#24 The Republic of Effazio WA

#25 The Northern Lands of Einswenn WA

#26 The Paradise State of Elleora WA

#27 The Emerald Forest of Eryndlynd WA

#28 The Allied States of Esterild WA

#29 The Tiny Village of Fartsniffage WA

#30 The Rogue Nation of First Nightmare WA

#31 The Commonwealth of Forest Virginia WA

#32 The Gold Zombie of Forgotten Beauty WA

#33 The Konungssk?gar of Furilisca WA

#34 The Green Otters' State of Garbelia WA

#35 The ρσɳყ ɱσɳα૨૮ɦყ of Gorthias WA

#36 The Federation of Greater Morvonia WA

#37 The Union of Hyon Delta WA

#38 The Emirate of Iereia WA

#39 The Republic of Jamilkhuze WA

#40 The Federation of Kannap WA

#41 The Ecologically Responsible Cat of Kattenland WA

#42 The Confederacy of Kawastyselir WA

#43 The Realm of Lofia WA

#44 The Utopian People's Republic of Love and Nature WA

#45 The Small Nation of Lumiose WA

#46 The Tsardom of Lura WA

#47 The Federation of Madossa WA

#48 The Federation of Marthuania WA

#49 The Valiant Vessel of McClandia Doge 2 WA

#50 The Pacific Alpine Commonwealth of Mount Seymour WA

#51 The Communitarianism of Mpanzi WA

#52 The Arboreal Republic of New Ladavia WA

#53 The Confederacy of Novian Republics WA

#54 The Healthy United Empire of Obvile Kiatopia WA

#55 The Easter VrijStaat of Ownzone WA

#56 The United Kingdom of Paytxew WA

#57 The Ruinenlustian Puppet of ProForestation WA

#58 The Blue Skyed Republic of Prusmia WA

#59 The Organic Co-operative of Prydaein WA

#60 The Workers-Ecological State of Psuke WA

#61 The United Mangrove Archipelago of Ransium WA

#62 The Welfare State of Republik Hintonia WA

#63 The United Sovereign Queendoms of Rhodevus WA

#64 The Oppressed Peoples of Rolessian World Assembly Delegation WA

#65 The Vast Mountains and Forests of Rumau WA

#66 The Serene Floral Decadence of Saint Dolmance WA

#67 The Western States of Sierra Cascadia WA

#68 The United Regions of Sozland WA

#69 The Republic of Taco Respublic WA

#70 The Incorporated States of Terrabod WA

#71 The Kingdom of The Black Forrest WA

#72 The Concordant Stratum of The Cypher Nine WA

#73 The Benevolent Dictatorship of The United Capital of Adam WA

#74 The Royal County of Three Creeks WA

#75 The Green Land of Tildalandia WA

#76 The Equatorial Republic of Tishanda WA

#77 The Free Land of Trinotopia WA

#78 The Virid Republic of Tscharva WA

#79 The Equatorial Forests of Uan aa Boa WA

#80 The States and Territories of United Malay Federation WA

#81 The Sovereignty of Vantser WA

#82 The Liberal Tropical Emirates of Velkia and the Islands WA

#83 The Federated Bailiwicks of Verdant Haven WA

#84 The Queendom of Vespertine Riviera WA

#85 The Community of Wantevolo WA

#86 The Republic of Windond WA

#87 The Pro Ukraine Windowmakers of Window Land WA

#88 The Amor Fati of York Zionia WA

#89 The Alf?ldi People's Republic of Ypogegrammeni WA

#90 The Zephyrs of Zerphen WA

#91 The Federal Socialist Republic of Ziotah and Riverside WA

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