1: The Federal Republic of Agoraphobic Ailax Pop: 2,805 Mil 2: The Federation of Androgynous Ailax Pop: 2,761 Mil 3: The Fiefdom of Android Ailax Pop: 2,793 Mil 4: The Dictatorship of Angry Ailax Pop: 2,789 Mil 5: The Constitutional Monarchy of Annoyed Ailax Pop: 2,798 Mil 6: The Theocracy of Arduous Ailax Pop: 2,787 Mil 7: The Fiefdom of Attacking Ailax Pop: 2,807 Mil 8: The Kingdom of Avanrel Pop: 2,782 Mil 9: The Republic of Biboo Tax Pop: 1,419 Mil 10: The Federation of Dodecahedron Pop: 3,115 Mil 11: The Absolute Horror of HOT STUFF IS COMING Pop: 5,817 Mil 12: The Republic of Hurgath Pop: 2,960 Mil 13: The Republic of Juno Unagi Pop: 2,644 Mil 14: The Republic of Lackerie Pop: 3,037 Mil 15: The Republic of Lackerie Zacherie ilal Pop: 3,047 Mil 16: The Allied States of Mococo Abyssguard- Pop: 1,414 Mil 17: The Rizzing Demon of Nerizzler Pop: 1,402 Mil 18: The Republic of Remordias Pop: 1,816 Mil 19: The Constitutional Monarchy of Sacred Sanajeh Pop: 2,781 Mil 20: The Armed Republic of Sacrificial Sanajeh Pop: 2,808 Mil 21: The Dominion of Sagitarius A Pop: 2,680 Mil 22: The Dominion of Sagittarius A Asterisk Pop: 2,642 Mil 23: The Dictatorship of Saintly Sanajeh Pop: 2,782 Mil 24: The Federation of Salty Sanajeh Pop: 2,819 Mil 25: The Dominion of Saluting Sanajeh Pop: 2,782 Mil 26: The Allied States of Sarcastic Sanajeh Pop: 2,785 Mil 27: The Principality of Sassy sanajeh Pop: 2,803 Mil 28: The Federal Republic of Satirical Sanajeh Pop: 2,769 Mil 29: The Jingoistic States of Saucy Sanajeh Pop: 2,778 Mil 30: The Sultanate of Savage Sanajeh Pop: 2,823 Mil 31: The Free Land of Savory Sanajeh Pop: 2,768 Mil 32: The Grand Duchy of Scandalous Sanajeh Pop: 2,776 Mil 33: The United States of Scholarly Sanajeh Pop: 2,806 Mil 34: The Rogue Nation of Screaming Sanajeh Pop: 2,813 Mil 35: The Nomadic Peoples of Searching Sanajeh Pop: 2,815 Mil 36: The Theocracy of Secretive Sanajeh Pop: 2,803 Mil 37: The Kingdom of Seedy Sanajeh Pop: 2,809 Mil 38: The Federation of Seething Sanajeh Pop: 2,785 Mil 39: The Kingdom of Serene Sanajeh Pop: 2,777 Mil 40: The Fiefdom of Serious Sanajeh Pop: 2,835 Mil 41: The United Socialist States of Shadow Wizard Money Ailax Pop: 2,739 Mil 42: The Oppressed Peoples of Shadow Wizard Money Sanajeh Pop: 2,743 Mil 43: The Queendom of Shameless Sanajeh Pop: 2,775 Mil 44: The Matriarchy of Shifting Sanajeh Pop: 2,768 Mil 45: The Jingoistic States of Shuffling Sanajeh Pop: 2,779 Mil 46: The Bau Baucracy of Silly Sanajeh Pop: 2,796 Mil 47: The People's Republic of Singing Sanajeh Pop: 2,786 Mil 48: The Rogue Nation of Sinking Sanajeh Pop: 2,775 Mil 49: The Theocracy of Skipping Sanajeh Pop: 2,805 Mil 50: The Confederacy of Slaying Sanajeh Pop: 2,790 Mil 51: The Colony of Sleeping Sanajeh Pop: 2,785 Mil 52: The Republic of Smashing Sanajeh Pop: 2,805 Mil 53: The Nomadic Peoples of Smiling Sanajeh Pop: 2,798 Mil 54: The Free Land of Spicy Sanajeh Pop: 2,793 Mil 55: The Republic of Uregor Pop: 2,953 Mil 56: The Confederacy of Vaguely Vleerian Pop: 2,729 Mil 57: The Kingdom of Valley Vlee Pop: 2,716 Mil 58: The Jingoistic States of Valley Vleerian Pop: 2,681 Mil 59: The Constitutional Monarchy of Valuable Vlee Pop: 2,719 Mil 60: The Constitutional Monarchy of Valuable Vleerian Pop: 2,698 Mil 61: The Democratic Republic of Vanished Vlee Pop: 2,680 Mil 62: The United Kingdom of Vanished Vleerian Pop: 2,691 Mil 63: The Principality of Vanishing Vlee Pop: 2,697 Mil 64: The Oppressed Peoples of Vanishing Vleerian Pop: 2,682 Mil 65: The Allied States of Vapid Vlee Pop: 2,689 Mil 66: The Nomadic Peoples of Vapid Vleerian Pop: 2,672 Mil 67: The Confederacy of Vaporized Vleer Pop: 2,734 Mil 68: The Fiefdom of Variety Vlee Pop: 2,726 Mil 69: The Queendom of Veiled Vlee Pop: 2,700 Mil 70: The Borderlands of Veiled Vleerian Pop: 2,700 Mil 71: The Grand Duchy of Venal Vlee Pop: 2,709 Mil 72: The Dominion of Venal Vleerian Pop: 2,666 Mil 73: The Kingdom of Venomous Vlee Pop: 2,697 Mil 74: The People's Republic of Venomous Vleerian Pop: 2,702 Mil 75: The Fiefdom of Verifiably Vlee Pop: 2,674 Mil | 76: The Federation of Verifiably Vleerian Pop: 2,686 Mil 77: The Democratic States of Very Vlee Pop: 2,715 Mil 78: The United States of Very Vleerian Pop: 2,673 Mil 79: The Democratic States of Vestigal Vlee Pop: 2,681 Mil 80: The Republic of Vestigal Vleerian Pop: 2,700 Mil 81: The United Kingdom of Vexatious Vlee Pop: 2,717 Mil 82: The Disputed Territories of Vibing Vlee Pop: 2,674 Mil 83: The Grand Duchy of Vibing Vleerian Pop: 2,693 Mil 84: The Empire of Vigilant Vlee Pop: 2,718 Mil 85: The Free Land of Violently Vlee Pop: 2,729 Mil 86: The Nomadic Peoples of Virtuous Vlee Pop: 2,693 Mil 87: The Colony of Virtuous Vleerian Pop: 2,681 Mil 88: The Jingoistic States of Visibly Vleerian Pop: 2,754 Mil 89: The Dominion of Visiting Vlee Pop: 2,705 Mil 90: The Holy Empire of Visiting Vleerian Pop: 2,686 Mil 91: The Nomadic Peoples of Vital Vlee Pop: 2,715 Mil 92: The Protectorate of Vital Vleerian Pop: 2,653 Mil 93: The Democratic States of Viva La Vlee Pop: 2,712 Mil 94: The Emirate of Viva La Vleerian Pop: 2,700 Mil 95: The United Kingdom of Vivid Vlee Pop: 2,769 Mil 96: The Holy Empire of Vividly Vleerian Pop: 2,739 Mil 97: The Scarlet Eye of Vlee Pop: 2,728 Mil 98: The Federation of VleeFarm1 Pop: 2,740 Mil 99: The Dominion of VleeFarm10 Pop: 2,742 Mil 100: The United Kingdom of VleeFarm11 Pop: 2,735 Mil 101: The Rogue Nation of VleeFarm12 Pop: 2,718 Mil 102: The Democratic States of VleeFarm13 Pop: 2,732 Mil 103: The Democratic Republic of VleeFarm14 Pop: 2,715 Mil 104: The United Socialist States of VleeFarm15 Pop: 2,737 Mil 105: The Dominion of VleeFarm16 Pop: 2,688 Mil 106: The Emirate of VleeFarm17 Pop: 2,722 Mil 107: The Democratic States of VleeFarm18 Pop: 2,737 Mil 108: The Disputed Territories of VleeFarm19 Pop: 2,738 Mil 109: The Democratic Republic of VleeFarm2 Pop: 2,722 Mil 110: The Kingdom of VleeFarm20 Pop: 2,721 Mil 111: The Protectorate of VleeFarm21 Pop: 2,740 Mil 112: The Federation of VleeFarm22 Pop: 2,723 Mil 113: The Federal Republic of VleeFarm23 Pop: 2,726 Mil 114: The Colony of VleeFarm24 Pop: 2,739 Mil 115: The Federation of VleeFarm25 Pop: 2,704 Mil 116: The Rogue Nation of VleeFarm26 Pop: 2,733 Mil 117: The Federation of VleeFarm27 Pop: 2,744 Mil 118: The Federal Republic of VleeFarm28 Pop: 2,745 Mil 119: The United Kingdom of VleeFarm29 Pop: 2,733 Mil 120: The Commonwealth of VleeFarm3 Pop: 2,737 Mil 121: The United Socialist States of VleeFarm30 Pop: 2,721 Mil 122: The Kingdom of VleeFarm4 Pop: 2,728 Mil 123: The Rogue Nation of VleeFarm5 Pop: 2,734 Mil 124: The Matriarchy of VleeFarm6 Pop: 2,724 Mil 125: The Holy Empire of VleeFarm7 Pop: 2,736 Mil 126: The United Socialist States of VleeFarm8 Pop: 2,713 Mil 127: The Emirate of VleeFarm9 Pop: 2,747 Mil 128: The Republic of Vleehicular Vleeslaughter Pop: 2,718 Mil 129: The Principality of Vleenacular Pop: 2,708 Mil 130: The Republic of Vleerian and Sanajeh Pop: 1,137 Mil 131: The Commonwealth of Vleerianisms Pop: 2,719 Mil 132: The Fiefdom of Vleertual Pop: 2,731 Mil 133: The Confederacy of Vocalizing Vlee Pop: 2,677 Mil 134: The Fiefdom of Vocalizing Vleerian Pop: 2,710 Mil 135: The Allied States of Voluminous Vlee Pop: 2,697 Mil 136: The Dominion of Voluminous Vleerian Pop: 2,675 Mil 137: The Grand Duchy of Voracious Vleerian Pop: 2,720 Mil 138: The Fiefdom of Vorpal Vlee Pop: 2,718 Mil 139: The Principality of Vorpal Vleerian Pop: 2,718 Mil 140: The Fiefdom of Vouching Vlee Pop: 2,684 Mil 141: The Armed Republic of Vouching Vleerian Pop: 2,689 Mil 142: The Democratic States of Voyaging Vlee Pop: 2,725 Mil 143: The Backerie Shackerie of Wackerie Zacherie Pop: 6,748 Mil 144: The Republic of Yolsdein Pop: 2,896 Mil 145: The Republic of Zacharie Pop: 1,713 Mil 146: The Wackerie Shackerie of Zacherie Pop: 11,337 Mil |