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The top 11 Trading Countries in the Region of Genzawi

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Top 25 GDP Leaders:
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5. Regional Exchange Rates.

NationNet Trade     GDP    
The Holy Pink Lucky Me of Saint Belmar II$-385,178,861,568.00$49,240,800,000,000.00
The Republic of Coda Nation 69$-285,257,695,232.00$6,512,870,000,000.00
The Republic of Genzawii Bank Farm$-231,227,572,224.00$3,035,700,000,000.00
The People's Syndicate of Corleson$-71,944,773,632.00$2,864,010,000,000.00
The Republic of Verenthial$-27,432,658,944.00$431,567,000,000.00
The Grand Duchy of Pinole$-9,886,172,160.00$101,387,000,000.00
The Colony of Hotel Rwanda$-3,826,911,232.00$59,614,900,000.00
The Empire of The big blue sky$-3,301,647,872.00$47,785,500,000.00
The Dictatorship of Oppy Island$-2,217,844,736.00$48,513,400,000.00
The Swedish Empire of Sovietssr$55,885,152,256.00$24,892,000,000,000.00
The Pacific Islands of Saint Pinole II$964,389,961,728.00$28,361,600,000,000.00
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