NS Economy v3.69 Mobile - Nation States


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There are 127 WA Countries in the Region of Karma

You have arrived at the WA Nations list for Karma.

Simply, the following list is all of the WA delegates from the Region of Karma. To use the page as a clearing house, click on the WA next to the nation you want to visit, and the Nation States page for that individual should open in a new window.

What do I do with this?
For those regions looking to keep their delegates "Democratically" Elected, the list is split in roughly half for a quick 50% count of available endorsements. This list has also been used to help raiders looking to meet the locals, delegates looking to monitor their kingdoms, newbies seeking endorsements so they gain some influence, and corporations looking to sell wares in a warzone... (among other things). The author suggests Nations interested in Security show this to your delegate. Others have access to this info too, and readily use it for lot's of things. You should be too. That is the point of having this system published.

1. Select a different Nation from the whole region to view (complete Region's Nation listings).

Top 25 GDP Leaders:
2. Regional trade .
3. Regional GDP .
4. Click here to see WA Member Nations.
5. Regional Exchange Rates.

#1 The Rogue Nation of A-Spot in D-Spot WA

#2 The Fortress State of Aeraven WA

#3 The People's Republic of Aerius WA

#4 The Grand Duchy of Afrielia WA

#5 The Republic of Ahernia WA

#6 The Red Hellenic Sultanate of Al-Bonema WA

#7 The Empire of Alespariax WA

#8 The Love n Stuff of Altino WA

#9 The Borderlands of Alvenholm WA

#10 The Hypnos Worshippers of Antarctic SARNZ WA

#11 The Kingdom of Anthria WA

#12 The United Socialist States of Aracelicosenera WA

#13 The Constitutional Monarchy of Aramar WA

#14 The Federal Republic of Archus WA

#15 The Camel-covered somewhere of Arcove WA

#16 The People's Republic of Areystas WA

#17 The Reborn Queendom of Avenel WA

#18 The United States of Bigsmpia WA

#19 The Raving Wormy 'Queendom' of Bingusell WA

#20 The People's Republic of Blovatlas WA

#21 The Commonwealth of Boston Harbor WA

#22 The Watchful Eyes of Bridgett WA

#23 The Dictatorship of Burmandia WA

#24 The Federation of Cartrexia WA

#25 The Rogue Nation of Casa Blanc WA

#26 The Kingdom of Chelix WA

#27 The Matriarchy of Chikyu WA

#28 The Republic of Co-Dairy WA

#29 The Easter Egg Hunting Nation of Crpostran WA

#30 The Republic of Demonic Gate WA

#31 The Holy Empire of Donut Earthers WA

#32 The Federal Republic of Eastern Plaenia WA

#33 The Karmic Republic of Edsmontik WA

#34 The Allied States of Eravon WA

#35 The Most Serene Republic of Erkinlikistan WA

#36 The Cult of Inverted Sky of Fexler Brews WA

#37 The Democratic Republic of Forsitus WA

#38 The Unitary Republic of Genovini WA

#39 The Kingdom of Gepids WA

#40 The Chaotic Order of Ghad WA

#41 The Republic of Giuliana- WA

#42 The People's Republic of Guhland WA

#43 The Yeshivah of Gushtown WA

#44 The Glorious Technocratic State of Imperium of Josh WA

#45 The Republic of Iniaowland WA

#46 The Federal Republic of Inner Ame Robal WA

#47 The Island of Introvert Hill WA

#48 The Kamelefante of Jonewestia WA

#49 The Matriarchy of Karma Pirate WA

#50 The Pirate Archipelago Nation of Kayestha WA

#51 The People's Republic of Kazanakwa WA

#52 The Empire of Landsae WA

#53 The Empire of Laniron WA

#54 The Empire of Latvia LV WA

#55 The Confederacy of LBoozer WA

#56 The Dominion of Leviathan Mammon Ea Asteorra WA

#57 The Dancing Plagues of Levont WA

#58 The Dominion of Liberlo WA

#59 The United Socialist Kingdom of Lower Antegria WA

#60 The Empire of Ludus Mortus WA

#61 The Kingdom of Lusana WA

#62 The Dolphin Confederation of Lys Deks Rahry WA

#63 The Federal Republic of Ma suno jelo WA

#64 The Rengime of Malachor XII WA

#65 The Principality of Maleno WA

#66 The Most Serene Republic of Martor WA

#67 The United Kingdom of Mattielandia WA

#68 The Big Friendlys of Mega Jorts WA

#69 The Republic of Middle Platypus WA

#70 The Democratic States of Mikolas WA

#71 The Republic of Mnasia WA

#72 The United Empire of Monteriggioni WA

#73 The Republic of MrWorldwide WA

#74 The Republic of Mungtang-e WA

#75 The Republic of Napoleon2 WA

#76 The National Assembly of Nationary WA

#77 The Republic of New flower WA

#78 The Karmic Republic of New Lablerith WA

#79 The Commonwealth of New Vitser WA

#80 The Republic of Newhomland WA

#81 The National Protection Assembly of North Anlitelcontizard and Zontilezland WA

#82 The Empire of North Valhalla WA

#83 The Republic of NovaIgnis WA

#84 The Communal Republic of Olamh WA

#85 The Republic of Otarie WA

#86 The Theocracy of Owonyaania WA

#87 The Holy Empire of Pataliputra WA

#88 The Eternal Kingdom of Pax Rex WA

#89 The Fishi Factory of Pekichow WA

#90 The Rad Brad Empire of Plasma WA

#91 The Kingdom of Prad WA

#92 The Federation of Quanistan WA

#93 The Databasing Networks of Randomly Generated Technology WA

#94 The People's Republic of Rathanur WA

#95 The Democratic States of Republic Polos WA

#96 The Constitutional Queendom of Royal Astaria WA

#97 The Most Serene Republic of Samadle WA

#98 The Republic of Sapphian WA

#99 The Frontier of Shadow Stone WA

#100 The Empire of Sigmason WA

#101 The Федерация of Spaymar Gembionopria WA

#102 The Phoblacht Aontaithe Sosi?lta of Suomalainem WA

#103 The Constitutional Monarchy of Sythlands WA

#104 The Forgotten Civilization of Takh Avros WA

#105 The Democratic Republic of Tezikstan WA

#106 The People's Republic of The CN WA

#107 The Commonwealth of The dark red sun WA

#108 The Federation of The Dinland WA

#109 The Intergalactic Bounty Hunters of The Freakin Guardians of the Galaxy WA

#110 The Holy Empire of The German unity of nigeria WA

#111 The Fertilized Mountains of The Litterbox WA

#112 The Colony of The Moroccan Kingdom WA

#113 The Sultanate of The New Brave World WA

#114 The Kingdom of The New Sand Union WA

#115 The Armed Republic of Tivotovi WA

#116 The Randomness of Ueclaya WA

#117 The Republic of Ueladaria WA

#118 The Free Land of Ukrainian Confederacy WA

#119 The Empire of Vigilo WA

#120 The Confederation of Vizykia WA

#121 The Aquatic State of Waterstania WA

#122 The People's Republic of Wistenda WA

#123 The Federation of Xerten WA

#124 The Empire of Yama Yuk WA

#125 The Island of Yappalacia WA

#126 The Republic of Zamintala WA

#127 The Grand Complex of Zarfinyarful WA

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