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The top 39 Trading Countries in the Region of LGBT Nations

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Top 25 GDP Leaders:
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NationNet Trade     GDP    
The Seductive Realms of Melancoly$-1,108,093,829,120.00$30,609,700,000,000.00
The Protectorate of Green Peace On Earth$-351,937,527,808.00$53,676,900,000,000.00
The Republic of Nirvana-Falls$-287,199,035,392.00$16,574,900,000,000.00
The Constitutional Monarchy of Kylie Min0gue$-277,814,804,480.00$16,410,000,000,000.00
The Constitutional Monarchy of The Constantly High$-272,693,264,384.00$27,536,800,000,000.00
The Protectorate of Lullaby Fountain$-249,365,250,048.00$20,024,000,000,000.00
The Free Land of The Lucky Few$-238,840,594,432.00$33,371,500,000,000.00
The Grand Duchy of Corneliah$-223,226,576,896.00$40,057,400,000,000.00
The Community of Super-Heroes$-222,404,984,832.00$19,976,500,000,000.00
The Disputed Territories of S0mewhere Over The Rainb0w$-169,331,507,200.00$17,099,200,000,000.00
The Free Land of Tomorrow-$-116,007,534,592.00$11,879,100,000,000.00
The Protectorate of Rainb0w Islands$-110,189,658,112.00$7,560,050,000,000.00
The Borderlands of L0ve$-104,282,234,880.00$21,196,800,000,000.00
The Republic of Villa Opium$-75,352,145,920.00$11,543,800,000,000.00
The Free Land of The Wandering-Souls$-71,899,447,296.00$11,106,000,000,000.00
The Protectorate of Douce France$-58,956,926,976.00$18,470,600,000,000.00
The Grand Duchy of Luxurious Islands$-41,930,252,288.00$13,442,000,000,000.00
The Principality of Rainbow Riders$-31,466,987,520.00$4,193,360,000,000.00
The Free Land of Blue Coast$-26,948,036,608.00$28,156,800,000,000.00
The Free Land of The Wondering Poets$4,824,099,328.00$20,205,600,000,000.00
The Protectorate of The Seven Islands$8,072,739,328.00$14,358,800,000,000.00
The Grand Duchy of Septentrionah$12,821,794,816.00$14,449,900,000,000.00
The Disputed Territories of The L0st W0rld$16,265,973,760.00$18,331,900,000,000.00
The Republic of N0rthern-Island$17,588,062,208.00$13,322,900,000,000.00
The Grand Duchy of Morning Island$29,288,968,192.00$10,467,100,000,000.00
The Principality of Saperlip0pette$32,585,674,752.00$18,734,000,000,000.00
The Grand Duchy of Les Fleurs Du Mal$42,296,389,632.00$18,654,800,000,000.00
The Grand Duchy of Ocean Nova$54,664,683,520.00$3,544,680,000,000.00
The Constitutional Monarchy of Drag Queens In High Heels$65,463,558,144.00$34,105,300,000,000.00
The Grand Duchy of Sabel Islands$98,758,483,968.00$13,817,200,000,000.00
The Protectorate of Liberty-Islands$200,942,288,896.00$14,690,400,000,000.00
The Borderlands of A Nerv0us Breakd0wn$242,669,715,456.00$18,997,500,000,000.00
The Protectorate of Shatter Islands$245,916,696,576.00$9,878,880,000,000.00
The Free Land of Ganymeda$332,808,978,432.00$33,934,400,000,000.00
The Grand Duchy of The Rich N Famous$462,085,849,088.00$63,200,300,000,000.00
The Constitutional Monarchy of Paidheia$465,336,532,992.00$23,672,000,000,000.00
The Grand Duchy of Emerald Islands$475,273,428,992.00$89,835,100,000,000.00
The Grand Duchy of Moonlight Island$569,611,583,488.00$31,179,500,000,000.00
The Grand Duchy of Opheliah$660,681,129,984.00$39,642,600,000,000.00
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