#1 The United States of --Neo-America-- WA #2 The Republic of -Philippines WA #3 The Blocronexus Dominion of 0 Robloxian Empire WA #4 The Rogue Nation of 1482 WA #5 The Republic of 16 Stars WA #6 The Imperial Socio-Cybersynacy of Aaecilia WA #7 The Constitutional Monarchy of Aaraetar WA #8 The Constitutional Monarchy of Absulrubbish WA #9 The Empire of Adramacia WA #10 The I'm Not Putting Smth Here??? of Agaqiniala WA #11 The Federal Republic of Aigania WA #12 The Holy Empire of Ajibola WA #13 The Tora no Seifu of Akahitoha WA #14 The Republic of Alanaa WA #15 The Technocracy of Aldour WA #16 The Global Sovereign Confederacy of Aleckandor WA #17 The Republic of Aletian WA #18 The Kingdom of Almain WA #19 The Kingdom of Alposenia WA #20 The Democratic Republic of Altroskia WA #21 The Democratic Republic of Amalea WA #22 The El Sacro Estado Imperial de of Amazoniao WA #23 The Free Land of Amekikia WA #24 The Federal Socialist Republic of Aneziek WA #25 The Republic of Aperial WA #26 The Republic of Apimenia WA #27 The Hood of Araragistan WA #28 The Commonwealth of Arastona WA #29 The Confederacy of Ardevia WA #30 The Holy Empire of Arkins WA #31 The Republic of Arlear WA #32 The Kingdom of Arpackashia WA #33 The Federation of Artzoka WA #34 The Kingdom of Auralon WA #35 The United Kingdom of Aurandol WA #36 The Republic of Avenged Sevenfoldia WA #37 The Society of Aw Hell Nah WA #38 The Borderlands of Azyque WA #39 The Republic of Bargainberg WA #40 The Democratic Worker's Republic of Beansk WA #41 The Republic of Belarus 20 WA #42 The People's Republic of Belfastee WA #43 The Colourful Union of Besmertingumas WA #44 The Grand Duchy of Black pinewood WA #45 The Free Land of Bob-BoB-Land WA #46 The Armed Republic of Bolitsia WA #47 The Republic of Bongrovia WA #48 The United States of Boston Mass WA #49 The Majestic Empire of Branigan WA #50 The Republic of Bretagne WA #51 The Statistical Anomaly of Brokemia WA #52 The United States of Brunoa WA #53 The Federation of Brunsons WA #54 The Rogue Nation of Brutal suffering WA #55 The Environmentalist States of Buellertopia WA #56 The Federal Republic of Burikinia WA #57 The Glorious Empire of Burning Pants WA #58 The Commonwealth of Business States of America WA #59 The Sultanate of Caellip Major WA #60 The Democratic States of Californian 111 WA #61 The Something of Calption WA #62 The Most Pristine Republic of Canopytown WA #63 The Free Land of Cape Flower WA #64 The United Empire of Caraani WA #65 The Seafaring Explorers of Caravelia WA #66 The Empire of Catsarecute WA #67 The Republic of CENTRAL REPUBLIC OF THE SOYBEAN WA #68 The Federal Republic of Ceruleasia WA #69 The Federation of Chimms WA #70 The Republic of Cibramar WA #71 The Supremely Balanced Trays of Cocktail Waitresses WA #72 The Serene and Flawless State of Colostanium WA #73 The Economic Sensation of Conisha Republic WA #74 The Commonwealth of Coolinia WA #75 The Empire of Copperian Republic WA #76 The Kingdom of Coquarkraterphy WA #77 The Free Land of Corydo WA #78 The Holy Corporation of Crevistonion WA #79 The Democratic Republic of Croshov Union WA #80 The Empire of Crossia WA #81 The People's Republic of Cuatin WA #82 The Holy Empire of Cutiemark WA #83 The Community of Cyber Security WA #84 The Grand Duchy of Da-Cunha WA #85 The Commonwealth of Darkening Winter WA #86 The Galactic Imperium Invictum of Darkium WA #87 The Holy Eye Nation of Denamon WA #88 The Empire of Devoriah WA #89 The Empire of Dhan WA #90 The People's Republic of Divog WA #91 The Federal Republic of Dobrotopia WA #92 The Federation of Dogalem WA #93 The Ineffable Mystery of Domais WA #94 The Republic of Donsalia WA #95 The Federation of Donthiland WA #96 The Empire of Dorfflinger WA #97 The Dictatorship of Dorphine WA #98 The Democratic Republic of Drask WA #99 The Republic of Dravara WA #100 The Great Republic of Dumbases WA #101 The Regional Nat-Monarchies of Durgaven WA #102 The Republic of E pluribus unum WA #103 The Free Land of Ecchi Unlimited WA #104 The Federal Republic of Edison Culver WA #105 The Kingdom of Edoardienne WA #106 The Military Democracy of El Sacador II WA #107 The Holy Empire of Enfindania WA #108 The Socialist Kingdom of Englandera WA #109 The Grand Duchy of Enkowshe WA #110 The Dominion of Exilias WA #111 The Republic of Extrememeasures WA #112 The New Empire of Ezaekia WA #113 The Republic of Far Zigna Pup Jusinstate WA #114 The Tax hell of Fefelandia WA #115 The Free Land of Ferreira WA #116 The Always Changing Shapes of Feux WA #117 The Community of Fluffiness WA #118 The Dictatorship of Former Moonlight Kingdom WA #119 The Principality of Forsith WA #120 The Incorporated States of Fortytipper WA #121 The Reforged Empire of Foxgard WA #122 The Egalitarian Republic of Frasuly WA #123 The United Federation of Free Watiocia WA #124 The Holy Empire of Friostchland WA #125 The Republic of Fubar Farms WA #126 The Armed Republic of Gamers IC WA #127 The Kingdom of Gatazo WA #128 The Grand Holy Imperial Empire of General Mike WA #129 The Dictatorship of George Patton WA #130 The Matriarchy of Gloriton WA #131 The Pantheon of Gold Sands WA #132 The Community of Goobervile WA #133 The Polygonal Dystopia of Great Hexagonal Nation WA #134 The Democratic Republic of Great Ronopolis WA #135 The Alfred F Jones Republic of Greater North American Confederacy WA #136 The Constitutional Monarchy of Greater Norweden WA #137 The Great Empire of GreatSlaveia WA #138 The Sovereign Autocracy of Gredeniand WA #139 The Empire of Grossle WA #140 The Children's Crusade of Guiness Freaks WA #141 The Armed Federation of Haistinland WA #142 The Republic of Halcyon Shores WA #143 The Inclusive States of Hamaneemee WA #144 The Dominion of Hansania WA #145 The Kingdom of Haprod WA #146 The Socialist Union of Heares WA #147 The Colony of Hiern WA #148 The Empire of Holy Eagleria WA #149 The Government of Hua Lian WA #150 The Golden Empire of Hypaxia WA #151 The Federation of Imperial Gre Land WA #152 The Empire of Imperial Saber WA #153 The Armed Republic of Impero-Romano WA #154 The Unitary State of Indonesian Order WA #155 The Holy Exarchate of Iron Alliance WA #156 The Republic of Irysviel WA #157 The Imperial Mandate of Iskusia WA #158 The Empire of ISLAMIC CALI WA #159 The Emirate of Islamic-Emirate WA #160 The Federative Commonwealths of Israel and the Sinai WA #161 The Republic of Israeli cookies WA #162 The Federal Republic of Izvbard WA #163 The Federation of James Melee WA #164 The 5th Dual-Monarchy of Jango Lando WA #165 The Democratic Republic of JFK II WA #166 The United Socialist States of Jiqiren WA #167 The Holy Kingdom of Joaco WA #168 The All empire of Jokma WA #169 The Dictatorship of Jolkinsverg WA #170 The Free Land of Jsupat WA #171 The Republic of Junara WA #172 The Federation of Kalitornia WA #173 The United Socialist States of Kantrania WA #174 The Mega Corporation of Kationix WA #175 The Meritocratic Republics of Keimland Federation WA #176 The New and Improved Democracy of Killahdom WA #177 The Enlightened Nation of Knorkalatia WA #178 The Great Empire of Ksaria WA #179 The Commonwealth of Kuzerat WA #180 The Federal State of Kyrkize WA #181 The United Kingdom of Lake Adonia WA #182 The Borderlands of LannisterPort WA #183 The Free Land of Lasomia WA #184 The United Socialist States of Lemenis WA #185 The Imperium of Leonism WA #186 The Super-country of Less2love WA #187 The Free Land of Leton WA #188 The Community of LFE WA #189 The Republic of Linaer WA #190 The Constitutional Monarchy of Links Land WA #191 The Kingdom of Liverpolis WA #192 The Principality of Lonadita WA #193 The Galactic States of Lower Vooperia WA #194 The People's Republic of Lucresia WA #195 The Principality of Luisitannia WA #196 The United Socialist States of Luminaria Astravianaria WA #197 The Untied Satieties of LurraTerra WA #198 The Confedera??o of Lusitanoo WA | #199 The Dimensional Planes of Lusus Naturae WA #200 The Corporate Empire of Machstaat WA #201 The Socialist Federal Republic of Mackeland WA #202 The United Computer States of Macworld WA #203 The Federation of Madrastan WA #204 The Posthuman Technocracy of Makhina WA #205 The Imperial Empire of Maleficenca WA #206 The Democratic Republic of Malestedo WA #207 The Democratic Community of Manatoa WA #208 The Republic of Marcellinople WA #209 The Empire of Marinonia WA #210 The Belt of Martian Deccan Traps WA #211 The Matty Lords of Matty Manufacturing Inc WA #212 The Holy Empire of Melanin Armistice WA #213 The Federal Republic of Meoberia WA #214 The Holy Empire of Meridyan WA #215 The United States of Meulborne WA #216 The State of Miyasaka WA #217 The Oppressed Peoples of Mogdania WA #218 The Republic of Moldovenia WA #219 The Free Land of Monaghan isles WA #220 The United Imperial Realm of Moundra and Tyrean WA #221 The Dictatorship of Mouse Reich WA #222 The Empire of Mulano WA #223 The Trident Union of Mythorium WA #224 The Democratic Unified States of N0bia WA #225 The People's Republic of Naenora WA #226 The Unified Constellations of Nalver And WA #227 The Most Serene Republic of Narqa WA #228 The Republic of Neeshta WA #229 The Democratic States of New Amria WA #230 The Imperial Technarchy of New Apperon WA #231 The Capitalist Utopia of New Brittannion-Rome WA #232 The ???? Kingdom of New Rogernomics WA #233 The Empire of New Sel Panamby WA #234 The Democratic Federation of New Transeurasia WA #235 The Kingdom of Newfoundland ice WA #236 The Republic of Nippon Shotou Teikoku WA #237 The Siberian Nuclear Bunker of Nixem WA #238 The Confederacy of Noobusvolnia WA #239 The People's Republic of Nord-Vesterland WA #240 The Commonwealth of Norexia WA #241 The Dictatorship of Northern Brotherhood of Steel WA #242 The Sovereign Isle of Nova Zemlya WA #243 The Republic of Numistar WA #244 The Federation of Nytocho WA #245 The Dictatorship of Obeyorian WA #246 The Republic of Odoria WA #247 The People's Republic of Of United States Of America WA #248 The Beaver-Driven Prosperity of Old Cores WA #249 The Rogue Nation of Olympus Empirical WA #250 The Typo Creater of Olympys empire WA #251 The Peoples Religious Republic of Onysim WA #252 The United Holy Empire of Ourantos WA #253 The Rogue Nation of Pachakuti WA #254 The Imperialist Nation of Pennboro WA #255 The Sovereign State of Pepe Pip WA #256 The Holy Empire of Pepper Island Democratica Freeland Papri WA #257 The Dwarven Hold of Perchan WA #258 The Empire of Persa WA #259 The Kingdom of Pestillance WA #260 The Democratic Republic of Pileus WA #261 The Empire of Pjnation WA #262 The Kingdom of Plamenia WA #263 The Republic of Planaterria WA #264 The Exalted Republic of Port Flynt WA #265 The Ascension of Potted Plants United WA #266 The United Kingdom of Praenestia WA #267 The Cult-Kingdom of Prilum WA #268 The Confederacy of Princely Cities WA #269 The Absolutist Kingdom of Prolespia WA #270 The Senatorial Republic of Proserpino WA #271 The Democratic Republic of Racatonia WA #272 The Empire of Rafflesland WA #273 The Colony of Raizen WA #274 The Constitutionist Republic of Rajenski WA #275 The Empire of Ralfatia WA #276 The Goldenaire Realm of Randala WA #277 The Dominion of Rangers Brotherhood WA #278 The C?naidhm-Republic and Aontas of Razt WA #279 The Democratic Republic of Rebals WA #280 The Democratic Republic of Red Fish WA #281 The Republic of Reechonia WA #282 The Republic of Regiocentrum WA #283 The Great Land of Republican Kingdom of Alba WA #284 The Federal Republic of Richy WA #285 The Republic of Rivenwood WA #286 The Holy Empire of Rommanda WA #287 The Anarchist Commune of Sabalalone WA #288 The Dictatorship of Saint Isle WA #289 The Oppressed Peoples of Sandwich Isles WA #290 The Democratic Republic of Santo Matthew WA #291 The Democratic States of Sarmax WA #292 The Empire of Saspearian WA #293 The Sultanate of Saterun WA #294 The Empire of Saudiarabi WA #295 The Confederacy of Saundie WA #296 The Federative Republic of Scot Blan Kin WA #297 The United States of Scoutistan WA #298 The Constitutional Monarchy of Segothia WA #299 The Republic of Senoasia WA #300 The Yoke of Serious Problems WA #301 The Kingdom of Serlanda WA #302 The Megacorporation of Serpent Incorporated WA #303 The Federation of Serpleddyland WA #304 The Old Empire of Settov WA #305 The Kingdom of Seysha WA #306 The Railroad Empire of SHED 17 WA #307 The Democratic Republic of Shilonia WA #308 The Queendom of Shovitupyourania WA #309 The Empire of Siberian Republic WA #310 The Empire of Silver Minner WA #311 The Republic of Skerichia WA #312 The Federation of Smargel WA #313 The Democratic Republic of Snestar WA #314 The Constitutional Republic of Snow And Ice Caps WA #315 The Disputed Territories of Solomon-RandomCrap Union WA #316 The Nomadic Peoples of SomewhereBerg WA #317 The Crown Colony of South Bjolnir WA #318 The Free Kingdom of South Calvinia WA #319 The Empire of Southern-Nordic States WA #320 The Most Serene Republic of Southland WA #321 The United Kingdom of Southmen WA #322 The Country of SparkleMinds WA #323 The Most Serene Republic of Squamboland WA #324 The Republic of Sri Temasekia WA #325 The Rogue Nation of Steel Vagabonds WA #326 The People's Republic of Sujanrashtra WA #327 The Kingdom of Svaii WA #328 The Republic of Svarnland WA #329 The Republic of SwitzPhil WA #330 The Unified Empire of Synari WA #331 The Confederacy of The Ajax Confederacy WA #332 The Democratic state of The Authoritarian Republic of Lochario WA #333 The Republic of The Avgeek Union WA #334 The Republic of The Baltic Seas WA #335 The Government of The Celestial Lands WA #336 The People's Republic of The Efteling WA #337 The Armed Technocracy of The Gelseen Hegemony WA #338 The Commonwealth of The German City State Union WA #339 The Democratic Republic of The guardian fighters WA #340 The Holy Empire of The holy crusader land WA #341 The Glorious Peoples Republic of The Holy Empire of Moronica WA #342 The Hebraic Kingdom of The Indian Lands WA #343 The Republic of The Islands of Colwell WA #344 The Democratic States of The Japanese states WA #345 The Democratic Republic of The Justicar Republic WA #346 The Theocracy of The land of death evil and destruction WA #347 The Dictatorship of The Lost Unitary States WA #348 The Irradiated Wasteland of The New California Republic WA #349 The Republic of The Peoples Torch WA #350 The Most Serene Republic of The Philosophical Kingdom of Heathcliffe WA #351 The Federation of The United Anglo-sphere WA #352 The All Seeing Dictatorship of TotallyNotADictatorshipyep WA #353 The Humorous Land of Tra Empha WA #354 The Obesotocracy of Treadwellia WA #355 The Holy Empire of Ufghanstania WA #356 The Republic of Unifiko WA #357 The Democratic Republic of Unite commune WA #358 The Catmanian Death Empire of United Catman WA #359 The Republic of United Repub1ic WA #360 The Democratic Republic of Valadin WA #361 The Kingdom of Valley of Wizards WA #362 The Republic of Varnigodsk WA #363 The Democratic Republic of Veltaribicia WA #364 The Nomadic Peoples of Velyke Pole WA #365 The Allied States of Venom I WA #366 The Free Land of Ventris WA #367 The United Provinces of Vestrond WA #368 The Oh So Divine Land of Vibe Town WA #369 The Empire of Vidrian WA #370 The Fiefdom of Vietrice WA #371 The Federal Vale of Vinland Kasheer WA #372 The Dominion of Viperina WA #373 The Suspiciously Familiar Figure of Wang Yao WA #374 The Czas Weapons Wholesaler of Wassily Universal Rifling Company WA #375 The People's Republic of Wenshui WA #376 The Rogue Nation of West Sunrise WA #377 The Federal Republic of Westswedia WA #378 The Empire of Willifusland WA #379 The Kingdom of Wilvania WA #380 The Magic of Winx club WA #381 The Federal Republic of Wyrmilion WA #382 The Republic of Xalivstonia WA #383 The Imperial Commonwealth of Xin-jen WA #384 The Republic of Xoj WA #385 The Blue Holy Zombie NationState of YourAverageRedHead WA #386 The Federal Republic of Yurp WA #387 The Federal Republic of Zadaria WA #388 The Parlementary Kingdom of Zahonyi Csongor WA #389 The Federal Union of Zentraleuropaeischen Vertrags WA #390 The Sovereign University of Zetaopalatopia WA #391 The Feudalistic United Kingdom of Zetronius WA #392 The Republic of Zharsh WA #393 The Cattery of Zinertia WA #394 The Jamahiriya of Zitronist Morocco WA |