NS Economy v3.69 Mobile - Nation States


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There are 394 WA Countries in the Region of Lazarus

You have arrived at the WA Nations list for Lazarus.

Simply, the following list is all of the WA delegates from the Region of Lazarus. To use the page as a clearing house, click on the WA next to the nation you want to visit, and the Nation States page for that individual should open in a new window.

What do I do with this?
For those regions looking to keep their delegates "Democratically" Elected, the list is split in roughly half for a quick 50% count of available endorsements. This list has also been used to help raiders looking to meet the locals, delegates looking to monitor their kingdoms, newbies seeking endorsements so they gain some influence, and corporations looking to sell wares in a warzone... (among other things). The author suggests Nations interested in Security show this to your delegate. Others have access to this info too, and readily use it for lot's of things. You should be too. That is the point of having this system published.

1. Select a different Nation from the whole region to view (complete Region's Nation listings).

Top 25 GDP Leaders:
2. Regional trade .
3. Regional GDP .
4. Click here to see WA Member Nations.
5. Regional Exchange Rates.

#1 The United States of --Neo-America-- WA

#2 The Republic of -Philippines WA

#3 The Blocronexus Dominion of 0 Robloxian Empire WA

#4 The Rogue Nation of 1482 WA

#5 The Republic of 16 Stars WA

#6 The Imperial Socio-Cybersynacy of Aaecilia WA

#7 The Constitutional Monarchy of Aaraetar WA

#8 The Constitutional Monarchy of Absulrubbish WA

#9 The Empire of Adramacia WA

#10 The I'm Not Putting Smth Here??? of Agaqiniala WA

#11 The Federal Republic of Aigania WA

#12 The Holy Empire of Ajibola WA

#13 The Tora no Seifu of Akahitoha WA

#14 The Republic of Alanaa WA

#15 The Technocracy of Aldour WA

#16 The Global Sovereign Confederacy of Aleckandor WA

#17 The Republic of Aletian WA

#18 The Kingdom of Almain WA

#19 The Kingdom of Alposenia WA

#20 The Democratic Republic of Altroskia WA

#21 The Democratic Republic of Amalea WA

#22 The El Sacro Estado Imperial de of Amazoniao WA

#23 The Free Land of Amekikia WA

#24 The Federal Socialist Republic of Aneziek WA

#25 The Republic of Aperial WA

#26 The Republic of Apimenia WA

#27 The Hood of Araragistan WA

#28 The Commonwealth of Arastona WA

#29 The Confederacy of Ardevia WA

#30 The Holy Empire of Arkins WA

#31 The Republic of Arlear WA

#32 The Kingdom of Arpackashia WA

#33 The Federation of Artzoka WA

#34 The Kingdom of Auralon WA

#35 The United Kingdom of Aurandol WA

#36 The Republic of Avenged Sevenfoldia WA

#37 The Society of Aw Hell Nah WA

#38 The Borderlands of Azyque WA

#39 The Republic of Bargainberg WA

#40 The Democratic Worker's Republic of Beansk WA

#41 The Republic of Belarus 20 WA

#42 The People's Republic of Belfastee WA

#43 The Colourful Union of Besmertingumas WA

#44 The Grand Duchy of Black pinewood WA

#45 The Free Land of Bob-BoB-Land WA

#46 The Armed Republic of Bolitsia WA

#47 The Republic of Bongrovia WA

#48 The United States of Boston Mass WA

#49 The Majestic Empire of Branigan WA

#50 The Republic of Bretagne WA

#51 The Statistical Anomaly of Brokemia WA

#52 The United States of Brunoa WA

#53 The Federation of Brunsons WA

#54 The Rogue Nation of Brutal suffering WA

#55 The Environmentalist States of Buellertopia WA

#56 The Federal Republic of Burikinia WA

#57 The Glorious Empire of Burning Pants WA

#58 The Commonwealth of Business States of America WA

#59 The Sultanate of Caellip Major WA

#60 The Democratic States of Californian 111 WA

#61 The Something of Calption WA

#62 The Most Pristine Republic of Canopytown WA

#63 The Free Land of Cape Flower WA

#64 The United Empire of Caraani WA

#65 The Seafaring Explorers of Caravelia WA

#66 The Empire of Catsarecute WA


#68 The Federal Republic of Ceruleasia WA

#69 The Federation of Chimms WA

#70 The Republic of Cibramar WA

#71 The Supremely Balanced Trays of Cocktail Waitresses WA

#72 The Serene and Flawless State of Colostanium WA

#73 The Economic Sensation of Conisha Republic WA

#74 The Commonwealth of Coolinia WA

#75 The Empire of Copperian Republic WA

#76 The Kingdom of Coquarkraterphy WA

#77 The Free Land of Corydo WA

#78 The Holy Corporation of Crevistonion WA

#79 The Democratic Republic of Croshov Union WA

#80 The Empire of Crossia WA

#81 The People's Republic of Cuatin WA

#82 The Holy Empire of Cutiemark WA

#83 The Community of Cyber Security WA

#84 The Grand Duchy of Da-Cunha WA

#85 The Commonwealth of Darkening Winter WA

#86 The Galactic Imperium Invictum of Darkium WA

#87 The Holy Eye Nation of Denamon WA

#88 The Empire of Devoriah WA

#89 The Empire of Dhan WA

#90 The People's Republic of Divog WA

#91 The Federal Republic of Dobrotopia WA

#92 The Federation of Dogalem WA

#93 The Ineffable Mystery of Domais WA

#94 The Republic of Donsalia WA

#95 The Federation of Donthiland WA

#96 The Empire of Dorfflinger WA

#97 The Dictatorship of Dorphine WA

#98 The Democratic Republic of Drask WA

#99 The Republic of Dravara WA

#100 The Great Republic of Dumbases WA

#101 The Regional Nat-Monarchies of Durgaven WA

#102 The Republic of E pluribus unum WA

#103 The Free Land of Ecchi Unlimited WA

#104 The Federal Republic of Edison Culver WA

#105 The Kingdom of Edoardienne WA

#106 The Military Democracy of El Sacador II WA

#107 The Holy Empire of Enfindania WA

#108 The Socialist Kingdom of Englandera WA

#109 The Grand Duchy of Enkowshe WA

#110 The Dominion of Exilias WA

#111 The Republic of Extrememeasures WA

#112 The New Empire of Ezaekia WA

#113 The Republic of Far Zigna Pup Jusinstate WA

#114 The Tax hell of Fefelandia WA

#115 The Free Land of Ferreira WA

#116 The Always Changing Shapes of Feux WA

#117 The Community of Fluffiness WA

#118 The Dictatorship of Former Moonlight Kingdom WA

#119 The Principality of Forsith WA

#120 The Incorporated States of Fortytipper WA

#121 The Reforged Empire of Foxgard WA

#122 The Egalitarian Republic of Frasuly WA

#123 The United Federation of Free Watiocia WA

#124 The Holy Empire of Friostchland WA

#125 The Republic of Fubar Farms WA

#126 The Armed Republic of Gamers IC WA

#127 The Kingdom of Gatazo WA

#128 The Grand Holy Imperial Empire of General Mike WA

#129 The Dictatorship of George Patton WA

#130 The Matriarchy of Gloriton WA

#131 The Pantheon of Gold Sands WA

#132 The Community of Goobervile WA

#133 The Polygonal Dystopia of Great Hexagonal Nation WA

#134 The Democratic Republic of Great Ronopolis WA

#135 The Alfred F Jones Republic of Greater North American Confederacy WA

#136 The Constitutional Monarchy of Greater Norweden WA

#137 The Great Empire of GreatSlaveia WA

#138 The Sovereign Autocracy of Gredeniand WA

#139 The Empire of Grossle WA

#140 The Children's Crusade of Guiness Freaks WA

#141 The Armed Federation of Haistinland WA

#142 The Republic of Halcyon Shores WA

#143 The Inclusive States of Hamaneemee WA

#144 The Dominion of Hansania WA

#145 The Kingdom of Haprod WA

#146 The Socialist Union of Heares WA

#147 The Colony of Hiern WA

#148 The Empire of Holy Eagleria WA

#149 The Government of Hua Lian WA

#150 The Golden Empire of Hypaxia WA

#151 The Federation of Imperial Gre Land WA

#152 The Empire of Imperial Saber WA

#153 The Armed Republic of Impero-Romano WA

#154 The Unitary State of Indonesian Order WA

#155 The Holy Exarchate of Iron Alliance WA

#156 The Republic of Irysviel WA

#157 The Imperial Mandate of Iskusia WA

#158 The Empire of ISLAMIC CALI WA

#159 The Emirate of Islamic-Emirate WA

#160 The Federative Commonwealths of Israel and the Sinai WA

#161 The Republic of Israeli cookies WA

#162 The Federal Republic of Izvbard WA

#163 The Federation of James Melee WA

#164 The 5th Dual-Monarchy of Jango Lando WA

#165 The Democratic Republic of JFK II WA

#166 The United Socialist States of Jiqiren WA

#167 The Holy Kingdom of Joaco WA

#168 The All empire of Jokma WA

#169 The Dictatorship of Jolkinsverg WA

#170 The Free Land of Jsupat WA

#171 The Republic of Junara WA

#172 The Federation of Kalitornia WA

#173 The United Socialist States of Kantrania WA

#174 The Mega Corporation of Kationix WA

#175 The Meritocratic Republics of Keimland Federation WA

#176 The New and Improved Democracy of Killahdom WA

#177 The Enlightened Nation of Knorkalatia WA

#178 The Great Empire of Ksaria WA

#179 The Commonwealth of Kuzerat WA

#180 The Federal State of Kyrkize WA

#181 The United Kingdom of Lake Adonia WA

#182 The Borderlands of LannisterPort WA

#183 The Free Land of Lasomia WA

#184 The United Socialist States of Lemenis WA

#185 The Imperium of Leonism WA

#186 The Super-country of Less2love WA

#187 The Free Land of Leton WA

#188 The Community of LFE WA

#189 The Republic of Linaer WA

#190 The Constitutional Monarchy of Links Land WA

#191 The Kingdom of Liverpolis WA

#192 The Principality of Lonadita WA

#193 The Galactic States of Lower Vooperia WA

#194 The People's Republic of Lucresia WA

#195 The Principality of Luisitannia WA

#196 The United Socialist States of Luminaria Astravianaria WA

#197 The Untied Satieties of LurraTerra WA

#198 The Confedera??o of Lusitanoo WA

#199 The Dimensional Planes of Lusus Naturae WA

#200 The Corporate Empire of Machstaat WA

#201 The Socialist Federal Republic of Mackeland WA

#202 The United Computer States of Macworld WA

#203 The Federation of Madrastan WA

#204 The Posthuman Technocracy of Makhina WA

#205 The Imperial Empire of Maleficenca WA

#206 The Democratic Republic of Malestedo WA

#207 The Democratic Community of Manatoa WA

#208 The Republic of Marcellinople WA

#209 The Empire of Marinonia WA

#210 The Belt of Martian Deccan Traps WA

#211 The Matty Lords of Matty Manufacturing Inc WA

#212 The Holy Empire of Melanin Armistice WA

#213 The Federal Republic of Meoberia WA

#214 The Holy Empire of Meridyan WA

#215 The United States of Meulborne WA

#216 The State of Miyasaka WA

#217 The Oppressed Peoples of Mogdania WA

#218 The Republic of Moldovenia WA

#219 The Free Land of Monaghan isles WA

#220 The United Imperial Realm of Moundra and Tyrean WA

#221 The Dictatorship of Mouse Reich WA

#222 The Empire of Mulano WA

#223 The Trident Union of Mythorium WA

#224 The Democratic Unified States of N0bia WA

#225 The People's Republic of Naenora WA

#226 The Unified Constellations of Nalver And WA

#227 The Most Serene Republic of Narqa WA

#228 The Republic of Neeshta WA

#229 The Democratic States of New Amria WA

#230 The Imperial Technarchy of New Apperon WA

#231 The Capitalist Utopia of New Brittannion-Rome WA

#232 The ???? Kingdom of New Rogernomics WA

#233 The Empire of New Sel Panamby WA

#234 The Democratic Federation of New Transeurasia WA

#235 The Kingdom of Newfoundland ice WA

#236 The Republic of Nippon Shotou Teikoku WA

#237 The Siberian Nuclear Bunker of Nixem WA

#238 The Confederacy of Noobusvolnia WA

#239 The People's Republic of Nord-Vesterland WA

#240 The Commonwealth of Norexia WA

#241 The Dictatorship of Northern Brotherhood of Steel WA

#242 The Sovereign Isle of Nova Zemlya WA

#243 The Republic of Numistar WA

#244 The Federation of Nytocho WA

#245 The Dictatorship of Obeyorian WA

#246 The Republic of Odoria WA

#247 The People's Republic of Of United States Of America WA

#248 The Beaver-Driven Prosperity of Old Cores WA

#249 The Rogue Nation of Olympus Empirical WA

#250 The Typo Creater of Olympys empire WA

#251 The Peoples Religious Republic of Onysim WA

#252 The United Holy Empire of Ourantos WA

#253 The Rogue Nation of Pachakuti WA

#254 The Imperialist Nation of Pennboro WA

#255 The Sovereign State of Pepe Pip WA

#256 The Holy Empire of Pepper Island Democratica Freeland Papri WA

#257 The Dwarven Hold of Perchan WA

#258 The Empire of Persa WA

#259 The Kingdom of Pestillance WA

#260 The Democratic Republic of Pileus WA

#261 The Empire of Pjnation WA

#262 The Kingdom of Plamenia WA

#263 The Republic of Planaterria WA

#264 The Exalted Republic of Port Flynt WA

#265 The Ascension of Potted Plants United WA

#266 The United Kingdom of Praenestia WA

#267 The Cult-Kingdom of Prilum WA

#268 The Confederacy of Princely Cities WA

#269 The Absolutist Kingdom of Prolespia WA

#270 The Senatorial Republic of Proserpino WA

#271 The Democratic Republic of Racatonia WA

#272 The Empire of Rafflesland WA

#273 The Colony of Raizen WA

#274 The Constitutionist Republic of Rajenski WA

#275 The Empire of Ralfatia WA

#276 The Goldenaire Realm of Randala WA

#277 The Dominion of Rangers Brotherhood WA

#278 The C?naidhm-Republic and Aontas of Razt WA

#279 The Democratic Republic of Rebals WA

#280 The Democratic Republic of Red Fish WA

#281 The Republic of Reechonia WA

#282 The Republic of Regiocentrum WA

#283 The Great Land of Republican Kingdom of Alba WA

#284 The Federal Republic of Richy WA

#285 The Republic of Rivenwood WA

#286 The Holy Empire of Rommanda WA

#287 The Anarchist Commune of Sabalalone WA

#288 The Dictatorship of Saint Isle WA

#289 The Oppressed Peoples of Sandwich Isles WA

#290 The Democratic Republic of Santo Matthew WA

#291 The Democratic States of Sarmax WA

#292 The Empire of Saspearian WA

#293 The Sultanate of Saterun WA

#294 The Empire of Saudiarabi WA

#295 The Confederacy of Saundie WA

#296 The Federative Republic of Scot Blan Kin WA

#297 The United States of Scoutistan WA

#298 The Constitutional Monarchy of Segothia WA

#299 The Republic of Senoasia WA

#300 The Yoke of Serious Problems WA

#301 The Kingdom of Serlanda WA

#302 The Megacorporation of Serpent Incorporated WA

#303 The Federation of Serpleddyland WA

#304 The Old Empire of Settov WA

#305 The Kingdom of Seysha WA

#306 The Railroad Empire of SHED 17 WA

#307 The Democratic Republic of Shilonia WA

#308 The Queendom of Shovitupyourania WA

#309 The Empire of Siberian Republic WA

#310 The Empire of Silver Minner WA

#311 The Republic of Skerichia WA

#312 The Federation of Smargel WA

#313 The Democratic Republic of Snestar WA

#314 The Constitutional Republic of Snow And Ice Caps WA

#315 The Disputed Territories of Solomon-RandomCrap Union WA

#316 The Nomadic Peoples of SomewhereBerg WA

#317 The Crown Colony of South Bjolnir WA

#318 The Free Kingdom of South Calvinia WA

#319 The Empire of Southern-Nordic States WA

#320 The Most Serene Republic of Southland WA

#321 The United Kingdom of Southmen WA

#322 The Country of SparkleMinds WA

#323 The Most Serene Republic of Squamboland WA

#324 The Republic of Sri Temasekia WA

#325 The Rogue Nation of Steel Vagabonds WA

#326 The People's Republic of Sujanrashtra WA

#327 The Kingdom of Svaii WA

#328 The Republic of Svarnland WA

#329 The Republic of SwitzPhil WA

#330 The Unified Empire of Synari WA

#331 The Confederacy of The Ajax Confederacy WA

#332 The Democratic state of The Authoritarian Republic of Lochario WA

#333 The Republic of The Avgeek Union WA

#334 The Republic of The Baltic Seas WA

#335 The Government of The Celestial Lands WA

#336 The People's Republic of The Efteling WA

#337 The Armed Technocracy of The Gelseen Hegemony WA

#338 The Commonwealth of The German City State Union WA

#339 The Democratic Republic of The guardian fighters WA

#340 The Holy Empire of The holy crusader land WA

#341 The Glorious Peoples Republic of The Holy Empire of Moronica WA

#342 The Hebraic Kingdom of The Indian Lands WA

#343 The Republic of The Islands of Colwell WA

#344 The Democratic States of The Japanese states WA

#345 The Democratic Republic of The Justicar Republic WA

#346 The Theocracy of The land of death evil and destruction WA

#347 The Dictatorship of The Lost Unitary States WA

#348 The Irradiated Wasteland of The New California Republic WA

#349 The Republic of The Peoples Torch WA

#350 The Most Serene Republic of The Philosophical Kingdom of Heathcliffe WA

#351 The Federation of The United Anglo-sphere WA

#352 The All Seeing Dictatorship of TotallyNotADictatorshipyep WA

#353 The Humorous Land of Tra Empha WA

#354 The Obesotocracy of Treadwellia WA

#355 The Holy Empire of Ufghanstania WA

#356 The Republic of Unifiko WA

#357 The Democratic Republic of Unite commune WA

#358 The Catmanian Death Empire of United Catman WA

#359 The Republic of United Repub1ic WA

#360 The Democratic Republic of Valadin WA

#361 The Kingdom of Valley of Wizards WA

#362 The Republic of Varnigodsk WA

#363 The Democratic Republic of Veltaribicia WA

#364 The Nomadic Peoples of Velyke Pole WA

#365 The Allied States of Venom I WA

#366 The Free Land of Ventris WA

#367 The United Provinces of Vestrond WA

#368 The Oh So Divine Land of Vibe Town WA

#369 The Empire of Vidrian WA

#370 The Fiefdom of Vietrice WA

#371 The Federal Vale of Vinland Kasheer WA

#372 The Dominion of Viperina WA

#373 The Suspiciously Familiar Figure of Wang Yao WA

#374 The Czas Weapons Wholesaler of Wassily Universal Rifling Company WA

#375 The People's Republic of Wenshui WA

#376 The Rogue Nation of West Sunrise WA

#377 The Federal Republic of Westswedia WA

#378 The Empire of Willifusland WA

#379 The Kingdom of Wilvania WA

#380 The Magic of Winx club WA

#381 The Federal Republic of Wyrmilion WA

#382 The Republic of Xalivstonia WA

#383 The Imperial Commonwealth of Xin-jen WA

#384 The Republic of Xoj WA

#385 The Blue Holy Zombie NationState of YourAverageRedHead WA

#386 The Federal Republic of Yurp WA

#387 The Federal Republic of Zadaria WA

#388 The Parlementary Kingdom of Zahonyi Csongor WA

#389 The Federal Union of Zentraleuropaeischen Vertrags WA

#390 The Sovereign University of Zetaopalatopia WA

#391 The Feudalistic United Kingdom of Zetronius WA

#392 The Republic of Zharsh WA

#393 The Cattery of Zinertia WA

#394 The Jamahiriya of Zitronist Morocco WA

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Nation States Economy Calculator v3.69