#1 The Theocracy of -The Sorcerer Kingdom WA #2 The Sultanate of -Urzikstan WA #3 The Grand Forests of 6s9s2k3k WA #4 The Community of Adriatic Sea Caves WA #5 The Empire of Aeagea WA #6 The Empire of Aedyrn WA #7 The Federal Republic of Aegypta WA #8 The United Kingdom of Aelinar WA #9 The High Elven Empire of Aelnar WA #10 The Queendom of Aes Sedai WA #11 The Holy Empire of Ahlmeria WA #12 The Kingdom of Al Ista WA #13 The Republic of Alaberra WA #14 The Serene Republic of AlpacaGardens WA #15 The People's Union of Eco-States of Alsaela WA #16 The Republic of Ameareia WA #17 The Roman Archduchy of Amerian Ameri WA #18 The Oppressed Peoples of Amonguskissing4k1080p WA #19 The Social Technocracy of Anchaevyclitand WA #20 The State of Andara WA #21 The Federation of Andisa WA #22 The Democratic Republic of Anerpul WA #23 The Federation of Anglaunia WA #24 The SmallBall Nation of Anti-Goatsack WA #25 The Republic of Aquariani WA #26 The Theocracy of Aransahr WA #27 The United Free State of Arbentine WA #28 The Empire of Arceus Palkia Dialga WA #29 The United States of Are Regia WA #30 The Ancient Matriarchy of Arkadia Universalis WA #31 The Federation of Arkator WA #32 The Absolute Dominion of ASEAN Federation WA #33 The Constitutional Monarchy of Atteni WA #34 The Most Serene Republic of Aurelania WA #35 The Kingdom of Avear WA #36 The Interorbital Empire of Aviace WA #37 The Holy Empire of Awerime WA #38 The Federation of Axelian WA #39 The Republic of Bajoo WA #40 The Confederacy of Bartanland WA #41 The Rep?blica of Bavario WA #42 The People's Republic of Belerania WA #43 The Federal Republic of Berlitria WA #44 The Ok-narchy of Billinton WA #45 The Recusancy of Blessed Isles WA #46 The Armed Republic of Borkmaster WA #47 The United Kingdom of Bostoniax WA #48 The Principality of Bozoaria WA #49 The Oppressed Peoples of Brandon-Rice WA #50 The Unknown Republic of BrianKera WA #51 The Utopia of Calope WA #52 The Empire of Capitista WA #53 The Republic of Castilloe WA #54 The Tribal Democratic Union of Champaign WA #55 The Monarchy of Chanhu-Daro WA #56 The Grand Duchy of Chareest WA #57 The Rebirth of Charvelian Society WA #58 The Federal Union of Chazicaria WA #59 The United Kingdom of Chip Nation WA #60 The Dictatorship of Classy Nations WA #61 The Republic of ClumsyCat WA #62 The Technocracy of Cobrito WA #63 The Republic of Commodored WA #64 The Democratic Republic of Common Sense Moderate Land WA #65 The Imperium of Corovos WA #66 The Democratic Republic of Coswoto WA #67 The Nautical Republic of Crab Guys WA #68 The Democratic Republic of Craena WA #69 The Sovereign Orbital Vessel of Cretanja WA #70 The Commonwealth of Csilla Petor WA #71 The Armed Republic of Curative WA #72 The Constitutional Monarchy of Czechoslovakia government WA #73 The Almighty Empire of Dannyria WA #74 The Federal Republic of Darugia WA #75 The Lunatic Pandora Republic of Dead Snow WA #76 The Republic of Deagarnia WA #77 The Rep?blica Federativa of Decrudas WA #78 The Democratic Republic of Decus Maxi WA #79 The United Socialist States of Degrham WA #80 The Federation of Democratic Flow WA #81 The Expansive Empire of Deosdora WA #82 The Republic of Dialland WA #83 The Empire of Diogo Alves WA #84 The Grand Principality of Dornar WA #85 The Divine Infinite Technocracy of Dragonian Alliance WA #86 The Empire of Dramancass WA #87 The Senate of Drooyd WA #88 The Reprised Dominion of Duplicatlicor WA #89 The Confederacy of Dzughistan WA #90 The Dictatorship of East Ravenholm WA #91 The Democratic Republic of Ekalb WA #92 The Democratic Republic of Elg WA #93 The Heavily-Legged Strongmen of ElJefe WA #94 The Empire of Elthalion WA #95 The Grand Empire of Elyssae WA #96 The Kingdom of FarquaadTopia WA #97 The Republic of Fayglandisher WA #98 The Democratic Republic of Fearann Na Fidhlean WA #99 The Power-Abusing Guardian of Federation of the Resentine Kingdom WA #100 The V?lkerreich of Felistia WA #101 The Commonwealth of Fina Cria WA #102 The Technocratic Union of Firefoxania WA #103 The Allied States of Flautun WA #104 The Grand Duchy of Florontium WA #105 The Federal Republic of Flosta WA #106 The Parlimentariches K?nigreich of Fre Rhissey WA #107 The Federal Republic of Freedom and Memes WA #108 The Republic of FreeFishers WA #109 The Parliamentary Monarchy of Freelandy WA #110 The Empire of Confed Syndicates of Freistaat Eisenstadt WA #111 The Republic of Garfields united WA #112 The Kingdom of Geroia WA #113 The Armed Republic of Glowingcrims WA #114 The Democratic Republic of Grand Bolventia WA #115 The Emirate of Grand Usonia WA #116 The Dictatorship of Great Baliswania WA #117 The Republic of Greater Cherskazor WA #118 The Dominion of Greater Empire of Joll WA #119 The Allied States of Greece-Hungary WA #120 The Constitutional Monarchy of Gristol WA #121 The Constitutional Monarchy of Gryoine WA #122 The Free Land of Haprus Nanari WA #123 The Federation of Heavenly Octopi WA #124 The Republic of Here-We-Go WA #125 The Futuristic Republic of Hexrista WA #126 The Kingdom of Holastroma WA #127 The Theocracy of Holy Catholic Union WA #128 The Red and Free Land of Homedonia WA #129 The Allied States of Hussein Sherif WA #130 The Floating Island of Hyperbolic Orbit WA #131 The Republic of Ilorland WA #132 The Republic of Imperial Thawhaniant WA #133 The Corporate Nation of Imperialistic States of Howa WA #134 The Free Land of Imphic WA #135 The Republic of Isadoor WA #136 The Popular Commonwealth of Islesoc WA #137 The United Kingdom of Isthalica WA #138 The Empire of Italia merendilliana WA #139 The Cashtitutional Monarchy of Jamil Federations WA #140 The Community of Jelliebean WA #141 The Kingdom of Jersin Nik WA #142 The Republic of Jiangbei WA #143 The Kingdom of Jixdelistan WA #144 The Jingoistic states of Jonairadsylva WA #145 The People's Republic of JPSP WA #146 The Federation of Kalredia WA #147 The Empire of Kazafbajistan WA #148 The Fmr Grand Vizier of KypsCrew WA #149 The Confederacy of Laellicia WA #150 The Empire of Le Bromington WA #151 The Federal Republic of Lenzworth WA #152 The Holy Empire of Little Alternia WA #153 The Jeffian Satrapy of Lon Vargancia WA #154 The Federation of Loquith WA #155 The Empire of Lugmeltistan WA #156 The Eccentric Skies of Luna State WA #157 The Federal Republic of Macoss WA #158 The Democratic Republic of Magebern WA #159 The Third Republic of Magna Emerald WA #160 The People's Republic of Makanganjika WA #161 The Kingdom of Maldivess WA #162 The Secure Safe Haven of Mango Peh Peh WA #163 The Commonwealth of Marcene WA #164 The Kingdom of Markwell Islands WA #165 The Dictatorship of MDRunie WA #166 The United Socialist States of Mercuwury WA | #167 The Once and Future Osiran of Mghnb WA #168 The Holy Socialist Republic of Midwestern Catholic Republic WA #169 The Federal Republic of Miechainl WA #170 The Democratic Republic of Minecraftiana WA #171 The Federal Republic of Monispia WA #172 The Republic of Mousa Liberty WA #173 The Caliphate of Mughal Chads WA #174 The Imperial Majestorium of Mythoania WA #175 The Naval Imperialist Federation of Natit Vakkazi WA #176 The Federal Republic of Nectria WA #177 The Psychonautcropolis of Negamegedon WA #178 The Empire of Neriem WA #179 The Federal Legislative Council of Neutopia WA #180 The State of New Artica WA #181 The Space cat united empire of New land of cats WA #182 The Federation of New Origin WA #183 The Democracies of Newars WA #184 The People's Republic of NewGuo WA #185 The Federation of NguyenTruongThanhVu WA #186 The Democratic Federal Republic of Nicitius WA #187 The Borderlands of No Hope WA #188 The Confederate Democracy of Noldorin Oron WA #189 The Great Empire of North Samean Red Rhotfola WA #190 The Disputed Territories of Northeast Sontario WA #191 The Military Junta of Nuevo Cuba WA #192 The Dominion of Nuwisha WA #193 The Armed Republic of OakianUnion WA #194 The Armed Republic of Of Free Trading Territory of America WA #195 The People's Republic of One Jamaica WA #196 The Queendom of OneGayBraincell WA #197 The People's Republic of Orbituella WA #198 The Republic of Orerha WA #199 The Federal Republic of Originia WA #200 The Holy Empire of Ostann Hath and Seranalase WA #201 The Grand Duchy of Ouranberg WA #202 The Dictatorship of Overlord90098 WA #203 The Dominion of Patric Willis WA #204 The Ethereal Communion of Penthievre WA #205 The Republic of Perma Minor WA #206 The Empire of Peyerij Mond WA #207 The United Federation of Philosopy WA #208 The Confederacy of Phobi WA #209 The Allied States of Pionesland WA #210 The United Territories of Pius Desurongcrandis WA #211 The Great People of Populous Magnus WA #212 The Kingdom of Prayd WA #213 The Nomadic People of Pridelantic people WA #214 The Federation of Prinadisakunegara WA #215 The Federal Republic of Pruskey WA #216 The Empire of Rantidine WA #217 The Republic of Rayquaria WA #218 The United Kingdom of Redinnia WA #219 The United Salvation Committee of Redrustan WA #220 The Celestial Realm of Reedian WA #221 The Realm of Refolo WA #222 The Federal People's Republic of Refugeeria WA #223 The Federal Republic of Reunited States WA #224 The Empire of Revanen WA #225 The Republic of Ricefields WA #226 The Blessed Transmatriarchy of Riveraland WA #227 The Divine Land and Galaxy of ROC Union WA #228 The Republic of Rocilia WA #229 The United States of Ryan Nation WA #230 The Republic of Sacomatopia WA #231 The Chronosynclastic Infundibulm of Sadakoyama WA #232 The Kingdom of Samou WA #233 The Absolute Anime Power of Sansaboy WA #234 The Federation of Saturnica WA #235 The Rogue Nation of Scotslyvania WA #236 The Allied Separatists of Separatist Allies WA #237 The Armed Republic of Seryf WA #238 The Empire of SHASLAND WA #239 The Federation of Sicilian Isles WA #240 The Republic of Sidhelyrika WA #241 The Kingdom of Skandinaviens Mitt WA #242 The Grand Duchy of SmOrksberg WA #243 The Confederacy of Snoopy WA #244 The Union of Solar Energy and Free States WA #245 The Confederacy of Solarchy WA #246 The 7th Dreams Dimension Realm of Somniun WA #247 The United Socialist States of Soviet Taghouse WA #248 The Republic of Stephine21 WA #249 The Allied Nations of Strangereal WA #250 The Democratic States of Sundarboom WA #251 The United Socialist States of Suynda WA #252 The World Census in service of SVR2200 WA #253 The Republic of Swadhindekh WA #254 The Cosmopolitan Republic of Syndius WA #255 The Triangular Territories of Tangentia WA #256 The Democratic Union of Terraria WA #257 The Aquatic Librarian Knights of Tethys 13 WA #258 The Commonwealth of The Allied Order WA #259 The Empire of The Balken Federation WA #260 The Free Land of The Black Mesa Remnant WA #261 The Free Islands of The Coarsal Pirates WA #262 The Federal Republic of The CubeLand WA #263 The Empire of The Demonborn WA #264 The Empire of The Empire of The Empire of The Empi- WA #265 The Matriarchy of The Empress Authority WA #266 The High Kingdom of The Free Nation of Indexy WA #267 The Empire of The Grand Fitness Pacer Test WA #268 The Unified Surveilled States of The Grand Lockland Democratic Authority WA #269 The Socialist Republic of The Mad Land WA #270 The Tacticool War Goddess of The Other Margaret WA #271 The Republic of The Republic of Everleigh WA #272 The Superpower of The Republic of Figs WA #273 The Empire of The Running Man WA #274 The Empire of The Sovereign Imperial Overlords WA #275 The Glorious People's Republic of The Stalinist Union WA #276 The Armed Republic of The Technocracy of Mekanicus WA #277 The Empire of The Third Antarctica WA #278 The Republic of The United Condor WA #279 The United States of The United Kingdom of Germany WA #280 The Islands of The Wealthy Federation of Wake WA #281 The Imperial Commonwealth of The Wooden Empire WA #282 The Oppressed Peoples of The Zumal Gang WA #283 The Dominion of Thisbia WA #284 The Empire of Thiyagesh WA #285 The Kingdom of Thrindel WA #286 The Rogue Nation of Tijetzero WA #287 The Community of Toastlin WA #288 The Empire of Toobya WA #289 The Community of Topchimpia WA #290 The Far off planet of Tralfamdore WA #291 The Federation of Transeurope WA #292 The Dominion of Transient Bogans WA #293 The Kingdom of Triangola WA #294 The Federation of Trifecta WA #295 The Principality of Turlondo WA #296 The Sovereign Military Order of Ukrainian Civil Guard WA #297 The Kingdom of United Britannic Empire WA #298 The Empire of United Empire Kingdom WA #299 The Islamic Republic of United Java WA #300 The Nation of United Republic of Oakwood WA #301 The Democracy of United States J WA #302 The Empire of United Urramoni Iant WA #303 The Most Serene Republic of Unsettled WA #304 The Pirate Haven of Vagabond Valley WA #305 The Republic of Veelania WA #306 The Federation of Velle Bene WA #307 The Unified State of Vesra WA #308 The Republic of Vinnacuvia WA #309 The Allied States of Vinyan WA #310 The Republic of Vitya WA #311 The Nation of Vs The World WA #312 The Supreme Wangitocracy of Wangadonia WA #313 The Green Autonomous Republic of West Yamamachi WA #314 The Queendom of Whats New Pussycat WA #315 The Democratic Republic of Whu The WA #316 The Galactum Monarchia Populus of WinProx WA #317 The Armed Republic of Wisterlandia WA #318 The Rogue Nation of Wutsamatayu WA #319 The Federal Republic of Yamalti WA #320 The Federal Republic of Yerachmeal WA #321 The Khanate of Yhudfg Khanate WA #322 The Empire of Yoiiatin WA #323 The Na??o of Yorksin WA #324 The Kingdom of Yurtnuoc WA #325 The Armed Republic of Zancrige WA #326 The Spires of Zero-Land WA #327 The People's Republic of ZHS0715 WA #328 The Consciousness of ZT333 WA #329 The Incorporated States of Zurmenia WA #330 The Final Fit of Zyonn WA |