NS Economy v3.69 Mobile - Nation States


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There are 330 WA Countries in the Region of Osiris

You have arrived at the WA Nations list for Osiris.

Simply, the following list is all of the WA delegates from the Region of Osiris. To use the page as a clearing house, click on the WA next to the nation you want to visit, and the Nation States page for that individual should open in a new window.

What do I do with this?
For those regions looking to keep their delegates "Democratically" Elected, the list is split in roughly half for a quick 50% count of available endorsements. This list has also been used to help raiders looking to meet the locals, delegates looking to monitor their kingdoms, newbies seeking endorsements so they gain some influence, and corporations looking to sell wares in a warzone... (among other things). The author suggests Nations interested in Security show this to your delegate. Others have access to this info too, and readily use it for lot's of things. You should be too. That is the point of having this system published.

1. Select a different Nation from the whole region to view (complete Region's Nation listings).

Top 25 GDP Leaders:
2. Regional trade .
3. Regional GDP .
4. Click here to see WA Member Nations.
5. Regional Exchange Rates.

#1 The Theocracy of -The Sorcerer Kingdom WA

#2 The Sultanate of -Urzikstan WA

#3 The Grand Forests of 6s9s2k3k WA

#4 The Community of Adriatic Sea Caves WA

#5 The Empire of Aeagea WA

#6 The Empire of Aedyrn WA

#7 The Federal Republic of Aegypta WA

#8 The United Kingdom of Aelinar WA

#9 The High Elven Empire of Aelnar WA

#10 The Queendom of Aes Sedai WA

#11 The Holy Empire of Ahlmeria WA

#12 The Kingdom of Al Ista WA

#13 The Republic of Alaberra WA

#14 The Serene Republic of AlpacaGardens WA

#15 The People's Union of Eco-States of Alsaela WA

#16 The Republic of Ameareia WA

#17 The Roman Archduchy of Amerian Ameri WA

#18 The Oppressed Peoples of Amonguskissing4k1080p WA

#19 The Social Technocracy of Anchaevyclitand WA

#20 The State of Andara WA

#21 The Federation of Andisa WA

#22 The Democratic Republic of Anerpul WA

#23 The Federation of Anglaunia WA

#24 The SmallBall Nation of Anti-Goatsack WA

#25 The Republic of Aquariani WA

#26 The Theocracy of Aransahr WA

#27 The United Free State of Arbentine WA

#28 The Empire of Arceus Palkia Dialga WA

#29 The United States of Are Regia WA

#30 The Ancient Matriarchy of Arkadia Universalis WA

#31 The Federation of Arkator WA

#32 The Absolute Dominion of ASEAN Federation WA

#33 The Constitutional Monarchy of Atteni WA

#34 The Most Serene Republic of Aurelania WA

#35 The Kingdom of Avear WA

#36 The Interorbital Empire of Aviace WA

#37 The Holy Empire of Awerime WA

#38 The Federation of Axelian WA

#39 The Republic of Bajoo WA

#40 The Confederacy of Bartanland WA

#41 The Rep?blica of Bavario WA

#42 The People's Republic of Belerania WA

#43 The Federal Republic of Berlitria WA

#44 The Ok-narchy of Billinton WA

#45 The Recusancy of Blessed Isles WA

#46 The Armed Republic of Borkmaster WA

#47 The United Kingdom of Bostoniax WA

#48 The Principality of Bozoaria WA

#49 The Oppressed Peoples of Brandon-Rice WA

#50 The Unknown Republic of BrianKera WA

#51 The Utopia of Calope WA

#52 The Empire of Capitista WA

#53 The Republic of Castilloe WA

#54 The Tribal Democratic Union of Champaign WA

#55 The Monarchy of Chanhu-Daro WA

#56 The Grand Duchy of Chareest WA

#57 The Rebirth of Charvelian Society WA

#58 The Federal Union of Chazicaria WA

#59 The United Kingdom of Chip Nation WA

#60 The Dictatorship of Classy Nations WA

#61 The Republic of ClumsyCat WA

#62 The Technocracy of Cobrito WA

#63 The Republic of Commodored WA

#64 The Democratic Republic of Common Sense Moderate Land WA

#65 The Imperium of Corovos WA

#66 The Democratic Republic of Coswoto WA

#67 The Nautical Republic of Crab Guys WA

#68 The Democratic Republic of Craena WA

#69 The Sovereign Orbital Vessel of Cretanja WA

#70 The Commonwealth of Csilla Petor WA

#71 The Armed Republic of Curative WA

#72 The Constitutional Monarchy of Czechoslovakia government WA

#73 The Almighty Empire of Dannyria WA

#74 The Federal Republic of Darugia WA

#75 The Lunatic Pandora Republic of Dead Snow WA

#76 The Republic of Deagarnia WA

#77 The Rep?blica Federativa of Decrudas WA

#78 The Democratic Republic of Decus Maxi WA

#79 The United Socialist States of Degrham WA

#80 The Federation of Democratic Flow WA

#81 The Expansive Empire of Deosdora WA

#82 The Republic of Dialland WA

#83 The Empire of Diogo Alves WA

#84 The Grand Principality of Dornar WA

#85 The Divine Infinite Technocracy of Dragonian Alliance WA

#86 The Empire of Dramancass WA

#87 The Senate of Drooyd WA

#88 The Reprised Dominion of Duplicatlicor WA

#89 The Confederacy of Dzughistan WA

#90 The Dictatorship of East Ravenholm WA

#91 The Democratic Republic of Ekalb WA

#92 The Democratic Republic of Elg WA

#93 The Heavily-Legged Strongmen of ElJefe WA

#94 The Empire of Elthalion WA

#95 The Grand Empire of Elyssae WA

#96 The Kingdom of FarquaadTopia WA

#97 The Republic of Fayglandisher WA

#98 The Democratic Republic of Fearann Na Fidhlean WA

#99 The Power-Abusing Guardian of Federation of the Resentine Kingdom WA

#100 The V?lkerreich of Felistia WA

#101 The Commonwealth of Fina Cria WA

#102 The Technocratic Union of Firefoxania WA

#103 The Allied States of Flautun WA

#104 The Grand Duchy of Florontium WA

#105 The Federal Republic of Flosta WA

#106 The Parlimentariches K?nigreich of Fre Rhissey WA

#107 The Federal Republic of Freedom and Memes WA

#108 The Republic of FreeFishers WA

#109 The Parliamentary Monarchy of Freelandy WA

#110 The Empire of Confed Syndicates of Freistaat Eisenstadt WA

#111 The Republic of Garfields united WA

#112 The Kingdom of Geroia WA

#113 The Armed Republic of Glowingcrims WA

#114 The Democratic Republic of Grand Bolventia WA

#115 The Emirate of Grand Usonia WA

#116 The Dictatorship of Great Baliswania WA

#117 The Republic of Greater Cherskazor WA

#118 The Dominion of Greater Empire of Joll WA

#119 The Allied States of Greece-Hungary WA

#120 The Constitutional Monarchy of Gristol WA

#121 The Constitutional Monarchy of Gryoine WA

#122 The Free Land of Haprus Nanari WA

#123 The Federation of Heavenly Octopi WA

#124 The Republic of Here-We-Go WA

#125 The Futuristic Republic of Hexrista WA

#126 The Kingdom of Holastroma WA

#127 The Theocracy of Holy Catholic Union WA

#128 The Red and Free Land of Homedonia WA

#129 The Allied States of Hussein Sherif WA

#130 The Floating Island of Hyperbolic Orbit WA

#131 The Republic of Ilorland WA

#132 The Republic of Imperial Thawhaniant WA

#133 The Corporate Nation of Imperialistic States of Howa WA

#134 The Free Land of Imphic WA

#135 The Republic of Isadoor WA

#136 The Popular Commonwealth of Islesoc WA

#137 The United Kingdom of Isthalica WA

#138 The Empire of Italia merendilliana WA

#139 The Cashtitutional Monarchy of Jamil Federations WA

#140 The Community of Jelliebean WA

#141 The Kingdom of Jersin Nik WA

#142 The Republic of Jiangbei WA

#143 The Kingdom of Jixdelistan WA

#144 The Jingoistic states of Jonairadsylva WA

#145 The People's Republic of JPSP WA

#146 The Federation of Kalredia WA

#147 The Empire of Kazafbajistan WA

#148 The Fmr Grand Vizier of KypsCrew WA

#149 The Confederacy of Laellicia WA

#150 The Empire of Le Bromington WA

#151 The Federal Republic of Lenzworth WA

#152 The Holy Empire of Little Alternia WA

#153 The Jeffian Satrapy of Lon Vargancia WA

#154 The Federation of Loquith WA

#155 The Empire of Lugmeltistan WA

#156 The Eccentric Skies of Luna State WA

#157 The Federal Republic of Macoss WA

#158 The Democratic Republic of Magebern WA

#159 The Third Republic of Magna Emerald WA

#160 The People's Republic of Makanganjika WA

#161 The Kingdom of Maldivess WA

#162 The Secure Safe Haven of Mango Peh Peh WA

#163 The Commonwealth of Marcene WA

#164 The Kingdom of Markwell Islands WA

#165 The Dictatorship of MDRunie WA

#166 The United Socialist States of Mercuwury WA

#167 The Once and Future Osiran of Mghnb WA

#168 The Holy Socialist Republic of Midwestern Catholic Republic WA

#169 The Federal Republic of Miechainl WA

#170 The Democratic Republic of Minecraftiana WA

#171 The Federal Republic of Monispia WA

#172 The Republic of Mousa Liberty WA

#173 The Caliphate of Mughal Chads WA

#174 The Imperial Majestorium of Mythoania WA

#175 The Naval Imperialist Federation of Natit Vakkazi WA

#176 The Federal Republic of Nectria WA

#177 The Psychonautcropolis of Negamegedon WA

#178 The Empire of Neriem WA

#179 The Federal Legislative Council of Neutopia WA

#180 The State of New Artica WA

#181 The Space cat united empire of New land of cats WA

#182 The Federation of New Origin WA

#183 The Democracies of Newars WA

#184 The People's Republic of NewGuo WA

#185 The Federation of NguyenTruongThanhVu WA

#186 The Democratic Federal Republic of Nicitius WA

#187 The Borderlands of No Hope WA

#188 The Confederate Democracy of Noldorin Oron WA

#189 The Great Empire of North Samean Red Rhotfola WA

#190 The Disputed Territories of Northeast Sontario WA

#191 The Military Junta of Nuevo Cuba WA

#192 The Dominion of Nuwisha WA

#193 The Armed Republic of OakianUnion WA

#194 The Armed Republic of Of Free Trading Territory of America WA

#195 The People's Republic of One Jamaica WA

#196 The Queendom of OneGayBraincell WA

#197 The People's Republic of Orbituella WA

#198 The Republic of Orerha WA

#199 The Federal Republic of Originia WA

#200 The Holy Empire of Ostann Hath and Seranalase WA

#201 The Grand Duchy of Ouranberg WA

#202 The Dictatorship of Overlord90098 WA

#203 The Dominion of Patric Willis WA

#204 The Ethereal Communion of Penthievre WA

#205 The Republic of Perma Minor WA

#206 The Empire of Peyerij Mond WA

#207 The United Federation of Philosopy WA

#208 The Confederacy of Phobi WA

#209 The Allied States of Pionesland WA

#210 The United Territories of Pius Desurongcrandis WA

#211 The Great People of Populous Magnus WA

#212 The Kingdom of Prayd WA

#213 The Nomadic People of Pridelantic people WA

#214 The Federation of Prinadisakunegara WA

#215 The Federal Republic of Pruskey WA

#216 The Empire of Rantidine WA

#217 The Republic of Rayquaria WA

#218 The United Kingdom of Redinnia WA

#219 The United Salvation Committee of Redrustan WA

#220 The Celestial Realm of Reedian WA

#221 The Realm of Refolo WA

#222 The Federal People's Republic of Refugeeria WA

#223 The Federal Republic of Reunited States WA

#224 The Empire of Revanen WA

#225 The Republic of Ricefields WA

#226 The Blessed Transmatriarchy of Riveraland WA

#227 The Divine Land and Galaxy of ROC Union WA

#228 The Republic of Rocilia WA

#229 The United States of Ryan Nation WA

#230 The Republic of Sacomatopia WA

#231 The Chronosynclastic Infundibulm of Sadakoyama WA

#232 The Kingdom of Samou WA

#233 The Absolute Anime Power of Sansaboy WA

#234 The Federation of Saturnica WA

#235 The Rogue Nation of Scotslyvania WA

#236 The Allied Separatists of Separatist Allies WA

#237 The Armed Republic of Seryf WA

#238 The Empire of SHASLAND WA

#239 The Federation of Sicilian Isles WA

#240 The Republic of Sidhelyrika WA

#241 The Kingdom of Skandinaviens Mitt WA

#242 The Grand Duchy of SmOrksberg WA

#243 The Confederacy of Snoopy WA

#244 The Union of Solar Energy and Free States WA

#245 The Confederacy of Solarchy WA

#246 The 7th Dreams Dimension Realm of Somniun WA

#247 The United Socialist States of Soviet Taghouse WA

#248 The Republic of Stephine21 WA

#249 The Allied Nations of Strangereal WA

#250 The Democratic States of Sundarboom WA

#251 The United Socialist States of Suynda WA

#252 The World Census in service of SVR2200 WA

#253 The Republic of Swadhindekh WA

#254 The Cosmopolitan Republic of Syndius WA

#255 The Triangular Territories of Tangentia WA

#256 The Democratic Union of Terraria WA

#257 The Aquatic Librarian Knights of Tethys 13 WA

#258 The Commonwealth of The Allied Order WA

#259 The Empire of The Balken Federation WA

#260 The Free Land of The Black Mesa Remnant WA

#261 The Free Islands of The Coarsal Pirates WA

#262 The Federal Republic of The CubeLand WA

#263 The Empire of The Demonborn WA

#264 The Empire of The Empire of The Empire of The Empi- WA

#265 The Matriarchy of The Empress Authority WA

#266 The High Kingdom of The Free Nation of Indexy WA

#267 The Empire of The Grand Fitness Pacer Test WA

#268 The Unified Surveilled States of The Grand Lockland Democratic Authority WA

#269 The Socialist Republic of The Mad Land WA

#270 The Tacticool War Goddess of The Other Margaret WA

#271 The Republic of The Republic of Everleigh WA

#272 The Superpower of The Republic of Figs WA

#273 The Empire of The Running Man WA

#274 The Empire of The Sovereign Imperial Overlords WA

#275 The Glorious People's Republic of The Stalinist Union WA

#276 The Armed Republic of The Technocracy of Mekanicus WA

#277 The Empire of The Third Antarctica WA

#278 The Republic of The United Condor WA

#279 The United States of The United Kingdom of Germany WA

#280 The Islands of The Wealthy Federation of Wake WA

#281 The Imperial Commonwealth of The Wooden Empire WA

#282 The Oppressed Peoples of The Zumal Gang WA

#283 The Dominion of Thisbia WA

#284 The Empire of Thiyagesh WA

#285 The Kingdom of Thrindel WA

#286 The Rogue Nation of Tijetzero WA

#287 The Community of Toastlin WA

#288 The Empire of Toobya WA

#289 The Community of Topchimpia WA

#290 The Far off planet of Tralfamdore WA

#291 The Federation of Transeurope WA

#292 The Dominion of Transient Bogans WA

#293 The Kingdom of Triangola WA

#294 The Federation of Trifecta WA

#295 The Principality of Turlondo WA

#296 The Sovereign Military Order of Ukrainian Civil Guard WA

#297 The Kingdom of United Britannic Empire WA

#298 The Empire of United Empire Kingdom WA

#299 The Islamic Republic of United Java WA

#300 The Nation of United Republic of Oakwood WA

#301 The Democracy of United States J WA

#302 The Empire of United Urramoni Iant WA

#303 The Most Serene Republic of Unsettled WA

#304 The Pirate Haven of Vagabond Valley WA

#305 The Republic of Veelania WA

#306 The Federation of Velle Bene WA

#307 The Unified State of Vesra WA

#308 The Republic of Vinnacuvia WA

#309 The Allied States of Vinyan WA

#310 The Republic of Vitya WA

#311 The Nation of Vs The World WA

#312 The Supreme Wangitocracy of Wangadonia WA

#313 The Green Autonomous Republic of West Yamamachi WA

#314 The Queendom of Whats New Pussycat WA

#315 The Democratic Republic of Whu The WA

#316 The Galactum Monarchia Populus of WinProx WA

#317 The Armed Republic of Wisterlandia WA

#318 The Rogue Nation of Wutsamatayu WA

#319 The Federal Republic of Yamalti WA

#320 The Federal Republic of Yerachmeal WA

#321 The Khanate of Yhudfg Khanate WA

#322 The Empire of Yoiiatin WA

#323 The Na??o of Yorksin WA

#324 The Kingdom of Yurtnuoc WA

#325 The Armed Republic of Zancrige WA

#326 The Spires of Zero-Land WA

#327 The People's Republic of ZHS0715 WA

#328 The Consciousness of ZT333 WA

#329 The Incorporated States of Zurmenia WA

#330 The Final Fit of Zyonn WA

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