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There are 185 WA Countries in the Region of Refugia

You have arrived at the WA Nations list for Refugia.

Simply, the following list is all of the WA delegates from the Region of Refugia. To use the page as a clearing house, click on the WA next to the nation you want to visit, and the Nation States page for that individual should open in a new window.

What do I do with this?
For those regions looking to keep their delegates "Democratically" Elected, the list is split in roughly half for a quick 50% count of available endorsements. This list has also been used to help raiders looking to meet the locals, delegates looking to monitor their kingdoms, newbies seeking endorsements so they gain some influence, and corporations looking to sell wares in a warzone... (among other things). The author suggests Nations interested in Security show this to your delegate. Others have access to this info too, and readily use it for lot's of things. You should be too. That is the point of having this system published.

1. Select a different Nation from the whole region to view (complete Region's Nation listings).

Top 25 GDP Leaders:
2. Regional trade .
3. Regional GDP .
4. Click here to see WA Member Nations.
5. Regional Exchange Rates.

#1 The Confederacy of Adawu WA

#2 The Democratic Republic of Aeline WA

#3 The Republic of Alethria WA

#4 The Borderlands of Almander WA

#5 The Commune of Anarchyarctic WA

#6 The Most Serene Republic of Anarrsomertle WA

#7 The Theocracy of Antimai WA

#8 The Constitutional Republic of Antrania WA

#9 The Militarist Republic of Aphudale WA

#10 The Enchanted Forest of Araine WA

#11 The Peoples' Free Land of Arcostan WA

#12 The Holy Empire of Argyatsova WA

#13 The People's Republic of Artgentia WA

#14 The Sentient Dataflow Processors of ASEANINDIA WA

#15 The United Socialist States of Astrazoria WA

#16 The People's Republic of Belkanada WA

#17 The Federation of Bismarck-Tirpitz WA

#18 The Frozen Hellscape of Blauwskjold WA

#19 The Republic of Captovia WA

#20 The Catocracy of Catiania WA

#21 The Dominion of Chacapoya WA

#22 The Rogue Nation of Chappellandia WA

#23 The Kingdom of Cherry-Blossoms WA

#24 The Republic of Chilean peoples Republic WA

#25 The Federal Republic of Claudican Union WA

#26 The Macrogalactic Superblast of Delta Vega IV WA

#27 The Equitarian Confederation of Democratic Hitton WA

#28 The Free Land of Denimz WA

#29 The Democratic Republic of Dilectri WA

#30 The Confederacy of Dreyland WA

#31 The Sultanate of Drusayy WA

#32 The Anarcho-Communist Alliance of Duneraven WA

#33 The Third Republic of DutchFormosa WA

#34 The Nomadic Peoples of Eastern Bik Sourgicedka WA

#35 The Community of Ekajyotivolke WA

#36 The Most Serene Republic of Eldoria Daan WA

#37 The More Purrfect Union of Elucubria WA

#38 The Commonwealth of Emoti WA

#39 The Free Land of Esawari WA

#40 The Alliance of Ethierys WA

#41 The Community of Eudico WA

#42 The Free Habitat of FaceEatingSlug WA

#43 The NotHalfBad actually republic of Fadnesia WA

#44 The Covenant of Fel Vudos WA

#45 The Democratic Republic of Flaeze WA

#46 The Federal Democratic Republic of Floedlaenn WA

#47 The Undying Syndicate of Forgo Regia WA

#48 The Community of Free Pines WA

#49 The Community of Gezin WA

#50 The Queendom of Gleann Fheidh WA

#51 The Queendom of Golden gateway WA

#52 The United Kingdom of Greaterburg WA

#53 The Confederacy of Grecdomto WA

#54 The Dominion of Green-space WA

#55 The Most Serene Republic of Guggenheime WA

#56 The Community of Hippiepunkland WA

#57 The Holy Empire of Hognose island WA

#58 The United Socialist States of Hoqeallistan WA

#59 The Federation of Impentia WA

#60 The Refugi Belter Colony of Inaros OPA WA

#61 The Republic of Indonaco WA

#62 The Confederacy of Innamorta WA

#63 The Crown Commonwealth of Interflumnibia WA

#64 The Bureaucracy of Ithkuil WA

#65 The Community of Itland WA

#66 The Softness ☁️????️???? of Izzalia WA

#67 The Free Land of Jail Guitar Doors WA

#68 The Township of Junitaki-cho WA

#69 The Free Land of Kahieberry WA

#70 The Eternal Dragon City of Kairinia WA

#71 The Draconic Commonwealth of Kan Rizond WA

#72 The Friendly Loft of Keskea WA

#73 The Dictatorship of Krattler WA

#74 The Colony of Lesvoss WA

#75 The Republic of Liberated Hong Kong WA

#76 The Democratic Republic of Libervillea WA

#77 The People's Republic of Liphia WA

#78 The Commonwealth of Lith Keralia WA

#79 The People's Republic of Lormonia WA

#80 The Commonwealth of Lunhallow WA

#81 The Free Land of Mallard WA

#82 The Constitutional Monarchy of Mare Stellarum WA

#83 The Republic of Melenavenia WA

#84 The Benevolent Kingdom of Melior Mundi WA

#85 The Federal Republic of Middle Eurlandia WA

#86 The Human Coop of Monkely WA

#87 The Community of Mungopolia WA

#88 The Hidden Wonderlands of Nahelia WA

#89 The Socialist Barangays of Nangka WA

#90 The Kingdom of Naronya WA

#91 The ✨???????????????? of Narwhal WA

#92 The Commune of Neapsvar WA

#93 The Commonwealth of Neues Mondstadt WA

#94 The Federal Republic of New Caelty WA

#95 The Vague Definition of Liberal of New Equanimia WA

#96 The Confederacy of New Weuron WA

#97 The Community of Night Fishers at Antibes WA

#98 The Community of Nighternic WA

#99 The Monarchy of NonDemocratic Piracy WA

#100 The Federal Republic of Noron Gres WA

#101 The Federal Republic of North Azerkhadia WA

#102 The Most Serene Republic of Notierre WA

#103 The Kingdom of Nottinghaven WA

#104 The Commonwealth of Novum York WA

#105 The People's Democratic Kingdom of Pangeodrea WA

#106 The Lucky Cannibal Cabal of Pantumaca WA

#107 The Rhythmic Tribes of Patapole WA

#108 The Free Land of Penopia WA

#109 The Incorporated States of People that do Psychs WA

#110 The Free Land of Peopleton WA

#111 The Minarchist Directorate of Phansomr WA

#112 The People's Republic of Pigmy Island WA

#113 The Commonwealth of Polo-Litvanija WA

#114 The Republic of Polyarny WA

#115 The Free Republic of Poquaoi WA

#116 The People's Republic of Prustino WA

#117 The Librarian Community of Purple gold WA

#118 The Free Land of RapRockPsicodeliaHCRagga WA

#119 The Armed Republic of Rattus Umbrus WA

#120 The Republic of Reborn Rome WA

#121 The People's Republic of Redorica WA

#122 The People's Republic of Remryrlandia WA

#123 The Commonwealth of Revadia WA

#124 The Republic of Ringet Sol WA

#125 The Grand Duchy of Riverfoot WA

#126 The Commonwealth of Ruppelia WA

#127 The Free Land of Rzelleason WA

#128 The Republic of Sandoyar WA

#129 The Socialist Republic of Sapphic Love WA

#130 The Free Land of Sciotostan WA

#131 The Archipelagagic Platforms of Serezlis WA

#132 The Weirdos of Silliy WA

#133 The Republic of Socruell WA

#134 The Federation of Sovereign Communist Republics WA

#135 The Dominion of St Lyaos WA

#136 The Republic of Standsland WA

#137 The People's Republic of Stanribo WA

#138 The Federation of Star Konopia WA

#139 The Republic of Svaskia WA

#140 The Socialist Solarpunk Society of Sylh Alanor WA

#141 The Most Serene Islands of Talvezout WA

#142 The Community of Tapio WA

#143 The Dominion of Targis WA

#144 The Matriarchy of Te Arawa WA

#145 The 47 Percent Tax Evasion Rate of The Blue Fire WA

#146 The Disorganized Societies of The Evergreen Dreamscapes WA

#147 The Socialist Republic of The Gaelic People WA

#148 The Community of The Hefel WA

#149 The Free Land of The Isomarderes WA

#150 The Commonwealth of The Jamdoin WA

#151 The Free Chiefdoms of The Ledona WA

#152 The Federal Republic of The North Atlantic Provinces WA

#153 The United Hipster Nation of The Pacific Northwest WA

#154 The Free Land of The Prosperity Federation WA

#155 The Most Serene Republic of The Sous Arm WA

#156 The National Assembly of The Star Enpire WA

#157 The Commonwealth of The Starr of Betelgeuse WA

#158 The Dictatorship of TheFemboys WA

#159 The Republic of Theolica WA

#160 The Ultimate DJ Remix of Tiralta WA

#161 The Democratic Republic of Tofka WA

#162 The Republic of Toothbrush WA

#163 The Unified People of Tovenia WA

#164 The Federation of Trans-Skittles WA

#165 The Republic of Trubania WA

#166 The Bees' Hive of Tuluni WA

#167 The Eternal Forest of Typica WA

#168 The People's Republic of Ualia WA

#169 The Omniscient Demo-Iso-Olacracy of Uitmuntendheid WA

#170 The Free Land of Ulgrotha WA

#171 The Burning World of United Calanworie WA

#172 The Democratic States of United Gre Fresh Assistan WA

#173 The Imperial Union of Vandermeer WA

#174 The Socialist Federal Republic of Vashovia WA

#175 The Most Serene United Kingdom of Vikoland WA

#176 The Lucky Viceroyalty of Vile Island WA

#177 The Village of Villagers uninted WA

#178 The Serene Lands of Volendra WA

#179 The Wandering Probe of Voyager Number 1 WA

#180 The Nomadic Peoples of VRChat WA

#181 The Kingdom of Weirtopia WA

#182 The Provincial Union of Werstonal WA

#183 The Grand Duchy of Yo Banana Boy WA

#184 The Independent Republic of Yondoria WA

#185 The Federal Republic of Zyklopeninseln WA

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