NS Economy v3.69 Mobile - Nation States


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There are 106 WA Countries in the Region of Ridgefield

You have arrived at the WA Nations list for Ridgefield.

Simply, the following list is all of the WA delegates from the Region of Ridgefield. To use the page as a clearing house, click on the WA next to the nation you want to visit, and the Nation States page for that individual should open in a new window.

What do I do with this?
For those regions looking to keep their delegates "Democratically" Elected, the list is split in roughly half for a quick 50% count of available endorsements. This list has also been used to help raiders looking to meet the locals, delegates looking to monitor their kingdoms, newbies seeking endorsements so they gain some influence, and corporations looking to sell wares in a warzone... (among other things). The author suggests Nations interested in Security show this to your delegate. Others have access to this info too, and readily use it for lot's of things. You should be too. That is the point of having this system published.

1. Select a different Nation from the whole region to view (complete Region's Nation listings).

Top 25 GDP Leaders:
2. Regional trade .
3. Regional GDP .
4. Click here to see WA Member Nations.
5. Regional Exchange Rates.

#1 The Most Serene Republic of Acanise WA

#2 The Commonwealth of Alrightland WA

#3 The Rogue Nation of Beef Boss37 WA

#4 The Republic of BeIkan State WA

#5 The Mighty Crowned Republic of Betmet WA

#6 The Matriarchy of Bucksdom WA

#7 The Kingdom of Calade WA

#8 The Marxist States of Crionadh WA

#9 The Constitutional Monarchy of Cror Baitilles WA

#10 The Republic of Culigu WA

#11 The Democratic States of Daraly WA

#12 The Republic of Dardellia WA

#13 The Community of Demoille WA

#14 The Federal Republic of Dexter Island WA

#15 The Dictatorship of Die Riech WA

#16 The Epic Card of DiRito-Opolis WA

#17 The Allied States of Eight Mile Bay WA

#18 The United Socialist States of Eire Cill Dara WA

#19 The Republic of Elugria WA

#20 The Empire of Empire of Malazan WA

#21 The Federation of European and Asian socialist states WA

#22 The Rogue Nation of Far Marchen WA

#23 The Matriarchy of Faybia WA

#24 The Holy Empire of Flipverse WA

#25 The National Guard Miltary Base of Fort Chaffee WA

#26 The Free Land of Frier Pie-Rats WA

#27 The Principality of Gallus WA

#28 The Republic of Gastelle WA

#29 The Republic of Great Scandinavia and Northern Venekalie WA

#30 The Queendom of Grenchstom WA

#31 The Republic of Harperwilde WA

#32 The Queendom of Hihihihihiiiii WA

#33 The Confederacy of HuaweiTelecom WA

#34 The Illahee of Huloima Tillikum WA

#35 The Rogue Nation of Iblis WA

#36 The Peoples Committee of Kalensia WA

#37 The Borderlands of Karath Percia WA

#38 The Axial Impetus of Kay Pacha WA

#39 The People's Republic of Komtenia WA

#40 The Kingdom of Lakestance WA

#41 The Peoples republic of Lana2 WA

#42 The Republic of Landchadia WA

#43 The Queendom of Lapolia WA

#44 The Free Land of Lylands WA

#45 The Democratic States of Machiburbia WA

#46 The Kingdom of Magdala Nunnaya WA

#47 The Dominion of Malatoga WA

#48 The Holy Empire of MeowMrrpNya WA

#49 The People's Republic of Mielon WA

#50 The Happy Home Paradise of Moduland WA

#51 The United Socialist Republics of Myleneia WA

#52 The People's Republic of Myund Barmes WA

#53 The Nomadic Peoples of Nekotan WA

#54 The Kingdom of Neo Kush WA

#55 The Dominion of Neo-Phrygia WA

#56 The Colony of Neperia WA

#57 The Armed Republic States of New Selkirk WA

#58 The Republic of Nezali WA

#59 The Federal Republic of Nivosus WA

#60 The Republic of Norlamstoc WA

#61 The Protectorate of Northern Lunathion WA

#62 The Liberal monarchy of Numeronia WA

#63 The Federation of Puddy WA

#64 The Oppressed Peoples of Quotada WA

#65 The Soviet Republic of Qusanistan WA

#66 The Armed Republic of Routasticanianland WA

#67 The Community of Sacrebleu WA

#68 The Community of Serul Atria WA

#69 The Queendom of Seylestia WA

#70 The Nomadic Peoples of Shepandol WA

#71 The Blessed Queendom of Sichamberria WA

#72 The United Union of Sidika WA

#73 The Federation of Skebdeland WA

#74 The Duchy of Slovakastan WA

#75 The United Monarchal Provinces of South Poopistan WA

#76 The Second Democratic Kingdom of Soviet Some WA

#77 The United Socialist States of Stalo Fasgrad WA

#78 The Queendom of Starlight Glimmerr WA

#79 The United Kingdom of Stuff that is horrible WA

#80 The People's Republic of Sussanistia WA

#81 The Disputed Territories of Taishi Lohikoski WA

#82 The Dominion of Terra odio WA

#83 The Oppressed Peoples of TesGay WA

#84 The Socialist Republic of Texteria WA

#85 The Community of The bloc of the free peoples WA

#86 The Land of Ridges and Fields of The Byrdlands WA

#87 The United Socialist Republics of The Chinese Red Worker State WA

#88 The Empire of The Espada WA

#89 The United States of The Kingdom of New Dutch WA

#90 The Commonwealth of The New Primeburg Trading Company WA

#91 The Holy Lands of The Undemocratic Republic of Space Jesus WA

#92 The Free Land of The Whizzo Chocolate Company WA

#93 The Second Federal Community of The Ysion WA

#94 The Matriarchy of Thmobosia WA

#95 The United Socialist States of Trotskylandia WA

#96 The Community of Tund Rhilra WA

#97 The Rumble Tumble of Turpir Hoes WA

#98 The Kingdom of Ubangaram WA

#99 The Community of United cheeses WA

#100 The Kingdom of United Hungry WA

#101 The Republic of Vanteriat WA

#102 The Democratic States of W1nky WA

#103 The Free Land of Wabbitss WA

#104 The Democratic Republic of West Chiaz WA

#105 The Republic of West Leeland WA

#106 The Community of Zangoli WA

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