NS Economy v3.69 Mobile - Nation States


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There are 121 WA Countries in the Region of Thaecia

You have arrived at the WA Nations list for Thaecia.

Simply, the following list is all of the WA delegates from the Region of Thaecia. To use the page as a clearing house, click on the WA next to the nation you want to visit, and the Nation States page for that individual should open in a new window.

What do I do with this?
For those regions looking to keep their delegates "Democratically" Elected, the list is split in roughly half for a quick 50% count of available endorsements. This list has also been used to help raiders looking to meet the locals, delegates looking to monitor their kingdoms, newbies seeking endorsements so they gain some influence, and corporations looking to sell wares in a warzone... (among other things). The author suggests Nations interested in Security show this to your delegate. Others have access to this info too, and readily use it for lot's of things. You should be too. That is the point of having this system published.

1. Select a different Nation from the whole region to view (complete Region's Nation listings).

Top 25 GDP Leaders:
2. Regional trade .
3. Regional GDP .
4. Click here to see WA Member Nations.
5. Regional Exchange Rates.

#1 The Empire of 2bgpt WA

#2 The Republic of Actias WA

#3 The Democratic Republic of Alkibiadea WA

#4 The Republic of Aluenite WA

#5 The Kingdom of Angypt WA

#6 The People's Republic of Antarcticea WA

#7 The Federal Republic of ASEAN Nations WA

#8 The Republic of Aultic States WA

#9 The United Kingdom of Aurora and Genesis WA

#10 The Emirate of Barbatadosa WA

#11 The Commonwealth of Brockton-by-the-Sea WA

#12 The Kingdom of Brototh WA

#13 The Empire of Camodonia WA

#14 The Disputed Territories of Cei Saqua WA

#15 The Pink Pony Club of Celca WA

#16 The Revolutionary Republic of Cerdenia WA

#17 The Revolutionary Vanguard of Cosmosplosion WA

#18 The EltiterP of Creckelenney WA

#19 The Democratic Republic of Crima Norte WA

#20 The Republic of Cumulus WA

#21 The Free Land of Dahen WA

#22 The Kingdom of Dancoppea WA

#23 The Gay Chillroom of Dendrobium WA

#24 The Commonwealth of Diyos WA

#25 The Republic of Ducths People WA

#26 The United Council Republic of Emazia WA

#27 The Republic of Ermica WA

#28 The Kingdom of Excipendia WA

#29 The Ecclesiastical Matriarchy of Faelauntz WA

#30 The Kingdom of Flandronia WA

#31 The Faction-State of Foraldn WA

#32 The Kingdom of Fredestatia WA

#33 The Empire of Gandolna WA

#34 The Sudeten German Federation of German Moravia WA

#35 The Republic of Gerniam WA

#36 The Empire of Golden York WA

#37 The Kingdom of Great Minwas WA

#38 The Rogue Nation of Gullaia WA

#39 The Kingdom of Happilonia WA

#40 The Federal Republic of Heisal WA

#41 The Federal Republic of Hestros WA

#42 The Republic of ICH Thaecia WA

#43 The Kingdom of Imanio WA

#44 The Republic of Innovation Islands WA

#45 The Federation of Inva Kaltories WA

#46 The Republic of Isorowa WA

#47 The Constitutional Monarchy of Izid WA

#48 The Kingdom of Judsam WA

#49 The Communal Union of Karnozia WA

#50 The Kingdom of Kingdom of Algaris WA

#51 The People's Republic of Kingdom of Amerika WA

#52 The Nomadic Peoples of Kochevnia WA

#53 The Republic of Lesbia WA

#54 The Emirate of Lithuanian Impire WA

#55 The Allied States of Lower Benelux WA

#56 The United States of LuigiMangione WA

#57 The Constitutional Monarchy of LuxorDanica WA

#58 The Republic of Marvinville WA

#59 The United An-Soc Collectives of Meusa WA

#60 The Queendom of Mherj-Phallh WA

#61 The Empire of Miahia WA

#62 The Nation of Moist Moist WA

#63 The Federal Republic of Musaschi WA

#64 The Republic of Navya Bharat WA

#65 The People's Republic of Neossa WA

#66 The Free Land of Netriala WA

#67 The Empire of New Alscay Nion WA

#68 The Republic of New Aztecania WA

#69 The Armed Republic of New Central Iowa WA

#70 The Federal Republic of New Seniteria WA

#71 The Federal Republic of New United Goryeo WA

#72 The People's Republic of Newbuilt Klasanoia WA

#73 The Imperium of Obliquity WA

#74 The Cultural Affairs Minister of Of Altonianic Islands WA

#75 The United Socialist States of Ohkau WA

#76 The United Austronesian Kingdom of Orang Moku WA

#77 The Crowned Republic of Orsily WA

#78 The Community of Place Shia WA

#79 The People's Republic of Purpura Mane WA

#80 The WA Delegate of Rayekka WA

#81 The Dominion of Red Oazis WA

#82 The Dictatorship of Robellion WA

#83 The Polycentric Federation of Sangrinaria WA

#84 The Foreign Affairs Minister of Santa Marana WA

#85 The Oppressed Peoples of Sicherheitsstaat Varenscau WA

#86 The United Socialist States of Snalland WA

#87 The Human named Steak???? of Snowflame WA

#88 The Dominion of South Mouse Island WA

#89 The Fiefdom of Sovereign Order of the White Rose WA

#90 The Federation of Srelestan WA

#91 The Monarchical Democracy of Sun Island WA

#92 The Nation of Sunipi WA

#93 The Emirate of Supenia WA

#94 The Republic of Talk Tauh WA

#95 The Southern Empire of Taralania WA

#96 The Commonwealth of Tasmaria WA

#97 The Illuminated Kingdom of The Ambis WA

#98 The Federation of The Arsvakhan Federation WA

#99 The Confederacy of The Communist Country of Communism WA

#100 The Republic of The Golden Pig WA

#101 The Constitutional Monarchy of The Lide Collective WA

#102 The Free Land of The Meaningless State of Nihilia WA

#103 The Commonwealth of The Ramblers WA

#104 The Armed Republic of The Unified Purview WA

#105 The Protectorate of The Unified Strexi WA

#106 The Republic of Theriania WA

#107 The Such Wow Republic of TRUE Dogelandia WA

#108 The Dynastic Republic of Uatederstali WA

#109 The Federation of United Corporations WA

#110 The Federal Republic of Uppenja WA

#111 The Democratic Republic of Valriston WA

#112 The Federal Republic of Vedenmark WA

#113 The Republic of Vendiera WA

#114 The Kingdom of Vexorya WA

#115 The Republic of Vindar WA

#116 The Empire of Virulian WA

#117 The Elected Monarchy of World Trade WA

#118 The Empire of X-5D WA

#119 The Federal Kingdom of Xedon WA

#120 The Council Republic of Zastiva WA

#121 The Empire of Zelraq WA

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