#1 The Empire of 2bgpt WA #2 The Republic of Actias WA #3 The Democratic Republic of Alkibiadea WA #4 The Republic of Aluenite WA #5 The Kingdom of Angypt WA #6 The People's Republic of Antarcticea WA #7 The Federal Republic of ASEAN Nations WA #8 The Republic of Aultic States WA #9 The United Kingdom of Aurora and Genesis WA #10 The Emirate of Barbatadosa WA #11 The Commonwealth of Brockton-by-the-Sea WA #12 The Kingdom of Brototh WA #13 The Empire of Camodonia WA #14 The Disputed Territories of Cei Saqua WA #15 The Pink Pony Club of Celca WA #16 The Revolutionary Republic of Cerdenia WA #17 The Revolutionary Vanguard of Cosmosplosion WA #18 The EltiterP of Creckelenney WA #19 The Democratic Republic of Crima Norte WA #20 The Republic of Cumulus WA #21 The Free Land of Dahen WA #22 The Kingdom of Dancoppea WA #23 The Gay Chillroom of Dendrobium WA #24 The Commonwealth of Diyos WA #25 The Republic of Ducths People WA #26 The United Council Republic of Emazia WA #27 The Republic of Ermica WA #28 The Kingdom of Excipendia WA #29 The Ecclesiastical Matriarchy of Faelauntz WA #30 The Kingdom of Flandronia WA #31 The Faction-State of Foraldn WA #32 The Kingdom of Fredestatia WA #33 The Empire of Gandolna WA #34 The Sudeten German Federation of German Moravia WA #35 The Republic of Gerniam WA #36 The Empire of Golden York WA #37 The Kingdom of Great Minwas WA #38 The Rogue Nation of Gullaia WA #39 The Kingdom of Happilonia WA #40 The Federal Republic of Heisal WA #41 The Federal Republic of Hestros WA #42 The Republic of ICH Thaecia WA #43 The Kingdom of Imanio WA #44 The Republic of Innovation Islands WA #45 The Federation of Inva Kaltories WA #46 The Republic of Isorowa WA #47 The Constitutional Monarchy of Izid WA #48 The Kingdom of Judsam WA #49 The Communal Union of Karnozia WA #50 The Kingdom of Kingdom of Algaris WA #51 The People's Republic of Kingdom of Amerika WA #52 The Nomadic Peoples of Kochevnia WA #53 The Republic of Lesbia WA #54 The Emirate of Lithuanian Impire WA #55 The Allied States of Lower Benelux WA #56 The United States of LuigiMangione WA #57 The Constitutional Monarchy of LuxorDanica WA #58 The Republic of Marvinville WA #59 The United An-Soc Collectives of Meusa WA #60 The Queendom of Mherj-Phallh WA #61 The Empire of Miahia WA | #62 The Nation of Moist Moist WA #63 The Federal Republic of Musaschi WA #64 The Republic of Navya Bharat WA #65 The People's Republic of Neossa WA #66 The Free Land of Netriala WA #67 The Empire of New Alscay Nion WA #68 The Republic of New Aztecania WA #69 The Armed Republic of New Central Iowa WA #70 The Federal Republic of New Seniteria WA #71 The Federal Republic of New United Goryeo WA #72 The People's Republic of Newbuilt Klasanoia WA #73 The Imperium of Obliquity WA #74 The Cultural Affairs Minister of Of Altonianic Islands WA #75 The United Socialist States of Ohkau WA #76 The United Austronesian Kingdom of Orang Moku WA #77 The Crowned Republic of Orsily WA #78 The Community of Place Shia WA #79 The People's Republic of Purpura Mane WA #80 The WA Delegate of Rayekka WA #81 The Dominion of Red Oazis WA #82 The Dictatorship of Robellion WA #83 The Polycentric Federation of Sangrinaria WA #84 The Foreign Affairs Minister of Santa Marana WA #85 The Oppressed Peoples of Sicherheitsstaat Varenscau WA #86 The United Socialist States of Snalland WA #87 The Human named Steak???? of Snowflame WA #88 The Dominion of South Mouse Island WA #89 The Fiefdom of Sovereign Order of the White Rose WA #90 The Federation of Srelestan WA #91 The Monarchical Democracy of Sun Island WA #92 The Nation of Sunipi WA #93 The Emirate of Supenia WA #94 The Republic of Talk Tauh WA #95 The Southern Empire of Taralania WA #96 The Commonwealth of Tasmaria WA #97 The Illuminated Kingdom of The Ambis WA #98 The Federation of The Arsvakhan Federation WA #99 The Confederacy of The Communist Country of Communism WA #100 The Republic of The Golden Pig WA #101 The Constitutional Monarchy of The Lide Collective WA #102 The Free Land of The Meaningless State of Nihilia WA #103 The Commonwealth of The Ramblers WA #104 The Armed Republic of The Unified Purview WA #105 The Protectorate of The Unified Strexi WA #106 The Republic of Theriania WA #107 The Such Wow Republic of TRUE Dogelandia WA #108 The Dynastic Republic of Uatederstali WA #109 The Federation of United Corporations WA #110 The Federal Republic of Uppenja WA #111 The Democratic Republic of Valriston WA #112 The Federal Republic of Vedenmark WA #113 The Republic of Vendiera WA #114 The Kingdom of Vexorya WA #115 The Republic of Vindar WA #116 The Empire of Virulian WA #117 The Elected Monarchy of World Trade WA #118 The Empire of X-5D WA #119 The Federal Kingdom of Xedon WA #120 The Council Republic of Zastiva WA #121 The Empire of Zelraq WA |