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There are 527 WA Countries in the Region of The Communist Bloc

You have arrived at the WA Nations list for The Communist Bloc.

Simply, the following list is all of the WA delegates from the Region of The Communist Bloc. To use the page as a clearing house, click on the WA next to the nation you want to visit, and the Nation States page for that individual should open in a new window.

What do I do with this?
For those regions looking to keep their delegates "Democratically" Elected, the list is split in roughly half for a quick 50% count of available endorsements. This list has also been used to help raiders looking to meet the locals, delegates looking to monitor their kingdoms, newbies seeking endorsements so they gain some influence, and corporations looking to sell wares in a warzone... (among other things). The author suggests Nations interested in Security show this to your delegate. Others have access to this info too, and readily use it for lot's of things. You should be too. That is the point of having this system published.

1. Select a different Nation from the whole region to view (complete Region's Nation listings).

Top 25 GDP Leaders:
2. Regional trade .
3. Regional GDP .
4. Click here to see WA Member Nations.
5. Regional Exchange Rates.

#1 The People's Republic of -Gregoria WA

#2 The People's Republic of 31st Rostoran Strike Wing WA

#3 The Socialist Republic of Abiyna WA

#4 The People's Republic of Advess Oer WA

#5 The United Socialist States of Aealend WA

#6 The People's Republic of Agania WA

#7 The United Federal Republic of Aguacada WA

#8 The Democratic Republic of Aiyra Ipara WA

#9 The People's Republic of Akakusi WA

#10 The People's Republic of Alkebu WA

#11 The Socialismo of AlwaLov WA

#12 The United Socialist States of Amanamand WA

#13 The Kingdom of Amber and Night WA

#14 The Borderlands of Amphibian Manifesto WA

#15 The Confederation of Anarchist Congo WA

#16 The People's Republic of Ania Itary WA

#17 The People's Federal Republic of Annor Londo WA

#18 The Enemies Sleepover Union of Apokstov WA

#19 The Loose Configuration of Appalachian Townships WA

#20 The United Socialist States of Aquelistan WA

#21 The People's Republic of Arajia WA

#22 The Transgender Soviet LARPer of Arcturus Novus WA

#23 The Federation of Argon Federation WA

#24 The People's Republic of Arkostok WA

#25 The Federation of Armazonia WA

#26 The People's Republic of Artotzkan WA

#27 The Socialist Republic of Arulo WA

#28 The People's United Soviets of Asenusia WA

#29 The Federal Republic of Ashburg WA

#30 The Democratic States of Ashyea WA

#31 The Great Empire of Asinland WA

#32 The Matriarchy of Asteycia WA

#33 The Federal Socialist Republic of Atlanc WA

#34 The Republic of Avanguard city WA

#35 The People's Republic of Averyickan City WA

#36 The People's Socialist Republic of Balkan Free People WA

#37 The Federal Republic of Basilei WA

#38 The Proletarian Dictatorship of Baskar WA

#39 The Free Land of Bassawia WA

#40 The United Socialist Councils of Bastionias WA

#41 The Free Land of Bearfall WA

#42 The Besties Sleepover Union of Beaufourtopia WA

#43 The Socialist Republic of Bel-zonte WA

#44 The People's Republic of Belford Rubro WA

#45 The Democratic People's Republic of Berlin Commune WA

#46 The Republic of Bingleborpia WA

#47 The Community of Black Army Territories WA

#48 The Socialist Union of Blaist Blaland WA

#49 The United Socialist States of Bobismh WA

#50 The Republic of BobTheChicken WA

#51 The People's Unions of Bolian island WA

#52 The Autonomous Federation of Borealian Communes WA

#53 The Socialist Federal Republic of Brauengen WA

#54 The United Socialist States of Bungle Republic WA

#55 The Free Land of Buntergue WA

#56 The Federation of Caelestisa WA

#57 The People's Republic of Cagliana WA

#58 The United Socialist States of Calinoaka WA

#59 The People's Federation of Canadian Democratic Union WA

#60 The Maritime Republic of Cannon Land WA

#61 The People's Republic of Capykar WA

#62 The Communist Proletarian Union of Carrico WA

#63 The United Socialist States of Carstistan WA

#64 The Grand Socialist Republic of Chalredonia WA

#65 The Dictatorship of Chantovia WA

#66 The Republic of Chios WA

#67 The Peoples Socialist Republic of Cholekiagrad WA

#68 The People's Republic of Chongro WA

#69 The People's Republic of Chronotopica WA

#70 The Republic of Clawstria WA

#71 The Community of Comancon WA

#72 The Democratic People's Republic of Communist Shrenshinka WA

#73 The The crazy Marxist land of Communist-Union WA

#74 The Nation of Communistic Barbarians WA

#75 The ???????????????????????? ??? of Comuny WA

#76 The Council Confederation of Corbeaux Communiste WA

#77 The Principality of Cornwallis Bay WA

#78 The United Socialist States of Crisantemo13 WA

#79 The United Socialist Republics of Cymbrian WA

#80 The Soviet Socialist Federation of Czecho-Slovakian Union WA

#81 The Socialist Republic of Czecho-slovako-carpathia WA

#82 The Confederacy of DAANES WA

#83 The Pink Lucky Christmas of Dacaro WA

#84 The Democratic States of Dalaw WA

#85 The Socialist Republic of Darsavia WA

#86 The People's Republic of De Lut WA

#87 The United Socialist States of Debordan WA

#88 The Federation of Democratic Communities in Staor Trana WA

#89 The Dictatorship of Democratic Peoples Republic of Mizrahia WA

#90 The Democratic Republic of Democratic Republic of Acember WA

#91 The Commonwealth of Derewat WA

#92 The Totalist State of Dindrenzi WA

#93 The Commonwealth of Dinosauriaa WA

#94 The Union of Socialist Republic of Doclabinhduong WA

#95 The United Socialist States of Doultrenia WA

#96 The Free Land of Drul Bria WA

#97 The Great Union of Duckerin WA

#98 The United Socialist States of Dulroth WA

#99 The Great State of Dzuk WA

#100 The Big Brother State of East Arcadia WA

#101 The People's Republic of East Radivia WA

#102 The People's Republic of East Rarity WA

#103 The Kingdom of East Sternwich WA

#104 The People's Republic of Eastern Aebnyza WA

#105 The Republican Chinese Region of of Eastern China Desert WA

#106 The Republic of Eastern Woratiell WA

#107 The Red and Black Union of Egaleca WA

#108 The Armed Republic of EGGSSS WA

#109 The Community of Ego Seld Bly WA

#110 The People's Republic of Eichrek WA

#111 The People's Republic of Ellietopia WA

#112 The People's Republic of Elsass-Lotharingen WA

#113 The Socialist Republic of Elsywer WA

#114 The Armed Republic of Emi Cse Bakay WA

#115 The United Socialist States of Encaoua WA

#116 The Revolutionary People's State of Entisia WA

#117 The United Socialist States of Epryae WA

#118 The Noble House of Eramuscas WA

#119 The United Socialist States of Erklentia WA

#120 The Socialist Federation of Eskian WA

#121 The Rep?blica Federal of Estados Socialistas Unidos de Iberia WA

#122 The New Democracy of Estau WA

#123 The Proletarian Republic of Euchora WA

#124 The Union of Exania WA

#125 The FR of Federal Republic of Rogarland WA

#126 The Commonwealth of Femboy Republics WA

#127 The Social Democratic Monarchy of Ferganistan WA

#128 The Federation of Ferrish States WA

#129 The Federal Peoples Commonwealth of Ferrumia WA

#130 The Free Land of Festaria WA

#131 The Soviet Cats of Flyrinia WA

#132 The Socialist Commonwealth of Free Astatontingedo WA

#133 The People's Republic of Free Atlantic States WA

#134 The Association of Free Collectives WA

#135 The Worker's State of Free Laos WA

#136 The Federation of Free Rebellion WA

#137 The Nation of Free Workers Confederacy WA

#138 The Democratic Republic of Freedalia WA

#139 The Revolutionary Underworld of Fritzergald WA

#140 The Colony of Friule WA

#141 The People's Republic of of Gabagoolonia WA

#142 The People's Democratic Republic of Geatlandia WA

#143 The Democratic Republic of Gerch Sol WA

#144 The Empire of German Peoples Imperial Union WA

#145 The People's Republic of Gichigamiing WA

#146 The Level 99 Motherquake of GirlsAndGays WA

#147 The Federation of God valley WA

#148 The Socialist Empire of Grapes Land WA

#149 The Special Autonomous Commune of Great Vankor WA

#150 The People's Republic of Greater Hongshan WA

#151 The United Socialist States of Greater Litcha WA

#152 The United Socialist States of Greater Marxistan WA

#153 The United Socialist States of Greater Rizia WA

#154 The People's Republic of Greater Stata chinae WA

#155 The Socialist Republic of Greater Vietnamese Empire WA

#156 The Social Republic of Grebanistan WA

#157 The Holy Empire of Gregalia WA

#158 The Free Land of Grystatniangandenstan WA

#159 The Democratic People's Republic of Gwerq WA

#160 The People's Republic of Hanabi Kuni WA

#161 The United Socialist States of Hanener WA

#162 The People's Republic of Hangeok WA

#163 The Democratic Monarchy of Hardfres WA

#164 The People's Republic of Hateration And Harlotry WA

#165 The People's Republic of Hayira WA

#166 The Proud Socialist Swaths of Hazards WA

#167 The People's Republic of Heisen burg WA

#168 The Plurinational Free-Land of Heitoria WA

#169 The United Socialist States of Heltacto WA

#170 The Most Serene Republic of Heretical Paradise WA

#171 The Popular Front for Liberation of Holy Palestine WA

#172 The Holy Empire of Holy Souru WA

#173 The Commonwealth of Ibarabayashi WA

#174 The Republic of Illeron WA

#175 The Federation of Ilyiv WA

#176 The Revolutionary Collective of Imperial Northern States WA

#177 The Confederal Council Republics of International Socialist Union WA

#178 The People's Republic of Isle of Penguinia WA

#179 The Republic of Isola del Sol WA

#180 The Confederacy of Jakestan WA

#181 The People's Republic of Jarrahdale WA

#182 The Free Land of Jasonoa WA

#183 The Community of Jooo WA

#184 The People's Republic of Joseph World WA

#185 The Socialist Federal Republic of Jugoistocna Evropa WA

#186 The United Collectives of Jum Vland WA

#187 The Socialist Republic of Kabaragoya WA

#188 The Worker Republic of Kalachoo WA

#189 The Socialist Republic of Kalahana WA

#190 The People's Republic of Kaldara WA

#191 The Democratic Federation of Kaldu WA

#192 The People's Republic of Kalubya WA

#193 The People's Republic of Kan Nesses WA

#194 The Federation of Kandura WA

#195 The Federal Republic of Karelianastan WA

#196 The Socialist Republic of Keaparity WA

#197 The Transitional Principality of Kentlund WA

#198 The Dictatorship of Ker De Toten WA

#199 The Prosperous Land of Kethania WA

#200 The United Socialist States of Khazhkhovija WA

#201 The People's Republic of Khrushchyovkastan WA

#202 The Republic of Kilima WA

#203 The People's Republic of Kilmtopia WA

#204 The Second Stanian Empire of Kingdom of Voidstania WA

#205 The People's Justice of Kirrlark WA

#206 The People's Republic of Kitchen Nation WA

#207 The United Socialist States of Klugheit Edukado WA

#208 The Community of KNCP Russian People WA

#209 The People's Collective of Knuckles the Hedgehog WA

#210 The United States of Koboldtopia WA

#211 The Peoples CommonWealth of Koodcistand WA

#212 The Republic of Kormund WA

#213 The Nomadic Peoples of Koshuri WA

#214 The Community of Kouvola Commune WA

#215 The Free Soviet Tribal Councils of Krajzovda WA

#216 The Working People's Republic of KuLuxi WA

#217 The Bio-Communist Ecoregion of Kuukamonga WA

#218 The Proletarian Republic of Kyriarsk WA

#219 The United Socialist States of Last Outer Heaven WA

#220 The Soviet Socialist Republic of Lazzaro WA

#221 The Unlimited Speed Roads of Le Car WA

#222 The Union of Lemon Soviet Socialist Republics WA

#223 The Leninist Republic of Leninstadt WA

#224 The Confederacy of Leonardopolis WA

#225 The United Socialist States of Letrian WA

#226 The Community of Liberated Humankind WA

#227 The Socialist Republic of of Libercivita WA

#228 The People's Republic of Libisia WA

#229 The Community of Lightine WA

#230 The Reusable Bamboo Spoons of Likhinia WA

#231 The Gay Socialist Republic of Liliumtopia WA

#232 The Federal Socialist Republic of Livetia WA

#233 The Syndicalist Federations of Lorthanien WA

#234 The People's Republic of Lortonica WA

#235 The United Socialist States of Loruch Elidgevr WA

#236 The People's Democratic Republic of Losche WA

#237 The Federation of Lycetia WA

#238 The Republic of Lygethia WA

#239 The Ma pali jan of Ma pi kulupu WA

#240 The Holy Empire of Malaya Communism WA

#241 The People's Republic of Manawskistan WA

#242 The Proletarian Dictatorship of Martanat WA

#243 The Free and Populist Republic of Marxeilles WA

#244 The Community of Maskelyne WA

#245 The Commonwealth of Matak WA

#246 The People's Republic of Maxuus WA

#247 The United Socialist States of Melonsistan WA

#248 The Socialist Empire of Merijnteren Empire WA

#249 The United Socialist States of Metrocigashamoia WA

#250 The Gay Woke Brats of Michelsland WA

#251 The Technate of Mikustania WA

#252 The People's Republic of Milkau WA

#253 The Confederated Communes of Minahasa WA

#254 The Matriarchy of Mirinesu WA

#255 The People's Federation of Mitroland WA

#256 The Socialist Republic of Modelia WA

#257 The United Socialist States of Moodova WA

#258 The Democratic Republic of Moonguy WA

#259 The League of Mukidonia WA

#260 The Socialist people's state of Mypixel WA

#261 The Socialismaj Teritorioj of Nacupopej WA

#262 The People's Republic of NaKyEt WA

#263 The Republic of Narticol WA

#264 The Democratic Republic of Nasvegvoy WA

#265 The Socialist Union of National republic of Vietnam WA

#266 The People's Republic of Naulakha WA

#267 The People's Republic of Nerias WA

#268 The Retro-Futuristic Starship of New Astri WA

#269 The United Provinces of New Balan Lib WA

#270 The Federal Planetary Republic of New Crimson WA

#271 The Utopia of New Europe Union WA

#272 The Anarcho-Monarchist Commune of New Halliningrad WA

#273 The Republic of New Kiumper Pinesland WA

#274 The A democratic State of New Modriudor WA

#275 The Armed Republic of New Peapit Peo WA

#276 The People's Republic of New Reky WA

#277 The Grand Duchy of New Southern Potatoland WA

#278 The People's Socialist Republic of New Soviet States of America WA

#279 The Commonwealth of New Varchi WA

#280 The Cooperative Commonwealth of New Yankmoth WA

#281 The Socialist State of New Yazministan WA

#282 The Federal Parliamentary Union of New Zealandinia WA

#283 The United Socialist States of Newmanor WA

#284 The People's Republic of Nilave WA

#285 The Soviet Republic of Noachia WA

#286 The Queendom of Nokturnera WA

#287 The Dystopian Dictatorship of Non-uruguay lol WA

#288 The Kingdom of Nordgardia WA

#289 The Peoples Republic of North Fluedan WA

#290 The Progressive Socialist Union of North Goiky WA

#291 The Excellence of North Happy Land WA

#292 The United Socialist States of Northern Sonia WA

#293 The People's Republic of Northern Sutra WA

#294 The People's Republic of Noscivitus WA

#295 The Socialist Federal Republic of Nouvelle-Louisbourg WA

#296 The People's Republic of Nova Commune WA

#297 The People's Republic of Novocroatia WA

#298 The People's Republic of Novopangaea WA

#299 The Peoples Monarchy of Novrystan WA

#300 The Comunidad Popular of Nueva Zulia WA

#301 The Community of Nughberg WA

#302 The People's Republic of Nugland WA

#303 The People's Republic of Nur Sultan WA

#304 The Socialist republic of Of Solania WA

#305 The Bolivarian People's Union of Of The Ursalian Federation WA

#306 The Socialist Armed Republic of Ofristan WA

#307 The Stalwart Pilots of Old Jeresyian Reconnaissance Squadron WA

#308 The People's Republic of Omnesgratis WA

#309 The Collective Special Districts of Omnipearl WA

#310 The United Socialist States of Onraka WA

#311 The Grand Collective of Optimismostan WA

#312 The People's Republic of Order of Stalin WA

#313 The Autarchic Islamic Caliphate of Orquestralia WA

#314 The Republic of Osnya Islands WA

#315 The Bacassic Republic of Osraitz WA

#316 The Holy Empire of Ostrice WA

#317 The Federal Republic of Oth Mand WA

#318 The United Socialist States of Ouesopa WA

#319 The Social-Democratic Republic of Our India WA

#320 The People's Republic of Owmni WA

#321 The People's Red Republic of Pajonia WA

#322 The Peoples' Republics of Pakuur WA

#323 The Democratic Republic of Pand New WA

#324 The People's Republic of PanScandinavia WA

#325 The Socialist Confederacy of Parangaba WA

#326 The United Socialist States of PARIATLEO WA

#327 The United Socialists of Pax Iustitia WA

#328 The Kingdom of PD Kuykendall WA

#329 The United Socialist States of People vote law every month WA

#330 The Red Republic of Pertsjan WA

#331 The People's Republic of Phi Gamma Delta WA

#332 The Federal Queendom of Phobosia WA

#333 The Socialist People's Republic of Picuros WA

#334 The Democratic People's Republic of Pindaar Se Yol WA

#335 The Democratic States of Pindoram WA

#336 The Democratic People's Republic of Pindorama-Brasil WA

#337 The People's Republic of Ponta Azul WA

#338 The Socialist People's Republic of Port Dust WA

#339 The People's Republic of Potatonia WA

#340 The Free Socialist Republic of Prevasiya WA

#341 The Soviet Socialist Republic of Pridneprovye WA

#342 The People's Republic of PrinceZam-Malovia WA

#343 The People's Republic of Privenia WA

#344 The People's Republic of Proletariana WA

#345 The Worker's State of Promintorian Democratic Republic WA

#346 The Kingdom of Providence Plantations and Rhode Island WA

#347 The Empire of Prymordiya WA

#348 The Federation of Quebec second WA

#349 The Community of Quillista WA

#350 The Empire of Raps Mods WA

#351 The Federal Republic of Raro del Sur WA

#352 The Sapphic Queendom of Rathesia WA

#353 The Grand Duchy of Ratling WA

#354 The United Socialist States of Reawell WA

#355 The Free Territory of Rebellionis WA

#356 The United Socialist States of Red khitan WA

#357 The People's Republic of Redstarkinds WA

#358 The Worker's Soviets of Rellenia WA

#359 The Liberated City of Renjeva WA

#360 The United Socialist States of Republica Popular WA

#361 The Council Republic of Rhode Island and the Narragansett WA

#362 The Socialist Republic of Rhudiland WA

#363 The Union of Rumacia and Thrace WA

#364 The Queendom of Rusanova WA

#365 The Socialist Federal Republic of Rytalia WA

#366 The Commonwealth of Safari Joe WA

#367 The United Serene Republic of Saint Shepard WA

#368 The Federal Republic of Santa Clarra WA

#369 The Federation of Santo-Saens WA

#370 The People's Republic of SapphoLesbos WA

#371 The Republic of Sapphosa WA

#372 The Kingdom of Sariella WA

#373 The Socialist State of Saxxony WA

#374 The Oil Rig of Sealand but better WA

#375 The Republic of Selizon WA

#376 The Free Land of Sellichki WA

#377 The Republic of Sermis WA

#378 The Nomadic Peoples of Serpent Foley WA

#379 The Syndicated Anarchic Regions of Shamian WA

#380 The People's Republic of Shividipsom WA

#381 The Commonwealth of Sigmar Empire WA

#382 The Community of Silver Desert WA

#383 The Commonwealth of Sinedominis WA

#384 The People's Democratic Republic of Sinoja WA

#385 The Commonwealth of Sintograd WA

#386 The Revolutionary Republic of Sjaakland WA

#387 The People's Republic of Slavic Democratic Nations WA

#388 The United Socialist States of Socialist America SA WA

#389 The People's Republic of Socialist Britannic States WA

#390 The Ornithid Republic of Socialist Heronia WA

#391 The People's Republic of Socialist Refuge WA

#392 The Free Land of Socialst Republic of Kalasarabat WA

#393 The People's Republic of Sodoran Alesia WA

#394 The People's Republic of Solova WA

#395 The Communist Union of Sooya Hercheland WA

#396 The Autonomous Peoples of South Ardelan WA

#397 The Communist Kingdom of South Merwervader Islands WA

#398 The Proletarian Federation of Southwest America WA

#399 The Worker's Commune of Soviet Belfast WA

#400 The Dominion of Soviet Felines WA

#401 The Imperial Communist State of Soviet Kem WA

#402 The Republic of Soviet Socialist of China WA

#403 The United Federative Syndicate of Soviet Socialist Systems WA

#404 The United Socialist States of Soviet State of Covernant WA

#405 The People's Republic of Soviet Technocracy Union WA

#406 The Grow House of Soviet Trailer Park WA

#407 The Socialist Union of Sovietland WA

#408 The United Syndicate Republics of Sovtaskar WA

#409 The United Socialist States of Sozschen WA

#410 The Republic of SRMR Tabak WA

#411 The United Socialist States of Stalinania WA

#412 The Regional Defence Council of Stravonskaya WA

#413 The People's Republic of Stupendous Land WA

#414 The Soviet Socialist Republic of Sturengartz WA

#415 The Holy Empire of Sufjan Stevens Fans WA

#416 The Socialist Federation of Survaek WA

#417 The Socialist Commonwealth of Suthanimark WA

#418 The United Socialist States of Suzanan WA

#419 The People's Republic of Suzin WA

#420 The Federation of Tageszentia WA

#421 The Realm of Tanfol WA

#422 The Mandala of Taramna WA

#423 The People's Republic of Tasmania and Bass Strait WA

#424 The United Socialist States of Teado Nemadals WA

#425 The Federal Socialist Republic of Tegrad WA

#426 The People's Republic of Tekran WA

#427 The United Socialist States of Terra Australis Rex WA

#428 The Rogue Nation of Tewi WA

#429 The Armed Republic of The Black and Red Army Bloc WA

#430 The Disputed Territories of The Black Hills of South Dakota WA

#431 The People's Republic of The Commie States of America WA

#432 The Unified Republic of The Common WA

#433 The Community of The Cooperation WA

#434 The People of The federation of Apricot WA

#435 The Holy Mother State of The Freyjans WA

#436 The Workers' Collective State of The Great Comrades of the Revolution WA

#437 The Community of The Hidden Sand Village WA

#438 The Separatist Alliance of The Inquisitorial Aldercliand Syndicate WA

#439 The United Socialist States of The intl Proletariat WA

#440 The United Socialist States of The Iron Flame WA

#441 The United Federation of The Lance WA

#442 The People's Republic of The Last Perfect Revolutionaries WA

#443 The United Socialist States of The Lesser Sagre Islands WA

#444 The Communist Feminist Paradise of The Liberalists You Love WA

#445 The People's Republic of The Multi-Continental Provinces WA

#446 The Soviet Union of The New Islands of Fredonia WA

#447 The People's Republic of The New Liberated California WA

#448 The United Socialist States of The North Islanders WA

#449 The Free Land of The Oncoming Storm WA

#450 The Federation of The Osmium Courts WA

#451 The Federal Sovereign State of The palace of God 2 WA

#452 The Sovereign Socialist State of The Peoples United Commun WA

#453 The People's Union of The Persian Territories WA

#454 The Socialist Commonwealth of The Prussian Cascades WA

#455 The Democratic Peoples Front of The Reunification of Korea WA

#456 The Trans-Queendom of The Russian Blue WA

#457 The Autocratic communist regime of The Ryanist new order WA

#458 The United Socialist States of The soviet republic of SynerG WA

#459 The Nordic Republic of The United Esto-Socialist People WA

#460 The Commonwealth of The United Nations Of Ukraine WA

#461 The Democratic People's Monarchy of The United Socialist Regencies WA

#462 The United Socialist States of The Vizeists WA

#463 The State of The Wild-Coast WA

#464 The Constitutional Monarchy of The Workers Union of Habsburg-Lorraine WA

#465 The People's Socialist Republic of Thebrin WA

#466 The Socialist Kingdom of Thehomeofthegods WA

#467 The People's Republic of Theodoraland WA

#468 The Union of Socialist Republics of Thezarkster WA

#469 The Socialist Republic of Thoamia WA

#470 The Socialist Folk's Land of Thrijani WA

#471 The Liberal Socialist Republic of Tigerstan WA

#472 The Mysterious Drifting Island of Tin Tin Town WA

#473 The Empire of TinyRafah WA

#474 The Dictatorship of Titanland WA

#475 The Holy Empire of Tjentschau Schanggwo WA

#476 The Federal State of Toplandia WA

#477 The Anarcho-Techno Syndicalist of Trans Annwfn WA


#479 The Matriarchy of TransUps WA

#480 The Free Land of Tre Fom WA

#481 The People's Republic of Tria Velvan WA

#482 The Socialist HOA of Turkey Creek WA

#483 The Democratic Union of Uinted Communist of Africa WA

#484 The Socialist State of Union of Albandrite Socialist Republics WA

#485 The Federal Council Republic of Union of Socialist Worker Councils WA

#486 The United Socialist States of Union of Soviet Ireland WA

#487 The Socialist State of Union of Soviet Social-ist Republics WA

#488 The United Socialist States of UNIOS WA

#489 The People's Republic of United Catalonia WA

#490 The Community of United Commune of the Free People WA

#491 The Rogue Nation of United Lands of Gregtown WA

#492 The People's Republic of United Rianja WA

#493 The People's Republic of United Socialist Latin States WA

#494 The Armed Republic of United Socialist Rafyevirya WA

#495 The United Socialist States of United Socialist Republics of Eurasia WA

#496 The Free Land of United Urathian States WA

#497 The Armed Workers Union of Upper Foryptovin Emper WA

#498 The Plurinational Sociocracy of Ustresh WA

#499 The Republic of Vathrich WA

#500 The Free Land of Vel Ouria WA

#501 The United Socialist States of Velipolitika WA

#502 The People's Republic of Vervadslavia WA

#503 The People's Republic of Violene Islands WA

#504 The Community of Wall-Eva WA

#505 The Socialist Republic of We better WA

#506 The People's Collective of Wekslandnovik WA

#507 The People's Republic of Weyrland WA

#508 The People's Republic of Wolphendahl WA

#509 The People's Republic of Wontamo WA

#510 The Republic of World Socialist Entocracy WA

#511 The Socialist Republic of Xernea WA

#512 The Democratic Republic of Yakutti WA

#513 The People's Democratic Republic of Yeligula WA

#514 The United Socialist States of Yenyang WA

#515 The Serene Queendom of Yerba WA

#516 The Democratic Republic of Yongmae WA

#517 The Communist Federal Republic of Yugorowenia WA

#518 The People's Republic of Yunis Adyakarta WA

#519 The Yuri Socilaist Republic of Yuriyuri WA

#520 The Socialist Demarchy of Zagruelos WA

#521 The Rep?blica Popular Democr?tic of Zambianka WA

#522 The Glorious Empire of Zarogovnia WA

#523 The Holy Land of Zimblo WA

#524 The Federated Socialist States of Zitherstadt WA

#525 The United Socialist States of Zuatal WA

#526 The Most Serene Republic of Zurras WA

#527 The United People's Democracy of Zynch WA

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