1: The Republic of -ngxh Pop: 8,728 Mil 2: The Armed Republic of 6Pack Pop: 9,009 Mil 3: The Republic of 8Pack Pop: 8,973 Mil 4: The Emirate of Abd-Abi Pop: 8,828 Mil 5: The Most Serene Republic of Abdomine Islands Pop: 27,138 Mil 6: The Kingdom of Abpada Pop: 8,882 Mil 7: The Kingdom of Aeolympos Pop: 8,966 Mil 8: The Empire of Akyurt Pop: 8,747 Mil 9: The Grand Duchy of Alblond Pop: 8,862 Mil 10: The Kingdom of Allalonia Pop: 8,867 Mil 11: The Borderlands of Alligadra Pop: 8,753 Mil 12: The Nomadic Peoples of Amirthia Pop: 8,940 Mil 13: The Rogue Nation of Andaboy Pop: 8,823 Mil 14: The Queendom of Antiandria Pop: 8,871 Mil 15: The Borderlands of Anyathia Pop: 8,576 Mil 16: The Colony of Appalasia Pop: 8,660 Mil 17: The Dominion of Aramaalan Pop: 8,770 Mil 18: The Kingdom of Argyns Pop: 9,103 Mil 19: The Fiefdom of Arzhana Pop: 7,998 Mil 20: The Kingdom of Assrota Pop: 8,717 Mil 21: The Borderlands of Asstia Pop: 8,938 Mil 22: The Borderlands of Assuomy Pop: 9,014 Mil 23: The Kingdom of Asvakush Pop: 8,986 Mil 24: The Empire of Atakurt Oiljoks Pop: 7,167 Mil 25: The Kingdom of Atramassa Pop: 8,937 Mil 26: The Nomadic Peoples of Auw Pop: 8,665 Mil 27: The Colony of Awai Pop: 8,979 Mil 28: The Borderlands of Bachtu Pop: 8,888 Mil 29: The Rogue Nation of Banguy Pop: 8,834 Mil 30: The Republic of Batham Pop: 8,786 Mil 31: The Queendom of Beaumec Pop: 8,667 Mil 32: The Colony of Berboua Pop: 8,817 Mil 33: The Empire of Berzantium Pop: 9,016 Mil 34: The Community of Bhro Pop: 8,742 Mil 35: The Borderlands of Biafro Pop: 8,846 Mil 36: The Principality of Bicoast Pop: 8,777 Mil 37: The Borderlands of Big Yam Pop: 8,728 Mil 38: The Kingdom of Bindah Pop: 8,839 Mil 39: The Colony of Blatin Pop: 8,837 Mil 40: The Kingdom of Blauaugen Blaugony Pop: 8,887 Mil 41: The Empire of Boibylon Pop: 8,940 Mil 42: The Kingdom of Boiyeo Pop: 8,655 Mil 43: The Queendom of Boreandes Pop: 8,800 Mil 44: The Kingdom of Boyole Pop: 8,890 Mil 45: The Principality of Boyomo Pop: 8,728 Mil 46: The Borderlands of Branda Pop: 8,939 Mil 47: The Rogue Nation of Braul Pop: 7,497 Mil 48: The United States of Broland and Refugia Pop: 8,930 Mil 49: The Fiefdom of Brrnabene Pop: 7,975 Mil 50: The Kingdom of Brutain Pop: 8,976 Mil 51: The Confederacy of Bugga Ono and Woisme Pop: 8,588 Mil 52: The Borderlands of Cakuf Pop: 8,664 Mil 53: The Kingdom of Champbodya Pop: 8,609 Mil 54: The Republic of Charmagne Pop: 7,474 Mil 55: The Republic of Chastea Pop: 8,782 Mil 56: The Republic of Chastia Pop: 8,791 Mil 57: The Empire of Chinahan Pop: 8,792 Mil 58: The Confederacy of Chinamerika Pop: 8,709 Mil 59: The Colony of Chinking Pop: 8,795 Mil 60: The Kingdom of Chthonica Pop: 8,526 Mil 61: The Community of Chubboss Pop: 9,029 Mil 62: The Republic of Ciconia Nigra Pop: 8,428 Mil 63: The Colony of Corsynia Pop: 8,912 Mil 64: The United States of Cuiribea Pop: 8,477 Mil 65: The Kingdom of Culcasus Pop: 8,904 Mil 66: The Kingdom of Cumaye Pop: 8,783 Mil 67: The Empire of Cushiana Pop: 8,887 Mil 68: The Free Land of Cutis Pop: 9,018 Mil 69: The Kingdom of Da-Di Pop: 8,714 Mil 70: The Kingdom of Dardanaus Pop: 9,018 Mil 71: The Confederacy of Dekapita Pop: 8,589 Mil 72: The Holy Empire of Deunce Pop: 7,477 Mil 73: The Sultanate of Devkurt Oiljoks Pop: 7,324 Mil 74: The United States of Dire Straights Pop: 8,804 Mil 75: The Republic of Dominador Pop: 8,527 Mil 76: The Kingdom of Donggoa Pop: 8,935 Mil 77: The Protectorate of Doprdele Pop: 8,889 Mil 78: The Kingdom of Dorgos Pop: 9,062 Mil 79: The Principality of Drachola Pop: 8,752 Mil 80: The Kingdom of Dronth Pop: 7,354 Mil 81: The Theocracy of Druipapa Pop: 8,975 Mil 82: The Rogue Nation of Dududja Pop: 8,842 Mil 83: The Republic of Dumbandumba Pop: 8,580 Mil 84: The Queendom of Ehuexmek Pop: 8,637 Mil 85: The Kingdom of Elegancia Pop: 7,384 Mil 86: The Rogue Nation of Elegia Pop: 7,565 Mil 87: The Grand Duchy of Elveland Pop: 8,910 Mil 88: The Kingdom of Enydris Pop: 9,087 Mil 89: The Republic of Ephebos Pop: 9,026 Mil 90: The Queendom of Erinyx Pop: 8,794 Mil 91: The Borderlands of Eromenia Pop: 8,649 Mil 92: The Colony of Euboya Pop: 8,979 Mil 93: The Community of Eyejai Pop: 8,715 Mil 94: The Loving Couple of F4n4rt- Pop: 6,129 Mil 95: The Republic of Femination Pop: 8,525 Mil 96: The Republic of Fiorenna Pop: 8,939 Mil 97: The Free Land of Firmora Pop: 8,945 Mil 98: The Allied States of Flavexos Pop: 8,814 Mil 99: The Jingoistic States of Foea Chou Pop: 8,610 Mil 100: The Kingdom of Forlorneo Pop: 8,644 Mil 101: The Rogue Nation of Frangaulf Pop: 9,077 Mil 102: The Principality of Gagga Pop: 8,719 Mil 103: The Free Land of Gaigui Pop: 8,833 Mil 104: The United Kingdom of Ganga-Bangla Pop: 8,977 Mil 105: The Kingdom of Gayjarat Pop: 8,974 Mil 106: The Kingdom of Gayk Pop: 8,953 Mil 107: The Republic of Gaynada Pop: 8,660 Mil 108: The Federation of Gayzb Pop: 8,821 Mil 109: The Kingdom of Ghai Pop: 8,689 Mil 110: The Emirate of Ghalaysh Pop: 8,873 Mil 111: The Fiefdom of Giaourea Pop: 7,422 Mil 112: The Kingdom of Gigantis Pop: 8,778 Mil 113: The Dictatorship of Grabwe Pop: 8,811 Mil 114: The Empire of Greater Wonda Pop: 8,581 Mil 115: The Rogue Nation of Guapohomogayas Pop: 8,779 Mil 116: The Disputed Territories of Guyhak Pop: 8,515 Mil 117: The Colony of Gymnesos Pop: 8,947 Mil 118: The Federation of H8las Pop: 8,853 Mil 119: The Kingdom of Hajjaz Pop: 8,841 Mil 120: The Republic of Haramma Pop: 8,891 Mil 121: The Borderlands of Hawta Pop: 8,881 Mil 122: The Queendom of Heeba Pop: 8,898 Mil 123: The Borderlands of Hesperxyla Pop: 8,602 Mil 124: The Kingdom of Hetron Pop: 8,947 Mil 125: The Confederacy of Hetruria Pop: 8,902 Mil 126: The Nomadic Peoples of Heyhi Pop: 8,819 Mil 127: The Theocracy of Himarajya Pop: 8,963 Mil 128: The Borderlands of Himborea Pop: 6,943 Mil 129: The Kingdom of Himhur Pop: 8,781 Mil 130: The Borderlands of Hirsutolia Pop: 9,041 Mil 131: The Commonwealth of His Panic Pop: 8,428 Mil 132: The Queendom of Hispunia Pop: 7,451 Mil 133: The Queendom of Hiverna Pop: 8,922 Mil 134: The Dominion of Hizban Pop: 8,749 Mil 135: The Borderlands of Hlaoam Pop: 8,610 Mil 136: The Kingdom of Homohican Pop: 8,803 Mil 137: The Kingdom of Homorica Pop: 8,753 Mil 138: The Community of Hoytscla Pop: 8,884 Mil 139: The Queendom of Huategalmek Pop: 8,684 Mil 140: The Federation of Hum Oiljoks Pop: 7,397 Mil 141: The Borderlands of Huntu Pop: 8,777 Mil 142: The Commonwealth of Hunxon Corporation Pop: 8,807 Mil 143: The Theocracy of Hyiophagia Pop: 9,067 Mil 144: The Borderlands of Hyperox Pop: 8,599 Mil 145: The Free Land of Icire Pop: 8,950 Mil 146: The Kingdom of Iktis Pop: 8,988 Mil 147: The Republic of Illusoir Pop: 8,810 Mil 148: The Free Land of Immemoria Pop: 8,825 Mil 149: The Empire of Inkerela Pop: 8,735 Mil 150: The Sultanate of Isislam Pop: 7,432 Mil 151: The Kingdom of Isthiolis Pop: 9,021 Mil 152: The Kingdom of Jajarjava Pop: 8,543 Mil 153: The Nomadic Peoples of Jizj Pop: 8,877 Mil 154: The Kingdom of Jungle Giants Pop: 6,860 Mil 155: The Republic of Kangikitsua Pop: 2,814 Mil 156: The Empire of Karakars Pop: 9,065 Mil 157: The Empire of Khaanada Pop: 8,471 Mil 158: The Colony of Khetyou Mefkat Pop: 8,812 Mil 159: The Kingdom of Khloeros Pop: 9,018 Mil 160: The Federation of KIENGAY Pop: 8,609 Mil 161: The Kingdom of Killahills Pop: 9,019 Mil 162: The Jingoistic States of Kishim Pop: 9,034 Mil 163: The Dominion of Kocakaya Pop: 8,703 Mil 164: The Republic of Kolob and Moronia Pop: 8,790 Mil 165: The Republic of Kongay Pop: 8,720 Mil 166: The Republic of Kouranth Pop: 8,980 Mil 167: The Kingdom of Kouropa Pop: 8,939 Mil 168: The Federation of Kurvak Pop: 8,892 Mil 169: The Nomadic Peoples of Kyritheria Pop: 8,831 Mil 170: The Republic of Lagonza Pop: 8,987 Mil 171: The Free Land of Lakewin Pop: 8,882 Mil | 172: The Rogue Nation of Leukonyx Pop: 9,023 Mil 173: The Disputed Territories of Lewdew Pop: 8,631 Mil 174: The Borderlands of Limya Pop: 8,807 Mil 175: The Fiefdom of Lobbyssinia Pop: 7,409 Mil 176: The Republic of Luiland Pop: 8,881 Mil 177: The Free Land of Lupagna Pop: 8,955 Mil 178: The Federation of Lutraria Pop: 8,910 Mil 179: The Empire of Lycya Pop: 8,879 Mil 180: The Republic of Machon Pop: 8,455 Mil 181: The Allied States of Maenaxos Pop: 8,982 Mil 182: The Rogue Nation of Maghrif Pop: 8,948 Mil 183: The Kingdom of Magikoteka Pop: 8,610 Mil 184: The Kingdom of Mahabrahma Pop: 8,893 Mil 185: The Fiefdom of Mahanaga Pop: 7,473 Mil 186: The Principality of Mairubo Pop: 7,609 Mil 187: The United States of Makiamphiktyony Pop: 8,901 Mil 188: The Fiefdom of Malaites Pop: 9,107 Mil 189: The Republic of Manada Pop: 8,498 Mil 190: The Kingdom of Manchooz Pop: 8,739 Mil 191: The Condominium of Mancouver Pop: 8,484 Mil 192: The Empire of Mangoalia Pop: 4,578 Mil 193: The Kingdom of Manhud Pop: 8,849 Mil 194: The Protectorate of Mantwo Pop: 8,901 Mil 195: The Queendom of Mayabmek Pop: 8,748 Mil 196: The Community of Mayaimi Pop: 8,746 Mil 197: The Republic of Melaonyx Pop: 9,000 Mil 198: The Fiefdom of Mengalore Pop: 9,048 Mil 199: The Queendom of Meomixantik Pop: 8,832 Mil 200: The Republic of Mestizona Pop: 8,564 Mil 201: The Borderlands of Mexaz Pop: 8,599 Mil 202: The Community of Michillas Pop: 8,880 Mil 203: The Republic of Mobburg Pop: 8,779 Mil 204: The Queendom of Molmek Pop: 8,651 Mil 205: The Kingdom of Mowglia Pop: 6,851 Mil 206: The Kingdom of Mushkotte Pop: 8,779 Mil 207: The Colony of Musteille Pop: 9,022 Mil 208: The Queendom of Mutilaot Pop: 8,567 Mil 209: The Kingdom of Myskenai Pop: 8,982 Mil 210: The Kingdom of Mystauria Pop: 9,073 Mil 211: The Queendom of Nahuaztek Pop: 8,650 Mil 212: The Commonwealth of Nancyquoia Pop: 8,660 Mil 213: The Kingdom of Narniada Pop: 9,073 Mil 214: The Kingdom of Nealutra Pop: 9,018 Mil 215: The Fiefdom of Nga Pop: 8,733 Mil 216: The Disputed Territories of Ngayau Pop: 8,614 Mil 217: The Kingdom of Niederhelden Pop: 8,826 Mil 218: The Kingdom of Nigay Pop: 8,811 Mil 219: The Fiefdom of Nobila Pop: 8,792 Mil 220: The Community of Nohomo Pop: 8,884 Mil 221: The Federation of Normandom Pop: 7,455 Mil 222: The Queendom of Notandes Pop: 8,783 Mil 223: The Fiefdom of Nubila Pop: 8,864 Mil 224: The Republic of Nudika Pop: 8,460 Mil 225: The Republic of Nueva Hombria Pop: 8,483 Mil 226: The Nomadic Peoples of Numec Pop: 8,607 Mil 227: The Fiefdom of O i Pop: 7,314 Mil 228: The Kingdom of Oberhelden Pop: 8,865 Mil 229: The Principality of Obsid Pop: 8,889 Mil 230: The Queendom of Oltek Pop: 8,689 Mil 231: The Kingdom of Paeyrus Pop: 8,983 Mil 232: The Federation of Panamak Pop: 8,806 Mil 233: The Queendom of Panpotamia Pop: 8,806 Mil 234: The Queendom of Patagynia Pop: 8,724 Mil 235: The Kingdom of Pawer Pop: 9,058 Mil 236: The Allied States of Pequenhas Pop: 8,958 Mil 237: The Constitutional Monarchy of Perizoma Pop: 8,804 Mil 238: The Jingoistic States of Peyin Atyal Pop: 8,567 Mil 239: The Empire of Phoenassyria Pop: 8,954 Mil 240: The Kingdom of Phom Rak Khun Krup Pop: 8,621 Mil 241: The Republic of Phyrrygia Pop: 9,041 Mil 242: The Allied States of Polycyclonea Pop: 8,759 Mil 243: The Colony of Portuviril Pop: 8,841 Mil 244: The Kingdom of Pouchera Pop: 8,709 Mil 245: The Kingdom of Poundya Pop: 8,753 Mil 246: The Kingdom of Ptaraoh Pop: 8,783 Mil 247: The Dictatorship of Pythmos Pop: 8,964 Mil 248: The Republic of Qatam Pop: 8,819 Mil 249: The Nomadic Peoples of Qng Pop: 8,661 Mil 250: The Queendom of Quetzalcoatek Pop: 8,669 Mil 251: The Federation of Quma Pop: 4,852 Mil 252: The Queendom of Rajult Pop: 8,845 Mil 253: The Kingdom of Rarabia Pop: 8,827 Mil 254: The Kingdom of Raydhomowt Pop: 8,825 Mil 255: The Dictatorship of Rhozeus Pop: 9,060 Mil 256: The Empire of Rimlik Pop: 8,661 Mil 257: The Oppressed Peoples of Roamain Pop: 8,739 Mil 258: The Rogue Nation of Rouroa Pop: 4,838 Mil 259: The Federation of Rudel-Meute Pop: 8,963 Mil 260: The Nomadic Peoples of Runna Pop: 8,665 Mil 261: The Borderlands of Rybakvens Pop: 6,828 Mil 262: The Emirate of Sadhism Pop: 8,828 Mil 263: The Empire of Sakhindya Pop: 8,887 Mil 264: The Kingdom of Sappharya Pop: 8,916 Mil 265: The Colony of Sarzica Pop: 8,952 Mil 266: The Kingdom of Scandalva Pop: 8,972 Mil 267: The Grand Duchy of Seamandy Pop: 9,038 Mil 268: The Empire of Seksa Pop: 4,866 Mil 269: The Kingdom of Sensua Pop: 4,965 Mil 270: The Caliphate of Shagdad Pop: 8,870 Mil 271: The Federation of Slavea Pop: 5,156 Mil 272: The Federation of Slawea Pop: 9,010 Mil 273: The Republic of Socrathens Pop: 9,052 Mil 274: The Kingdom of Sporta Alkidaimon Pop: 9,038 Mil 275: The Constitutional Monarchy of Sri Vijaya Pop: 12,737 Mil 276: The Republic of Stephakia Pop: 8,889 Mil 277: The Community of Suma Pop: 8,578 Mil 278: The Empire of Sunson Pop: 8,684 Mil 279: The United Kingdom of Swagangsta Pop: 7,240 Mil 280: The Federation of Ta Hor Pop: 8,754 Mil 281: The Kingdom of Taruisha Pop: 9,049 Mil 282: The Protectorate of Tarzanea Pop: 6,944 Mil 283: The Fiefdom of Tasmaada Pop: 8,747 Mil 284: The Rogue Nation of Tattoux Pop: 9,023 Mil 285: The Matriarchy of Tawreg Pop: 8,926 Mil 286: The Kingdom of Tawsh Pop: 8,732 Mil 287: The Queendom of Textek Pop: 8,748 Mil 288: The Federation of The Lesser Wonda Islands Pop: 8,602 Mil 289: The Matriarchy of The Nornorder Pop: 7,488 Mil 290: The Amphiktiony of The Unspoken Name Pop: 8,970 Mil 291: The Sultanate of The Utterman Empire Pop: 7,363 Mil 292: The United Duchy of Thimothaille-Chalamedoc Pop: 7,524 Mil 293: The Queendom of Tixmek Pop: 8,678 Mil 294: The Dictatorship of Tmangypt Pop: 8,762 Mil 295: The Kingdom of Toomale Pop: 8,830 Mil 296: The Empire of Tordyor Pop: 8,631 Mil 297: The Borderlands of Tsyrt Pop: 8,831 Mil 298: The Republic of Turgamo Pop: 8,987 Mil 299: The Borderlands of Turkuit Pop: 8,635 Mil 300: The Federation of Turkurga Pop: 7,377 Mil 301: The Nomadic Peoples of Tush Pop: 8,167 Mil 302: The Republic of Tyrarctica Pop: 8,743 Mil 303: The Borderlands of Ugroan Pop: 8,941 Mil 304: The Free Land of Ululazio Pop: 8,983 Mil 305: The Republic of Uoma Pop: 6,916 Mil 306: The Allied States of Uombria-Itaglia Pop: 8,982 Mil 307: The Kingdom of Uome Pop: 8,896 Mil 308: The Grand Duchy of Urgundy Pop: 7,474 Mil 309: The Empire of Uzuzy Pop: 8,634 Mil 310: The Fiefdom of Uzzub Pop: 8,816 Mil 311: The Kingdom of Vafangia Pop: 8,939 Mil 312: The Empire of Varaanus Pop: 8,970 Mil 313: The Kingdom of Varnalaya Pop: 8,951 Mil 314: The Kingdom of Vascarra Pop: 7,538 Mil 315: The Kingdom of Vedaepos Pop: 9,045 Mil 316: The Community of Venombi Pop: 8,815 Mil 317: The Queendom of Violaot Pop: 8,641 Mil 318: The Free Land of Vossiya Foxia Pop: 8,889 Mil 319: The Republic of Vulpack Pop: 8,916 Mil 320: The Queendom of Wahhaw Pop: 8,892 Mil 321: The Kingdom of Wanafak Pop: 8,831 Mil 322: The Jingoistic States of Wannapal Pop: 8,569 Mil 323: The Kingdom of Waygay Pop: 8,804 Mil 324: The Disputed Territories of Whad Pop: 8,821 Mil 325: The Republic of Whoram Pop: 8,832 Mil 326: The Community of Wijvelijveluiden Pop: 8,911 Mil 327: The Kingdom of Wilusha Pop: 9,051 Mil 328: The Kingdom of Wyrmenia Pop: 7,350 Mil 329: The Disputed Territories of Xenobathy Pop: 8,787 Mil 330: The Disputed Territories of Yahara Pop: 8,838 Mil 331: The Kingdom of Yestertime Pop: 8,756 Mil 332: The Queendom of Yuazmek Pop: 8,633 Mil 333: The Holy Empire of Yufak Pop: 8,946 Mil 334: The Kingdom of Yulemark Pop: 8,880 Mil 335: The Disputed Territories of Yummi Pop: 8,635 Mil 336: The Queendom of Zabehenahuamek Pop: 8,663 Mil 337: The Queendom of Zephyrzon Pop: 8,728 Mil 338: The Borderlands of Zilva Rhourkha Hossrhoene Taitassa Pop: 7,979 Mil 339: The Fiefdom of Ztophene Pop: 8,007 Mil |