#1 The Holy Empire of Aargh WA #2 The Totalistic Empire of Alreaa WA #3 The Demokr?ttische Republikken of Altsia WA #4 The Kingdom of Alupas WA #5 The Grand Commune of Alvakheda WA #6 The Free Land of Ameritucky WA #7 The Holy Green Garden Government of Amexico WA #8 The Socialist Federal Republic of AniBuqua WA #9 The Demovative Republic of Arlandova WA #10 The Confederacy of Armovess WA #11 The Republic of Aurealian WA #12 The Empire of Ayrtita WA #13 The Most Serene Republic of Battadia WA #14 The Grand Merchant Empire of Bira Coid WA #15 The Republic of Brodow Patanarhod WA #16 The People's Republic of Cheennimsta WA #17 The Republic of Cherzebels WA #18 The Republik of United Provinces of Clockwork Lands WA #19 The Xenophobic Capitalist Empire of Communise WA #20 The People's Republic of Conia Lorus WA #21 The Democratic Republic of Cortlandia WA #22 The Most United Commonwealth of Cromreland WA #23 The Meritocratic Empire of Crystallus WA #24 The Imperial Hauseritdom of Danslandia WA #25 The Federation of Danubeen WA #26 The Accelerationist Holy Realms of Danzig and Pomerania WA #27 The Kingdom of Delerikonix WA #28 The Anti civil right empire of Derfenia WA #29 The Federal Republic of Derland WA #30 The Kingdom of Ditrania WA #31 The Monarchist dictatorship of Dreifaches konigreich WA #32 The Kingdom of Durawor WA #33 The Kingdom of Economy City WA #34 The Federation of Eluna WA #35 The Socialist Federated Republic of EReichnya WA #36 The Empire of Eria Flutholland WA #37 The People's Republic of Estvania WA #38 The Free Land of Esveltico WA #39 The Federation of Evercest WA #40 The Constitutional Monarchy of Exokratia WA #41 The Kaiserliches Milit?rimperium of Fjordlandia WA #42 The Third Hellenic Republic of Gibraltir WA #43 The Republic of Gleiwitzland WA #44 The Republic of Greatest Montana WA #45 The Republic of Guy Tow WA #46 The Kaiserreich of Habsburg-germany WA #47 The Union of Socialist Republics of Herpartia WA #48 The Republic of Homul WA #49 The People's Republic of Humanists WA #50 The Imperial Federation of Isle of Nuru WA #51 The Federation of Jossthal WA #52 The Fvйèdэpäołłэцйýaк Xuнтå of Kallanistan People s Republic WA #53 The Empire of Kernovia WA #54 The Commonwealth of Khattiestan WA #55 The Republic of Kneendin Cersis WA #56 The Confederacy of Korbaros-Tarkaris WA #57 The Kingdom of Kouko WA #58 The Gran Dominion of Kruitezia WA | #59 The Republic of La Lunalise WA #60 The Empire of Los Sierret WA #61 The Colony of Mamounia WA #62 The Republic of Milesian WA #63 The Federal Republic of Nalatia States WA #64 The Federation of Neo-Huaxia WA #65 The Republic of NeoMinnesota WA #66 The Disputed Territories of Nomanslanding WA #67 The Republic of Norremester WA #68 The Constitutional Monarchy of North East Macpa WA #69 The Constitutional Monarchy of North Mon Boron Seadas WA #70 The Parliamentary Republic of Northern Cagas WA #71 The Republic of Northern Jestionkan WA #72 The Allied Territory of Of Withered Allyway WA #73 The Rarely Active People of Oisam WA #74 The Dominion of Orbitus WA #75 The Most Serene Republic of Piehu WA #76 The Republic of Republic Cornir WA #77 The Democratic Republic of Republic of Azvrenia WA #78 The Republic of Republic of Sordlandia WA #79 The Empire of Rideland WA #80 The People's Republic of Rijkstaadt WA #81 The Grand Duchy of Rikiza WA #82 The Alliance of Rosalice WA #83 The Free Land of Ruhestadia WA #84 The Kingdom of Rurikholm WA #85 The Federal State of Sabutaka WA #86 The Principality of Salishia WA #87 The Federation of Sanburg WA #88 The First Republic of Schardonia WA #89 The सर्वोच्च अधिकार of SorcererKingdom WA #90 The Wellemagdeveren of South Cahadonia WA #91 The Principality of Suwainerahetsland WA #92 The People's Republic of Tahit WA #93 The Imperial State of Taliin WA #94 The Federation of Tavuniplo WA #95 The Democratic Federal Republic of Technitium WA #96 The Triarch Republic of The Class Dynasty WA #97 The Federation of The commuism ussr WA #98 The Pink Holy Lucky Republic of The Crescenia WA #99 The United Kingdom of The Factual Real Dutch Empire WA #100 The Technocratic Federation of The First Peoples Conglomerate WA #101 The Federation of The Greater Antilles WA #102 The Federation of The Highest in Liberty WA #103 The Free Land of Theloon Thusa WA #104 The Highest People's Federation of Treskin WA #105 The The Intellectual Order of Uga bug WA #106 The Federal Beherbianist Council of United Beherbia WA #107 The Republic of Usonia federal union WA #108 The Grand Duchy of Vikstein WA #109 The Republic of Wadasch WA #110 The Holy Federated States of of Washington-Columbia WA #111 The Epic collecting nation of Wopruthien WA #112 The People's Republic of Woxi WA #113 The Kliencic Republic of Yarumab-Corriopankt WA #114 The Federal Republic of Znolzisk WA |