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There are 114 WA Countries in the Region of The Kodiak Republic

You have arrived at the WA Nations list for The Kodiak Republic.

Simply, the following list is all of the WA delegates from the Region of The Kodiak Republic. To use the page as a clearing house, click on the WA next to the nation you want to visit, and the Nation States page for that individual should open in a new window.

What do I do with this?
For those regions looking to keep their delegates "Democratically" Elected, the list is split in roughly half for a quick 50% count of available endorsements. This list has also been used to help raiders looking to meet the locals, delegates looking to monitor their kingdoms, newbies seeking endorsements so they gain some influence, and corporations looking to sell wares in a warzone... (among other things). The author suggests Nations interested in Security show this to your delegate. Others have access to this info too, and readily use it for lot's of things. You should be too. That is the point of having this system published.

1. Select a different Nation from the whole region to view (complete Region's Nation listings).

Top 25 GDP Leaders:
2. Regional trade .
3. Regional GDP .
4. Click here to see WA Member Nations.
5. Regional Exchange Rates.

#1 The Holy Empire of Aargh WA

#2 The Totalistic Empire of Alreaa WA

#3 The Demokr?ttische Republikken of Altsia WA

#4 The Kingdom of Alupas WA

#5 The Grand Commune of Alvakheda WA

#6 The Free Land of Ameritucky WA

#7 The Holy Green Garden Government of Amexico WA

#8 The Socialist Federal Republic of AniBuqua WA

#9 The Demovative Republic of Arlandova WA

#10 The Confederacy of Armovess WA

#11 The Republic of Aurealian WA

#12 The Empire of Ayrtita WA

#13 The Most Serene Republic of Battadia WA

#14 The Grand Merchant Empire of Bira Coid WA

#15 The Republic of Brodow Patanarhod WA

#16 The People's Republic of Cheennimsta WA

#17 The Republic of Cherzebels WA

#18 The Republik of United Provinces of Clockwork Lands WA

#19 The Xenophobic Capitalist Empire of Communise WA

#20 The People's Republic of Conia Lorus WA

#21 The Democratic Republic of Cortlandia WA

#22 The Most United Commonwealth of Cromreland WA

#23 The Meritocratic Empire of Crystallus WA

#24 The Imperial Hauseritdom of Danslandia WA

#25 The Federation of Danubeen WA

#26 The Accelerationist Holy Realms of Danzig and Pomerania WA

#27 The Kingdom of Delerikonix WA

#28 The Anti civil right empire of Derfenia WA

#29 The Federal Republic of Derland WA

#30 The Kingdom of Ditrania WA

#31 The Monarchist dictatorship of Dreifaches konigreich WA

#32 The Kingdom of Durawor WA

#33 The Kingdom of Economy City WA

#34 The Federation of Eluna WA

#35 The Socialist Federated Republic of EReichnya WA

#36 The Empire of Eria Flutholland WA

#37 The People's Republic of Estvania WA

#38 The Free Land of Esveltico WA

#39 The Federation of Evercest WA

#40 The Constitutional Monarchy of Exokratia WA

#41 The Kaiserliches Milit?rimperium of Fjordlandia WA

#42 The Third Hellenic Republic of Gibraltir WA

#43 The Republic of Gleiwitzland WA

#44 The Republic of Greatest Montana WA

#45 The Republic of Guy Tow WA

#46 The Kaiserreich of Habsburg-germany WA

#47 The Union of Socialist Republics of Herpartia WA

#48 The Republic of Homul WA

#49 The People's Republic of Humanists WA

#50 The Imperial Federation of Isle of Nuru WA

#51 The Federation of Jossthal WA

#52 The Fvйèdэpäołłэцйýaк Xuнтå of Kallanistan People s Republic WA

#53 The Empire of Kernovia WA

#54 The Commonwealth of Khattiestan WA

#55 The Republic of Kneendin Cersis WA

#56 The Confederacy of Korbaros-Tarkaris WA

#57 The Kingdom of Kouko WA

#58 The Gran Dominion of Kruitezia WA

#59 The Republic of La Lunalise WA

#60 The Empire of Los Sierret WA

#61 The Colony of Mamounia WA

#62 The Republic of Milesian WA

#63 The Federal Republic of Nalatia States WA

#64 The Federation of Neo-Huaxia WA

#65 The Republic of NeoMinnesota WA

#66 The Disputed Territories of Nomanslanding WA

#67 The Republic of Norremester WA

#68 The Constitutional Monarchy of North East Macpa WA

#69 The Constitutional Monarchy of North Mon Boron Seadas WA

#70 The Parliamentary Republic of Northern Cagas WA

#71 The Republic of Northern Jestionkan WA

#72 The Allied Territory of Of Withered Allyway WA

#73 The Rarely Active People of Oisam WA

#74 The Dominion of Orbitus WA

#75 The Most Serene Republic of Piehu WA

#76 The Republic of Republic Cornir WA

#77 The Democratic Republic of Republic of Azvrenia WA

#78 The Republic of Republic of Sordlandia WA

#79 The Empire of Rideland WA

#80 The People's Republic of Rijkstaadt WA

#81 The Grand Duchy of Rikiza WA

#82 The Alliance of Rosalice WA

#83 The Free Land of Ruhestadia WA

#84 The Kingdom of Rurikholm WA

#85 The Federal State of Sabutaka WA

#86 The Principality of Salishia WA

#87 The Federation of Sanburg WA

#88 The First Republic of Schardonia WA

#89 The सर्वोच्च अधिकार of SorcererKingdom WA

#90 The Wellemagdeveren of South Cahadonia WA

#91 The Principality of Suwainerahetsland WA

#92 The People's Republic of Tahit WA

#93 The Imperial State of Taliin WA

#94 The Federation of Tavuniplo WA

#95 The Democratic Federal Republic of Technitium WA

#96 The Triarch Republic of The Class Dynasty WA

#97 The Federation of The commuism ussr WA

#98 The Pink Holy Lucky Republic of The Crescenia WA

#99 The United Kingdom of The Factual Real Dutch Empire WA

#100 The Technocratic Federation of The First Peoples Conglomerate WA

#101 The Federation of The Greater Antilles WA

#102 The Federation of The Highest in Liberty WA

#103 The Free Land of Theloon Thusa WA

#104 The Highest People's Federation of Treskin WA

#105 The The Intellectual Order of Uga bug WA

#106 The Federal Beherbianist Council of United Beherbia WA

#107 The Republic of Usonia federal union WA

#108 The Grand Duchy of Vikstein WA

#109 The Republic of Wadasch WA

#110 The Holy Federated States of of Washington-Columbia WA

#111 The Epic collecting nation of Wopruthien WA

#112 The People's Republic of Woxi WA

#113 The Kliencic Republic of Yarumab-Corriopankt WA

#114 The Federal Republic of Znolzisk WA

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