#1 The Grand Duchy of Abrahamgrad WA #2 The Republic of Agar tha WA #3 The Kingdom of Aidax WA #4 The Republic of Akhand Bharata Samrajyam WA #5 The United Kingdom of Akhmola WA #6 The Holy Autocratic Empire of Alphanix WA #7 The Kingdom of Alrica WA #8 The Empire of Amia WA #9 The Borderlands of AngelStitch WA #10 The Federal Republic of Aparition WA #11 The Incorporated States of Ateki-Yidostan WA #12 The Empire of Atrox Deus WA #13 The Holy Empire of Aurania WA #14 The Holy Empire of Austrios WA #15 The Democratic States of Avengis WA #16 The Holy Empire of BisNations WA #17 The Best Nation of Bonkbonk WA #18 The Grand 'Triumphant' Empire of Britain 1 WA #19 The Disputed Territories of Brokee WA #20 The Federal Republic of Bundes Republic Deutschland WA #21 The Holy Empire of Calbra WA #22 The Commonwealth of Celeste WA #23 The Allied States of Cendara WA #24 The Principality of Cevencia WA #25 The Federal Republic of ConePerch WA #26 The Holy Traditionalist Empire of Creeperopolis WA #27 The Democratic Republic of CSedacca WA #28 The Night-Watchman State of Dapines WA #29 The People's Republic of Democratic People Republic of NorthKorea WA #30 The Democratic Republic of DemocraticRepublic of Ohio WA #31 The Disputed Territories of Dervingard Garrison WA #32 The Republic of Desheria WA #33 The Splendid Nation of Dezfur WA #34 The Confederated Kingdom of Dlakisland WA #35 The Federation of Dolayasia WA #36 The Republic of DragonBorn Clan WA #37 The CuckooForCocoaPuffs citizens of Drewtopia WA #38 The Democratic Republic of Druzeia WA #39 The Republic of Eashavist WA #40 The Restored Republics of East Reztotzka WA #41 The Empire of East Yourtanad WA #42 The Galactic Empire of Eldrado WA #43 The Imperial Federation of Elysitopia WA #44 The Federal Republic of Enjola WA #45 The Holy Empire of Eoss Ang Ill WA #46 The Civic Republic of Everetunga-Hari WA #47 The Kingdom of Exitodia WA #48 The Kingdom of Feristaat Sudetenland WA #49 The Federal Republic of Flying Dolphins WA #50 The Republic of Freedomseekers WA #51 The United States of Frussi WA #52 The Aureate Delegacy of Gagium WA #53 The Federation of Garahed WA #54 The Free Land of Great Empire of Wyeellyeeahhhhm WA #55 The Serene Kingdom of Great Majorca WA #56 The United Islands of Hahai WA #57 The Commonwealth of Hapatmitas WA #58 The Constitutional Monarchy of Holistals WA #59 The Democratic Republic of Inner Wardionistairland WA #60 The Holy Empire of Island Hell WA #61 The Federal Republic of Joshua Putman WA #62 The Confederacy of Kersevonia WA #63 The United Federal Republic of Khoreshis WA #64 The Separatist State of Kingdom of Andoria WA #65 The Kingdom of Kufard WA #66 The Federal Union of La Perico WA #67 The Republic of Large trees WA #68 The Rogue Nation of Leehaylzia WA #69 The Federation of Leucite WA #70 The Crowned Republic of Leventocho WA #71 The Federation of Libersaiger WA | #72 The Greater Republic of Libersk WA #73 The Holy Empire of Louisenlund WA #74 The Empire of Loungdako WA #75 The Federation of Malay Kingdoms WA #76 The United Socialist States of Mantoli WA #77 The United Socialist States of Martian Social Republic WA #78 The Republic of Mauyou WA #79 The Armed Republic of Merijalkavaen WA #80 The Stratocracy of MilitarizedStatesOfAmerica WA #81 The Republic of Mogadoga WA #82 The Royal and Imperial House of Morgannwg Prydein WA #83 The Commonwealth of Mountington WA #84 The Crowned Republic of Mug Land WA #85 The Republic of Nestol WA #86 The Republic of New Cayfarrier Kiesistan WA #87 The Federation of New Warhaven WA #88 The Armed Republic of Northeast Koreastan WA #89 The Republic of Northern Sinai WA #90 The Confederacy of Novo Sharkistan WA #91 The Confederation of Omakise WA #92 The Brave New World of Osimiria WA #93 The Commonwealth of Pambtomaquet WA #94 The Federation of Pinnacle Isle WA #95 The Confederacy of Federations of Pogmalaysia WA #96 The Commonwealth of Polen-Litouwen WA #97 The Federal Republic of Polure WA #98 The Principality of Pomagrina WA #99 The Anomaly Research Zone of Progressa Island WA #100 The Imperial Commonwealth of Quezo WA #101 The Kingdom of Quizia WA #102 The Republic of Republic of Communists WA #103 The Confederacy of Republic of Gotham WA #104 The Republic of Saint Verende WA #105 The Crowned Republic of Sainte-croix WA #106 The Kingdom of Salisford WA #107 The Democratic Republic of Sanjasthan WA #108 The Dictatorship of Sarmerpeia WA #109 The Free union of Sederia WA #110 The Borderlands of Slandavekistan WA #111 The Empire of Slater Islands WA #112 The Commonwealth of Soivin WA #113 The Potentially Great Country of South Austral WA #114 The Republic of Suderlandet WA #115 The Undying Land of Sultanate Ethanol WA #116 The Union of States of Super Top WA #117 The Commonwealth of Tarsiso WA #118 The Republic of TecnoshNation WA #119 The Kingdom of Temissiana WA #120 The The Republic of the Holy Red of The Antler WA #121 The Republic of The Commonwealth of Terran WA #122 The Ministratium of The Ministratium of Kyratus WA #123 The Democratic Republic of The Oceanic States of the Pacific Area WA #124 The Federation of The PewPew Federation WA #125 The Democratic States of The Republic of the United Marble Tribes WA #126 The Idyllic Utopian Empire of The Union of Ibistic States WA #127 The Republic of TheDonutHoles WA #128 The Armed Republic of TOALSORA WA #129 The Federal Republic of Tuscerslavia WA #130 The Transcontinental Empire of United Nations of Asian Countries WA #131 The Republic of Uwesia WA #132 The Grand Duchy of Volodym WA #133 The United Kingdom of Wealland WA #134 The Kingdom of Weidao WA #135 The United States of Wespuchius WA #136 The Republic of West Georgiam WA #137 The Very Democratic Federation of Whitachi WA #138 The Republic of Wingoul WA #139 The Constitutional Republic of Yodaa WA #140 The Federation of Ziev WA #141 The Armed Republic of ZPRO10 WA |