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There are 141 WA Countries in the Region of The League

You have arrived at the WA Nations list for The League.

Simply, the following list is all of the WA delegates from the Region of The League. To use the page as a clearing house, click on the WA next to the nation you want to visit, and the Nation States page for that individual should open in a new window.

What do I do with this?
For those regions looking to keep their delegates "Democratically" Elected, the list is split in roughly half for a quick 50% count of available endorsements. This list has also been used to help raiders looking to meet the locals, delegates looking to monitor their kingdoms, newbies seeking endorsements so they gain some influence, and corporations looking to sell wares in a warzone... (among other things). The author suggests Nations interested in Security show this to your delegate. Others have access to this info too, and readily use it for lot's of things. You should be too. That is the point of having this system published.

1. Select a different Nation from the whole region to view (complete Region's Nation listings).

Top 25 GDP Leaders:
2. Regional trade .
3. Regional GDP .
4. Click here to see WA Member Nations.
5. Regional Exchange Rates.

#1 The Grand Duchy of Abrahamgrad WA

#2 The Republic of Agar tha WA

#3 The Kingdom of Aidax WA

#4 The Republic of Akhand Bharata Samrajyam WA

#5 The United Kingdom of Akhmola WA

#6 The Holy Autocratic Empire of Alphanix WA

#7 The Kingdom of Alrica WA

#8 The Empire of Amia WA

#9 The Borderlands of AngelStitch WA

#10 The Federal Republic of Aparition WA

#11 The Incorporated States of Ateki-Yidostan WA

#12 The Empire of Atrox Deus WA

#13 The Holy Empire of Aurania WA

#14 The Holy Empire of Austrios WA

#15 The Democratic States of Avengis WA

#16 The Holy Empire of BisNations WA

#17 The Best Nation of Bonkbonk WA

#18 The Grand 'Triumphant' Empire of Britain 1 WA

#19 The Disputed Territories of Brokee WA

#20 The Federal Republic of Bundes Republic Deutschland WA

#21 The Holy Empire of Calbra WA

#22 The Commonwealth of Celeste WA

#23 The Allied States of Cendara WA

#24 The Principality of Cevencia WA

#25 The Federal Republic of ConePerch WA

#26 The Holy Traditionalist Empire of Creeperopolis WA

#27 The Democratic Republic of CSedacca WA

#28 The Night-Watchman State of Dapines WA

#29 The People's Republic of Democratic People Republic of NorthKorea WA

#30 The Democratic Republic of DemocraticRepublic of Ohio WA

#31 The Disputed Territories of Dervingard Garrison WA

#32 The Republic of Desheria WA

#33 The Splendid Nation of Dezfur WA

#34 The Confederated Kingdom of Dlakisland WA

#35 The Federation of Dolayasia WA

#36 The Republic of DragonBorn Clan WA

#37 The CuckooForCocoaPuffs citizens of Drewtopia WA

#38 The Democratic Republic of Druzeia WA

#39 The Republic of Eashavist WA

#40 The Restored Republics of East Reztotzka WA

#41 The Empire of East Yourtanad WA

#42 The Galactic Empire of Eldrado WA

#43 The Imperial Federation of Elysitopia WA

#44 The Federal Republic of Enjola WA

#45 The Holy Empire of Eoss Ang Ill WA

#46 The Civic Republic of Everetunga-Hari WA

#47 The Kingdom of Exitodia WA

#48 The Kingdom of Feristaat Sudetenland WA

#49 The Federal Republic of Flying Dolphins WA

#50 The Republic of Freedomseekers WA

#51 The United States of Frussi WA

#52 The Aureate Delegacy of Gagium WA

#53 The Federation of Garahed WA

#54 The Free Land of Great Empire of Wyeellyeeahhhhm WA

#55 The Serene Kingdom of Great Majorca WA

#56 The United Islands of Hahai WA

#57 The Commonwealth of Hapatmitas WA

#58 The Constitutional Monarchy of Holistals WA

#59 The Democratic Republic of Inner Wardionistairland WA

#60 The Holy Empire of Island Hell WA

#61 The Federal Republic of Joshua Putman WA

#62 The Confederacy of Kersevonia WA

#63 The United Federal Republic of Khoreshis WA

#64 The Separatist State of Kingdom of Andoria WA

#65 The Kingdom of Kufard WA

#66 The Federal Union of La Perico WA

#67 The Republic of Large trees WA

#68 The Rogue Nation of Leehaylzia WA

#69 The Federation of Leucite WA

#70 The Crowned Republic of Leventocho WA

#71 The Federation of Libersaiger WA

#72 The Greater Republic of Libersk WA

#73 The Holy Empire of Louisenlund WA

#74 The Empire of Loungdako WA

#75 The Federation of Malay Kingdoms WA

#76 The United Socialist States of Mantoli WA

#77 The United Socialist States of Martian Social Republic WA

#78 The Republic of Mauyou WA

#79 The Armed Republic of Merijalkavaen WA

#80 The Stratocracy of MilitarizedStatesOfAmerica WA

#81 The Republic of Mogadoga WA

#82 The Royal and Imperial House of Morgannwg Prydein WA

#83 The Commonwealth of Mountington WA

#84 The Crowned Republic of Mug Land WA

#85 The Republic of Nestol WA

#86 The Republic of New Cayfarrier Kiesistan WA

#87 The Federation of New Warhaven WA

#88 The Armed Republic of Northeast Koreastan WA

#89 The Republic of Northern Sinai WA

#90 The Confederacy of Novo Sharkistan WA

#91 The Confederation of Omakise WA

#92 The Brave New World of Osimiria WA

#93 The Commonwealth of Pambtomaquet WA

#94 The Federation of Pinnacle Isle WA

#95 The Confederacy of Federations of Pogmalaysia WA

#96 The Commonwealth of Polen-Litouwen WA

#97 The Federal Republic of Polure WA

#98 The Principality of Pomagrina WA

#99 The Anomaly Research Zone of Progressa Island WA

#100 The Imperial Commonwealth of Quezo WA

#101 The Kingdom of Quizia WA

#102 The Republic of Republic of Communists WA

#103 The Confederacy of Republic of Gotham WA

#104 The Republic of Saint Verende WA

#105 The Crowned Republic of Sainte-croix WA

#106 The Kingdom of Salisford WA

#107 The Democratic Republic of Sanjasthan WA

#108 The Dictatorship of Sarmerpeia WA

#109 The Free union of Sederia WA

#110 The Borderlands of Slandavekistan WA

#111 The Empire of Slater Islands WA

#112 The Commonwealth of Soivin WA

#113 The Potentially Great Country of South Austral WA

#114 The Republic of Suderlandet WA

#115 The Undying Land of Sultanate Ethanol WA

#116 The Union of States of Super Top WA

#117 The Commonwealth of Tarsiso WA

#118 The Republic of TecnoshNation WA

#119 The Kingdom of Temissiana WA

#120 The The Republic of the Holy Red of The Antler WA

#121 The Republic of The Commonwealth of Terran WA

#122 The Ministratium of The Ministratium of Kyratus WA

#123 The Democratic Republic of The Oceanic States of the Pacific Area WA

#124 The Federation of The PewPew Federation WA

#125 The Democratic States of The Republic of the United Marble Tribes WA

#126 The Idyllic Utopian Empire of The Union of Ibistic States WA

#127 The Republic of TheDonutHoles WA

#128 The Armed Republic of TOALSORA WA

#129 The Federal Republic of Tuscerslavia WA

#130 The Transcontinental Empire of United Nations of Asian Countries WA

#131 The Republic of Uwesia WA

#132 The Grand Duchy of Volodym WA

#133 The United Kingdom of Wealland WA

#134 The Kingdom of Weidao WA

#135 The United States of Wespuchius WA

#136 The Republic of West Georgiam WA

#137 The Very Democratic Federation of Whitachi WA

#138 The Republic of Wingoul WA

#139 The Constitutional Republic of Yodaa WA

#140 The Federation of Ziev WA

#141 The Armed Republic of ZPRO10 WA

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