#1 The Republic of Achrom WA #2 The Diplomatically Immune State of America the Greater WA #3 The Federation of Aya Democratic Republic WA #4 The Commonwealth of Batcountry WA #5 The Doggo Republic of Bob Harnan WA #6 The Democratic Republic of BrendenE WA #7 The United Socialist States of Calasso WA #8 The Grand republic of Carolian Empire WA #9 The Commonwealth of Ceruleantica WA #10 The Questionable Conglomeration of Chronic and Violent IBS WA #11 The Allied States of Cymarran WA #12 The Socialist Monarchy of Danobia WA #13 The Republic of Domecratik Supperman WA #14 The Empire of Egyptian Emporium WA #15 The Tumblr using nation of Envoi WA #16 The Federal Republic of Ezaria WA #17 The Federation of Flanelvia WA #18 The Republic of Foreinlandia WA #19 The Meritocratic Kingdom of Gharghot WA #20 The United Socialist States of Gine Caruttiva WA #21 The Parliamentary Republic of Greater Drussi WA #22 The Theocracy of Hamajura WA #23 The People's Republic of Hitentherps WA #24 The Empire of Hot Catboys WA #25 The Constitutional Monarchy of Ignis Aequitatis WA #26 The Most Serene Republic of Illuminous Tee Swirl WA #27 The Kolhoos of J6geva WA #28 The Democratic Republic of Jank-a-Bank Land WA #29 The Free Land of Joviven WA #30 The Constitutional Monarchy of Kartouzhistan WA #31 The Confederacy of Kesset WA #32 The Federal Republic of Koln-Bonn WA #33 The Republic of Korolkholm WA #34 The Republic of Krayo29 WA #35 The People's Republic of Kropotkin Island WA #36 The Democratic Republic of Kuinasia WA #37 The Queendom of Laeloria WA #38 The ???????????????????????????? of Lemona WA #39 The Imperial Provinces of Lkandria WA #40 The United Socialist States of Lobroynia WA #41 The Free Land of Loonielan WA #42 The County of Lotarmy WA #43 The Federation of Luminality WA #44 The Tie-Dye Republic of Mars Hotel WA #45 The United Socialist States of Masiona WA #46 The Federal Republic of Middward WA #47 The Republic of Mingde WA #48 The Commonwealth of Mjau WA | #49 The Republic of Mornamaa WA #50 The Democratic Republic of Mylopolis WA #51 The Deep Blue Sea of National Coraland of Fishery WA #52 The United Socialist States of New Socialist Super State WA #53 The Peoples Republic of New United Common-lands WA #54 The The Un Holy Gold Republic of New Zephyra WA #55 The Democratic Republic of Niplusion WA #56 The Republic of NortonRex WA #57 The Federation of Nova Internationale WA #58 The United Socialist States of Ochelaga WA #59 The Purple Consciousness of Oldmanzakk WA #60 The Federal Republic of Ophaesia WA #61 The Peculiar Nation of Otherland WA #62 The Galactical Empire of Otrama-Averilla WA #63 The Most Serene Republic of Oursulaert WA #64 The Corporate Dystopia of Pheonixknight WA #65 The Republic of Plass Kaylanale WA #66 The Kingdom of Prachu WA #67 The Incorporated States of Prism Point WA #68 The Empire of Purelin WA #69 The New republic of Puttt WA #70 The Nomadic Territories of Ragnox WA #71 The United States of Rogue River WA #72 The Commonwealth of Scooteristan WA #73 The Republic of Sefai WA #74 The Federation of Sera Valle WA #75 The Glorious Memeland of Shavo WA #76 The Federation of Silves WA #77 The Federal Republic of Simabe WA #78 The Republic of Skrewty WA #79 The Several Showerless Semesters of Smeg WA #80 The Rare 360 No-Scopers of Sniper Slayers WA #81 The Free Land of So Much Freedom WA #82 The Enlightened Republic of Southsea WA #83 The Democratic Socialist States of Starulinska WA #84 The Empire of The Powerhouse WA #85 The United Commonwealths of The Washington Federation WA #86 The United Kingdom of Tomargand WA #87 The Republic of Trustertid WA #88 The Communist Collective of Unat WA #89 The Republic of United Lovervyche WA #90 The Democratic Republic of United Soviet States of Kim Kardashian WA #91 The Democratic Republic of United States and many many more countys WA #92 The Most Serene Republic of Uzaire WA #93 The Primitive People's Republic of Vitorianiania WA #94 The Kingdom of Vofliyle WA #95 The ???????????????????????????? of Yodle WA |