NS Economy v3.69 Mobile - Nation States


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There are 95 WA Countries in the Region of The Region That Has No Big Banks

You have arrived at the WA Nations list for The Region That Has No Big Banks.

Simply, the following list is all of the WA delegates from the Region of The Region That Has No Big Banks. To use the page as a clearing house, click on the WA next to the nation you want to visit, and the Nation States page for that individual should open in a new window.

What do I do with this?
For those regions looking to keep their delegates "Democratically" Elected, the list is split in roughly half for a quick 50% count of available endorsements. This list has also been used to help raiders looking to meet the locals, delegates looking to monitor their kingdoms, newbies seeking endorsements so they gain some influence, and corporations looking to sell wares in a warzone... (among other things). The author suggests Nations interested in Security show this to your delegate. Others have access to this info too, and readily use it for lot's of things. You should be too. That is the point of having this system published.

1. Select a different Nation from the whole region to view (complete Region's Nation listings).

Top 25 GDP Leaders:
2. Regional trade .
3. Regional GDP .
4. Click here to see WA Member Nations.
5. Regional Exchange Rates.

#1 The Republic of Achrom WA

#2 The Diplomatically Immune State of America the Greater WA

#3 The Federation of Aya Democratic Republic WA

#4 The Commonwealth of Batcountry WA

#5 The Doggo Republic of Bob Harnan WA

#6 The Democratic Republic of BrendenE WA

#7 The United Socialist States of Calasso WA

#8 The Grand republic of Carolian Empire WA

#9 The Commonwealth of Ceruleantica WA

#10 The Questionable Conglomeration of Chronic and Violent IBS WA

#11 The Allied States of Cymarran WA

#12 The Socialist Monarchy of Danobia WA

#13 The Republic of Domecratik Supperman WA

#14 The Empire of Egyptian Emporium WA

#15 The Tumblr using nation of Envoi WA

#16 The Federal Republic of Ezaria WA

#17 The Federation of Flanelvia WA

#18 The Republic of Foreinlandia WA

#19 The Meritocratic Kingdom of Gharghot WA

#20 The United Socialist States of Gine Caruttiva WA

#21 The Parliamentary Republic of Greater Drussi WA

#22 The Theocracy of Hamajura WA

#23 The People's Republic of Hitentherps WA

#24 The Empire of Hot Catboys WA

#25 The Constitutional Monarchy of Ignis Aequitatis WA

#26 The Most Serene Republic of Illuminous Tee Swirl WA

#27 The Kolhoos of J6geva WA

#28 The Democratic Republic of Jank-a-Bank Land WA

#29 The Free Land of Joviven WA

#30 The Constitutional Monarchy of Kartouzhistan WA

#31 The Confederacy of Kesset WA

#32 The Federal Republic of Koln-Bonn WA

#33 The Republic of Korolkholm WA

#34 The Republic of Krayo29 WA

#35 The People's Republic of Kropotkin Island WA

#36 The Democratic Republic of Kuinasia WA

#37 The Queendom of Laeloria WA

#38 The ???????????????????????????? of Lemona WA

#39 The Imperial Provinces of Lkandria WA

#40 The United Socialist States of Lobroynia WA

#41 The Free Land of Loonielan WA

#42 The County of Lotarmy WA

#43 The Federation of Luminality WA

#44 The Tie-Dye Republic of Mars Hotel WA

#45 The United Socialist States of Masiona WA

#46 The Federal Republic of Middward WA

#47 The Republic of Mingde WA

#48 The Commonwealth of Mjau WA

#49 The Republic of Mornamaa WA

#50 The Democratic Republic of Mylopolis WA

#51 The Deep Blue Sea of National Coraland of Fishery WA

#52 The United Socialist States of New Socialist Super State WA

#53 The Peoples Republic of New United Common-lands WA

#54 The The Un Holy Gold Republic of New Zephyra WA

#55 The Democratic Republic of Niplusion WA

#56 The Republic of NortonRex WA

#57 The Federation of Nova Internationale WA

#58 The United Socialist States of Ochelaga WA

#59 The Purple Consciousness of Oldmanzakk WA

#60 The Federal Republic of Ophaesia WA

#61 The Peculiar Nation of Otherland WA

#62 The Galactical Empire of Otrama-Averilla WA

#63 The Most Serene Republic of Oursulaert WA

#64 The Corporate Dystopia of Pheonixknight WA

#65 The Republic of Plass Kaylanale WA

#66 The Kingdom of Prachu WA

#67 The Incorporated States of Prism Point WA

#68 The Empire of Purelin WA

#69 The New republic of Puttt WA

#70 The Nomadic Territories of Ragnox WA

#71 The United States of Rogue River WA

#72 The Commonwealth of Scooteristan WA

#73 The Republic of Sefai WA

#74 The Federation of Sera Valle WA

#75 The Glorious Memeland of Shavo WA

#76 The Federation of Silves WA

#77 The Federal Republic of Simabe WA

#78 The Republic of Skrewty WA

#79 The Several Showerless Semesters of Smeg WA

#80 The Rare 360 No-Scopers of Sniper Slayers WA

#81 The Free Land of So Much Freedom WA

#82 The Enlightened Republic of Southsea WA

#83 The Democratic Socialist States of Starulinska WA

#84 The Empire of The Powerhouse WA

#85 The United Commonwealths of The Washington Federation WA

#86 The United Kingdom of Tomargand WA

#87 The Republic of Trustertid WA

#88 The Communist Collective of Unat WA

#89 The Republic of United Lovervyche WA

#90 The Democratic Republic of United Soviet States of Kim Kardashian WA

#91 The Democratic Republic of United States and many many more countys WA

#92 The Most Serene Republic of Uzaire WA

#93 The Primitive People's Republic of Vitorianiania WA

#94 The Kingdom of Vofliyle WA

#95 The ???????????????????????????? of Yodle WA

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