NS Economy v3.69 Mobile - Nation States


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There are 104 WA Countries in the Region of United Kingdom

You have arrived at the WA Nations list for United Kingdom.

Simply, the following list is all of the WA delegates from the Region of United Kingdom. To use the page as a clearing house, click on the WA next to the nation you want to visit, and the Nation States page for that individual should open in a new window.

What do I do with this?
For those regions looking to keep their delegates "Democratically" Elected, the list is split in roughly half for a quick 50% count of available endorsements. This list has also been used to help raiders looking to meet the locals, delegates looking to monitor their kingdoms, newbies seeking endorsements so they gain some influence, and corporations looking to sell wares in a warzone... (among other things). The author suggests Nations interested in Security show this to your delegate. Others have access to this info too, and readily use it for lot's of things. You should be too. That is the point of having this system published.

1. Select a different Nation from the whole region to view (complete Region's Nation listings).

Top 25 GDP Leaders:
2. Regional trade .
3. Regional GDP .
4. Click here to see WA Member Nations.
5. Regional Exchange Rates.

#1 The Empire of Alaxanadria WA

#2 The Kingdom of Ardamion WA

#3 The People's Republic of Armley WA

#4 The Constitutional Monarchy of Atlantis-Anastasia WA

#5 The Autonomous Community of Ballzia WA

#6 The Empire of Belgian Repblic WA

#7 The Socialist Republic of Berglia WA

#8 The Potato-Farming Peoples of Betelgeuse XII WA

#9 The United Socialist States of Black Country WA

#10 The Principality of Bobcattiland WA

#11 The Republic of Borrhead WA

#12 The Kingdom of Burg land WA

#13 The Confederacy of Cajagi WA

#14 The United Kingdom of Cardiff and Glamorgan WA

#15 The United States of Caribbland WA

#16 The United States of Caropol WA

#17 The Constitutional Monarchy of Catpatriae WA

#18 The Federation of Chuffstan WA

#19 The Most Serene Republic of Clutchpearlia WA

#20 The Empire of Creepy0 WA

#21 The Kingdom of Cunaris WA

#22 The Democratic Republic of Daball WA

#23 The Cowa Bunga people of Demonicarnation WA

#24 The Empire of Ebonnium WA

#25 The United Kingdom of Edyx WA

#26 The Socialist Republic of Elgoriath WA

#27 The Kingdom of Far Soldragas Islands WA

#28 The Kingdom of Franceie WA

#29 The United Empire of Fruitopia WA

#30 The Commonwealth of FunnyBunnyBoops WA

#31 The United Kingdom of Gem Glo Erworryans WA

#32 The Royal Dictatorship of German Hazreich WA

#33 The Empire of Goboatmoney WA

#34 The United Kingdom of Great Britain and The Northern Irish WA

#35 The Republic of Greater Dennia WA

#36 The Federal Republic of Harmix WA

#37 The Dictatorship of Hruschland WA

#38 The Constitutional Monarchy of Hulia WA

#39 The Republic of Hurstovia WA

#40 The Empire of Imperium Rus-Germania WA

#41 The Most Serene Republic of Karanta WA

#42 The Empire of Katranland WA

#43 The Republic of Kebbenenioc WA

#44 The Sultanate of Khorezistan WA

#45 The UK Sovereign of Lancashia WA

#46 The Grand Duchy of Lancumbrua WA

#47 The United Isles of Lawteria WA

#48 The Holy Empire of Liszland WA

#49 The Republic of Litrino WA

#50 The Kingdom of LittleLand WA

#51 The Constitutional Monarchy of Lofandia WA

#52 The Socialist Republic of Longdendale WA

#53 The Constitutional Monarchy of Lynnith WA

#54 The Seven United Counties of Madigon WA

#55 The Most Serene Republic of Meso Harenae WA

#56 The Kingdom of Middle Ingerland WA

#57 The Unided States of Milester WA

#58 The Royal United Principality of Monarchial Gibraltar WA

#59 The Constitutional Monarchy of Moritevon WA

#60 The Imperial Government of N27 WA

#61 The Sacred Land of New Vermion WA

#62 The Queendom of Newsopollian WA

#63 The Empire of Northern Earth Japan WA

#64 The Empire of Nyrian WA

#65 The Federal Republic of Ossomone WA

#66 The Fish State of Ounalania WA

#67 The Dictatorship of Partuchia WA

#68 The Empire of PolPugLand WA

#69 The People's Republic of Riotania WA

#70 The Dominion of Roclovis WA

#71 The Democratic Republic of Rydina WA

#72 The Constitutional Monarchy of Saint George and Saint Michael WA

#73 The State of Sarawak Darulhana WA

#74 The Grand Duchy of Saxe Weimar Eisenach WA

#75 The United Federation of Sea1and WA

#76 The Former Monarch of Silver Steps WA

#77 The Sudrian Empire of Sodoriash WA

#78 The Republic of Sollist WA

#79 The WA Delegate of South Boston Irishmen WA

#80 The Federal Republic of Southeast Rhodesia WA

#81 The Parliamentary State of Terrevel WA

#82 The Incorporated States of Tezorika WA

#83 The Velocracy of The Anaerobic Republic WA

#84 The Confederation of The empire of scando WA

#85 The Protectorate of The Eras Tour International Tour WA

#86 The United Sectors of The Freyr Consortium WA

#87 The Republic of The United Colonies of the World WA

#88 The Republic of The United Federation of North America WA

#89 The Rogue Nation of Tombola WA

#90 The Kingdom of Tursul WA

#91 The Allied States of Twano WA

#92 The Kingdom of Tygualles WA

#93 The Republic of Ufoland WA

#94 The Confederacy of United Celtics WA

#95 The Federal Republic of United Mexico States WA

#96 The United Countries of United ussr country WA

#97 The Republic of United Vilain Yerphy WA

#98 The Kingdom of Uppingham WA

#99 The Kingdom of Vanandia WA

#100 The Future Begins of Vishizzia WA

#101 The Roman Imperium of Vulcravia WA

#102 The Lucas Adkins of Welsh Texas WA

#103 The United Kingdom of Xanagara WA

#104 The Empire of Zlexxoland WA

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