#1 The Empire of Alaxanadria WA #2 The Kingdom of Ardamion WA #3 The People's Republic of Armley WA #4 The Constitutional Monarchy of Atlantis-Anastasia WA #5 The Autonomous Community of Ballzia WA #6 The Empire of Belgian Repblic WA #7 The Socialist Republic of Berglia WA #8 The Potato-Farming Peoples of Betelgeuse XII WA #9 The United Socialist States of Black Country WA #10 The Principality of Bobcattiland WA #11 The Republic of Borrhead WA #12 The Kingdom of Burg land WA #13 The Confederacy of Cajagi WA #14 The United Kingdom of Cardiff and Glamorgan WA #15 The United States of Caribbland WA #16 The United States of Caropol WA #17 The Constitutional Monarchy of Catpatriae WA #18 The Federation of Chuffstan WA #19 The Most Serene Republic of Clutchpearlia WA #20 The Empire of Creepy0 WA #21 The Kingdom of Cunaris WA #22 The Democratic Republic of Daball WA #23 The Cowa Bunga people of Demonicarnation WA #24 The Empire of Ebonnium WA #25 The United Kingdom of Edyx WA #26 The Socialist Republic of Elgoriath WA #27 The Kingdom of Far Soldragas Islands WA #28 The Kingdom of Franceie WA #29 The United Empire of Fruitopia WA #30 The Commonwealth of FunnyBunnyBoops WA #31 The United Kingdom of Gem Glo Erworryans WA #32 The Royal Dictatorship of German Hazreich WA #33 The Empire of Goboatmoney WA #34 The United Kingdom of Great Britain and The Northern Irish WA #35 The Republic of Greater Dennia WA #36 The Federal Republic of Harmix WA #37 The Dictatorship of Hruschland WA #38 The Constitutional Monarchy of Hulia WA #39 The Republic of Hurstovia WA #40 The Empire of Imperium Rus-Germania WA #41 The Most Serene Republic of Karanta WA #42 The Empire of Katranland WA #43 The Republic of Kebbenenioc WA #44 The Sultanate of Khorezistan WA #45 The UK Sovereign of Lancashia WA #46 The Grand Duchy of Lancumbrua WA #47 The United Isles of Lawteria WA #48 The Holy Empire of Liszland WA #49 The Republic of Litrino WA #50 The Kingdom of LittleLand WA #51 The Constitutional Monarchy of Lofandia WA #52 The Socialist Republic of Longdendale WA #53 The Constitutional Monarchy of Lynnith WA | #54 The Seven United Counties of Madigon WA #55 The Most Serene Republic of Meso Harenae WA #56 The Kingdom of Middle Ingerland WA #57 The Unided States of Milester WA #58 The Royal United Principality of Monarchial Gibraltar WA #59 The Constitutional Monarchy of Moritevon WA #60 The Imperial Government of N27 WA #61 The Sacred Land of New Vermion WA #62 The Queendom of Newsopollian WA #63 The Empire of Northern Earth Japan WA #64 The Empire of Nyrian WA #65 The Federal Republic of Ossomone WA #66 The Fish State of Ounalania WA #67 The Dictatorship of Partuchia WA #68 The Empire of PolPugLand WA #69 The People's Republic of Riotania WA #70 The Dominion of Roclovis WA #71 The Democratic Republic of Rydina WA #72 The Constitutional Monarchy of Saint George and Saint Michael WA #73 The State of Sarawak Darulhana WA #74 The Grand Duchy of Saxe Weimar Eisenach WA #75 The United Federation of Sea1and WA #76 The Former Monarch of Silver Steps WA #77 The Sudrian Empire of Sodoriash WA #78 The Republic of Sollist WA #79 The WA Delegate of South Boston Irishmen WA #80 The Federal Republic of Southeast Rhodesia WA #81 The Parliamentary State of Terrevel WA #82 The Incorporated States of Tezorika WA #83 The Velocracy of The Anaerobic Republic WA #84 The Confederation of The empire of scando WA #85 The Protectorate of The Eras Tour International Tour WA #86 The United Sectors of The Freyr Consortium WA #87 The Republic of The United Colonies of the World WA #88 The Republic of The United Federation of North America WA #89 The Rogue Nation of Tombola WA #90 The Kingdom of Tursul WA #91 The Allied States of Twano WA #92 The Kingdom of Tygualles WA #93 The Republic of Ufoland WA #94 The Confederacy of United Celtics WA #95 The Federal Republic of United Mexico States WA #96 The United Countries of United ussr country WA #97 The Republic of United Vilain Yerphy WA #98 The Kingdom of Uppingham WA #99 The Kingdom of Vanandia WA #100 The Future Begins of Vishizzia WA #101 The Roman Imperium of Vulcravia WA #102 The Lucas Adkins of Welsh Texas WA #103 The United Kingdom of Xanagara WA #104 The Empire of Zlexxoland WA |