1: The Crooked Blob Council of 3of3 Pop: 11,197 Mil 2: The Dominion of Allysaurusia Pop: 157 Mil 3: The Subservient Nation of B-Simphlistica Pop: 6,276 Mil 4: The 2nd Republic of Barstow Geresland Pop: 11,085 Mil 5: The Storm Lords of BlueNwhite Pop: 12,214 Mil 6: The Confederated Tribes of Bongo-LaBomba Pop: 19,613 Mil 7: The 5th Republic of C-Simphlistica Pop: 10,274 Mil 8: The FailedNation of Carmets Napsemoland Pop: 10,841 Mil 9: The Prison of Castarda Pop: 2,969 Mil 10: The Pillores Republic of Chinmia Stan Pop: 11,285 Mil 11: The Cilbuper of Cixixa Pop: 5,144 Mil 12: The Slave Master Nation of Cor Ion Pop: 11,109 Mil 13: The Tribal Nations of Drabba-Jabba Pop: 20,728 Mil 14: The Confederacy of East Mudfish Pop: 18,073 Mil 15: The Desolate Stenchland of Elimba Pop: 10,072 Mil 16: The Pirate Nation of FENS Admiral Haynes Shlitz Pop: 11,375 Mil 17: The Shaaronik Council of FENS Albert Linsuki Pop: 11,099 Mil 18: The Provisional Republic of FENS Jenkins Island 1896 Pop: 11,175 Mil 19: The Failing Anarchy of Flimba Pop: 10,740 Mil 20: The Queendom of FrothyDiserland Pop: 11,137 Mil 21: The Comatose State of Generic Allyspeaking Pop: 10,057 Mil 22: The Stenchland of Generic Monkey Pop: 10,045 Mil 23: The God Ordained Feudal States of Generic Stoman Pop: 10,819 Mil 24: The Republic of Grand Blimba Pop: 2,662 Mil 25: The Queendom of Granny Z Pop: 3,554 Mil 26: The Republic of Great Paxil Island Pop: 2,451 Mil 27: The Archives of GreenNwhite Pop: 11,725 Mil 28: The 2nd Republic of Heds Sloopacran Pop: 10,346 Mil 29: The Wizardom of Himba Pop: 10,526 Mil 30: The Colony of How Much Duzahenway Pop: 2,780 Mil 31: The Fascist Losers of Hydraballooona Pop: 10,627 Mil 32: The Anarchy of HydraBarony Pop: 10,462 Mil 33: The Fools Guild of Irish Trader 002 Pop: 10,318 Mil 34: The Grand Theft Autocracy of Irish Trader 101 Pop: 10,508 Mil 35: The Pathetic Loser Council of Irish Trader 102 Pop: 10,694 Mil 36: The Grand Republik of Irish Trader 206 Pop: 10,995 Mil 37: The Failed Nation of L5543 Lunar Pop: 10,410 Mil 38: The Selene Prison of L665 Lunar Pop: 11,513 Mil 39: The Commonwealth of Lagos Chapala Pop: 2,476 Mil 40: The Trust Territory of Lightbluenwhite Pop: 11,862 Mil 41: The Stenchland Colony of Lower Cla Onehesterf Pop: 11,176 Mil 42: The Stenchlandic Duchy of M Lemm Pop: 10,781 Mil 43: The Republic of Many Lies Big Bottom Pop: 2,313 Mil 44: The Republic of Mothers of Retention Pop: 2,991 Mil 45: The Colony of Nastarda Pop: 1,181 Mil 46: The Stenchland of Organ of Endearing Affection Pop: 10,786 Mil 47: The Commonstench of Organ of Foxtorok Galliandland Pop: 10,728 Mil 48: The Territorial Government of Organ of Inate Harmony Pop: 10,840 Mil 49: The 4th Republic of Organ of Softness Beautyful Pop: 10,036 Mil | 50: The Confederated Communities of PannsiDixieLand Pop: 19,507 Mil 51: The Merchant Guilds of PBTL Pop: 13,529 Mil 52: The Sluguranic Republic of Placekeepers2 Pop: 8,160 Mil 53: The Fascist Dictaforship of Poorboysia Pop: 10,871 Mil 54: The Stenchland of Popidia Chadelse Pop: 10,777 Mil 55: The Paradise of Port Apotti Pop: 16,965 Mil 56: The Shaaronik council of Poszastarda Pop: 18,152 Mil 57: The Republic of Propounded Empathy Pop: 3,238 Mil 58: The SubCaliphate of Providence 5 Pop: 9,411 Mil 59: The 2nd Republic of Puppet of Ucancallmequeenbee Pop: 14,188 Mil 60: The Bankrupt Residual Regime of Puppet of Zastarda Pop: 14,784 Mil 61: The Merchant Council of PurpleNothers Pop: 11,148 Mil 62: The Archives of Respected Drunkards Pop: 6,230 Mil 63: The Associated City-States of Sairese Bals Pop: 9,674 Mil 64: The People's Republic of Skeptical Amoeba Pop: 2,825 Mil 65: The Circular Gathering of Smollia Junior Pop: 6,333 Mil 66: The Republic of Soap Dropper Pop: 2,271 Mil 67: The Trust Territory of Socks of All Sorts Pop: 23,115 Mil 68: The Shaaronik Council of Szinsk Pop: 11,165 Mil 69: The Republic of Tiny Fingers Pop: 2,228 Mil 70: The Blobdom of Ur Albania Pop: 7,110 Mil 71: The Mar-A-LOCO of Ur American Samoa Pop: 7,076 Mil 72: The Rictorship of Ur Andorra Pop: 6,781 Mil 73: The Republic of Ur Angola Pop: 7,138 Mil 74: The Traach Circle of Ur Anguilla Pop: 6,756 Mil 75: The Republic of Ur Argentina Pop: 7,380 Mil 76: The Saffponic Priesthood of Ur Aruba Pop: 6,922 Mil 77: The Funkytown Alliance of Ur Atlantis Pop: 7,930 Mil 78: The Felonious Council of Ur Austral Islands Pop: 6,753 Mil 79: The Failed Nation of Ur Australia Pop: 7,103 Mil 80: The Uruendro of Ur Australia Under Pop: 6,855 Mil 81: The Republic of Ur Austria Pop: 6,573 Mil 82: The UR Republic of Ur Axixic Pop: 8,226 Mil 83: The Romantic Republic of Ur Azores Pop: 7,161 Mil 84: The Republic of Ur Bahrain Pop: 7,266 Mil 85: The Police State of Ur Seattle Pop: 5,093 Mil 86: The Republic of UrAaland Isles Pop: 7,585 Mil 87: The Stenchland of Ustarda Pop: 18,863 Mil 88: The Pompotous Pra?ff of Vastarda Pop: 19,022 Mil 89: The Republic of Vinegaah Pop: 2,192 Mil 90: The Republic of Warlords of Samuel Jaxzon Pop: 1,811 Mil 91: The Pirate Nation of Wastarda Pop: 20,044 Mil 92: The Juszhan z Nation of West Aberington Pop: 11,236 Mil 93: The Podahzian Commune of West Mudfish Pop: 16,455 Mil 94: The Grand Duchy of Wither Thypigh Goofs Willny Pop: 2,433 Mil 95: The Stenchland Protectorate of Zamoki Andiereviaordia Pop: 10,973 Mil |