#1 The Most Serene Republic of AA Recovery WA #2 The Great Machine of Progress of Aeox-Ashox and Qafox-Bash-Kirox WA #3 The Empire of Afkun Empire WA #4 The People's Republic of Amuroslavia WA #5 The Free Land of Arbitria WA #6 The Constitutional Monarchy of Argucia WA #7 The Federatyvna Respublika of Astroika WA #8 The Socialist Islands of Atzlan WA #9 The Armed Republic of Auarnia WA #10 The Colony of Ausnesia WA #11 The Republic of Awearthos WA #12 The Republic of Baronikia WA #13 The Incorporated States of British Oceania 1984 WA #14 The Republic of Carvat Daux WA #15 The People's Republic of Experman Islan WA #16 The Federation of FEDERAL ROYAL STATES OF NINER WA #17 The Merchant Class Jumpship of Fumingwan WA #18 The Republic of Galboria WA #19 The Empire of Gooberiea WA #20 The Matriarchy of Gosurori WA #21 The Most Serene Republic of Halomewni WA #22 The State of Hispaniola2 WA #23 The Fedʀæt-d Kaͷtʊ⩃z of Insiag WA #24 The Protectorate of Isla Conodoria WA #25 The Republic of Isola dOro WA #26 The Republic of Izchyvyk WA #27 The People's Republic of Kandia WA #28 The Deadness of Keronal WA #29 The Republic of Kokoomuslandia WA #30 The Republic of Koluga WA #31 The Queendom Heaven Elysium of Land of the Bussy Wussyz World but BETER WA #32 The Eiserne and Ewige of Lionsroar WA #33 The Nomadic Peoples of Lokoxa WA #34 The Union Federations of LSK WA #35 The Republic of Ludviska WA #36 The Federal Republic of Marshtavik Super-Universe WA | #37 The Ides of May of Maurnindaia WA #38 The Lai Rain? Li?arda of Meadowfields WA #39 The Republic of Moneyislove WA #40 The Federation of Natost WA #41 The Commonwealth of Neburas WA #42 The ???? Friendship ???? of Noodle Cats WA #43 The Federal Republic of Nordiv WA #44 The Empire of Northern Imperial Authority WA #45 The Republic of Otaxinland WA #46 The Confederacy of Pakistani Provinces WA #47 The Republic of Pelagic sea WA #48 The United States of Quilette WA #49 The Republic of Radogeo WA #50 The Commonwealth of Republic of the european union WA #51 The Democratic States of Rygmus WA #52 The Federal Republic of Sartir WA #53 The Somewhat Malevolent Planet of Saturn Military Administration WA #54 The Empire of Sirodil WA #55 The Democratic Republic of Slodtai Mar WA #56 The Socialist Republic of The Blacrourown WA #57 The Federal Republic of The western valley of hope WA #58 The Holy Empire of Theno2 WA #59 The Undemocratic Nation of Tins WA #60 The ㅤloli queen of Tranquilizer-O7 WA #61 The Republic of Tsiontaveinmystan WA #62 The Republic of Tumakt WA #63 The Community of Ubuntu Unum WA #64 The Republic of Vlangerstars WA #65 The Federal Republic of Vorbeck WA #66 The Democratic States of Walusiya WA #67 The Republic of West Balkan WA #68 The Borderlands of WuintonQu WA #69 The Federal Republic of Yugoslavs WA #70 The Liberal Social Democracy of Zavocaste Greyfforge WA |