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83 Countries populate the Region of Warlords Razing All Thats Hostile

You have arrived at the list of countries that make up the Region of Warlords Razing All Thats Hostile.

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1: The Rogue Nation of 4546 B
Pop: 203 Mil

2: The Empire of Adalida
Pop: 2,360 Mil

3: The Federation of Aesti Republic
Pop: 1,358 Mil

4: The Archipelago of Anchoolan
Pop: 1,901 Mil

5: The Empire of Arch Flounder
Pop: 619 Mil

6: The Colony of Bluest of the blue
Pop: 339 Mil

7: The Colony of Brain Coral
Pop: 283 Mil

8: The Republic of Branch Coral
Pop: 297 Mil

9: The Queendom of Coconut Water
Pop: 525 Mil

10: The Republic of Debubopbowndepubop 6969
Pop: 40 Mil

11: The Rogue Nation of Diandclickno
Pop: 360 Mil

12: The Rogue Nation of Disappeared
Pop: 1,261 Mil

13: The Rogue Nation of Disappearing
Pop: 1,509 Mil

14: The Republic of Dollhouse
Pop: 287 Mil

15: The Community of Dragons Nests
Pop: 553 Mil

16: The Empire of Edibility
Pop: 430 Mil

17: The Federal Republic of Elkhorn Coral
Pop: 283 Mil

18: The Elusive Empire of Enigma Enclave
Pop: 1,651 Mil

19: The Confederacy of EPKOT Centre
Pop: 80 Mil

20: The Holy Empire of Far Tartar
Pop: 293 Mil

21: The Republic of Flower Coral
Pop: 196 Mil

22: The Community of Fort Dawndom
Pop: 701 Mil

23: The Royals of Free Bale
Pop: 2,145 Mil

24: The Confederacy of Fru-Tea Yoghurt
Pop: 81 Mil

25: The Commonwealth of Ga1axies
Pop: 236 Mil

26: The Commonwealth of Global Unity
Pop: 1,100 Mil

27: The Nomadic Peoples of Gold Wanderers
Pop: 413 Mil

28: The Rogue Nation of Greater Wall Bod
Pop: 1,958 Mil

29: The Theocracy of Grimoires
Pop: 284 Mil

30: The Republic of Gualios Lotlan
Pop: 262 Mil

31: The Protectorate of Hollow Jade
Pop: 1,085 Mil

32: The Colony of Hot Cocoa
Pop: 719 Mil

33: The Community of Indigo Roses
Pop: 639 Mil

34: The Dominion of Information Center
Pop: 601 Mil

35: The Confederacy of Kastaryn International Postage
Pop: 80 Mil

36: The Repblic of Koplegeld
Pop: 1,983 Mil

37: The Free Land of Lagnuilles
Pop: 2,120 Mil

38: The Kingdom of Lan Mati
Pop: 366 Mil

39: The Community of Lanternfalls
Pop: 394 Mil

40: The Nomadic Peoples of Lanternsfall
Pop: 397 Mil

41: The Republic of Lettuce Coral
Pop: 223 Mil

42: The Dominion of Librarians
Pop: 367 Mil

43: The Queendom of Lorekeeper
Pop: 357 Mil

44: The Technocratic Federation of Lower Dandunarklan
Pop: 2,482 Mil

45: The Holy Empire of Luminous Ink
Pop: 323 Mil

46: The Republic of Manufacturer
Pop: 289 Mil

47: The Holy Empire of Mar Adz
Pop: 368 Mil

48: The Free Land of Milky
Pop: 1,105 Mil

49: The Dictatorship of Nekashata
Pop: 335 Mil

50: The Empire of New Cobodics
Pop: 1,095 Mil

51: The Disputed Territories of Pillar Coral
Pop: 198 Mil

52: The Holy Empire of Pine Islands
Pop: 1,091 Mil

53: The Community of Portsbelly
Pop: 812 Mil

54: The Holy Empire of Pukeko Island
Pop: 216 Mil

55: The Colony of Pukeko Rock
Pop: 227 Mil

56: The Commonwealth of Redder-vel
Pop: 81 Mil

57: The Republic of ReservelReservelReservel
Pop: 62 Mil

58: The Republic of Soli Ren
Pop: 1,139 Mil

59: The Most Serene Republic of South Tale Fed Islands
Pop: 1,150 Mil

60: The Rogue Nation of Staghorn Coral
Pop: 199 Mil

61: The Republic of Sun Coral
Pop: 202 Mil

62: The Incorporated States of Table Coral
Pop: 294 Mil

63: The Federation of Tan Pellia
Pop: 1,784 Mil

64: The Community of The Ashata
Pop: 451 Mil

65: The Federal Republic of The Blue Crowns
Pop: 513 Mil

66: The Holy Empire of The Cedar Islands
Pop: 1,156 Mil

67: The Federation of The Enigmatic Willow
Pop: 1,169 Mil

68: The Empire of The Hawk of Gold
Pop: 846 Mil

69: The Confederacy of The Unified Isles of Tropicana
Pop: 1,010 Mil

70: The Oppressed Peoples of The Worst City
Pop: 314 Mil

71: The People's Republic of Tranehe Lasinghteloo Islands
Pop: 1,947 Mil

72: The Constitutional Monarchy of Trans Islands
Pop: 1,110 Mil

73: The Empire of Tube Coral
Pop: 290 Mil

74: The Confederacy of Umbra Dynamics
Pop: 79 Mil

75: The Federal Republic of Unified Globe
Pop: 1,087 Mil

76: The Free Land of Vault 120
Pop: 877 Mil

77: The Empire of Versalis
Pop: 1,031 Mil

78: The Rogue Nation of Vials
Pop: 1,035 Mil

79: The Free Land of Waffle Fries
Pop: 565 Mil

80: The Kingdom of Washbears
Pop: 1,064 Mil

81: The Dictatorship of Wello Fre
Pop: 1,594 Mil

82: The United Socialist States of Workers of Communismia
Pop: 32 Mil

83: The Empire of WRATH Founder
Pop: 50 Mil

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