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The top 28 Trading Countries in the Region of Wheel of Time

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Top 25 GDP Leaders:
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5. Regional Exchange Rates.

NationNet Trade     GDP    
The Matriarchy of Warder Ihvon$-848,628,875,264.00$53,993,300,000,000.00
The Free Land of Logain Ablar$-766,721,458,176.00$66,314,100,000,000.00
The Green Ajah of Alanna Mosvani$-620,417,974,272.00$18,076,300,000,000.00
The Free Land of Thom Merrilin$-600,400,003,072.00$46,790,800,000,000.00
The Theocracy of Siuan Sanche-The Amyrlin Seat$-584,763,572,224.00$45,745,400,000,000.00
The Rogue Nation of Aviendha of the Nine Valleys sept$-547,603,218,432.00$99,930,100,000,000.00
The Theocracy of Leane Sharif$-478,176,935,936.00$35,011,200,000,000.00
The Forgotten King of Al Lan Mandragoran$-476,314,763,264.00$70,326,800,000,000.00
The Colony of Padan Fain$-462,790,492,160.00$73,546,600,000,000.00
The Matriarchy of Wisdom Nynaeve al Meara$-431,853,174,784.00$15,630,400,000,000.00
The Theocracy of Liandrin Guirale$-404,375,994,368.00$106,623,000,000,000.00
The Matriarchy of Warder Stepin$-275,972,292,608.00$30,703,900,000,000.00
The Empire of Rand al Thor-The Dragon Reborn$-252,627,845,120.00$26,980,800,000,000.00
The Theocracy of Lady Moiraine Damodred$-153,292,619,776.00$78,494,900,000,000.00
The Rogue Nation of Matrim Mat Cauthon$-28,988,119,040.00$18,210,100,000,000.00
The Matriarchy of Kerene Nagashi$-27,137,759,232.00$30,476,000,000,000.00
The Empire of Artur Hawkwing$-22,286,983,168.00$71,175,300,000,000.00
The Matriarchy of Egwene al Vere$51,125,088,256.00$29,304,200,000,000.00
The Kingdom of Perrin Goldeneyes Aybara$99,508,781,056.00$39,177,400,000,000.00
The Free Land of The Light and Creator$107,139,014,656.00$47,428,900,000,000.00
The Matriarchy of Warder Maksim$124,545,089,536.00$70,563,400,000,000.00
The Rogue Nation of Min Farshaw$193,582,137,344.00$55,125,200,000,000.00
The Dictatorship of Eamon Valda$338,712,821,760.00$53,732,300,000,000.00
The Armed Republic of Geofram Bornhald$484,964,466,688.00$81,495,300,000,000.00
The Kingdom of Elayne Trakand-Daughter-Heir of Andor$891,742,060,544.00$125,958,000,000,000.00
The Community of Loial son of Arent son of Halan$1,073,477,451,776.00$105,059,000,000,000.00
The Empire of Tuon Athaem Kore Paendrag$1,585,762,795,520.00$91,184,700,000,000.00
The Disputed Territories of Lews Therin Telamon$2,031,820,996,608.00$112,215,000,000,000.00
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