NS Economy v3.69 Mobile - Nation States


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There are 136 WA Countries in the Region of the Outback

You have arrived at the WA Nations list for the Outback.

Simply, the following list is all of the WA delegates from the Region of the Outback. To use the page as a clearing house, click on the WA next to the nation you want to visit, and the Nation States page for that individual should open in a new window.

What do I do with this?
For those regions looking to keep their delegates "Democratically" Elected, the list is split in roughly half for a quick 50% count of available endorsements. This list has also been used to help raiders looking to meet the locals, delegates looking to monitor their kingdoms, newbies seeking endorsements so they gain some influence, and corporations looking to sell wares in a warzone... (among other things). The author suggests Nations interested in Security show this to your delegate. Others have access to this info too, and readily use it for lot's of things. You should be too. That is the point of having this system published.

1. Select a different Nation from the whole region to view (complete Region's Nation listings).

Top 25 GDP Leaders:
2. Regional trade .
3. Regional GDP .
4. Click here to see WA Member Nations.
5. Regional Exchange Rates.

#1 The Oppressed Peoples of 1st Barons Brigade WA

#2 The Free Land of 1st Chechno-Kalimovskian Army WA

#3 The Republic of 1st Northern Polish division WA

#4 The Rogue Nation of Abalathia WA

#5 The Federal Royalist Republic of Adriatican WA

#6 The Liberated Lands of Agrocragoria WA

#7 The Most Serene Republic of AkakaKaka WA

#8 The Production State of Aleister WA

#9 The Fiefdom of Allenic WA

#10 The Dictatorship of Alternative Skaraborg WA

#11 The Federation of Ambumpire WA

#12 The Holy Empire of Apothistan WA

#13 The Sultanate of Ausaland WA

#14 The Shadowboxing the Apocalypse of Badger WA

#15 The Republic of Bilessia WA

#16 The Commonwealth of Blackwater Run WA

#17 The Lupine Autocracy of Bolivaris WA

#18 The Principality of Brass Taqs WA

#19 The Rogue Nation of BreakfastInterruption WA

#20 The Federation of Burkington WA

#21 The Republic of Cannabidius WA

#22 The Republic of Chobioque WA

#23 The Republic of Clamworks WA

#24 The Republic of Comeriania WA

#25 The Colony of Coral Reef Islands WA

#26 The Empire of Cosmic Explosion WA

#27 The Republic of Crowso Pos WA

#28 The Republic of Cynosura WA

#29 The Dictatorship of Dalmatron WA

#30 The Queendom of Damination WA

#31 The Chocolate Loving Paradise of Darkesia WA

#32 The Republic of Dersaland WA

#33 The Kingdom of Dewi Rahl WA

#34 The Republic of Drovnya WA

#35 The Principality of Druga WA

#36 The Democratic States of Druuuwuu WA

#37 The Kingdom of Dynomo WA

#38 The Kingdom of Eastern Australius WA

#39 The United Socialist States of El Sol De Comunista WA

#40 The Hey I Just Met You of Endorse Me Maybe WA

#41 The Legion of Fahrbahn WA

#42 The Federal Republic of Fedonia WA

#43 The Federation of Fluqo WA

#44 The Fash Basher of Foril-Alpha WA

#45 The Democratic Republic of Free Volkstine WA

#46 The Community of Froggit WA

#47 The Republic of Gio1 WA

#48 The Oppressed Peoples of Great Linwa WA

#49 The Squatch Militiaman of Greater Astorias WA

#50 The Federation of Grekhova WA

#51 The Commonwealth of Henrismeshnishner WA

#52 The Eternal Queen of I Came I Saw I Dominated WA

#53 The People's Republic of Independent Oceania WA

#54 The United States of Interior de recife WA

#55 The Kingdom of Jaktokington WA

#56 The Federation of Jesmad WA

#57 The Colony of Jugular Vein WA

#58 The Sultanate of Kan Endow WA

#59 The All-Consuming Rapture of Kaschissimo WA

#60 The United Kingdom of Korbu Tribes WA

#61 The Republic of Kraftingly WA

#62 The Sultanate of Lacakalo WA

#63 The Constitutional Monarchy of Ladolodia WA

#64 The Coordinator of Consolidation of Lady Anastasia WA

#65 The Principality of Leposa WA

#66 The Republic of Libera Publica WA

#67 The Oppressed Peoples of Lizard12 WA

#68 The Commonwealth of Londane WA

#69 The Federation of Lower Con Carne Asada WA

#70 The Republic of Lygon WA

#71 The Karajanagara of Maharadeningrad WA

#72 The Commonwealth of Matagorda Plantation WA

#73 The Republic of Matz his Pet Bunny WA

#74 The Protectorate of Mauritano WA

#75 The Federation of Metropolyte WA

#76 The Miraculous Moves of Miraculously WA

#77 The Blue Bushranger of Miravana WA

#78 The Scrimblo Domain of Napadea WA

#79 The Republic of NCR Trooper X WA

#80 The Federation of Nomuhsee WA

#81 The Technocracy of Nova Aohr WA

#82 The Colony of NPA-norry WA

#83 The Armed Republic of O-Dog WA

#84 The Republic of PM10 WA

#85 The Republic of Polgarias WA

#86 The Combined Allied Forces of Prefect Powers WA

#87 The Nomadic Peoples of Prem Aaru Ponhar WA

#88 The Commonwealth of Quietsleeper1 WA

#89 The Republic of QyreneTorpedo WA

#90 The Captain Sense of Direction of Rather Slow WA

#91 The Republic of Rear Admiral Peeps WA

#92 The Federation of Regao Makkal WA

#93 The Republic of Regnum Lumen WA

#94 The Commonwealth of Republic of Australia and New Zealand WA

#95 The Republic of Republican Liechtenstein WA

#96 The Republic of Sapphic Magical Girls WA

#97 The Armed Republic of Sat Torion WA

#98 The Kingdom of Saunders-Sandwich WA

#99 The Ideal of Sensoria WA

#100 The Republic of Seven-sixteenths WA

#101 The Dictatorship of Siger Bloomblype WA

#102 The Commonwealth of Skibidingles WA

#103 The Grand Duchy of Sleha WA

#104 The Republic of Sous Kur WA

#105 The Winnipegan People's Republic of Southern Eureka WA

#106 The Kingdom of Southmond WA

#107 The Allied States of Sparkletea WA

#108 The Commonwealth of Steakhouse WA

#109 The United States of Stropgrad WA

#110 The Grand Duchy of Superdivaas WA

#111 The Audrey of Sweeze WA

#112 The Federal Republic of Sympindickie WA

#113 The Empire of Terannical WA

#114 The Allied States of The Actual World Defense Organization WA

#115 The Borderlands of The Altans WA

#116 The Autocratic State of The Arusian Empire WA

#117 The Holy Empire of The Behemothh WA

#118 The Towering Terror of The Godzilla WA

#119 The Dominion of The Immortal WA

#120 The United Socialist States of The independent Caledonia WA

#121 The Borderlands of The magzinyan Colony WA

#122 The Republic of The NEW Steak Paul WA

#123 The People's Republic of Tragro WA

#124 The Republic of Tralivia WA

#125 The Empire of Tyranvastan WA

#126 The Incorporated States of Unitary Dhofar WA

#127 The Kingdom of Vanthalis WA

#128 The Protectorate of Versord WA

#129 The Matriarchy of Virtual World WA

#130 The ☠ OBI☠ Mercenary Captain of WaffenBrightonburg WA

#131 The Nomadic Peoples of Walkabout WA

#132 The Wauka wauka of Wauka Mountain WA

#133 The Free Land of WeedPind WA

#134 The Grand Duchy of Yellowjackets WA

#135 The Totally Cool And Not A Nerd of Zazy WA

#136 The Banject Bandit of Zions Thris WA

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