#1 The Eternal Dark Monarchy of 9Pluto WA #2 The Federation of Abayunda WA #3 The Federal Republic of Absensus WA #4 The Kingdom of Adaranthia WA #5 The Empire of Aethosia WA #6 The Council Hegemony of Agram WA #7 The Emirate of Ahmadabad WA #8 The Democratic Republic of AIMARE WA #9 The Progress-driven Collective of Airengard WA #10 The Most Serene and Holy Empire of Al Mutwakkil WA #11 The Federation of Alans Land WA #12 The United Kingdom of Alcaea WA #13 The People's Republic of Alepistan WA #14 The Democratic Republic of Allic Fred WA #15 The United States of America and Pacific Territories WA #16 The Republic of America Bolivariana WA #17 The United States of AMERICA-8 WA #18 The Republic of Amobertnorgus WA #19 The Republic of Anhalz WA #20 The Mōaitoa of Anse WA #21 The Federal Republic of Apalo republican WA #22 The Empire of ApocalyptoX WA #23 The People's Republic of Appall WA #24 The Republic of Aqana WA #25 The Empire of Aquilapolis WA #26 The Community of Arcka WA #27 The Cold Personification of Arcti-Chan WA #28 The Constitutional Monarchy of Arglyss WA #29 The Confederacy of Argova WA #30 The Reborn state of Arkaztania WA #31 The Kingdom of Articys WA #32 The Federal Republic of Arzadonia WA #33 The Unisid Kranysha of Ashendre WA #34 The United States of Aslantica WA #35 The Kingdom of Asutshi WA #36 The Federation of Babblefish WA #37 The Federation of Bahalbha Island WA #38 The Commonwealth of Balateria WA #39 The Democratic Republic of Baldland WA #40 The Commonwealth of Belesia WA #41 The Republic of Berlomer WA #42 The Federal Republic of Biot-Savart WA #43 The Traitorous Wasteland of Bobogoobo WA #44 The Democratic Republic of Bohs WA #45 The Theocracy of Bonyland WA #46 The Most Serene Republic of Brithonakia WA #47 The Kingdom of Brittansk WA #48 The United States of Brivaris WA #49 The Kingdom of Bruessau WA #50 The Federal Republic of C123po WA #51 The Democratic Republic of Caemlyn WA #52 The Republic of Calamarian WA #53 The Dominion of Calhein WA #54 The Republic of Cantambria WA #55 The Rogue Nation of Carcassa WA #56 The Republic of Catalons WA #57 The Democratic Republic of Caterama WA #58 The Council Republic of Celtic Nova Scotia WA #59 The Principality of Com Porp WA #60 The The Military state of of Commune of Australasia WA #61 The People's Republic of Communist Crackous WA #62 The Protectorate of Communistic captial of america WA #63 The United States of Condorcet WA #64 The Republic of Cooklandia WA #65 The Kingdom of Cordaeria WA #66 The United Socialist States of Crakowia WA #67 The Republic of Creesan WA #68 The Federal Republic of Crockettlandt WA #69 The Shadow Realm of Cuatela WA #70 The Commonwealth of Cybertronian Community WA #71 The Night Watch Vigilantes of Cynfin WA #72 The Queendom of Dacta WA #73 The United Socialist States of Dantandrir WA #74 The Republic of Darksight1 WA #75 The Federation of Dastufugs WA #76 The Armalian Republic of Deluks-Derevo WA #77 The Democratic States of Dem Undine WA #78 The Free Land of Democratic Isle Kens WA #79 The Federal Republic of Deneizsya WA #80 The Borderlands of Derision WA #81 The Democratic Republic of Descending Sun WA #82 The Sinosphere Culture Fanatic of DGES WA #83 The Incorporated States of Dibbleria WA #84 The People's Republic of Dojestan WA #85 The Republic of Dolba WA #86 The Republic of Domas WA #87 The Democratic States of Doreantheria WA #88 The Commonwealth of Douglass-Washington State WA #89 The People's Council Republic of Drazhia WA #90 The Empire of Drightland WA #91 The Incorporated States of Dukadia New WA #92 The Principality of Durbtopia WA #93 The Republic of Dymon WA #94 The Protectorate of Dysfunction WA #95 The Dictatorship of Eagle war WA #96 The Most Serene Republic of East Aloyarc WA #97 The Federal Republic of East Bater Atts WA #98 The Pacifican Empire of East Durthang WA #99 The Republic of East Lylat WA #100 The Republic of Eastern Blackers WA #101 The Dominion of Eastern Healthists WA #102 The Intellectual Exercise of Eilean Damh WA #103 The Principality of Elgacia WA #104 The State of Canaan the Levant y of Elixandropolis WA #105 The Marxist-Leninist Republic of Elizbastan WA #106 The Republic of Elputojack WA #107 The Stellar Realms of Elyreia WA #108 The Monarchy of Elysiana Realm WA #109 The Republic of Empire of Ice Reloaded WA #110 The Great and Powerful of Empire of the United Sovereign Powers WA #111 The Republic of Emrnland WA #112 The Commonwealth of Enioshis Hen WA #113 The Commonwealth of Eolt WA #114 The Protectorate of Epekwitk WA #115 The Republic of Epimethys WA #116 The Matriarchal Empire of Eragon Island WA #117 The United States of Ericlandiawoof WA #118 The Feudal Empire of Esterys WA #119 The Empire of Eternal Flames WA #120 The Federal Republic of Eurafrica WA #121 The Democratic Republic of Eyernawk WA #122 The Queendom of Faerie Britain WA #123 The Colony of Far Raatheistan WA #124 The United Socialist Republic of Farquharland WA #125 The Principality of Farrinostan WA #126 The Empire of Fatimya WA #127 The Realm of Federal republic Sarmeria WA #128 The Federal Republic of Federation of Galizia WA #129 The Federal Republic of Federation of the Astral Plane WA #130 The Rogue Nation of Federation of Varland WA #131 The Empire of Flambasque WA #132 The Grand Duchy of Former Warsaw States WA #133 The Titoist Federation of Fraternalism WA #134 The Multinational Corporations of Frawley WA #135 The Pass the Holy Grand Duchy of Fredanica WA #136 The Free Land of Gadsenopolis WA #137 The Kingdom of Gahoot WA #138 The Commonwealth of Gaihia WA #139 The Democratic Republic of Galavin WA #140 The Righteous Technocracy of Galered WA #141 The Life in Death of Ghost Queen WA #142 The United Kingdom of Ghostly Herds Ranch WA #143 The Republic of Gigty Komedan WA #144 The Federal Republic of Glademont WA #145 The Lucky Space Age Kingdom of Gladinia WA #146 The Pacifica Praetorian Guard of Glealian WA #147 The Constitutional Monarchy of Gondov WA #148 The Democratic Republic of Goodfriend WA #149 The Empire of Goudaravara WA #150 The Community of Grahamsylnania WA #151 The Socialist Republic of Grandocantorica WA #152 The Empire of Great Gapi WA #153 The Queendom of Greater Hara WA #154 The Syndicalist Republic of Greater Neo-Mongolia WA #155 The Republic of Guestonia WA #156 The Federation of Gupiscium WA #157 The Constitutional Monarchy of Gwuandalhi WA #158 The United Socialist States of Haugez WA #159 The Republic of Haven and Sanctuary WA Puppet WA #160 The Sultanate of Haysakash WA #161 The Republic of Heaven Blanket WA #162 The Free Land of Heintidelet WA #163 The Corporonation of Hexalot WA #164 The Free Land of Hilariously Corrupt Unocracy of Baron X WA #165 The New World Order of Hollywood Hogan WA #166 The People's Republic of Holy Croxica WA #167 The Colony of Hong Sing WA #168 The Capitalist States of House Rillarri WA #169 The United States of HUElavia WA #170 The Democratic Republic of Hyastan WA #171 The Glorious Empire of Hydronica WA #172 The Democratic States of Hypocratism WA #173 The Kingdom of Ichiran WA #174 The Kingdom of Ikkashire WA #175 The Queendom of Imperial karen WA #176 The Imperial Republic of Imperii Vilrein WA #177 The New Federalist Regime of Independent State Of The Philippines WA #178 The Disputed Territories of Islande Wight WA #179 The Incorporated States of Israeli New York WA #180 The Florentine Union of Issime WA #181 The Democratic Republic of Itsumo WA #182 The Sultanate of Jamnagar WA #183 The KPOP Idol Group Made Up of Japanese Schoolgirls WA #184 The Star Fox of Jar Wattinree WA #185 The Musical Protectorate of Jazzia WA #186 The Republic of JMP WA #187 The Free Land of Jobbahan WA #188 The Empire of Jogun Brotus WA #189 The Assembled States of Joven Kingdom WA #190 The Kingdom of K-Money WA #191 The Dictatorship of Kagrandia WA #192 The Empire of Kalia Centsul WA #193 The Second Federal Republic of Kaliuvat WA #194 The Republic of Kamardikane WA #195 The Confederacy of Kanervia WA #196 The Kingdom of Kap Land WA #197 The Republic of Kartageni WA #198 The Northern Auroral Union of Kathol Rift WA #199 The Kitsune Laeie of Katrzynija WA #200 The Community of Khoume WA #201 The Democratic States of Kiaville WA #202 The Holy Monarchy of Kingdom of Ribaria WA #203 The Free Land of Kirby-Land WA #204 The Empire of Kirkockastan WA #205 The Republic of Kispaming WA #206 The Empire of Knightfallia WA #207 The Armed Republic of Knights of Blood WA #208 The People's Republic of Kologi WA #209 The Rogue Nation of Kong-Hong WA #210 The Greater Republic of Kopeya WA #211 The Republic of Korotis WA #212 The Republic of Koroto WA #213 The Grenade Throwing Anime Girl of Kosi-chan WA #214 The Republic of Kranez WA #215 The Bad Tempered Lagomorph of Krulltopia WA #216 The Republize of Kruzk WA #217 The Republic of Krypthor WA #218 The Democratic States of La Mismidad WA #219 The Empire of La Nueva Espana WA #220 The Archduchy of Landermensch WA #221 The Blissful Land of Laniavia WA #222 The People's Republic of Lard Kitals WA #223 The Republic of Latino Americo WA #224 The Heralds of Immolation of Laws and Bylaws WA #225 The Rocking Nation of Legendary Rock Stars WA #226 The Republic of Legonica WA #227 The Republic of Lenitania Proves WA #228 The Constitutional Republic of Lesser Yu WA #229 The Allied States of Leticia and Barowmere WA #230 The Community of Liberal Crime WA #231 The Community of Littedis WA #232 The Constitutional Monarchy of Lochside WA #233 The Imperial Dominion of Longweather WA #234 The Grand Tea Party of Lordeh WA #235 The Empire of Lost Families WA #236 The Celestialist Glamorous of Louvrandia WA #237 The Republic of Lugany WA #238 The Federal Republic of Lynz WA | #239 The Republic of Mahact WA #240 The Commonwealth of Maineshire WA #241 The Federal Republic of Majiaen WA #242 The Constitutional Monarchy of Maladantium WA #243 The Federal Republic of Malygion WA #244 The Empire of Manate WA #245 The United Socialist States of Manchester25 WA #246 The Garden Empress of Marinas Island WA #247 The Magnanimous Monarchy of Marogina WA #248 The United Kingdom of Mauradinland WA #249 The V͔̞̟o͉̟̦͈i̫͖̹̠̰̝̙ͅd͔͚̫̫͝ ͜͠ of Mayo and Other Condiments WA #250 The Pacific Paradise Utopia of Meevaller WA #251 The Sultanate of Menira WA #252 The United States of Merica2028 WA #253 The Kingdom of Merrovingia WA #254 The Tired Sentry at the Border of Mestovakia WA #255 The Free Land of Middlespoonia WA #256 The Empire of Milace WA #257 The Matriarchy of Mitabo WA #258 The Commonwealth of Mitarians WA #259 The Armed Republic of Mjolni WA #260 The Rogue Nation of Momstononistan WA #261 The Kingdom of MONGOLZ WA #262 The Federal Alliance of Morganham WA #263 The Republic of Mtwara WA #264 The Kingdom of Muttier WA #265 The Grand Duchy of Nairsu WA #266 The Harmonious Association of NARAQuagzuretopia WA #267 The Most Serene Republic of Nargothrond and Gondolin WA #268 The Democratic Republic of Natalan WA #269 The Kingdom of Nation KingPuma WA #270 The Sultanate of Natsumi Land WA #271 The Draconic Confederate States of Nature and Dragons WA #272 The Society of Navarla WA #273 The Cofederation of Neocorp states WA #274 The Kingdom of Neue Hoffnung WA #275 The Armed Republic of Neue Ubermacht WA #276 The Holy State of New Atlun WA #277 The Republic of New Centaura WA #278 The Independent Republic of New Doomsland WA #279 The Fledgling Empire of New Dragon Republic WA #280 The Holy Empire of New East Sudan WA #281 The Federation of New Gandinia WA #282 The Democratic Republic of New Hesselwa WA #283 The Free Communes of New Proviles WA #284 The Holy Empire of New Pugsia WA #285 The Republic of New Sasi WA #286 The Republic of Newtownland WA #287 The Jingoistic States of Niesmiertelny WA #288 The Community of NimbuPanii WA #289 The Matriarchy of Nimia WA #290 The Kingdom of Ninzenan Territories WA #291 The People's Republic of Normlanda WA #292 The Republic of North Blackstream WA #293 The Federal Republic of Northen Union WA #294 The Free Land of Northern Cobrastan WA #295 The Republic of Northern Panargion Frep WA #296 The Principality of Northern Polarland WA #297 The Democratic Republic of Northern Sintnited WA #298 The CORPS Auxil and Kingdom of Norwany WA #299 The Armed Republic of November Auxillary WA #300 The Republic of Novembreland WA #301 The Empire of Novus Imperium Romanum Borealis WA #302 The Democratic Republic of Nueva Costa Rica WA #303 The Dominion of Okhbequrkey WA #304 The Free Land of Opischiwapopi WA #305 The Federal Republic of Orvana WA #306 The United Federal Republic of Osnauria WA #307 The Imperial Dominion of Pacifica Peace WA #308 The Greatest Armed Republic of Palastines WA #309 The Bright Haze of Panagouge WA #310 The Republic of Panara WA #311 The Republic of Pappnosia WA #312 The Imminent One of Pasybfic WA #313 The Federation of Patito de Goma WA #314 The United Kingdom of Peaskong Blydi WA #315 The United States of Piedra WA #316 The Emeritus Augustus Pacificus of Pierconium WA #317 The Colony of Pittslandic Territory of Berninigorod WA #318 The Commonwealth of Poland-Bohemia WA #319 The Kingdom of Pole Island WA #320 The Democratic Republic of Pondemure WA #321 The People's Republic of Popolatero WA #322 The Republic of Popular do Corinthians WA #323 The Republic of Porcellandia WA #324 The Federal Republic of Prussanherr WA #325 The Empire of Purple Banana WA #326 The Queendom of Queen Celestia WA #327 The Grand Duchy of Quinnterfel WA #328 The Socialist Commonwealth of Raeun WA #329 The Energy Consumption Center of Random Country 453632 WA #330 The People's Republic of Reloviskistan WA #331 The Republic of Renastasia WA #332 The Empire of Rengakure WA #333 The Drakken Empire of Repitilysia WA #334 The Principality of Republic of Raz WA #335 The Nuke Factory of Republic of Vareshia WA #336 The Democratic Republic of Resolve24 WA #337 The People's Republic of Rhadland WA #338 The Republic of Rhomentingjo WA #339 The Empire of Rlandia WA #340 The Free Democracy of Rnegfania WA #341 The Dictatorship of Robotnik Regime WA #342 The Constitutional Monarchy of Robyrollia WA #343 The Technocracy of Rockemsockem WA #344 The Holy Empire of Rofran WA #345 The Dominion of Rook Fjord WA #346 The Kingdom of Royaume de Drakenburg WA #347 The Republic of RuebinhoLand WA #348 The Autocracy of Sad-States WA #349 The Confederacy of Saeni WA #350 The Illustrious Realms of Samasbhi WA #351 The Most Serene Republic of San Medici WA #352 The Republic of Sanavia WA #353 The Federation of Sanistang WA #354 The Federal Empire of Saphirien WA #355 The United Kingdoms of Sardinia-Sicily WA #356 The Third Republic of Sathor WA #357 The Holy Empire of Schekel WA #358 The Emirate of Schwartze WA #359 The Republic of Scyllaum WA #360 The Empire of Second Byzantine WA #361 The Federation of SeekerSeeks WA #362 The Glorious Democratic Republic of Serdaryaristan WA #363 The Democratic Republic of Sergiaca WA #364 The People's Republic of Shezekersda WA #365 The Republic of Shlovika WA #366 The Free Land of Sicanine WA #367 The Federal Republic of Silvacrest WA #368 The Federal Republic of Solismosion WA #369 The Kingdom of Soume-soume WA #370 The Kingdom of South Bamor Misia WA #371 The Rena's Mental State of Southern Karafuto WA #372 The Empire of Southern Todang Tayelvine WA #373 The Confederacy of Sova Vista WA #374 The United Empire of SpaceImperix WA #375 The Republic of Spluto WA #376 The Fantastic Wild Nation of Sputtopia WA #377 The Republic of SSRAB WA #378 The People's Republic of Staphystan WA #379 The Attempt at a Perfect Country of Stargate City WA #380 The Pacifican Vanguard of Steamstotzka WA #381 The People's Republic of Stelarius WA #382 The Kingdom of Stella Dragon WA #383 The Queendom of Steuerbetrug WA #384 The Byzantine Stagnancy of Subsonia WA #385 The Republic of Sunusia WA #386 The Empire of Supreme Eggman WA #387 The United Socialist States of Svetzia WA #388 The Theocracy of Swic Net WA #389 The Queendom of Swiftiea WA #390 The United Kingdom of Tag island WA #391 The Republic of Tejuguasu WA #392 The Commonwealth of Termus WA #393 The Imperium of Terran Expanse WA #394 The Republic of Terranexia WA #395 The Dominion of Tetsukaze Wukong WA #396 The Republic of TexOhio WA #397 The United Socialist States of The American Peoples Republic WA #398 The Kingdom of The Ashes State WA #399 The Free Land of The Chedded WA #400 The I like anime of The city of love WA #401 The People's Republic of The Council of Broheim WA #402 The Free Land of The Ferret Lands WA #403 The Kingdom of The Francophone Kingdom of Canada WA #404 The United Federation of The Frozen Imperium WA #405 The Grand Duchy of The Grand Duchy of Yurstonstan WA #406 The Empire of The Holy Penguin WA #407 The Constitutional Monarchy of The Kingdom of Iceland WA #408 The Federation of The military document WA #409 The Empire of The New Canadian Empire WA #410 The Imperial Federation of The Pacific Ring WA #411 The Empire of The Polish Rezim WA #412 The Holy Empire of The Reformed Imperium of Man WA #413 The Armed Republic of The Russian isles WA #414 The United States of The Salt Lakes WA #415 The United Socialist States of The Socialist Peoples Republic of Merka WA #416 The Federation of The Terapins WA #417 The Federation of The Tesla WA #418 The Empire of The Third French Colonial Empire WA #419 The Allied States of The United Dynasties WA #420 The New Pacific Federation of The United TiTechoMando WA #421 The Federal Monarchy of The Vanic Imperium WA #422 The Constitutional Monarchy of Thenderland WA #423 The Free Republic of Therrance WA #424 The Empire of TheyWillCry WA #425 The Dragon Empire of Thonkith WA #426 The Empire of Tialiyah WA #427 The Imperial Kingdom of Tinjongnia WA #428 The Kingdom of Toras WA #429 The Military Block of Transdev WA #430 The Federation of Trantoroa WA #431 The Ultrakill obsessed user of True Europa State WA #432 The Kingdom of Tyrannical Zombie Sheep WA #433 The United Socialist States of Ukijistan WA #434 The United Kingdom of UlsterUK WA #435 The United Socialist States of Unified Socialist Arcanus Republic WA #436 The Socialist state of Union of larchian socialist republics WA #437 The Colonial Union of United Ottarenzian Capitalist Republics WA #438 The Constitutional Monarchy of United Saint Land WA #439 The Republic of United Slavenians WA #440 The Rogue Nation of United Squirrels of Pennsylvania WA #441 The Constitutional Monarchy of USFederation WA #442 The United States of Usington WA #443 The Kingdom of Vaanu WA #444 The Red Land of Vanitacon Republic WA #445 The Federation of Vardonisia WA #446 The Commonwealth of Vaxlo WA #447 The Confederacy of Veinoria WA #448 The Federal Republic of Verithlana WA #449 The Incorporated States of Veylanda WA #450 The Commonwealth of Vholbersht WA #451 The Commonwealth of Vicatte WA #452 The Empire of war crimes of Vitonania WA #453 The Empire of Vothauga WA #454 The Republic of Waffle9992 WA #455 The Community of Wahantaloo WA #456 The People's Republic of Wakesrea WA #457 The Imperium of Warden WA #458 The Federal Republic of Wardenion WA #459 The Franco Revolutionary Nation of Warrior Thorin WA #460 The Socialist Misfits of Waterana WA #461 The Technocratic Shogunate of Waterfall State WA #462 The Republic of Whateverania WA #463 The Nomadic Peoples of Winter Wheat WA #464 The Republic of Wolnland WA #465 The Dominion of Xek Inak WA #466 The Kingdom of Xipz0r WA #467 The Imperatrix Emerita of Xoriet WA #468 The Empire of Xyndria WA #469 The Kingdom of Yagoi WA #470 The Federation of Yanko Basil WA #471 The Commonwealth of Yos Astervarth WA #472 The United States of Yuhyun WA #473 The Sovereign Hamster Union of Zamboa WA #474 The Holy Empire of Zenzx WA #475 The Federation of Zymm WA |