NS Economy v3.69 Mobile - Nation States


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There are 475 WA Countries in the Region of the Pacific

You have arrived at the WA Nations list for the Pacific.

Simply, the following list is all of the WA delegates from the Region of the Pacific. To use the page as a clearing house, click on the WA next to the nation you want to visit, and the Nation States page for that individual should open in a new window.

What do I do with this?
For those regions looking to keep their delegates "Democratically" Elected, the list is split in roughly half for a quick 50% count of available endorsements. This list has also been used to help raiders looking to meet the locals, delegates looking to monitor their kingdoms, newbies seeking endorsements so they gain some influence, and corporations looking to sell wares in a warzone... (among other things). The author suggests Nations interested in Security show this to your delegate. Others have access to this info too, and readily use it for lot's of things. You should be too. That is the point of having this system published.

1. Select a different Nation from the whole region to view (complete Region's Nation listings).

Top 25 GDP Leaders:
2. Regional trade .
3. Regional GDP .
4. Click here to see WA Member Nations.
5. Regional Exchange Rates.

#1 The Eternal Dark Monarchy of 9Pluto WA

#2 The Federation of Abayunda WA

#3 The Federal Republic of Absensus WA

#4 The Kingdom of Adaranthia WA

#5 The Empire of Aethosia WA

#6 The Council Hegemony of Agram WA

#7 The Emirate of Ahmadabad WA

#8 The Democratic Republic of AIMARE WA

#9 The Progress-driven Collective of Airengard WA

#10 The Most Serene and Holy Empire of Al Mutwakkil WA

#11 The Federation of Alans Land WA

#12 The United Kingdom of Alcaea WA

#13 The People's Republic of Alepistan WA

#14 The Democratic Republic of Allic Fred WA

#15 The United States of America and Pacific Territories WA

#16 The Republic of America Bolivariana WA

#17 The United States of AMERICA-8 WA

#18 The Republic of Amobertnorgus WA

#19 The Republic of Anhalz WA

#20 The Mōaitoa of Anse WA

#21 The Federal Republic of Apalo republican WA

#22 The Empire of ApocalyptoX WA

#23 The People's Republic of Appall WA

#24 The Republic of Aqana WA

#25 The Empire of Aquilapolis WA

#26 The Community of Arcka WA

#27 The Cold Personification of Arcti-Chan WA

#28 The Constitutional Monarchy of Arglyss WA

#29 The Confederacy of Argova WA

#30 The Reborn state of Arkaztania WA

#31 The Kingdom of Articys WA

#32 The Federal Republic of Arzadonia WA

#33 The Unisid Kranysha of Ashendre WA

#34 The United States of Aslantica WA

#35 The Kingdom of Asutshi WA

#36 The Federation of Babblefish WA

#37 The Federation of Bahalbha Island WA

#38 The Commonwealth of Balateria WA

#39 The Democratic Republic of Baldland WA

#40 The Commonwealth of Belesia WA

#41 The Republic of Berlomer WA

#42 The Federal Republic of Biot-Savart WA

#43 The Traitorous Wasteland of Bobogoobo WA

#44 The Democratic Republic of Bohs WA

#45 The Theocracy of Bonyland WA

#46 The Most Serene Republic of Brithonakia WA

#47 The Kingdom of Brittansk WA

#48 The United States of Brivaris WA

#49 The Kingdom of Bruessau WA

#50 The Federal Republic of C123po WA

#51 The Democratic Republic of Caemlyn WA

#52 The Republic of Calamarian WA

#53 The Dominion of Calhein WA

#54 The Republic of Cantambria WA

#55 The Rogue Nation of Carcassa WA

#56 The Republic of Catalons WA

#57 The Democratic Republic of Caterama WA

#58 The Council Republic of Celtic Nova Scotia WA

#59 The Principality of Com Porp WA

#60 The The Military state of of Commune of Australasia WA

#61 The People's Republic of Communist Crackous WA

#62 The Protectorate of Communistic captial of america WA

#63 The United States of Condorcet WA

#64 The Republic of Cooklandia WA

#65 The Kingdom of Cordaeria WA

#66 The United Socialist States of Crakowia WA

#67 The Republic of Creesan WA

#68 The Federal Republic of Crockettlandt WA

#69 The Shadow Realm of Cuatela WA

#70 The Commonwealth of Cybertronian Community WA

#71 The Night Watch Vigilantes of Cynfin WA

#72 The Queendom of Dacta WA

#73 The United Socialist States of Dantandrir WA

#74 The Republic of Darksight1 WA

#75 The Federation of Dastufugs WA

#76 The Armalian Republic of Deluks-Derevo WA

#77 The Democratic States of Dem Undine WA

#78 The Free Land of Democratic Isle Kens WA

#79 The Federal Republic of Deneizsya WA

#80 The Borderlands of Derision WA

#81 The Democratic Republic of Descending Sun WA

#82 The Sinosphere Culture Fanatic of DGES WA

#83 The Incorporated States of Dibbleria WA

#84 The People's Republic of Dojestan WA

#85 The Republic of Dolba WA

#86 The Republic of Domas WA

#87 The Democratic States of Doreantheria WA

#88 The Commonwealth of Douglass-Washington State WA

#89 The People's Council Republic of Drazhia WA

#90 The Empire of Drightland WA

#91 The Incorporated States of Dukadia New WA

#92 The Principality of Durbtopia WA

#93 The Republic of Dymon WA

#94 The Protectorate of Dysfunction WA

#95 The Dictatorship of Eagle war WA

#96 The Most Serene Republic of East Aloyarc WA

#97 The Federal Republic of East Bater Atts WA

#98 The Pacifican Empire of East Durthang WA

#99 The Republic of East Lylat WA

#100 The Republic of Eastern Blackers WA

#101 The Dominion of Eastern Healthists WA

#102 The Intellectual Exercise of Eilean Damh WA

#103 The Principality of Elgacia WA

#104 The State of Canaan the Levant y of Elixandropolis WA

#105 The Marxist-Leninist Republic of Elizbastan WA

#106 The Republic of Elputojack WA

#107 The Stellar Realms of Elyreia WA

#108 The Monarchy of Elysiana Realm WA

#109 The Republic of Empire of Ice Reloaded WA

#110 The Great and Powerful of Empire of the United Sovereign Powers WA

#111 The Republic of Emrnland WA

#112 The Commonwealth of Enioshis Hen WA

#113 The Commonwealth of Eolt WA

#114 The Protectorate of Epekwitk WA

#115 The Republic of Epimethys WA

#116 The Matriarchal Empire of Eragon Island WA

#117 The United States of Ericlandiawoof WA

#118 The Feudal Empire of Esterys WA

#119 The Empire of Eternal Flames WA

#120 The Federal Republic of Eurafrica WA

#121 The Democratic Republic of Eyernawk WA

#122 The Queendom of Faerie Britain WA

#123 The Colony of Far Raatheistan WA

#124 The United Socialist Republic of Farquharland WA

#125 The Principality of Farrinostan WA

#126 The Empire of Fatimya WA

#127 The Realm of Federal republic Sarmeria WA

#128 The Federal Republic of Federation of Galizia WA

#129 The Federal Republic of Federation of the Astral Plane WA

#130 The Rogue Nation of Federation of Varland WA

#131 The Empire of Flambasque WA

#132 The Grand Duchy of Former Warsaw States WA

#133 The Titoist Federation of Fraternalism WA

#134 The Multinational Corporations of Frawley WA

#135 The Pass the Holy Grand Duchy of Fredanica WA

#136 The Free Land of Gadsenopolis WA

#137 The Kingdom of Gahoot WA

#138 The Commonwealth of Gaihia WA

#139 The Democratic Republic of Galavin WA

#140 The Righteous Technocracy of Galered WA

#141 The Life in Death of Ghost Queen WA

#142 The United Kingdom of Ghostly Herds Ranch WA

#143 The Republic of Gigty Komedan WA

#144 The Federal Republic of Glademont WA

#145 The Lucky Space Age Kingdom of Gladinia WA

#146 The Pacifica Praetorian Guard of Glealian WA

#147 The Constitutional Monarchy of Gondov WA

#148 The Democratic Republic of Goodfriend WA

#149 The Empire of Goudaravara WA

#150 The Community of Grahamsylnania WA

#151 The Socialist Republic of Grandocantorica WA

#152 The Empire of Great Gapi WA

#153 The Queendom of Greater Hara WA

#154 The Syndicalist Republic of Greater Neo-Mongolia WA

#155 The Republic of Guestonia WA

#156 The Federation of Gupiscium WA

#157 The Constitutional Monarchy of Gwuandalhi WA

#158 The United Socialist States of Haugez WA

#159 The Republic of Haven and Sanctuary WA Puppet WA

#160 The Sultanate of Haysakash WA

#161 The Republic of Heaven Blanket WA

#162 The Free Land of Heintidelet WA

#163 The Corporonation of Hexalot WA

#164 The Free Land of Hilariously Corrupt Unocracy of Baron X WA

#165 The New World Order of Hollywood Hogan WA

#166 The People's Republic of Holy Croxica WA

#167 The Colony of Hong Sing WA

#168 The Capitalist States of House Rillarri WA

#169 The United States of HUElavia WA

#170 The Democratic Republic of Hyastan WA

#171 The Glorious Empire of Hydronica WA

#172 The Democratic States of Hypocratism WA

#173 The Kingdom of Ichiran WA

#174 The Kingdom of Ikkashire WA

#175 The Queendom of Imperial karen WA

#176 The Imperial Republic of Imperii Vilrein WA

#177 The New Federalist Regime of Independent State Of The Philippines WA

#178 The Disputed Territories of Islande Wight WA

#179 The Incorporated States of Israeli New York WA

#180 The Florentine Union of Issime WA

#181 The Democratic Republic of Itsumo WA

#182 The Sultanate of Jamnagar WA

#183 The KPOP Idol Group Made Up of Japanese Schoolgirls WA

#184 The Star Fox of Jar Wattinree WA

#185 The Musical Protectorate of Jazzia WA

#186 The Republic of JMP WA

#187 The Free Land of Jobbahan WA

#188 The Empire of Jogun Brotus WA

#189 The Assembled States of Joven Kingdom WA

#190 The Kingdom of K-Money WA

#191 The Dictatorship of Kagrandia WA

#192 The Empire of Kalia Centsul WA

#193 The Second Federal Republic of Kaliuvat WA

#194 The Republic of Kamardikane WA

#195 The Confederacy of Kanervia WA

#196 The Kingdom of Kap Land WA

#197 The Republic of Kartageni WA

#198 The Northern Auroral Union of Kathol Rift WA

#199 The Kitsune Laeie of Katrzynija WA

#200 The Community of Khoume WA

#201 The Democratic States of Kiaville WA

#202 The Holy Monarchy of Kingdom of Ribaria WA

#203 The Free Land of Kirby-Land WA

#204 The Empire of Kirkockastan WA

#205 The Republic of Kispaming WA

#206 The Empire of Knightfallia WA

#207 The Armed Republic of Knights of Blood WA

#208 The People's Republic of Kologi WA

#209 The Rogue Nation of Kong-Hong WA

#210 The Greater Republic of Kopeya WA

#211 The Republic of Korotis WA

#212 The Republic of Koroto WA

#213 The Grenade Throwing Anime Girl of Kosi-chan WA

#214 The Republic of Kranez WA

#215 The Bad Tempered Lagomorph of Krulltopia WA

#216 The Republize of Kruzk WA

#217 The Republic of Krypthor WA

#218 The Democratic States of La Mismidad WA

#219 The Empire of La Nueva Espana WA

#220 The Archduchy of Landermensch WA

#221 The Blissful Land of Laniavia WA

#222 The People's Republic of Lard Kitals WA

#223 The Republic of Latino Americo WA

#224 The Heralds of Immolation of Laws and Bylaws WA

#225 The Rocking Nation of Legendary Rock Stars WA

#226 The Republic of Legonica WA

#227 The Republic of Lenitania Proves WA

#228 The Constitutional Republic of Lesser Yu WA

#229 The Allied States of Leticia and Barowmere WA

#230 The Community of Liberal Crime WA

#231 The Community of Littedis WA

#232 The Constitutional Monarchy of Lochside WA

#233 The Imperial Dominion of Longweather WA

#234 The Grand Tea Party of Lordeh WA

#235 The Empire of Lost Families WA

#236 The Celestialist Glamorous of Louvrandia WA

#237 The Republic of Lugany WA

#238 The Federal Republic of Lynz WA

#239 The Republic of Mahact WA

#240 The Commonwealth of Maineshire WA

#241 The Federal Republic of Majiaen WA

#242 The Constitutional Monarchy of Maladantium WA

#243 The Federal Republic of Malygion WA

#244 The Empire of Manate WA

#245 The United Socialist States of Manchester25 WA

#246 The Garden Empress of Marinas Island WA

#247 The Magnanimous Monarchy of Marogina WA

#248 The United Kingdom of Mauradinland WA

#249 The V͔̞̟o͉̟̦͈i̫͖̹̠̰̝̙ͅd͔͚̫̫͝ ͜͠ of Mayo and Other Condiments WA

#250 The Pacific Paradise Utopia of Meevaller WA

#251 The Sultanate of Menira WA

#252 The United States of Merica2028 WA

#253 The Kingdom of Merrovingia WA

#254 The Tired Sentry at the Border of Mestovakia WA

#255 The Free Land of Middlespoonia WA

#256 The Empire of Milace WA

#257 The Matriarchy of Mitabo WA

#258 The Commonwealth of Mitarians WA

#259 The Armed Republic of Mjolni WA

#260 The Rogue Nation of Momstononistan WA

#261 The Kingdom of MONGOLZ WA

#262 The Federal Alliance of Morganham WA

#263 The Republic of Mtwara WA

#264 The Kingdom of Muttier WA

#265 The Grand Duchy of Nairsu WA

#266 The Harmonious Association of NARAQuagzuretopia WA

#267 The Most Serene Republic of Nargothrond and Gondolin WA

#268 The Democratic Republic of Natalan WA

#269 The Kingdom of Nation KingPuma WA

#270 The Sultanate of Natsumi Land WA

#271 The Draconic Confederate States of Nature and Dragons WA

#272 The Society of Navarla WA

#273 The Cofederation of Neocorp states WA

#274 The Kingdom of Neue Hoffnung WA

#275 The Armed Republic of Neue Ubermacht WA

#276 The Holy State of New Atlun WA

#277 The Republic of New Centaura WA

#278 The Independent Republic of New Doomsland WA

#279 The Fledgling Empire of New Dragon Republic WA

#280 The Holy Empire of New East Sudan WA

#281 The Federation of New Gandinia WA

#282 The Democratic Republic of New Hesselwa WA

#283 The Free Communes of New Proviles WA

#284 The Holy Empire of New Pugsia WA

#285 The Republic of New Sasi WA

#286 The Republic of Newtownland WA

#287 The Jingoistic States of Niesmiertelny WA

#288 The Community of NimbuPanii WA

#289 The Matriarchy of Nimia WA

#290 The Kingdom of Ninzenan Territories WA

#291 The People's Republic of Normlanda WA

#292 The Republic of North Blackstream WA

#293 The Federal Republic of Northen Union WA

#294 The Free Land of Northern Cobrastan WA

#295 The Republic of Northern Panargion Frep WA

#296 The Principality of Northern Polarland WA

#297 The Democratic Republic of Northern Sintnited WA

#298 The CORPS Auxil and Kingdom of Norwany WA

#299 The Armed Republic of November Auxillary WA

#300 The Republic of Novembreland WA

#301 The Empire of Novus Imperium Romanum Borealis WA

#302 The Democratic Republic of Nueva Costa Rica WA

#303 The Dominion of Okhbequrkey WA

#304 The Free Land of Opischiwapopi WA

#305 The Federal Republic of Orvana WA

#306 The United Federal Republic of Osnauria WA

#307 The Imperial Dominion of Pacifica Peace WA

#308 The Greatest Armed Republic of Palastines WA

#309 The Bright Haze of Panagouge WA

#310 The Republic of Panara WA

#311 The Republic of Pappnosia WA

#312 The Imminent One of Pasybfic WA

#313 The Federation of Patito de Goma WA

#314 The United Kingdom of Peaskong Blydi WA

#315 The United States of Piedra WA

#316 The Emeritus Augustus Pacificus of Pierconium WA

#317 The Colony of Pittslandic Territory of Berninigorod WA

#318 The Commonwealth of Poland-Bohemia WA

#319 The Kingdom of Pole Island WA

#320 The Democratic Republic of Pondemure WA

#321 The People's Republic of Popolatero WA

#322 The Republic of Popular do Corinthians WA

#323 The Republic of Porcellandia WA

#324 The Federal Republic of Prussanherr WA

#325 The Empire of Purple Banana WA

#326 The Queendom of Queen Celestia WA

#327 The Grand Duchy of Quinnterfel WA

#328 The Socialist Commonwealth of Raeun WA

#329 The Energy Consumption Center of Random Country 453632 WA

#330 The People's Republic of Reloviskistan WA

#331 The Republic of Renastasia WA

#332 The Empire of Rengakure WA

#333 The Drakken Empire of Repitilysia WA

#334 The Principality of Republic of Raz WA

#335 The Nuke Factory of Republic of Vareshia WA

#336 The Democratic Republic of Resolve24 WA

#337 The People's Republic of Rhadland WA

#338 The Republic of Rhomentingjo WA

#339 The Empire of Rlandia WA

#340 The Free Democracy of Rnegfania WA

#341 The Dictatorship of Robotnik Regime WA

#342 The Constitutional Monarchy of Robyrollia WA

#343 The Technocracy of Rockemsockem WA

#344 The Holy Empire of Rofran WA

#345 The Dominion of Rook Fjord WA

#346 The Kingdom of Royaume de Drakenburg WA

#347 The Republic of RuebinhoLand WA

#348 The Autocracy of Sad-States WA

#349 The Confederacy of Saeni WA

#350 The Illustrious Realms of Samasbhi WA

#351 The Most Serene Republic of San Medici WA

#352 The Republic of Sanavia WA

#353 The Federation of Sanistang WA

#354 The Federal Empire of Saphirien WA

#355 The United Kingdoms of Sardinia-Sicily WA

#356 The Third Republic of Sathor WA

#357 The Holy Empire of Schekel WA

#358 The Emirate of Schwartze WA

#359 The Republic of Scyllaum WA

#360 The Empire of Second Byzantine WA

#361 The Federation of SeekerSeeks WA

#362 The Glorious Democratic Republic of Serdaryaristan WA

#363 The Democratic Republic of Sergiaca WA

#364 The People's Republic of Shezekersda WA

#365 The Republic of Shlovika WA

#366 The Free Land of Sicanine WA

#367 The Federal Republic of Silvacrest WA

#368 The Federal Republic of Solismosion WA

#369 The Kingdom of Soume-soume WA

#370 The Kingdom of South Bamor Misia WA

#371 The Rena's Mental State of Southern Karafuto WA

#372 The Empire of Southern Todang Tayelvine WA

#373 The Confederacy of Sova Vista WA

#374 The United Empire of SpaceImperix WA

#375 The Republic of Spluto WA

#376 The Fantastic Wild Nation of Sputtopia WA

#377 The Republic of SSRAB WA

#378 The People's Republic of Staphystan WA

#379 The Attempt at a Perfect Country of Stargate City WA

#380 The Pacifican Vanguard of Steamstotzka WA

#381 The People's Republic of Stelarius WA

#382 The Kingdom of Stella Dragon WA

#383 The Queendom of Steuerbetrug WA

#384 The Byzantine Stagnancy of Subsonia WA

#385 The Republic of Sunusia WA

#386 The Empire of Supreme Eggman WA

#387 The United Socialist States of Svetzia WA

#388 The Theocracy of Swic Net WA

#389 The Queendom of Swiftiea WA

#390 The United Kingdom of Tag island WA

#391 The Republic of Tejuguasu WA

#392 The Commonwealth of Termus WA

#393 The Imperium of Terran Expanse WA

#394 The Republic of Terranexia WA

#395 The Dominion of Tetsukaze Wukong WA

#396 The Republic of TexOhio WA

#397 The United Socialist States of The American Peoples Republic WA

#398 The Kingdom of The Ashes State WA

#399 The Free Land of The Chedded WA

#400 The I like anime of The city of love WA

#401 The People's Republic of The Council of Broheim WA

#402 The Free Land of The Ferret Lands WA

#403 The Kingdom of The Francophone Kingdom of Canada WA

#404 The United Federation of The Frozen Imperium WA

#405 The Grand Duchy of The Grand Duchy of Yurstonstan WA

#406 The Empire of The Holy Penguin WA

#407 The Constitutional Monarchy of The Kingdom of Iceland WA

#408 The Federation of The military document WA

#409 The Empire of The New Canadian Empire WA

#410 The Imperial Federation of The Pacific Ring WA

#411 The Empire of The Polish Rezim WA

#412 The Holy Empire of The Reformed Imperium of Man WA

#413 The Armed Republic of The Russian isles WA

#414 The United States of The Salt Lakes WA

#415 The United Socialist States of The Socialist Peoples Republic of Merka WA

#416 The Federation of The Terapins WA

#417 The Federation of The Tesla WA

#418 The Empire of The Third French Colonial Empire WA

#419 The Allied States of The United Dynasties WA

#420 The New Pacific Federation of The United TiTechoMando WA

#421 The Federal Monarchy of The Vanic Imperium WA

#422 The Constitutional Monarchy of Thenderland WA

#423 The Free Republic of Therrance WA

#424 The Empire of TheyWillCry WA

#425 The Dragon Empire of Thonkith WA

#426 The Empire of Tialiyah WA

#427 The Imperial Kingdom of Tinjongnia WA

#428 The Kingdom of Toras WA

#429 The Military Block of Transdev WA

#430 The Federation of Trantoroa WA

#431 The Ultrakill obsessed user of True Europa State WA

#432 The Kingdom of Tyrannical Zombie Sheep WA

#433 The United Socialist States of Ukijistan WA

#434 The United Kingdom of UlsterUK WA

#435 The United Socialist States of Unified Socialist Arcanus Republic WA

#436 The Socialist state of Union of larchian socialist republics WA

#437 The Colonial Union of United Ottarenzian Capitalist Republics WA

#438 The Constitutional Monarchy of United Saint Land WA

#439 The Republic of United Slavenians WA

#440 The Rogue Nation of United Squirrels of Pennsylvania WA

#441 The Constitutional Monarchy of USFederation WA

#442 The United States of Usington WA

#443 The Kingdom of Vaanu WA

#444 The Red Land of Vanitacon Republic WA

#445 The Federation of Vardonisia WA

#446 The Commonwealth of Vaxlo WA

#447 The Confederacy of Veinoria WA

#448 The Federal Republic of Verithlana WA

#449 The Incorporated States of Veylanda WA

#450 The Commonwealth of Vholbersht WA

#451 The Commonwealth of Vicatte WA

#452 The Empire of war crimes of Vitonania WA

#453 The Empire of Vothauga WA

#454 The Republic of Waffle9992 WA

#455 The Community of Wahantaloo WA

#456 The People's Republic of Wakesrea WA

#457 The Imperium of Warden WA

#458 The Federal Republic of Wardenion WA

#459 The Franco Revolutionary Nation of Warrior Thorin WA

#460 The Socialist Misfits of Waterana WA

#461 The Technocratic Shogunate of Waterfall State WA

#462 The Republic of Whateverania WA

#463 The Nomadic Peoples of Winter Wheat WA

#464 The Republic of Wolnland WA

#465 The Dominion of Xek Inak WA

#466 The Kingdom of Xipz0r WA

#467 The Imperatrix Emerita of Xoriet WA

#468 The Empire of Xyndria WA

#469 The Kingdom of Yagoi WA

#470 The Federation of Yanko Basil WA

#471 The Commonwealth of Yos Astervarth WA

#472 The United States of Yuhyun WA

#473 The Sovereign Hamster Union of Zamboa WA

#474 The Holy Empire of Zenzx WA

#475 The Federation of Zymm WA

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