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132 Nations populate the Region of Christians

Below are the most valuable currencies in Christians.

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1: The Bundesreich of Canamn
1 Aurimark = $1.66
or $1 = 0.60 Aurimark
2: The Federal Republic of Bresinnia
1 Bresinnian Tolar = $1.62
or $1 = 0.62 Bresinnian Tolar
3: The Christian Republic of North Abandonia
1 shepherd = $1.59
or $1 = 0.63 shepherd
4: The Aontas Ceilteach of Eire Agus Albion
1 Cel = $1.53
or $1 = 0.65 Cel
5: The Holy Land of Wisdomland2029
1 bitcoin = $1.51
or $1 = 0.66 bitcoin
6: The Commonwealth of Golden Archipelago
1 Golden Galeon = $1.51
or $1 = 0.66 Golden Galeon
7: The Theocratic Democracy of Union of the Orklanders
1 Eipzen = $1.49
or $1 = 0.67 Eipzen
8: The Empire of Island of catland
1 denarius = $1.49
or $1 = 0.67 denarius
9: The Holy Empire of The united american-isreali empire
1 Gold coin = $1.48
or $1 = 0.68 Gold coin
10: The Gold Christian Nation of Jacota
1 Jacota Kristian = $1.48
or $1 = 0.68 Jacota Kristian
11: The National Commonwealth of Saint Marinas
1 marin = $1.45
or $1 = 0.69 marin
12: The Modern Methodist kingdom of Glorious Royal Gilboa
1 Laurel = $1.45
or $1 = 0.69 Laurel
13: The Holy Confederation of Pryskiva
1 Arb?n = $1.42
or $1 = 0.70 Arb?n
14: The Holy Empire of The Mexican Jumping Beans
1 Gold Pound of Tortilla = $1.4
or $1 = 0.71 Gold Pound of Tortilla
15: The Constitutional Monarchy of ChatGPTs United Federation of Zimbabwae2
1 Gold Bars and Rare Can = $1.38
or $1 = 0.72 Gold Bars and Rare Can
16: The 79 radiation zombie 0 nation of Luccaa
1 Lucc = $1.37
or $1 = 0.73 Lucc
17: The Kingdom of Stotavia
1 Shekle = $1.32
or $1 = 0.76 Shekle
18: The Principality of Czarskovia
1 Delat = $1.31
or $1 = 0.76 Delat
19: The Republic of Nothern Fores
1 ₦ Zorlexa = $1.29
or $1 = 0.78 ₦ Zorlexa
20: The Dominion of Hollibourn
1 Bottlecap = $1.21
or $1 = 0.83 Bottlecap
21: The Federal dictatorship of AURELIANA BRITO
1 Starmetal = $1.21
or $1 = 0.83 Starmetal
22: The Island Kingdom of Amaabj
1 Wō = $1.2
or $1 = 0.83 Wō
23: The Constitutional Monarchy of Valrois
1 Valroi Aethel = $1.19
or $1 = 0.84 Valroi Aethel
24: The National Guard Miltary Base of Fort Chaffee
1 Dollar = $1.17
or $1 = 0.85 Dollar
25: The Realm of Utarah
1 Kronz = $1.15
or $1 = 0.87 Kronz
26: The Divine Mandate of Lareste
1 Lareste Solidus = $1.1
or $1 = 0.91 Lareste Solidus
27: The Holy Empire of Phandaline
1 Cross = $1.08
or $1 = 0.93 Cross
28: The Angelic League of Colmis
1 Denalm = $0.95
or $1 = 1.05 Denalm
29: The Federal Kingdom of Carpinia
1 Carpi = $0.93
or $1 = 1.08 Carpi
30: The Borderlands of Giant Redwoods
1 Jewel of Judgement = $0.92
or $1 = 1.09 Jewel of Judgement
31: The Theocracy Republic of Christian Caliphate
1 Dinar = $0.85
or $1 = 1.18 Dinar
32: The Commonwealth of North Sion
1 dollar = $0.85
or $1 = 1.18 dollar
33: The Incorporated States of Old Palvingolf
1 Oders = $0.83
or $1 = 1.20 Oders
34: The Democratic Republic of Crystalbay
1 bitcoin = $0.78
or $1 = 1.28 bitcoin
35: The Principality of Kamilania
1 Gora = $0.78
or $1 = 1.28 Gora
36: The United Provincial States of Aberliada
1 Aberian Dollar = $0.77
or $1 = 1.30 Aberian Dollar
37: The People's Republic of Palvingolfer
1 Pal = $0.77
or $1 = 1.30 Pal
38: The Batista of Do Brasil da America
1 Brasileu = $0.76
or $1 = 1.32 Brasileu
39: The Kingdom of Ajakor
1 Septim = $0.75
or $1 = 1.33 Septim
40: The Kingdom of Tradila
1 Tradilian Coin = $0.73
or $1 = 1.37 Tradilian Coin
41: The Holy Roman Empire of The Arenian Republic
1 Dollar = $0.7
or $1 = 1.43 Dollar
42: The Protectorate of AmeriFortis
1 Abrahammerian Senine = $0.7
or $1 = 1.43 Abrahammerian Senine
43: The Federation of Neo-Atlan
1 Atlantian Credit = $0.7
or $1 = 1.43 Atlantian Credit
44: The Apostolic Commonwealth of New Luciannova
1 New Luciannovan Denari = $0.69
or $1 = 1.45 New Luciannovan Denari
45: The Devout Realm of Simrejo
1 denarius = $0.68
or $1 = 1.47 denarius
46: The Borderlands of Qiya
1 Erwulu = $0.65
or $1 = 1.54 Erwulu
47: The Federal Republic of United Sky Sun
1 bitcoin = $0.64
or $1 = 1.56 bitcoin
48: The Democratic Republic of Kasdados
1 Esta = $0.63
or $1 = 1.59 Esta
49: The Federation of Cannae
1 Fresce = $0.63
or $1 = 1.59 Fresce
50: The Province of Luccaa of Luccdecas
1 Lucc = $0.61
or $1 = 1.64 Lucc
51: The Republic of CruzeVera
1 Cruzeiro = $0.59
or $1 = 1.69 Cruzeiro
52: The Lutheran Commonwealth of Vendellamoore
1 Thaler = $0.54
or $1 = 1.85 Thaler
53: The Cult infested dystopia of BarrenHills
1 Corrupted Oracle = $0.53
or $1 = 1.89 Corrupted Oracle
54: The Deutsches Reich of Lebenskunstler
1 Tungsten = $0.53
or $1 = 1.89 Tungsten
55: The Republic of Aurumese Card Puppet 001
1 card = $0.53
or $1 = 1.89 card
56: The Federation of Oshimphis
1 Dollar = $0.53
or $1 = 1.89 Dollar
57: The Republic of Metineng
1 corna = $0.51
or $1 = 1.96 corna
58: The Eternal Empire of Alexander the Magnus
1 Sovereign = $0.46
or $1 = 2.17 Sovereign
59: The Incorporated States of Vasvoria
1 ₦ Vasvorian Zorlexa = $0.43
or $1 = 2.33 ₦ Vasvorian Zorlexa
60: The Commonwealth of Reepuba Kan
1 florin = $0.41
or $1 = 2.44 florin
61: The Republic of Southerner Fores
1 Morlexa = $0.41
or $1 = 2.44 Morlexa
62: The Most Serene Republic of The Anticidal
1 Crown = $0.39
or $1 = 2.56 Crown
63: The Republic of Ritshisayana
1 Raeo = $0.38
or $1 = 2.63 Raeo
64: The Catholic Republic of Slovenijaland
1 Slovenijalandian Tolar = $0.35
or $1 = 2.86 Slovenijalandian Tolar
65: The Republic of Kuravania
1 pound = $0.34
or $1 = 2.94 pound
66: The Colony of WhiteEdgar
1 dollar = $0.33
or $1 = 3.03 dollar
67: The Theocracy of Apostolic Alumni
1 Blessings = $0.32
or $1 = 3.13 Blessings
68: The Holy Empire of Everlasting Christendom
1 EC grace = $0.32
or $1 = 3.13 EC grace
69: The Republic of Irish Democratic State
1 Euro = $0.32
or $1 = 3.13 Euro
70: The Parliamentary Republic of -Macaronesia-
1 Peseta = $0.32
or $1 = 3.13 Peseta
71: The Republic of Nevadian
1 real = $0.31
or $1 = 3.23 real
72: The Theocracy of Zukiya
1 Arbøn ₺ = $0.3
or $1 = 3.33 Arbøn ₺
73: The Republic of Sweety Tea
1 Sugar = $0.29
or $1 = 3.45 Sugar
74: The Holy Empire of Christian Brothers
1 Currency = $0.29
or $1 = 3.45 Currency
75: The Most Serene Republic of Santira
1 Fantana = $0.29
or $1 = 3.45 Fantana
76: The Kingdom of REINO DO BRASIL122
1 Real = $0.28
or $1 = 3.57 Real
77: The Kingdom of Mismern
1 mis = $0.27
or $1 = 3.70 mis
78: The Holy Empire of Jacia Holieordia
1 florin = $0.26
or $1 = 3.85 florin
79: The Constitutional Monarchy of Pizerictodomil
1 pound = $0.26
or $1 = 3.85 pound
80: The Holy Empire of The Northern Turtles
1 Shells = $0.26
or $1 = 3.85 Shells
81: The Borderlands of -Border-
1 Rose = $0.26
or $1 = 3.85 Rose
82: The Theocracy of East Ohio Rizzlands
1 Dope = $0.24
or $1 = 4.17 Dope
83: The United States of Amero-Appalachia
1 Talent = $0.24
or $1 = 4.17 Talent
84: The Republic of New-Erie
1 franc = $0.24
or $1 = 4.17 franc
85: The Holy Empire of Smalcald
1 gold standard = $0.23
or $1 = 4.35 gold standard
86: The Republic of Enk
1 Dollar = $0.23
or $1 = 4.35 Dollar
87: The Principality of Kerak
1 bezant = $0.23
or $1 = 4.35 bezant
88: The Holy Empire of Romern Empire
1 Silver = $0.23
or $1 = 4.35 Silver
89: The Republic of Dzodometsa Respubliky
1 Jedzan = $0.23
or $1 = 4.35 Jedzan
90: The Kingdom of Scovnia
1 Vina = $0.22
or $1 = 4.55 Vina
91: The Commonwealth of Appalachenia
1 Talent = $0.22
or $1 = 4.55 Talent
92: The Kingdom of MagaNixonlandia
1 MAGA Dollar = $0.22
or $1 = 4.55 MAGA Dollar
93: The Disputed Territories of Maggniabyandsopia
1 mark = $0.22
or $1 = 4.55 mark
94: The Bumps and Bruises of Masodere
1 peso = $0.22
or $1 = 4.55 peso
95: The Province of Luccaa of Lukmi
1 lucc = $0.22
or $1 = 4.55 lucc
96: The Republic of Jeltessihafsky
1 peso = $0.21
or $1 = 4.76 peso
97: The Sultanate of Juronam
1 dollar = $0.21
or $1 = 4.76 dollar
98: The Virginian Community of The City Gates Church
1 Faith = $0.21
or $1 = 4.76 Faith
99: The Province of Luccaa of Goodspring
1 lucc = $0.21
or $1 = 4.76 lucc
100: The Nomadic Peoples of Magnotree
1 Dollars = $0.21
or $1 = 4.76 Dollars
101: The Theocracy of Saint Spes
1 Desiderium = $0.2
or $1 = 5.00 Desiderium
102: The Incorporated States of The Sand Union Embassy
1 Grand Sand Coins = $0.2
or $1 = 5.00 Grand Sand Coins
103: The Democratic Republic of Soumea
1 Ling = $0.2
or $1 = 5.00 Ling
104: The Community of Bricene
1 Pinecone = $0.2
or $1 = 5.00 Pinecone
105: The Republic of Vrenkian Republic
1 Arbon = $0.19
or $1 = 5.26 Arbon
106: The Republic of Landbang Rkipo Islands 2
1 Rkipian Dollar = $0.19
or $1 = 5.26 Rkipian Dollar
107: The Holy Empire of United army of God
1 dollar = $0.18
or $1 = 5.56 dollar
108: The Republic of Lana Supca
1 lira = $0.18
or $1 = 5.56 lira
109: The United States of Iston
1 Swedish Pengar = $0.17
or $1 = 5.88 Swedish Pengar
110: The Republic of Fish Swim
1 Fish = $0.17
or $1 = 5.88 Fish
111: The Republic of Sanctus Civitas
1 dollar = $0.17
or $1 = 5.88 dollar
112: The United Socialist States of United SSRs of Benelux
1 Beneluxian Rupee = $0.17
or $1 = 5.88 Beneluxian Rupee
113: The Dominion of Tsaphin
1 Drachma = $0.16
or $1 = 6.25 Drachma
114: The Empire of Jeylani
1 Blueberry = $0.16
or $1 = 6.25 Blueberry
115: The Holy Empire of Septimanian Marches
1 Franc = $0.16
or $1 = 6.25 Franc
116: The Republic of Eurishistan
1 Dzim = $0.16
or $1 = 6.25 Dzim
117: The Armed Republic of Pratig
1 Edge = $0.15
or $1 = 6.67 Edge
118: The Republic of Conchristia
1 Crable = $0.15
or $1 = 6.67 Crable
119: The Republic of Atlantic Sea country
1 florin = $0.15
or $1 = 6.67 florin
120: The Holy Empire of Kristian Land
1 Kriti zolski = $0.15
or $1 = 6.67 Kriti zolski
121: The Federation of Azubazihag
1 sufags = $0.15
or $1 = 6.67 sufags
122: The Kingdom of British Crance Odo
1 Pound = $0.14
or $1 = 7.14 Pound
123: The Kingdom of Holy Lisetuor
1 Franc Pound = $0.13
or $1 = 7.69 Franc Pound
124: The Republic of Zineese
1 Zeni = $0.12
or $1 = 8.33 Zeni
125: The Kingdom of Holy Mandate of the Levant
1 Levantise lira = $0.1
or $1 = 10.00 Levantise lira
126: The Community of Freewill Baptists
1 American Dollar = $0.06
or $1 = 16.67 American Dollar
127: The Theocracy of Domus Sancta
1 lira = $0.03
or $1 = 33.33 lira
128: The Grand Duchy of Baast
1 Solidus = $0.03
or $1 = 33.33 Solidus
129: The German state of Yalmo
1 Euro = $0.03
or $1 = 33.33 Euro
130: The Holy Empire of Saint Brigid
1 Rosary = $0.02
or $1 = 50.00 Rosary
131: The Armed Republic of Couped in a Stronghold
1 bitcoin = $0.01
or $1 = 100.00 bitcoin
132: The Teeth in the Darkness of Walks-In-Shadows
1 rupee = $0.01
or $1 = 100.00 rupee

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