
59 Nations populate the Region of Anaia

Below are the values of the currencies in Anaia compared to 1 dollar.

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Please select one of the countries below to continue.

  • 1: The Modly Modperor of Modkind of Ko-oren
    1 Korona = $1.36
    or $1 = 0.74 Korona
  • 2: The Kingdom of Osarius
    1 Osarian Credit = $0.29
    or $1 = 3.45 Osarian Credit
  • 3: The Protectorate of Starblaydia
    1 Starblaydi Credit = $0.64
    or $1 = 1.56 Starblaydi Credit
  • 4: The United Communities of Legalese
    1 Legal Exchange Unit = $1.76
    or $1 = 0.57 Legal Exchange Unit
  • 5: The Unbidden Free Republic of Yesopalitha
    1 Gold Coin = $1.42
    or $1 = 0.70 Gold Coin
  • 6: The Republic of Audioslavia
    1 Dollar = $1.54
    or $1 = 0.65 Dollar
  • 7: The Ducal Republics of Bostopia
    1 Bostopian Pound = $0.9
    or $1 = 1.11 Bostopian Pound
  • 8: The Empire of Kryosis
    1 Kryosi Nyxx = $0.33
    or $1 = 3.03 Kryosi Nyxx
  • 9: The Nation of Mertagne
    1 Ducat = $1.67
    or $1 = 0.60 Ducat
  • 10: The Do-Over of Luwhel-Besny
    1 Nylubeck = $0.37
    or $1 = 2.70 Nylubeck
  • 11: The Independent State of Cobrio
    1 medallion = $0.15
    or $1 = 6.67 medallion
  • 12: The Chromatik State of Chromatika
    1 NMS = $1.68
    or $1 = 0.60 NMS
  • 13: The Commonwealth of The Plough Islands
    1 shilling = $1.36
    or $1 = 0.74 shilling
  • 14: The Hinodejin Colony of Kanran-Riku
    1 hinodejin crown = $0.17
    or $1 = 5.88 hinodejin crown
  • 15: The NSSports No-Hopers of Vdara
    1 euro = $0.36
    or $1 = 2.78 euro
  • 16: The Republic of Flavovespia
    1 Pound = $1.35
    or $1 = 0.74 Pound
  • 17: The Most Serene Republic of Xiaolin
    1 Fishscale = $0.03
    or $1 = 33.33 Fishscale
  • 18: The Plurinational State of Huayramarca
    1 Inti = $1.68
    or $1 = 0.60 Inti
  • 19: The Community of Space Laser Dinosaur Robot Pirate Land
    1 dragon = $0.01
    or $1 = 100.00 dragon
  • 20: The Friendly Space Robots of The 189
    1 share = $0.43
    or $1 = 2.33 share
  • 21: The Grand Republic of Saint Eleanor
    1 United States dollar = $0.27
    or $1 = 3.70 United States dollar
  • 22: The NS Sports Contenders of Anaia Region
    1 moneys = $0.2
    or $1 = 5.00 moneys
  • 23: The Cup of CAFA
    1 saucer = $0.2
    or $1 = 5.00 saucer
  • 24: The Confederacy of Pyazhnaya
    1 korona = $0.12
    or $1 = 8.33 korona
  • 25: The Research Hub of Tropanaia
    1 ture = $0.19
    or $1 = 5.26 ture
  • 26: The Dieresis-Serene Republic of Dyrrhonian Isles
    1 gold = $0.22
    or $1 = 4.55 gold
  • 27: The Community of Ochre Islands
    1 Florin = $1.1
    or $1 = 0.91 Florin
  • 28: The Eshian Special Admin Unit of Aleirave
    1 dollar = $0.6
    or $1 = 1.67 dollar
  • 29: The Rogue Kingdom of Kimi-Suomi
    1 Ice Cream Bar = $0.27
    or $1 = 3.70 Ice Cream Bar
  • 30: The United Athletic Republic of StrayaRoos
    1 Roosian Dollar = $1.56
    or $1 = 0.64 Roosian Dollar
  • 31: The Cold Republic of United Hawkland
    1 Hawklandian Dollar = $0.51
    or $1 = 1.96 Hawklandian Dollar
  • 32: The ㅤㅤㅤ of Utahn theocratic republic
    1 Utahn Dollar = $0.48
    or $1 = 2.08 Utahn Dollar
  • 33: The Federal Republic of Estorvipa and Estorpiva
    1 leu = $0.4
    or $1 = 2.50 leu
  • 34: The Loving Couple of TooManyOptions-
    1 snail = $1.03
    or $1 = 0.97 snail
  • 35: The Republic of Anaian Board of Cricket
    1 over = $0.2
    or $1 = 5.00 over
  • 36: The Republic of Cardenao
    1 Mark = $1.32
    or $1 = 0.76 Mark
  • 37: The Island of Koroa City
    1 plastic event coin = $1.1
    or $1 = 0.91 plastic event coin
  • 38: The Federated Kingdoms of Fallstree Island
    1 Dollar = $0.19
    or $1 = 5.26 Dollar
  • 39: The Rogue Nation of PI Democracy Subversion Services Ltd
    1 so-called ballot = $0.02
    or $1 = 50.00 so-called ballot
  • 40: The Empire of Zirahuen
    1 tsk?rhiru = $0.36
    or $1 = 2.78 tsk?rhiru
  • 41: The Most Serene Republic of Fontana e Modena
    1 lira = $0.11
    or $1 = 9.09 lira
  • 42: The Colony of Marmaladaica
    1 rind = $0.11
    or $1 = 9.09 rind
  • 43: The Rogue Nation of GSN16
    1 harp = $1.36
    or $1 = 0.74 harp
  • 44: The Commonwealth of The Ko-orenite Constellation
    1 Korona = $0.6
    or $1 = 1.67 Korona
  • 45: The Matriarchy of New Tricre Kie Firul Islands
    1 Delta Eagle = $0.19
    or $1 = 5.26 Delta Eagle
  • 46: The Borderlands of Sgr A
    1 solar masses = $0.18
    or $1 = 5.56 solar masses
  • 47: The Holy Calanian Empire of United States of Nova Calania
    1 franc jean-jacquois = $1.21
    or $1 = 0.83 franc jean-jacquois
  • 48: The Protectorate of Calonesia
    1 florin = $0.01
    or $1 = 100.00 florin
  • 49: The Protectorate of Septanesia
    1 florin = $0.24
    or $1 = 4.17 florin
  • 50: The Bass Trombone of The Martian Independent Republic
    1 bowie = $0.67
    or $1 = 1.49 bowie
  • 51: The Community of Avisora
    1 Crest = $0.12
    or $1 = 8.33 Crest
  • 52: The Community of HOT-DAMN
    1 dollar = $0.22
    or $1 = 4.55 dollar
  • 53: The Glory Greatest Country of West Vdara
    1 west euro = $0.01
    or $1 = 100.00 west euro
  • 54: The Republic of Tobar Gainimh
    1 Ring = $0.24
    or $1 = 4.17 Ring
  • 55: The Free Land of Diwedd Ardal
    1 cragen = $0.18
    or $1 = 5.56 cragen
  • 56: The Republic of Triumviratus
    1 ruble = $0.11
    or $1 = 9.09 ruble
  • 57: The Borderlands of Erdingham
    1 Erina = $0.13
    or $1 = 7.69 Erina
  • 58: The Federation of The Enqab Archipelago Laboratories
    1 TEALcoin = $0.28
    or $1 = 3.57 TEALcoin
  • 59: The Allied States of The Osnari Federation
    1 osnar = $0.21
    or $1 = 4.76 osnar

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    How do Exchange Rates Get Decided?: Nation States implies tax rates, and conditions for the standard of living in your Nation. As a result your monies are valued against your neighbors. This can be effected by your tax rate, you don't make anything of worth (trade deficit), etc.. Check back tomorrow, depending on how you legislate, things could change...

    How Do I increase my Exchange Rate?

    Exchange rates are a product of the calculations here.
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    Anaia NS Economy Statistics.
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    Economic Calculations Courtesy of:
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