
159 Nations populate the Region of Barbaria

Below are the values of the currencies in Barbaria compared to 1 dollar.

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Top 25 GDP Leaders:
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  • 1: The Hyperborean Empire of Vostag
    1 Mark = $1.75
    or $1 = 0.57 Mark
  • 2: The Third Empire of Tritra
    1 Rodin = $1.02
    or $1 = 0.98 Rodin
  • 3: The Emirate of Valenborn
    1 Aoerian Credit = $1.39
    or $1 = 0.72 Aoerian Credit
  • 4: The United Kingdoms of Solitude Isles
    1 Dresd = $0.87
    or $1 = 1.15 Dresd
  • 5: The Emirate of Belfi
    1 Aoerian Credit = $0.98
    or $1 = 1.02 Aoerian Credit
  • 6: The Kaiserreich of Sovern
    1 Rodin = $1.23
    or $1 = 0.81 Rodin
  • 7: The Kingdom of Edlibor
    1 Rodin = $1.1
    or $1 = 0.91 Rodin
  • 8: The Emirate of Alinu
    1 Aoerian Credit = $1.11
    or $1 = 0.90 Aoerian Credit
  • 9: The Kingdom of Vasnlia
    1 Rodin = $1.42
    or $1 = 0.70 Rodin
  • 10: The Kingdom of Culof
    1 Rodin = $1.22
    or $1 = 0.82 Rodin
  • 11: The Kingdom of Valgoria
    1 Rodin = $0.99
    or $1 = 1.01 Rodin
  • 12: The Kingdom of Velkisa
    1 Rodin = $0.8
    or $1 = 1.25 Rodin
  • 13: The Emirate of Amerecus
    1 Aoerian Credit = $1.17
    or $1 = 0.85 Aoerian Credit
  • 14: The Emirate of Usislur
    1 Aoerian Credit = $0.62
    or $1 = 1.61 Aoerian Credit
  • 15: The Crown Imperial Union of Caruika
    1 Rodin = $1.32
    or $1 = 0.76 Rodin
  • 16: The Kingdom of Letiutin
    1 Rodin = $0.61
    or $1 = 1.64 Rodin
  • 17: The Emirate of Hengu
    1 Aoerian Credit = $0.31
    or $1 = 3.23 Aoerian Credit
  • 18: The Kingdom of Yelamn
    1 Yelamn Dollar = $0.63
    or $1 = 1.59 Yelamn Dollar
  • 19: The Republic of Dealminer
    1 American Dollar = $0.69
    or $1 = 1.45 American Dollar
  • 20: The Semi-Constitutional Monarchy of Berukio Imperiuk
    1 Caerokian Cron = $0.86
    or $1 = 1.16 Caerokian Cron
  • 21: The Legion of Hunnack Orionus
    1 Eron = $1.38
    or $1 = 0.72 Eron
  • 22: The Kingdom of Barabel
    1 Rodin = $1.22
    or $1 = 0.82 Rodin
  • 23: The United Principalities of Aravam
    1 Rodin = $0.68
    or $1 = 1.47 Rodin
  • 24: The Dual Kingdoms of Manmik
    1 Manmik Pound = $0.2
    or $1 = 5.00 Manmik Pound
  • 25: The Kingdom of Lisurin
    1 Rodin = $0.89
    or $1 = 1.12 Rodin
  • 26: The Kingdom of Camvli
    1 Rodin = $0.56
    or $1 = 1.79 Rodin
  • 27: The Imperial Hegemony of Helric
    1 Yen = $1.12
    or $1 = 0.89 Yen
  • 28: The Triarchy of Neo American Union
    1 American Dollar = $0.83
    or $1 = 1.20 American Dollar
  • 29: The Commonwealth of New Optus
    1 Optusian Credit = $0.94
    or $1 = 1.06 Optusian Credit
  • 30: The Theocracy of Shik Daha
    1 Shik Coin = $0.94
    or $1 = 1.06 Shik Coin
  • 31: The Kingdom of Namraca
    1 Sand Dollar = $0.32
    or $1 = 3.13 Sand Dollar
  • 32: The Kingdom of Nerdphoria
    1 Talar = $0.64
    or $1 = 1.56 Talar
  • 33: The Dope Republic of Free Regay
    1 Regayian Pound = $0.62
    or $1 = 1.61 Regayian Pound
  • 34: The Empire of Dankest Kekistan
    1 Pepe Dollar = $0.66
    or $1 = 1.52 Pepe Dollar
  • 35: The Republic of Crampodia
    1 Crampodian Dona = $0.43
    or $1 = 2.33 Crampodian Dona
  • 36: The Papacy of Holy Barbarian Empire
    1 Rodin = $0.87
    or $1 = 1.15 Rodin
  • 37: The Kingdom of Malulota
    1 Rodin = $0.9
    or $1 = 1.11 Rodin
  • 38: The Confederated States of Awistzerland
    1 Awist Credit = $1
    or $1 = 1.00 Awist Credit
  • 39: The Kingdom of Lost Doggerland
    1 Rodin = $0.61
    or $1 = 1.64 Rodin
  • 40: The Kingdom of Vorikstean
    1 Rodin = $0.95
    or $1 = 1.05 Rodin
  • 41: The Great Horde of Legionary Sansar
    1 T?yt = $0.6
    or $1 = 1.67 T?yt
  • 42: The Glorious People's Republic of Fondalma
    1 dong = $0.82
    or $1 = 1.22 dong
  • 43: The Kingdom of Canmara
    1 Canmaran Pound = $0.64
    or $1 = 1.56 Canmaran Pound
  • 44: The Imperial Iberian Confederacy of Hedra
    1 Cruzeiro = $1.26
    or $1 = 0.79 Cruzeiro
  • 46: The Junta of Catatona Republic
    1 Vaon = $0.15
    or $1 = 6.67 Vaon
  • 47: The United Socialist Communes of Hushmera
    1 Hushmeran Credit = $0.43
    or $1 = 2.33 Hushmeran Credit
  • 48: The Republic of Yusganda
    1 Yusgandan Pound = $0.32
    or $1 = 3.13 Yusgandan Pound
  • 49: The Matriarchy of Imperii Feminam
    1 Pae = $1.09
    or $1 = 0.92 Pae
  • 50: The Dictatorship of Uikastan
    1 Uikastani Dinar = $0.4
    or $1 = 2.50 Uikastani Dinar
  • 51: The Empire of Carscadia
    1 Carscadian Rumel = $0.8
    or $1 = 1.25 Carscadian Rumel
  • 52: The Republic of Alpecchia
    1 Alpecchian Dollar = $0.98
    or $1 = 1.02 Alpecchian Dollar
  • 53: The Ape Nation of Lenorah
    1 Round = $0.23
    or $1 = 4.35 Round
  • 54: The Neo-Byzantine Empire of Athant
    1 Rodin = $0.99
    or $1 = 1.01 Rodin
  • 55: The Republic of Conzequc
    1 Conzequc Credit = $0.66
    or $1 = 1.52 Conzequc Credit
  • 56: The City-State of Honk Knoh
    1 Honk Knoh Dollar = $0.75
    or $1 = 1.33 Honk Knoh Dollar
  • 57: The Kingdom of Rekua
    1 Rekuan Dollar = $1.34
    or $1 = 0.75 Rekuan Dollar
  • 58: The Dominion of South Ajian Commonwealth
    1 Sterling = $0.63
    or $1 = 1.59 Sterling
  • 59: The Sultanate of Lyyria
    1 Rial = $0.64
    or $1 = 1.56 Rial
  • 60: The Sultanate of Kazakborat
    1 Yan = $0.72
    or $1 = 1.39 Yan
  • 61: The Kingdom of Bortavia
    1 Bortavian Rublia = $0.32
    or $1 = 3.13 Bortavian Rublia
  • 62: The St?mme of Schwarzwalder
    1 Potinm?nze = $0.46
    or $1 = 2.17 Potinm?nze
  • 63: The Second Republic of Mejicanas
    1 Peso = $0.49
    or $1 = 2.04 Peso
  • 64: The Empire of Songhai Mali
    1 Malian Dinar = $1.07
    or $1 = 0.93 Malian Dinar
  • 65: The People's Republic of Quing Nara
    1 Yan = $1.36
    or $1 = 0.74 Yan
  • 66: The Republic of Chadsf
    1 Chadsf Dollar = $0.53
    or $1 = 1.89 Chadsf Dollar
  • 67: The Democratic Republic of Santamonia
    1 Bitcoin = $1.66
    or $1 = 0.60 Bitcoin
  • 68: The Sultanate of Submetta
    1 Submettan Dinar = $1.17
    or $1 = 0.85 Submettan Dinar
  • 69: The Emirate of Moxembe
    1 Aoerian Credit = $0.29
    or $1 = 3.45 Aoerian Credit
  • 70: The Confederated Islands of Abanjgo
    1 Aoerian Credit = $0.56
    or $1 = 1.79 Aoerian Credit
  • 71: The Stratocratic Dictatorship of Gianaretopolicobrica
    1 Rohd = $0.48
    or $1 = 2.08 Rohd
  • 72: The Kingdom of Xerznea
    1 Rodin = $1.26
    or $1 = 0.79 Rodin
  • 73: The Hyperic Kingdom of Alezdotyre
    1 Rodin = $0.67
    or $1 = 1.49 Rodin
  • 74: The Dualcratic Republic of Kiago
    1 Kilma = $0.43
    or $1 = 2.33 Kilma
  • 75: The Central Democratic Republic of Lageos
    1 Lageos Dollar = $0.86
    or $1 = 1.16 Lageos Dollar
  • 76: The Kingdom of Alyssya
    1 Sesen = $0.17
    or $1 = 5.88 Sesen
  • 77: The Kingdom of Nortus Kvenland
    1 Rodin = $0.78
    or $1 = 1.28 Rodin
  • 78: The Republic of Aswardo
    1 Coco = $0.56
    or $1 = 1.79 Coco
  • 79: The Kingdom of Phat Tai
    1 Wotong = $0.56
    or $1 = 1.79 Wotong
  • 80: The Anti-Mondayan Republic of Garfield
    1 Arbuck = $0.22
    or $1 = 4.55 Arbuck
  • 81: The Federation of Iwoza Democratic Republic
    1 Smelly Marker = $0.45
    or $1 = 2.22 Smelly Marker
  • 82: The Kingdom of Pyingang
    1 Pyin = $0.51
    or $1 = 1.96 Pyin
  • 83: The Kingdom of Pompadorea
    1 Rodin = $0.77
    or $1 = 1.30 Rodin
  • 84: The Kingdom of Greater Bugradolva
    1 Rodin = $0.92
    or $1 = 1.09 Rodin
  • 85: The Republic of Lozaranga
    1 Lozaranga Ducah = $0.32
    or $1 = 3.13 Lozaranga Ducah
  • 86: The Cute N Mindless Gal of The Harlequin
    1 goth = $0.16
    or $1 = 6.25 goth
  • 87: The State of Israestine-Judah
    1 Shekel = $1.05
    or $1 = 0.95 Shekel
  • 88: The Holy Empire of Severgard
    1 Denar = $0.52
    or $1 = 1.92 Denar
  • 89: The Kingdom of Avti
    1 Rodin = $0.53
    or $1 = 1.89 Rodin
  • 90: The Sultanate of Islabad
    1 Rial = $0.29
    or $1 = 3.45 Rial
  • 91: The Constitutional Monarchy of Alto Cabana
    1 Kālā = $0.54
    or $1 = 1.85 Kālā
  • 92: The Republic of Nosavo
    1 Lek = $0.35
    or $1 = 2.86 Lek
  • 93: The Caliphate of Tyammad
    1 Rial = $0.77
    or $1 = 1.30 Rial
  • 94: The Zaporizhian Host of Cossack Ukraine
    1 Rodin = $0.94
    or $1 = 1.06 Rodin
  • 95: The Republic of Dexima
    1 Deximan Iro = $0.15
    or $1 = 6.67 Deximan Iro
  • 96: The Forsaken of Far Drasis
    1 Drasisian Credit = $0.43
    or $1 = 2.33 Drasisian Credit
  • 97: The Provisional Republic of Nivagregas
    1 Nivagregasian Peso = $0.28
    or $1 = 3.57 Nivagregasian Peso
  • 98: The Nomadic Tribes of Inuit Confederation
    1 Fishcoin = $0.27
    or $1 = 3.70 Fishcoin
  • 99: The United Democratic Islands of Sana Coan
    1 Shell Dollar = $0.4
    or $1 = 2.50 Shell Dollar
  • 100: The Republic of Vhodesa
    1 Rita = $0.65
    or $1 = 1.54 Rita
  • 101: The Republic of Quintoine
    1 Que = $0.25
    or $1 = 4.00 Que
  • 102: The Tropical Paradise of Saint Barajamas
    1 Pynto = $0.43
    or $1 = 2.33 Pynto
  • 103: The Dictatorship of Diracqa
    1 Rial = $0.16
    or $1 = 6.25 Rial
  • 104: The United Berber Clans of Alezabar
    1 Alezabarian Dinar = $0.63
    or $1 = 1.59 Alezabarian Dinar
  • 105: The Republic of Nombadia
    1 Nombadian Pound = $0.34
    or $1 = 2.94 Nombadian Pound
  • 106: The Pariah State of Badgiyazi
    1 Rial = $0.21
    or $1 = 4.76 Rial
  • 107: The Republic of Upper Hayastan
    1 Rial = $0.47
    or $1 = 2.13 Rial
  • 108: The People's Democratic Republic of Borimenna
    1 Silver Dollar = $0.16
    or $1 = 6.25 Silver Dollar
  • 109: The Autocracy of Zampeop
    1 Crypto-Loxcoin = $0.4
    or $1 = 2.50 Crypto-Loxcoin
  • 110: The People's Democratic Republic of Riododa
    1 Riododan Peso = $0.08
    or $1 = 12.50 Riododan Peso
  • 111: The Fascist Dictatorship of Apreerco
    1 Kavel = $0.76
    or $1 = 1.32 Kavel
  • 112: The Kingdom of Neapola
    1 Ohhet = $0.14
    or $1 = 7.14 Ohhet
  • 113: The International Authority of Rromai
    1 Doner = $0.2
    or $1 = 5.00 Doner
  • 114: The Empire of Limperia
    1 Lolra = $0.26
    or $1 = 3.85 Lolra
  • 115: The Colony of Ayster Island
    1 Bone chip = $0.17
    or $1 = 5.88 Bone chip
  • 116: The Incorporated States of Fyilliyines
    1 Shell Dollar = $0.42
    or $1 = 2.38 Shell Dollar
  • 117: The United States of Grand Saotnesoa
    1 American Dollar = $0.57
    or $1 = 1.75 American Dollar
  • 118: The Sultanate of Douman
    1 Douman Dinar = $0.44
    or $1 = 2.27 Douman Dinar
  • 119: The Democratic Republic of Bokongo
    1 Kilma = $0.54
    or $1 = 1.85 Kilma
  • 120: The Mercenary Company of Blackhart Militia
    1 Cut = $0.11
    or $1 = 9.09 Cut
  • 121: The Kingdom of Ebonic Coast
    1 Jurlli Dunk = $0.64
    or $1 = 1.56 Jurlli Dunk
  • 122: The Sultanate of Agyptus
    1 Agyptusian Dinar = $0.87
    or $1 = 1.15 Agyptusian Dinar
  • 123: The United Republics of Herzene-Suberiskea
    1 Mund = $0.19
    or $1 = 5.26 Mund
  • 124: The Republic of Xnetro
    1 Rodin = $0.27
    or $1 = 3.70 Rodin
  • 125: The Incorporated States of East Niholate Federation
    1 Niholate Pound = $0.76
    or $1 = 1.32 Niholate Pound
  • 126: The Oligarchy of United Hamaradi Emirates
    1 Hamaradi Dinar = $0.34
    or $1 = 2.94 Hamaradi Dinar
  • 127: The Sultanate of Oudi Hazala
    1 Hazala Dinar = $0.64
    or $1 = 1.56 Hazala Dinar
  • 128: The Republic of Conecarria
    1 Conecarrian Ruble = $0.55
    or $1 = 1.82 Conecarrian Ruble
  • 129: The Emirate of Ajakistan
    1 Ijak Dinar = $0.2
    or $1 = 5.00 Ijak Dinar
  • 130: The Borderlands of Kan Kynanate
    1 Eina = $0.25
    or $1 = 4.00 Eina
  • 131: The Republic of Edgenyah
    1 Kurma = $0.59
    or $1 = 1.69 Kurma
  • 132: The Private Estate of Jeffery Epstein Island Sovereignty
    1 Epstein Dollar = $0.3
    or $1 = 3.33 Epstein Dollar
  • 133: The Soviet Zootopian Union of Furry Free States
    1 Pawbucks = $0.29
    or $1 = 3.45 Pawbucks
  • 134: The Dynastic Legionnaires of Xixvx
    1 Septim = $0.22
    or $1 = 4.55 Septim
  • 135: The Sultanate of Mya Ayneadosia
    1 Auma = $0.5
    or $1 = 2.00 Auma
  • 136: The Emirate of Eudexi
    1 Rushi = $0.43
    or $1 = 2.33 Rushi
  • 137: The Commonwealth of Centurion Islands
    1 Aca = $0.15
    or $1 = 6.67 Aca
  • 138: The Republic of Uradaca
    1 Uradaca Ier = $0.66
    or $1 = 1.52 Uradaca Ier
  • 139: The Commonwealth of Holy Deseret Dominion
    1 Deseret Currency = $0.58
    or $1 = 1.72 Deseret Currency
  • 140: The Free Land of Tezanania
    1 Tezananian Dollar = $0.39
    or $1 = 2.56 Tezananian Dollar
  • 141: The Kingdom of Brytannicea
    1 Rodin = $0.45
    or $1 = 2.22 Rodin
  • 142: The Republic of Yucatan Nation
    1 Yucatan Peso = $0.32
    or $1 = 3.13 Yucatan Peso
  • 143: The Republic of Rio Visquito
    1 Silver Dollar = $0.47
    or $1 = 2.13 Silver Dollar
  • 144: The Kingdom of Timan
    1 Timan Square = $0.13
    or $1 = 7.69 Timan Square
  • 145: The People's Republic of Aozica
    1 Michi Don = $0.06
    or $1 = 16.67 Michi Don
  • 146: The Kingdom of New Eggplant Island
    1 Eggplant = $0.12
    or $1 = 8.33 Eggplant
  • 147: The Rogue Nation of Zarazstria
    1 Tafd = $0.05
    or $1 = 20.00 Tafd
  • 148: The Grand Duchy of Lotharbux
    1 Cron Sterling = $0.35
    or $1 = 2.86 Cron Sterling
  • 149: The Protectorate of Yonsin-Noorger Autonomous Region
    1 Coral Pound = $0.19
    or $1 = 5.26 Coral Pound
  • 150: The Republic of Glutonaria
    1 Phat = $0.29
    or $1 = 3.45 Phat
  • 151: The Kingdom of Zul-Tir Narda
    1 Hun = $0.27
    or $1 = 3.70 Hun
  • 152: The Dictatorship of Yutorbia
    1 Yubo = $0.03
    or $1 = 33.33 Yubo
  • 153: The Kingdom of Levanesse
    1 franc = $0.21
    or $1 = 4.76 franc
  • 154: The Dominion of Atlantis Emperius
    1 Atlantean Coin = $0.47
    or $1 = 2.13 Atlantean Coin
  • 155: The Republic of Norezarcia
    1 Eon = $0.37
    or $1 = 2.70 Eon
  • 156: The Republic of Velgoradia
    1 rubil = $0.27
    or $1 = 3.70 rubil
  • 157: The Theocracy of Gnovia
    1 Sha = $0.15
    or $1 = 6.67 Sha
  • 158: The Sultanate of Taxarzistan
    1 da'Sha = $0.31
    or $1 = 3.23 da'Sha
  • 159: The Republic of Free South Nivinia
    1 Tryad = $0.07
    or $1 = 14.29 Tryad

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    How do Exchange Rates Get Decided?: Nation States implies tax rates, and conditions for the standard of living in your Nation. As a result your monies are valued against your neighbors. This can be effected by your tax rate, you don't make anything of worth (trade deficit), etc.. Check back tomorrow, depending on how you legislate, things could change...

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    Nation States: Barbaria Enonomy, Demographics, Delegate, Markets, and Money Calculator

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