
219 Nations populate the Region of Declansburg

Below are the values of the currencies in Declansburg compared to 1 dollar.

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  • 1: The United Crown Provinces of The Awen
    1 Quill = $0.42
    or $1 = 2.38 Quill
  • 2: The D?xlamic Queendom of Lussia
    1 Lussian Pound = $1.66
    or $1 = 0.60 Lussian Pound
  • 3: The Pushy Peoples of Eniaus
    1 Blam = $1.23
    or $1 = 0.81 Blam
  • 4: The D?xlamic Metropolia of Bradfordsborough
    1 D?xlamic Mark = $1.54
    or $1 = 0.65 D?xlamic Mark
  • 5: The Dảxlamic Evergreen Republic of New Bradfordsburg
    1 Dảxlamic mark = $1.3
    or $1 = 0.77 Dảxlamic mark
  • 6: The Free D?xlamic City-State of Clandestinople
    1 D?xlamic mark = $0.89
    or $1 = 1.12 D?xlamic mark
  • 7: The D?xlamic Metropolitanate of Dux Milan
    1 D?xlamic Mark = $1.55
    or $1 = 0.65 D?xlamic Mark
  • 8: The Kingdom of United Kanter
    1 UK Dollar = $1.19
    or $1 = 0.84 UK Dollar
  • 9: The Kingdom of Arvenia
    1 Arvenian Pound = $1.35
    or $1 = 0.74 Arvenian Pound
  • 10: The Liberated D?xlamic Provinces of Old Sparrow
    1 D?xlamic Mark = $0.28
    or $1 = 3.57 D?xlamic Mark
  • 11: The D?xlamic Counties of Dux Randovia
    1 D?xlamic mark = $0.28
    or $1 = 3.57 D?xlamic mark
  • 12: The Ascendant Cities of Anacodia
    1 Volarii = $1.61
    or $1 = 0.62 Volarii
  • 13: The Workers Defense Council of Staidear
    1 Staidish Chestnut = $1.73
    or $1 = 0.58 Staidish Chestnut
  • 14: The Commonwealth of Oostrehlia
    1 Kangaroo Penny = $1.18
    or $1 = 0.85 Kangaroo Penny
  • 15: The Sting of -The Black Widow-
    1 Dollar = $0.13
    or $1 = 7.69 Dollar
  • 16: The D?xlamatarian L?deral Parish of Daxlamia
    1 D?xlamic Mark = $0.4
    or $1 = 2.50 D?xlamic Mark
  • 17: The Protod?xlamerate Templelands of Saint Bonaventure
    1 D?xlamic Mark = $0.27
    or $1 = 3.70 D?xlamic Mark
  • 18: The Holy D?xlamic Prefecture of Abrillan
    1 D?xlamic Mark = $0.4
    or $1 = 2.50 D?xlamic Mark
  • 19: The L?deral D?xlamic Metropolis of First Parish
    1 D?xlamic Mark = $1.29
    or $1 = 0.78 D?xlamic Mark
  • 20: The Separated Holy D?xlamic Isle of Lillyan
    1 D?xlamic mark = $1.68
    or $1 = 0.60 D?xlamic mark
  • 21: The D?xlamic Metropolitanate of Parting Ways
    1 D?xlamic Mark = $0.32
    or $1 = 3.13 D?xlamic Mark
  • 22: The Holy D?xlamic Ordinariate of The Zamora
    1 D?xlamic Mark = $0.86
    or $1 = 1.16 D?xlamic Mark
  • 23: The Socialist People's Republic of Shreminov
    1 ruble = $1.66
    or $1 = 0.60 ruble
  • 24: The Radiant D?xlamic Abbacy of Daxlamalan
    1 D?xlamic mark = $0.03
    or $1 = 33.33 D?xlamic mark
  • 25: The D?xlamic Dominion of Isla de Fahnnah
    1 D?xlamic Mark = $0.64
    or $1 = 1.56 D?xlamic Mark
  • 26: The Provincialate D?xlamic Banks of The River Jordan
    1 D?xlamic mark = $0.32
    or $1 = 3.13 D?xlamic mark
  • 27: The Armed Republic of Cunso Jitro
    1 bee = $1.46
    or $1 = 0.68 bee
  • 28: The Alpine D?xlamic Principality of Sierra Alansa
    1 D?xlamic Mark = $0.32
    or $1 = 3.13 D?xlamic Mark
  • 29: The D?xlamic Missions of Great Salt Lake Desert
    1 D?xlamic mark = $0.27
    or $1 = 3.70 D?xlamic mark
  • 30: The D?xlamic Provincial Isles of Santa Samuel and Gracia
    1 D?xlamic Mark = $0.21
    or $1 = 4.76 D?xlamic Mark
  • 31: The Empire of Cybran States
    1 Pound = $1.51
    or $1 = 0.66 Pound
  • 32: The D?xlamic Commissariat of High Pines
    1 D?xlamic Mark = $0.16
    or $1 = 6.25 D?xlamic Mark
  • 33: The D?xlamic Reliquary Boroughs of Evergreen Rak
    1 D?xlamic mark = $0.22
    or $1 = 4.55 D?xlamic mark
  • 34: The D?xlamic Metropolitanate of Rebeccalan
    1 D?xlamic mark = $0.4
    or $1 = 2.50 D?xlamic mark
  • 35: The D?xlamic Reliquary District of Daxlam a Alan
    1 D?xlamic mark = $0.04
    or $1 = 25.00 D?xlamic mark
  • 36: The D?xlamic Exarchate of The Radiant
    1 Mark = $0.24
    or $1 = 4.17 Mark
  • 37: The Glorious Rogue Nation of Tharunda
    1 Thar = $1.38
    or $1 = 0.72 Thar
  • 38: The Republic of Androidistan
    1 Euro = $1.33
    or $1 = 0.75 Euro
  • 39: The D?xlamic Wilderness Mandate of The Evergreen Cangaluyan Maritimes
    1 D?xlamic mark = $0.1
    or $1 = 10.00 D?xlamic mark
  • 40: The Providential D?xlamic Lands of Augellan
    1 D?xlamic Mark = $0.43
    or $1 = 2.33 D?xlamic Mark
  • 41: The D?xlamic Metropolitanate of Roxquesne
    1 D?xlamic Mark = $0.73
    or $1 = 1.37 D?xlamic Mark
  • 42: The Serene D?xlamic Territories of Xilan
    1 D?xlamic mark = $0.24
    or $1 = 4.17 D?xlamic mark
  • 43: The D?xlamic Parish Cluster of Asapana
    1 D?xlamic Mark = $0.12
    or $1 = 8.33 D?xlamic Mark
  • 44: The Holy D?xlamic Prefecture of Nikitalan
    1 D?xlamic mark = $0.09
    or $1 = 11.11 D?xlamic mark
  • 45: The Corporate Dynasty of The House of Abrasax
    1 RegeneX = $0.43
    or $1 = 2.33 RegeneX
  • 46: The D?xlamic L?deral Gracehold of Cape Evergreen
    1 D?xlamic Mark = $0.2
    or $1 = 5.00 D?xlamic Mark
  • 47: The D?xlamic Metropolia of San Cara
    1 D?xlamic mark = $0.04
    or $1 = 25.00 D?xlamic mark
  • 48: The Ascetic D?xlamic Mandate of Salinas Plantations
    1 D?xlamic Mark = $0.2
    or $1 = 5.00 D?xlamic Mark
  • 49: The Unchained Olympian of Celesta
    1 Denar = $0.45
    or $1 = 2.22 Denar
  • 50: The Republic of Istaska
    1 Maza = $1.58
    or $1 = 0.63 Maza
  • 51: The Confederation of Potpans
    1 Coins = $0.69
    or $1 = 1.45 Coins
  • 52: The People's Republic of Misitu
    1 Misitunian Dollar = $0.81
    or $1 = 1.23 Misitunian Dollar
  • 53: The Provincial D?xlamic Convent of Grovalan
    1 D?xlamic mark = $0.08
    or $1 = 12.50 D?xlamic mark
  • 54: The Utilitarian Technocracy of Everlasting Empire
    1 imperial Coin = $1.73
    or $1 = 0.58 imperial Coin
  • 55: The Commonwealth of Naxomia
    1 Scuo = $1.55
    or $1 = 0.65 Scuo
  • 56: The Parliamentary Republic of Hastatia
    1 Erri?taios = $0.27
    or $1 = 3.70 Erri?taios
  • 57: The Free Land of Shaiko
    1 Credit = $1.56
    or $1 = 0.64 Credit
  • 58: The Allied Federation of Xzavaria
    1 Pearl = $1.45
    or $1 = 0.69 Pearl
  • 59: The Republic of Rheinia
    1 Luna = $1.49
    or $1 = 0.67 Luna
  • 60: The Declansburg Capital District of Declansburg
    1 D?xlamic mark = $0.11
    or $1 = 9.09 D?xlamic mark
  • 61: The Federal Republic of Liberal Socialist Republic of Vietnam
    1 Vietnamese Republic do = $1.64
    or $1 = 0.61 Vietnamese Republic do
  • 62: The D?xlamic Federation of Nattsbia
    1 Token = $1.08
    or $1 = 0.93 Token
  • 63: The Precinctual D?xlamic Forests of Rocky Nook
    1 D?xlamic Mark = $0.22
    or $1 = 4.55 D?xlamic Mark
  • 64: The Republic of Bhaloland
    1 Jougan = $1.67
    or $1 = 0.60 Jougan
  • 65: The D?xlamic Missions of Josphoria
    1 D?xlamic Mark = $0.29
    or $1 = 3.45 D?xlamic Mark
  • 66: The D?xlamic Liturgical Reserve of Franciscalan
    1 D?xlamic Mark = $0.12
    or $1 = 8.33 D?xlamic Mark
  • 67: The Solemn Grounds of Rehavia
    1 Dảxlamic Mark = $0.17
    or $1 = 5.88 Dảxlamic Mark
  • 68: The D?xlamic Provincial Parishes of Deuter
    1 D?xlamic mark = $0.64
    or $1 = 1.56 D?xlamic mark
  • 69: The Empire of Eastorcieland
    1 dollar = $1.25
    or $1 = 0.80 dollar
  • 70: The Empire of Ruztips
    1 Rutz = $1.18
    or $1 = 0.85 Rutz
  • 71: The D?xlamic Abbeyshire of Plutomian
    1 Plutomian dollar = $0.13
    or $1 = 7.69 Plutomian dollar
  • 72: The D?xlamic Prelature of New Koraken
    1 D?xlamic mark = $0.1
    or $1 = 10.00 D?xlamic mark
  • 73: The Holy D?xlamic Protectorate of San Noahan
    1 D?xlamic mark = $0.34
    or $1 = 2.94 D?xlamic mark
  • 74: The People's Republic of Korbalis
    1 krenn = $1.64
    or $1 = 0.61 krenn
  • 75: The D?xlamic Blestshires of Berrybrook
    1 D?xlamic mark = $0.24
    or $1 = 4.17 D?xlamic mark
  • 76: The D?xlamic Basilicate of Holly Grove
    1 D?xlamic mark = $0.42
    or $1 = 2.38 D?xlamic mark
  • 77: The Rogue Nation of Donghal
    1 dinar = $0.46
    or $1 = 2.17 dinar
  • 78: The Dảxlamic Commonwealth of Susquehanah
    1 Dảxlamic mark = $0.2
    or $1 = 5.00 Dảxlamic mark
  • 79: The D?xlamic Metropolitanate of Tatioshi
    1 D?xlamic Mark = $0.03
    or $1 = 33.33 D?xlamic Mark
  • 80: The Holy D?xlamic Woodlands of Monks Hill
    1 D?xlamic Mark = $0.11
    or $1 = 9.09 D?xlamic Mark
  • 81: The Serene D?xlamic Estuary of Adenah
    1 D?xlamic mark = $0.01
    or $1 = 100.00 D?xlamic mark
  • 82: The Federal Republic of Palmana
    1 Palman Peso = $1.53
    or $1 = 0.65 Palman Peso
  • 83: The D?xlamic Chorepiscopate of Jordanya
    1 D?xlamic Mark = $0.03
    or $1 = 33.33 D?xlamic Mark
  • 84: The Holy D?xlamic Commonwealth of Miamanos
    1 D?xlamic mark = $0.02
    or $1 = 50.00 D?xlamic mark
  • 85: The D?xlamic Blufflands of Jumbalya
    1 D?xlamic mark = $0.15
    or $1 = 6.67 D?xlamic mark
  • 86: The D?xlamic Marshlands of Kalcuddy
    1 D?xlamic Mark = $0.04
    or $1 = 25.00 D?xlamic Mark
  • 87: The D?xlamic Parishate of New Randovia
    1 D?xlamic Mark = $0.07
    or $1 = 14.29 D?xlamic Mark
  • 88: The Wire Services of Declansburg News Network
    1 pixel = $0.17
    or $1 = 5.88 pixel
  • 89: The Provincial D?xlamic Parishes of Iao
    1 D?xlamic mark = $0.01
    or $1 = 100.00 D?xlamic mark
  • 90: The Republic of Severia and Starodubschina
    1 lav = $1.72
    or $1 = 0.58 lav
  • 91: The Dảxlamic Protopresbyterate of Forsynthia
    1 tangka = $0.13
    or $1 = 7.69 tangka
  • 92: The Polyphonic Antexic Isles of Vobron
    1 Vobronian Mark = $1.72
    or $1 = 0.58 Vobronian Mark
  • 93: The Frosty Isles of Tryust
    1 mark = $1.69
    or $1 = 0.59 mark
  • 94: The Communal D?xlamic Parishes of Qiaxalan
    1 D?xlamic Mark = $0.23
    or $1 = 4.35 D?xlamic Mark
  • 95: The Autocracy of Kingdom of Rija
    1 Gold coin = $0.88
    or $1 = 1.14 Gold coin
  • 96: The Dảxlamic Clericates of Micenya
    1 Dảxlamic mark = $0.24
    or $1 = 4.17 Dảxlamic mark
  • 97: The Green Federation of Junemeau
    1 Junar = $1.62
    or $1 = 0.62 Junar
  • 98: The D?xlamic Evergreen Diocese of The Jestonian Maritimes
    1 D?xlamic mark = $0.01
    or $1 = 100.00 D?xlamic mark
  • 99: The Confederacy of Samgreat2
    1 Bitgold = $0.68
    or $1 = 1.47 Bitgold
  • 100: The Dảxlamic Chapelstead of Chatham
    1 Dảxlamic mark = $0.19
    or $1 = 5.26 Dảxlamic mark
  • 101: The Constitutional Monarchy of The Nirvanas
    1 pecunia = $1.14
    or $1 = 0.88 pecunia
  • 102: The Republic of Wreck-It Ralts
    1 dollar = $0.21
    or $1 = 4.76 dollar
  • 103: The Kingdom of Cartiere
    1 Dollar = $1.59
    or $1 = 0.63 Dollar
  • 104: The Cheesy Horde of Tactical Ravioli
    1 Cheese = $0.15
    or $1 = 6.67 Cheese
  • 105: The Commonwealth of Eld Fen
    1 Staidish Chestnut = $0.01
    or $1 = 100.00 Staidish Chestnut
  • 106: The Delightful Republic of Canditia
    1 Candy = $1.22
    or $1 = 0.82 Candy
  • 107: The United Kingdom of Normzil
    1 Cuia-Real = $1.02
    or $1 = 0.98 Cuia-Real
  • 108: The Grand Commonwealth of Barrnary
    1 Barrnary Quid = $1.04
    or $1 = 0.96 Barrnary Quid
  • 109: The Three Clans of Ovisnia
    1 Nias = $1.63
    or $1 = 0.61 Nias
  • 110: The Republic of Antohia
    1 ASD = $1.59
    or $1 = 0.63 ASD
  • 111: The Province of Nexus Island
    1 Vobronian Mark = $0.01
    or $1 = 100.00 Vobronian Mark
  • 112: The Province of Central Vobronia
    1 Vobronian Mark = $0.01
    or $1 = 100.00 Vobronian Mark
  • 113: The ?stlichesreich of Kingdom of Marienland
    1 Mariennisch Mark ????? = $1.71
    or $1 = 0.58 Mariennisch Mark ?????
  • 114: The Nightmare State of Rainraa
    1 Parkour Jump = $0.16
    or $1 = 6.25 Parkour Jump
  • 115: The Constitutional Monarchy of Kamistoga
    1 Kami = $0.32
    or $1 = 3.13 Kami
  • 116: The Kingdom of Johannesborg
    1 Slant = $0.63
    or $1 = 1.59 Slant
  • 117: The Federal Republic of Scarinova
    1 Ekoruna = $0.22
    or $1 = 4.55 Ekoruna
  • 118: The Benevolent Stewardship of Soantrias
    1 Soanar = $1.33
    or $1 = 0.75 Soanar
  • 119: The R?publique F?d?rale of Les Meridiennes
    1 Couronne = $0.22
    or $1 = 4.55 Couronne
  • 120: The Republic of Grand Funk Railroad
    1 dollar = $1.09
    or $1 = 0.92 dollar
  • 121: The Republic of Cemera
    1 Credit = $1.49
    or $1 = 0.67 Credit
  • 122: The Kingdom of Intalusia
    1 Quaint = $0.51
    or $1 = 1.96 Quaint
  • 123: The Confederation of The Five Clanlands
    1 doubl?in = $0.09
    or $1 = 11.11 doubl?in
  • 124: The Fishtopia of Salaniouca
    1 fishy fish = $0.21
    or $1 = 4.76 fishy fish
  • 125: The Sacred Stewardship of Blodvidr
    1 Blodvidrian grein = $0.01
    or $1 = 100.00 Blodvidrian grein
  • 127: The Holy Empire of Patronium
    1 Patroner = $0.33
    or $1 = 3.03 Patroner
  • 128: The Republic of Mummenteiganatthauvr
    1 Mumment = $0.21
    or $1 = 4.76 Mumment
  • 129: The Socialist People's Union of Vyrhonland
    1 Vyrmark = $1.02
    or $1 = 0.98 Vyrmark
  • 130: The Theocracy of Darnuria
    1 Krona = $0.16
    or $1 = 6.25 Krona
  • 131: The Armed Republic of Seravonne-Navvaro
    1 Denar = $0.22
    or $1 = 4.55 Denar
  • 132: The Grand Duchy of Soulthia
    1 Eurak = $0.22
    or $1 = 4.55 Eurak
  • 133: The Democratic Republic of Sabamba
    1 sabamba krona = $0.18
    or $1 = 5.56 sabamba krona
  • 134: The Oppressed Peoples of The Darkening States
    1 Cor = $0.78
    or $1 = 1.28 Cor
  • 135: The Confederacy of The Hamster Lands
    1 Hamsterian Dollars = $0.18
    or $1 = 5.56 Hamsterian Dollars
  • 136: The Federal Republic of Atlantanica
    1 Sterling = $0.1
    or $1 = 10.00 Sterling
  • 137: The Federal Republic of Tripore
    1 Tripore Dollar = $0.24
    or $1 = 4.17 Tripore Dollar
  • 138: The Kingdom of Concengard
    1 Imperial Dragon = $0.12
    or $1 = 8.33 Imperial Dragon
  • 139: The Federal Republic of Interfectoremia
    1 pecunia = $0.45
    or $1 = 2.22 pecunia
  • 140: The Protectorate of Loxbeck
    1 Vobronian Mark = $0.01
    or $1 = 100.00 Vobronian Mark
  • 141: The Protectorate of Portsmere
    1 Vobronian Mark = $0.01
    or $1 = 100.00 Vobronian Mark
  • 142: The Protectorate of Nevaris
    1 Vobronian Mark = $0.01
    or $1 = 100.00 Vobronian Mark
  • 143: The Protectorate of Faire Bluff
    1 Vobronian Mark = $0.01
    or $1 = 100.00 Vobronian Mark
  • 144: The Protectorate of Barmouthe
    1 Vobronian Mark = $0.01
    or $1 = 100.00 Vobronian Mark
  • 145: The Protectorate of Elara Montaine
    1 Vobronian Mark = $0.07
    or $1 = 14.29 Vobronian Mark
  • 146: The Protectorate of Sablefir
    1 Vobronian Mark = $0.01
    or $1 = 100.00 Vobronian Mark
  • 147: The Protectorate of Eirenwood
    1 Vobronian Mark = $0.01
    or $1 = 100.00 Vobronian Mark
  • 148: The Protectorate of Metropolaire
    1 Vobronian Mark = $0.01
    or $1 = 100.00 Vobronian Mark
  • 149: The Protectorate of Volatale
    1 Vobronian Mark = $0.01
    or $1 = 100.00 Vobronian Mark
  • 150: The Protectorate of Heravine
    1 Vobronian Mark = $0.01
    or $1 = 100.00 Vobronian Mark
  • 151: The Protectorate of Redwynn
    1 Vobronian Mark = $0.01
    or $1 = 100.00 Vobronian Mark
  • 152: The Protectorate of Holywell Springs
    1 Vobronian Mark = $0.01
    or $1 = 100.00 Vobronian Mark
  • 153: The Protectorate of Aurivera
    1 Vobronian Mark = $0.01
    or $1 = 100.00 Vobronian Mark
  • 154: The Protectorate of Marimoore
    1 Vobronian Mark = $0.01
    or $1 = 100.00 Vobronian Mark
  • 155: The Protectorate of Calyptia
    1 Vobronian Mark = $0.01
    or $1 = 100.00 Vobronian Mark
  • 156: The Republic of Fogcrest Maritimes
    1 Vobronian Mark = $0.01
    or $1 = 100.00 Vobronian Mark
  • 157: The Commonwealth of Jarin nam
    1 dollar = $0.21
    or $1 = 4.76 dollar
  • 158: The United Socialist States of Preview 1312321321
    1 krona = $0.01
    or $1 = 100.00 krona
  • 159: The People's Republic of Democratic Rex New Habandminoli
    1 cool rocks = $0.1
    or $1 = 10.00 cool rocks
  • 160: The Dominion of The Illuminator
    1 Mechanical Pencil = $0.18
    or $1 = 5.56 Mechanical Pencil
  • 161: The Grand Duchy of Tharla Sov
    1 dollar = $0.01
    or $1 = 100.00 dollar
  • 162: The Matriarchy of Ele Chunist
    1 denier = $0.01
    or $1 = 100.00 denier
  • 163: The Constitutional Monarchy of Grunculli
    1 New Guarani = $0.2
    or $1 = 5.00 New Guarani
  • 164: The Empire of Southmongolia
    1 dollar = $0.3
    or $1 = 3.33 dollar
  • 165: The Federal Republic of Caciocavalls
    1 Taco = $0.4
    or $1 = 2.50 Taco
  • 166: The Constitutional Monarchy of Holy Mast Elesteraterizzy
    1 franc = $0.13
    or $1 = 7.69 franc
  • 167: The Republic of Federalis Unida
    1 Aurum = $0.31
    or $1 = 3.23 Aurum
  • 168: The Empire of 2201
    1 $200000000000 = $0.16
    or $1 = 6.25 $200000000000
  • 169: The Republic of Aostorania
    1 Solu = $0.11
    or $1 = 9.09 Solu
  • 170: The United States of PrestonLand
    1 Belizean Dollar = $0.39
    or $1 = 2.56 Belizean Dollar
  • 171: The United States of The Zweite
    1 Zea = $0.23
    or $1 = 4.35 Zea
  • 172: The Armed Republic of Whiskaria
    1 Cheeset = $0.22
    or $1 = 4.55 Cheeset
  • 173: The Rogue Nation of Kejahatan
    1 pound = $0.1
    or $1 = 10.00 pound
  • 174: The United Kingdom of Hotazel
    1 Werian subbles = $0.17
    or $1 = 5.88 Werian subbles
  • 175: The Republic of Xanane
    1 Dollar = $0.35
    or $1 = 2.86 Dollar
  • 176: The Republic of Itachi
    1 Ita = $0.26
    or $1 = 3.85 Ita
  • 177: The United Socialist States of Arderlasia
    1 Mark = $0.33
    or $1 = 3.03 Mark
  • 178: The Democratic States of Semper Polar
    1 Spade = $0.16
    or $1 = 6.25 Spade
  • 179: The Holy Empire of Yumna
    1 Saad = $0.27
    or $1 = 3.70 Saad
  • 180: The Kingdom of Legensguerre
    1 Legensguerrian Penny = $0.16
    or $1 = 6.25 Legensguerrian Penny
  • 181: The Armed Republic of Baruwan
    1 Silver Kilan = $0.06
    or $1 = 16.67 Silver Kilan
  • 182: The Republic of Northrendd
    1 Nerubian = $0.13
    or $1 = 7.69 Nerubian
  • 183: The Democratic Republic of Hugibert
    1 Goyk = $0.21
    or $1 = 4.76 Goyk
  • 184: The Holy Empire of Vekrof
    1 Veres = $0.01
    or $1 = 100.00 Veres
  • 185: The Incorporated States of Santisimo
    1 Santi = $0.23
    or $1 = 4.35 Santi
  • 186: The Republic of Nay Empire
    1 munyun = $0.19
    or $1 = 5.26 munyun
  • 187: The Confederacy of Mayazo
    1 dollar = $0.21
    or $1 = 4.76 dollar
  • 188: The Federation of Rishlandia
    1 keyo = $0.2
    or $1 = 5.00 keyo
  • 189: The Republic of Finerlands
    1 Euro = $0.16
    or $1 = 6.25 Euro
  • 190: The Republic of Costa Sangria
    1 pitada = $0.08
    or $1 = 12.50 pitada
  • 191: The Dominion of Jermasion
    1 Masollar = $0.16
    or $1 = 6.25 Masollar
  • 192: The Republic of Aparecida do Norte
    1 Mercos = $0.29
    or $1 = 3.45 Mercos
  • 193: The Federation of Volksteine
    1 Volk = $0.17
    or $1 = 5.88 Volk
  • 194: The Colony of The Scorean Puppet Nation of Olthera
    1 Scor = $0.19
    or $1 = 5.26 Scor
  • 195: The Disputed Territories of Srce Srbije
    1 Dinar = $0.22
    or $1 = 4.55 Dinar
  • 196: The Most Serene Republic of Cenatia
    1 dollar = $0.07
    or $1 = 14.29 dollar
  • 197: The People's Republic of Daparorldian
    1 lira = $0.2
    or $1 = 5.00 lira
  • 198: The Kingdom of Kokeeling
    1 Kokeeli Rupee = $0.31
    or $1 = 3.23 Kokeeli Rupee
  • 199: The Federal Republic of Hhii
    1 Hi = $0.17
    or $1 = 5.88 Hi
  • 200: The Dictatorship of Fiyylbillnjlldscbkjsdabij
    1 peso = $0.14
    or $1 = 7.14 peso
  • 201: The Holy Empire of Kaodios
    1 Dallors = $0.15
    or $1 = 6.67 Dallors
  • 202: The Federal Republic of Pardeis
    1 US dollar = $0.32
    or $1 = 3.13 US dollar
  • 203: The People's Republic of Demoracy
    1 uji = $0.16
    or $1 = 6.25 uji
  • 204: The Republic of Dembelia
    1 good money = $0.01
    or $1 = 100.00 good money
  • 205: The Kingdom of Briskhut
    1 franc = $0.18
    or $1 = 5.56 franc
  • 206: The Constitutional Monarchy of Dracoriaes
    1 dollar = $0.16
    or $1 = 6.25 dollar
  • 207: The Republic of Republic Of Jasonastan
    1 Jasonmarks = $0.21
    or $1 = 4.76 Jasonmarks
  • 208: The Republic of Rusin Republic
    1 Gro?y = $0.18
    or $1 = 5.56 Gro?y
  • 209: The Emirate of Catrosia
    1 Punt = $0.2
    or $1 = 5.00 Punt
  • 210: The Federation of Nolden
    1 Yoln = $0.13
    or $1 = 7.69 Yoln
  • 211: The Federation of Lstravia
    1 Lstrav = $0.01
    or $1 = 100.00 Lstrav
  • 212: The Republic of Al Hariq
    1 riyal = $0.23
    or $1 = 4.35 riyal
  • 213: The Matriarchy of Arietia
    1 Lire = $0.1
    or $1 = 10.00 Lire
  • 214: The Holy Empire of The Hans
    1 Francs = $0.22
    or $1 = 4.55 Francs
  • 215: The People's Republic of Mr Stinky
    1 dinero = $0.16
    or $1 = 6.25 dinero
  • 216: The Republic of Apghania
    1 kaldara = $0.21
    or $1 = 4.76 kaldara
  • 217: The Theocracy of Preuben National State
    1 Thaler = $0.34
    or $1 = 2.94 Thaler
  • 218: The United Socialist States of The Pacific Vanguard
    1 USSPVD = $0.15
    or $1 = 6.67 USSPVD
  • 219: The Empire of Lower Valska More Oddalank
    1 Valska = $0.21
    or $1 = 4.76 Valska

  • I'm in the right Region, but I can't see My Nation?: You Sure?

    How do Exchange Rates Get Decided?: Nation States implies tax rates, and conditions for the standard of living in your Nation. As a result your monies are valued against your neighbors. This can be effected by your tax rate, you don't make anything of worth (trade deficit), etc.. Check back tomorrow, depending on how you legislate, things could change...

    How Do I increase my Exchange Rate?

    Exchange rates are a product of the calculations here.
    Economic Conditions for
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    Game Based on:
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    Nation States: Declansburg Enonomy, Demographics, Delegate, Markets, and Money Calculator

    NSEconomy 3.69 © 2004 - 2025
    Written by: Tbone Steak
    Special Thanks and Code Contributions: Commerce Heights & Sunset
    512,645,739 uses since September 1, 2011. First 10G in 30 days. Thank you testers.
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    Declansburg NS Economy Statistics.
    Nation States Economy Calculator v3.69

    Economic Calculations Courtesy of:
    TBone Steak
    NS Economy economic statistics courtesy of TBone Steak

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