25 Nations populate the Region of Saint Osmund
Below are the values of the currencies in Saint Osmund compared to 1 dollar.
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Top 25 GDP Leaders:
2. Click here to see trade data.
3. Click here to see GDP data.
4. Click here to see WA Delegate Nations.
1 Canton Dollar = $1.36
or $1 = 0.74 Canton Dollar
1 Pound = $0.2
or $1 = 5.00 Pound
1 snail = $1.41
or $1 = 0.71 snail
1 Euro = $1.54
or $1 = 0.65 Euro
1 Dollar = $0.38
or $1 = 2.63 Dollar
1 Monte Real = $1.54
or $1 = 0.65 Monte Real
1 Federation Credit = $0.35
or $1 = 2.86 Federation Credit
1 Roma = $0.19
or $1 = 5.26 Roma
1 Scire = $1.59
or $1 = 0.63 Scire
1 Delta Eagle = $0.2
or $1 = 5.00 Delta Eagle
1 Snackie = $0.03
or $1 = 33.33 Snackie
1 Delta Eagle = $0.19
or $1 = 5.26 Delta Eagle
1 Brownie = $0.42
or $1 = 2.38 Brownie
1 Ren = $1.39
or $1 = 0.72 Ren
1 Loshian Dollar = $0.77
or $1 = 1.30 Loshian Dollar
1 Fexari = $1.44
or $1 = 0.69 Fexari
1 Khlora = $1.62
or $1 = 0.62 Khlora
1 crown = $0.13
or $1 = 7.69 crown
1 samrk = $0.55
or $1 = 1.82 samrk
1 Tao = $0.98
or $1 = 1.02 Tao
1 Chaos = $0.45
or $1 = 2.22 Chaos
1 Saint Osmundian Dollar = $0.17
or $1 = 5.88 Saint Osmundian Dollar
1 Jiths = $1.46
or $1 = 0.68 Jiths
1 Vies = $0.07
or $1 = 14.29 Vies
1 mark = $0.13
or $1 = 7.69 mark