20 Nations populate the Region of The Southern Lands
Below are the values of the currencies in The Southern Lands compared to 1 dollar.
1. Select a different Region to view Exchange Data From. (complete region listings)
Top 25 GDP Leaders:
2. Click here to see trade data.
3. Click here to see GDP data.
4. Click here to see WA Delegate Nations.
1 Ruble = $1.18
or $1 = 0.85 Ruble
1 Goldmarc = $1.6
or $1 = 0.63 Goldmarc
1 Lira = $0.31
or $1 = 3.23 Lira
1 Zera = $1.12
or $1 = 0.89 Zera
1 Versland dollar = $1.2
or $1 = 0.83 Versland dollar
1 igro = $1.56
or $1 = 0.64 igro
1 Kyr = $0.44
or $1 = 2.27 Kyr
1 TSL = $0.03
or $1 = 33.33 TSL
1 Draconic = $0.78
or $1 = 1.28 Draconic
1 Plutan = $0.63
or $1 = 1.59 Plutan
1 Vaas = $1.4
or $1 = 0.71 Vaas
1 Luxury Goods Credit = $1.26
or $1 = 0.79 Luxury Goods Credit
1 Aetherian Dollar = $0.23
or $1 = 4.35 Aetherian Dollar
1 Tibet = $0.2
or $1 = 5.00 Tibet
1 ?mmetera? = $0.37
or $1 = 2.70 ?mmetera?
1 dollar = $0.06
or $1 = 16.67 dollar
1 Terminian Dollar = $0.32
or $1 = 3.13 Terminian Dollar
1 Yen = $0.16
or $1 = 6.25 Yen
1 Silbermunze = $0.25
or $1 = 4.00 Silbermunze
1 Draconic = $0.55
or $1 = 1.82 Draconic