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The Demon Guard Dog of Fuwaw

The Demon Guard Dog of Fuwawa

I'm not a chihuahua, I'm Fuwawa

Region: Herta Space Station
Quicksearch Query: Fuwawa

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Fuwawa Domestic Statistics
Government Category: Demon Guard Dog
Government Priority: Law & Order
Economic Rating: Frightening
Civil Rights Rating: Average
Political Freedoms: Few
Income Tax Rate: 67%
Consumer Confidence Rate: 104%
Worker Enthusiasm Rate: 103%
Major Industry: Information Technology
National Animal: porpoise
Fuwawa Demographics
Total Population: 3,447,000,000
Criminals: 221,224,530
Elderly, Disabled, & Retirees: 338,789,650
Military & Reserves: ? 136,813,099
Students and Youth: 713,184,300
Unemployed but Able: 419,787,426
Working Class: 1,617,200,996
Fuwawa Government Budget Details
Government Budget: $95,327,203,355,231.53
Government Expenditures: $87,701,027,086,813.02
Goverment Waste: $7,626,176,268,418.52
Goverment Efficiency: 92%
Fuwawa Government Spending Breakdown:
Administration: $14,032,164,333,890.08 16%
Social Welfare: $0.00 0%
Healthcare: $7,893,092,437,813.17 9%
Education: $12,278,143,792,153.82 14%
Religion & Spirituality: $4,385,051,354,340.65 5%
Defense: $11,401,133,521,285.69 13%
Law & Order: $14,909,174,604,758.21 17%
Commerce: $13,155,154,063,021.95 15%
Public Transport: $1,754,020,541,736.26 2%
The Environment: $2,631,030,812,604.39 3%
Social Equality: $5,262,061,625,208.78 6%
FuwawaWhite Market Economic Statistics ?
Gross Domestic Product: $70,837,500,000,000.00
GDP Per Capita: $20,550.48
Average Salary Per Employee: $30,498.83
Unemployment Rate: 9.13%
Consumption: $42,755,177,714,810.88
Exports: $16,178,384,437,248.00
Imports: $15,680,689,668,096.00
Trade Net: 497,694,769,152.00
Fuwawa Non Market Statistics ?
Evasion, Black Market, Barter & Crime
Black & Grey Markets Combined: $268,915,039,773,343.62
Avg Annual Criminal's Income / Savings: ? $101,297.93
Recovered Product + Fines & Fees: $34,286,667,571,101.31
Black Market & Non Monetary Trade:
Guns & Weapons: $9,528,844,766,063.57
Drugs and Pharmaceuticals: $12,370,780,924,363.22
Extortion & Blackmail: $20,729,416,684,068.11
Counterfeit Goods: $25,744,598,139,891.04
Trafficking & Intl Sales: $4,012,145,164,658.34
Theft & Disappearance: $10,030,362,911,645.86
Counterfeit Currency & Instruments : $26,413,289,000,667.43
Illegal Mining, Logging, and Hunting : $2,674,763,443,105.56
Basic Necessitites : $6,686,908,607,763.91
School Loan Fraud : $10,364,708,342,034.05
Tax Evasion + Barter Trade : $115,633,467,102,537.75
Fuwawa Total Market Statistics ?
National Currency: krona
Exchange Rates: 1 krona = $1.33
  $1 = 0.75 kronas
  Regional Exchange Rates
Gross Domestic Product: $70,837,500,000,000.00 - 21%
Black & Grey Markets Combined: $268,915,039,773,343.62 - 79%
Real Total Economy: $339,752,539,773,343.62          
Herta Space Station Economic Statistics & Links
Gross Regional Product: $157,306,080,613,892,096
Region Wide Imports: $19,642,912,669,171,712
Largest Regional GDP: Kractero
Largest Regional Importer: Kractero
Regional Search Functions: All Herta Space Station Nations.
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