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The Cyan-Depleted Cartridges

The Cyan-Depleted Cartridges of Printer299


Region: Two
Quicksearch Query: Printer299

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Printer299 Domestic Statistics
Government Category: Cyan-Depleted Cartridges
Government Priority: Commerce
Economic Rating: Frightening
Civil Rights Rating: Rare
Political Freedoms: Good
Income Tax Rate: 88%
Consumer Confidence Rate: 98%
Worker Enthusiasm Rate: 101%
Major Industry: Retail
National Animal: legendary
Printer299 Demographics
Total Population: 7,414,000,000
Criminals: 391,554,177
Elderly, Disabled, & Retirees: 608,802,990
Military & Reserves: ? 93,157,796
Students and Youth: 1,675,564,000
Unemployed but Able: 856,504,008
Working Class: 3,788,417,029
Printer299 Government Budget Details
Government Budget: $248,252,547,004,681.41
Government Expenditures: $238,322,445,124,494.16
Goverment Waste: $9,930,101,880,187.25
Goverment Efficiency: 96%
Printer299 Government Spending Breakdown:
Administration: $40,514,815,671,164.01 17%
Social Welfare: $16,682,571,158,714.59 7%
Healthcare: $16,682,571,158,714.59 7%
Education: $35,748,366,768,674.12 15%
Religion & Spirituality: $11,916,122,256,224.71 5%
Defense: $9,532,897,804,979.77 4%
Law & Order: $42,898,040,122,408.95 18%
Commerce: $47,664,489,024,898.84 20%
Public Transport: $4,766,448,902,489.88 2%
The Environment: $7,149,673,353,734.82 3%
Social Equality: $7,149,673,353,734.82 3%
Printer299White Market Economic Statistics ?
Gross Domestic Product: $190,556,000,000,000.00
GDP Per Capita: $25,702.19
Average Salary Per Employee: $32,361.28
Unemployment Rate: 6.51%
Consumption: $30,931,042,487,500.80
Exports: $31,945,649,815,552.00
Imports: $34,346,283,040,768.00
Trade Net: -2,400,633,225,216.00
Printer299 Non Market Statistics ?
Evasion, Black Market, Barter & Crime
Black & Grey Markets Combined: $701,946,645,668,340.75
Avg Annual Criminal's Income / Savings: ? $138,327.09
Recovered Product + Fines & Fees: $94,762,797,165,226.00
Black Market & Non Monetary Trade:
Guns & Weapons: $9,084,988,333,227.85
Drugs and Pharmaceuticals: $29,418,057,459,975.91
Extortion & Blackmail: $64,027,536,824,653.45
Counterfeit Goods: $69,218,958,729,355.08
Trafficking & Intl Sales: $10,382,843,809,403.26
Theft & Disappearance: $17,304,739,682,338.77
Counterfeit Currency & Instruments : $64,027,536,824,653.45
Illegal Mining, Logging, and Hunting : $6,921,895,872,935.51
Basic Necessitites : $27,687,583,491,742.03
School Loan Fraud : $28,552,820,475,858.97
Tax Evasion + Barter Trade : $301,837,057,637,386.50
Printer299 Total Market Statistics ?
National Currency: card
Exchange Rates: 1 card = $1.49
  $1 = 0.67 cards
  Regional Exchange Rates
Gross Domestic Product: $190,556,000,000,000.00 - 21%
Black & Grey Markets Combined: $701,946,645,668,340.75 - 79%
Real Total Economy: $892,502,645,668,340.75          
Two Economic Statistics & Links
Gross Regional Product: $651,610,379,197,087,744
Region Wide Imports: $80,758,158,397,538,304
Largest Regional GDP: Seenerille
Largest Regional Importer: Seenerille
Regional Search Functions: All Two Nations.
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