The Republic of 10KI Card Farm GK 42
Might Makes Right
Region: Lazarus 10KI Card Farm GK 42 Economic Stats 10KI Card Farm GK 42 Mobile Stats Calculation Explained
10KI Card Farm GK 42 Domestic Statistics | |
Government Category: | Republic |
Government Priority: | Defence |
Economic Rating: | All-Consuming |
Civil Rights Rating: | Few |
Political Freedoms: | Few |
Income Tax Rate: | 57% |
Consumer Confidence Rate: | 99% |
Worker Enthusiasm Rate: | 100% |
Major Industry: | Arms Manufacturing |
National Animal: | dolphin |
10KI Card Farm GK 42 Demographics | |
Total Population: | 8,694,000,000 |
Criminals: | 685,559,359 |
Elderly, Disabled, & Retirees: | 906,435,818 |
Military & Reserves: ? | 607,284,470 |
Students and Youth: | 1,737,930,600 |
Unemployed but Able: | 1,146,820,958 |
Working Class: | 3,609,968,794 |
10KI Card Farm GK 42 Government Budget Details | ||
Government Budget: | $165,225,768,972,724.47 | |
Government Expenditures: | $152,007,707,454,906.53 | |
Goverment Waste: | $13,218,061,517,817.94 | |
Goverment Efficiency: | 92% |
10KI Card Farm GK 42 Government Spending Breakdown: | ||
Administration: | $21,281,079,043,686.92 | 14% |
Social Welfare: | $0.00 | 0% |
Healthcare: | $13,680,693,670,941.59 | 9% |
Education: | $21,281,079,043,686.92 | 14% |
Religion & Spirituality: | $6,080,308,298,196.26 | 4% |
Defense: | $36,481,849,789,177.56 | 24% |
Law & Order: | $24,321,233,192,785.05 | 16% |
Commerce: | $16,720,847,820,039.72 | 11% |
Public Transport: | $0.00 | 0% |
The Environment: | $4,560,231,223,647.20 | 3% |
Social Equality: | $10,640,539,521,843.46 | 7% |
10KI Card Farm GK 42 White Market Statistics ? | ||
Gross Domestic Product: | $122,293,000,000,000.00 | |
GDP Per Capita: | $14,066.37 | |
Average Salary Per Employee: | $21,799.51 | |
Unemployment Rate: | 13.38% | |
Consumption: | $111,275,342,466,908.16 | |
Exports: | $33,030,720,061,440.00 | |
Imports: | $33,244,330,328,064.00 | |
Trade Net: | -213,610,266,624.00 |
10KI Card Farm GK 42 Grey and Black Market Statistics ? | |
Black & Grey Markets Combined: | $469,417,619,461,747.31 |
Avg Annual Criminal's Income / Savings: ? | $63,400.19 |
Recovered Product + Fines & Fees: | $56,330,114,335,409.67 |
Black Market & Grey Market Statistics: | |
Guns & Weapons: | $29,432,484,740,251.55 |
Drugs and Pharmaceuticals: | $21,191,389,012,981.12 |
Extortion & Blackmail: | $29,432,484,740,251.55 |
Counterfeit Goods: | $45,914,676,194,792.43 |
Trafficking & Intl Sales: | $4,120,547,863,635.22 |
Theft & Disappearance: | $18,836,790,233,761.00 |
Counterfeit Currency & Instruments : | $49,446,574,363,622.60 |
Illegal Mining, Logging, and Hunting : | $3,531,898,168,830.19 |
Basic Necessitites : | $12,361,643,590,905.65 |
School Loan Fraud : | $18,248,140,538,955.96 |
Tax Evasion + Barter Trade : | $201,849,576,368,551.34 |
10KI Card Farm GK 42 Total Market Statistics ? | |
National Currency: | guilder |
Exchange Rates: | 1 guilder = $1.02 |
$1 = 0.98 guilders | |
Regional Exchange Rates | |
Gross Domestic Product: | $122,293,000,000,000.00 - 21% |
Black & Grey Markets Combined: | $469,417,619,461,747.31 - 79% |
Real Total Economy: | $591,710,619,461,747.25 |
Lazarus Economic Statistics & Links | |
Gross Regional Product: | $1,687,694,410,982,096,896 |
Region Wide Imports: | $215,417,692,503,408,640 |
Largest Regional GDP: | Pullenstein |
Largest Regional Importer: | Pullenstein |
Regional Search Functions: | All Lazarus Nations. |
Regional Nations by GDP | Regional Trading Leaders | |
Regional Exchange Rates | WA Members |