Chaoter Kikuion Domestic Statistics
Government Category: |
Republic |
Government Priority: |
Defence |
Economic Rating: |
Good |
Civil Rights Rating: |
Good |
Political Freedoms: |
Good |
Income Tax Rate: |
20% |
Consumer Confidence Rate: |
101% |
Worker Enthusiasm Rate: |
103% |
Major Industry: |
Woodchip Exports |
National Animal: |
Kitsune |
Chaoter Kikuion Demographics
Total Population: |
5,456,000,000 |
Criminals: |
607,208,570 |
Elderly, Disabled, & Retirees: |
744,165,936 |
Military & Reserves: ? |
208,536,779 |
Students and Youth: |
927,520,000 |
Unemployed but Able: |
860,030,170 |
Working Class: |
2,108,538,544 |
Chaoter Kikuion Government Budget Details
Government Budget: |
$13,363,439,688,996.62 |
Government Expenditures: |
$12,828,902,101,436.76 |
Goverment Waste: |
$534,537,587,559.87 |
Goverment Efficiency: |
96% |
Chaoter Kikuion Government Spending Breakdown:
Administration: |
$1,282,890,210,143.68 |
10% |
Social Welfare: |
$1,411,179,231,158.04 |
11% |
Healthcare: |
$1,411,179,231,158.04 |
11% |
Education: |
$1,282,890,210,143.68 |
10% |
Religion & Spirituality: |
$384,867,063,043.10 |
3% |
Defense: |
$1,924,335,315,215.51 |
15% |
Law & Order: |
$1,924,335,315,215.51 |
15% |
Commerce: |
$513,156,084,057.47 |
4% |
Public Transport: |
$1,282,890,210,143.68 |
10% |
The Environment: |
$513,156,084,057.47 |
4% |
Social Equality: |
$641,445,105,071.84 |
5% |
Chaoter Kikuion White Market Statistics ?
Gross Domestic Product: |
$10,463,000,000,000.00 |
GDP Per Capita: |
$1,917.71 |
Average Salary Per Employee: |
$3,355.42 |
Unemployment Rate: |
24.16% |
Consumption: |
$34,081,713,055,334.40 |
Exports: |
$5,144,091,820,032.00 |
Imports: |
$5,805,866,221,568.00 |
Trade Net: |
-661,774,401,536.00 |
Chaoter Kikuion Grey and Black Market Statistics ? Evasion, Black Market, Barter & Crime
Black & Grey Markets Combined: |
$13,446,803,559,129.97 |
Avg Annual Criminal's Income / Savings: ? |
$1,845.44 |
Recovered Product + Fines & Fees: |
$1,512,765,400,402.12 |
Black Market & Grey Market Statistics:
Guns & Weapons: |
$535,689,137,849.90 |
Drugs and Pharmaceuticals: |
$595,210,153,166.55 |
Extortion & Blackmail: |
$476,168,122,533.24 |
Counterfeit Goods: |
$901,318,231,937.92 |
Trafficking & Intl Sales: |
$459,162,118,157.05 |
Theft & Disappearance: |
$544,192,140,037.99 |
Counterfeit Currency & Instruments : |
$1,105,390,284,452.17 |
Illegal Mining, Logging, and Hunting : |
$306,108,078,771.37 |
Basic Necessitites : |
$629,222,161,918.93 |
School Loan Fraud : |
$408,144,105,028.49 |
Tax Evasion + Barter Trade : |
$5,782,125,530,425.89 |
Chaoter Kikuion Total Market Statistics ?
National Currency: |
Delta Eagle |
Exchange Rates: |
1 Delta Eagle = $0.19 |
$1 = 5.30 Delta Eagles |
Regional Exchange Rates |
Gross Domestic Product: |
$10,463,000,000,000.00 - 44% |
Black & Grey Markets Combined: |
$13,446,803,559,129.97 - 56% |
Real Total Economy: |
$23,909,803,559,129.97 |