Juliet Starling Domestic Statistics
Government Category: |
Cheerleader |
Government Priority: |
Education |
Economic Rating: |
Powerhouse |
Civil Rights Rating: |
Superb |
Political Freedoms: |
Superb |
Income Tax Rate: |
20% |
Consumer Confidence Rate: |
106% |
Worker Enthusiasm Rate: |
109% |
Major Industry: |
Arms Manufacturing |
National Animal: |
wolf |
Juliet Starling Demographics
Total Population: |
6,813,000,000 |
Criminals: |
611,706,636 |
Elderly, Disabled, & Retirees: |
884,617,260 |
Military & Reserves: ? |
299,475,574 |
Students and Youth: |
1,219,527,000 |
Unemployed but Able: |
977,611,877 |
Working Class: |
2,820,061,654 |
Juliet Starling Government Budget Details
Government Budget: |
$64,316,977,373,260.03 |
Government Expenditures: |
$63,030,637,825,794.83 |
Goverment Waste: |
$1,286,339,547,465.20 |
Goverment Efficiency: |
98% |
Juliet Starling Government Spending Breakdown:
Administration: |
$6,933,370,160,837.43 |
11% |
Social Welfare: |
$5,672,757,404,321.53 |
9% |
Healthcare: |
$3,781,838,269,547.69 |
6% |
Education: |
$11,975,821,186,901.02 |
19% |
Religion & Spirituality: |
$0.00 |
0% |
Defense: |
$10,084,902,052,127.17 |
16% |
Law & Order: |
$6,303,063,782,579.48 |
10% |
Commerce: |
$8,824,289,295,611.28 |
14% |
Public Transport: |
$2,521,225,513,031.79 |
4% |
The Environment: |
$4,412,144,647,805.64 |
7% |
Social Equality: |
$2,521,225,513,031.79 |
4% |
Juliet Starling White Market Statistics ?
Gross Domestic Product: |
$55,022,200,000,000.00 |
GDP Per Capita: |
$8,076.06 |
Average Salary Per Employee: |
$14,652.95 |
Unemployment Rate: |
18.24% |
Consumption: |
$157,550,352,583,884.81 |
Exports: |
$25,881,384,697,856.00 |
Imports: |
$26,012,356,182,016.00 |
Trade Net: |
-130,971,484,160.00 |
Juliet Starling Grey and Black Market Statistics ? Evasion, Black Market, Barter & Crime
Black & Grey Markets Combined: |
$60,648,779,282,476.62 |
Avg Annual Criminal's Income / Savings: ? |
$7,944.46 |
Recovered Product + Fines & Fees: |
$4,548,658,446,185.75 |
Black Market & Grey Market Statistics:
Guns & Weapons: |
$2,558,165,510,134.86 |
Drugs and Pharmaceuticals: |
$2,478,222,837,943.15 |
Extortion & Blackmail: |
$3,997,133,609,585.72 |
Counterfeit Goods: |
$5,116,331,020,269.73 |
Trafficking & Intl Sales: |
$1,199,140,082,875.72 |
Theft & Disappearance: |
$1,598,853,443,834.29 |
Counterfeit Currency & Instruments : |
$4,636,674,987,119.44 |
Illegal Mining, Logging, and Hunting : |
$1,438,968,099,450.86 |
Basic Necessitites : |
$3,277,649,559,860.29 |
School Loan Fraud : |
$3,597,420,248,627.15 |
Tax Evasion + Barter Trade : |
$26,078,975,091,464.95 |
Juliet Starling Total Market Statistics ?
National Currency: |
dollar |
Exchange Rates: |
1 dollar = $0.71 |
$1 = 1.41 dollars |
Regional Exchange Rates |
Gross Domestic Product: |
$55,022,200,000,000.00 - 48% |
Black & Grey Markets Combined: |
$60,648,779,282,476.62 - 52% |
Real Total Economy: |
$115,670,979,282,476.62 |
Ambition Economic Statistics & Links
Gross Regional Product: |
$358,824,863,810,453,504 |
Region Wide Imports: |
$47,156,400,152,903,680 |
Largest Regional GDP: |
Shy Gal |
Largest Regional Importer: |
Shy Gal |
Regional Search Functions: |
All Ambition Nations. |
Regional Nations by GDP |
Regional Trading Leaders |
Regional Exchange Rates |
WA Members |