1: The Loving Couple of -Fan4rt- Pop: 6,863 Mil 2: The Dominion of -New Hibernia- Pop: 16,787 Mil 3: The Republic of A water spirit Pop: 4,153 Mil 4: The Republic of Adrinian Pop: 8,507 Mil 5: The Grand Republic of Albithica Pop: 20,966 Mil 6: The Most Divine Nalacy of Aleni Pop: 12,118 Mil 7: The Republic of Alosaes Pop: 4,579 Mil 8: The Remnant Government of American Provisional Administration Pop: 3,933 Mil 9: The Royal Federation of Amilagro Pop: 3,335 Mil 10: The Federal Republic of Anahuac Pop: 4,134 Mil 11: The Federal Republic of Anavero Pop: 6,597 Mil 12: The Khaganate of Anderum Pop: 7,764 Mil 13: The Soupremacy of Ant Tear-Reeya Pop: 3,696 Mil 14: The People's Federation of Antara Pop: 5,521 Mil 15: The Democratic Republic of Arakaiza Pop: 499 Mil 16: The Philosopher-Kingdom of Aramos Pop: 9,804 Mil 17: The Republic of Ardistan Pop: 6,852 Mil 18: The Democratic Republic of Ariree Pop: 15,533 Mil 19: The Confederacy of Arkkonesia Pop: 838 Mil 20: The Kingdom of Artesmia Pop: 4,278 Mil 21: The Presidency of Asturan Pop: 16,050 Mil 22: The Federal Republic of Augsheim Pop: 271 Mil 23: The Union of Aziallis Pop: 15,206 Mil 24: The Dictatorship of BADNEW Pop: 1,899 Mil 25: The Community of BBB Pop: 15,858 Mil 26: The Colossal United States of Bertavia Pop: 26,836 Mil 27: The Republic of Bikinitopia Pop: 905 Mil 28: The Federation of BlackBlicky6 Pop: 8 Mil 29: The Republic of Boharnia Pop: 6 Mil 30: The Federal Republic of Brachttal Pop: 1,508 Mil 31: The Federal Republic of Bro Wyned Pop: 9,957 Mil 32: The Federal Republic of Carateria Pop: 3,087 Mil 33: The Holy Empire of Chandara Pop: 464 Mil 34: The Realm of the Annointed of Children of Vigon Pop: 1,304 Mil 35: The Federation of Clava Pop: 917 Mil 36: The Liberal Society of Commodium Pop: 4,721 Mil 37: The Democratic States of Cordomonivencee Pop: 597 Mil 38: The Community of Cospanis Pop: 428 Mil 39: The Democratic Republic of Denawai Pop: 413 Mil 40: The Theocracy of DIN 580 Pop: 6,969 Mil 41: The People's Republic of East Alyeska Pop: 8,414 Mil 42: The United Socialist States of Emborron Pop: 1,456 Mil 43: The ✨NationStates Icon✨ of Emi Pop: 4,652 Mil 44: The Republic of Empirone Masterberra Pop: 16 Mil 45: The Empire of Federal Empire of America Pop: 3,627 Mil 46: The Federal Republic of Foxomexra Pop: 11,693 Mil 47: The Repub-Lick of Frarstizk Pop: 7,419 Mil 48: The People's States of Free Pacific Republic Pop: 7,800 Mil 49: The Constitutional Monarchy of Fresian Confederacy Pop: 3,973 Mil 50: The Democratic Republic of Ganji Islands Pop: 13,306 Mil 51: The Grand Duchy of Gargouille Pop: 2,734 Mil 52: The Confederation of Grafenland Pop: 10,262 Mil 53: The Multi-system Federation of Gran Junta Nacional de Sacrofnia Pop: 14,058 Mil 54: The Federation of Grand Keizaan Pop: 90 Mil 55: The Union of Greater Efrafa Pop: 9,937 Mil 56: The Kingdom of Greater Penguinia Pop: 2,718 Mil 57: The Rogue Nation of GSN39 Pop: 3,430 Mil 58: The Republic of Gywenn Pop: 4,892 Mil 59: The Dictatorship of Hasta La Vista Pop: 837 Mil 60: The Dictatorship of Hillore Pop: 176 Mil 61: The Dominion of Ikamiut Pop: 10,514 Mil 62: The Confederation of Inner Mations Aststan Pop: 16,639 Mil 63: The Democratic Republic of Judean Khaybar Pop: 36 Mil 64: The Federal Republic of Kakland Pop: 8,095 Mil 65: The Thorned Veins of Kathricore Pop: 9,378 Mil 66: The Federal Republic of Keizaan Pop: 123 Mil 67: The United Socialist States of Kelvaczkhi Pop: 3,619 Mil 68: The Grand Republic of Kilowatt Pop: 25,910 Mil 69: The Republic of Kuterigont Pop: 1,163 Mil | 70: The Anterian Amusement Capital of La Magia Pop: 3,291 Mil 71: The Barely Stable State of La Riojania Pop: 6,125 Mil 72: The People's Republic of Lanersina Pop: 228 Mil 73: The Free Land of Latvia and Saaremaa Pop: 9,044 Mil 74: The Ruined Kingdom of Lesser Velutaria Pop: 13,348 Mil 75: The Principality of Ligbitque Pop: 188 Mil 76: The Kingdom of Lindstaten Pop: 3,014 Mil 77: The Shuddering Climax of Lopandia Pop: 9,373 Mil 78: The Republic of Lusotanie Pop: 790 Mil 79: The Grand Duchy of Montclere Pop: 490 Mil 80: The Queendom of Morning Shadow Pop: 16 Mil 81: The Republic of Morrawia Pop: 10,442 Mil 82: The United Kingdom of Netherley Pop: 8 Mil 83: The Imperial State of Neuewland Pop: 17,116 Mil 84: The Commonwealth of New Antarctic States Pop: 619 Mil 85: The UP of Orlando of New Gough Island Pop: 11,252 Mil 86: The Heavenly Imperial Federation of New Junosia Pop: 8,774 Mil 87: The Sovereign City State of New Kingston Town Pop: 4,590 Mil 88: The Queendom of New Tenochtitlan Pop: 4,296 Mil 89: The Free State of Niater Pop: 8,746 Mil 90: The Federation of Niatran Pop: 538 Mil 91: The Holy Empire of Nordicx Pop: 16 Mil 92: The Oppressed Peoples of Oestrus ovis Pop: 6 Mil 93: The Armed Republic of Old Soldiers Pop: 17,096 Mil 94: The Datuanate of Prawasia Pop: 5,360 Mil 95: The Republic of Profesz Pop: 2,191 Mil 96: The Empire of Promo Pop: 9,467 Mil 97: The Conglomerado Corporativo of Prybourne Pop: 20,588 Mil 98: The Stata Unida of Respublica Hyliana Pop: 7,230 Mil 99: The Republic of Riamo Pop: 8,257 Mil 100: The Res publica of Romanus Americanus Pop: 6,219 Mil 101: The Republic of Rypalohnd Pop: 2,231 Mil 102: The Tropical Paradise of Sabal Islands Pop: 2,417 Mil 103: The Kingdom of San Calia Pop: 13,307 Mil 104: The Federation of Sarocca Pop: 969 Mil 105: The People's Republic of Sarussia Pop: 13,771 Mil 106: The ????lina of Sauthar Pop: 5,736 Mil 107: The Workers' Federal Republic of Shadoveil Pop: 12,587 Mil 108: The Empire of Sharnd Hadion Pop: 16 Mil 109: The Empire of Sherita Pop: 1,378 Mil 110: The Republic of Shirua Pop: 2,395 Mil 111: The Holy Empire of Soleidae Aquas Pop: 5,400 Mil 112: The Protectorate of Space Gif Pop: 2,773 Mil 113: The Republic of Speke Pop: 10,655 Mil 114: The People's Music of Stevie Ray Vaughan Pop: 1,804 Mil 115: The Federal Republic of Sudermark Pop: 1,240 Mil 116: The Federation of Suibhne Andordia Pop: 13,749 Mil 117: The Republic of Sventsa Pop: 12,754 Mil 118: The Federal Republic of Swinas Pop: 7,474 Mil 119: The Republic of Tangosia Pop: 4,314 Mil 120: The Commonwealth of The 1st Independent New Vegas Pop: 463 Mil 121: The Anarchist Lands of The Free States of Corpoxia Pop: 1,064 Mil 122: The Empire of The Modern New Spanish Empire Pop: 10,435 Mil 123: The Eternal Forthright Republic of The Trilla Gang Mafia Pop: 13,040 Mil 124: The Principality of Thready Pop: 13,108 Mil 125: The Republic of Tokuto Pop: 2,653 Mil 126: The Republic of Triame Pop: 682 Mil 127: The Republic of Tujovaan Pop: 2,970 Mil 128: The People's Republic of Turnagent Pop: 1,016 Mil 129: The United Socialist States of Tuusula Pop: 1,660 Mil 130: The People's Republic of Union of Olivacian Socialist Republics Pop: 2,664 Mil 131: The Empire of Valcouria Pop: 27,566 Mil 132: The Federal Republic of Wassilia Pop: 6,387 Mil 133: The Republic of West Bank Pop: 16,972 Mil 134: The Grand Duchy of Whitmarche Pop: 11,084 Mil 135: The Kigyō Shūdan of Zhengan Pop: 17,469 Mil |