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24 Countries populate the Region of Astoria

You have arrived at the list of countries that make up the Region of Astoria.

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Please select one of the countries below to continue.

1: The Eternal Dominion of Aderius
Pop: 1,969 Mil

2: The Most Serene Republic of Alkanuit
Pop: 1,983 Mil

3: The Republic of Arakkiss
Pop: 3,589 Mil

4: The Merciful Harbinger of Astorian Ambis
Pop: 3,111 Mil

5: The Theocracy of Blessed Machine
Pop: 2,260 Mil

6: The Exploding Things of Disastoria
Pop: 1,812 Mil

7: The United Socialist States of Enatoa
Pop: 6,792 Mil

8: The Commonwealth of Fleurs Dor
Pop: 4,946 Mil

9: The Republic of Frogton
Pop: 4,353 Mil

10: The Empire of Mandara
Pop: 11,338 Mil

11: The Cheesiest Peoples of Mungaermen
Pop: 2,617 Mil

12: The Imperial Federation of Navea
Pop: 7,709 Mil

13: The Republic of New Wilmette
Pop: 1,703 Mil

14: The Bar?a Copium Enthusiast of Omnicontrol
Pop: 5,579 Mil

15: The Loving Couple of One True-Pairing
Pop: 6,736 Mil

16: The Alanian Republic of Ossetia-Iryston
Pop: 2,443 Mil

17: The Prosperous Desert Nation of Reyalda
Pop: 5,603 Mil

18: The Zerphen's Rock of Rock Pumice
Pop: 4,613 Mil

19: The Glory of Roseade
Pop: 3,072 Mil

20: The Protectorate of Salvian Empire
Pop: 2,118 Mil

21: The Cavalier Ensign of Sama Tui
Pop: 2,904 Mil

22: The Servant of Death of Sateru
Pop: 3,838 Mil

23: The Republic of The Farimur Terh
Pop: 2,046 Mil

24: The Federal Republic of Westlandis
Pop: 10,905 Mil

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